Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 4 Mr. and others

It has been three or four years since we separated from the hills.

What are you thinking? Fatty Ma's words brought me back to reality.

I didn't answer him and followed him.

In front of the tent, the gentleman was laughing. There was a well-dressed man standing in front of him. Judging from his back, it could be judged that this person was not very old.

When I approached, my speculation was correct. Sir was waiting for such a young man.

When Mr. saw us coming, he said, "This is Second Brother Jiang."

I politely asked my second brother, and he nodded to me.

Fat Ma and the clay man also said hello to him, but even if he didn't talk to him, was he also a strange man?

Although this, I don't despise him in my heart. The person who can make my husband wait for so long must be good.

We also informed Brother Jiang of his name.

Even if we know each other.

Jiang's face is white, but it is a sick white, giving people a very quiet feeling.

After that, we discussed the meeting again. From beginning to the end, Brother Jiang didn't say a word. Is it possible that he was dumb? I thought to myself.

Even if the people in this team don't like to talk, they can still talk.

And he simply cherished his words and kept silent. When he asked him, he either nodded or shook his head. He was really a strange man.

After discussion, he said that he would wait for a few days according to this weather.

There was no specific time. We had no choice but to wait until the third night, when we were woken up and said to go to the ground.

Fat Ma got up happily, quickly put on his clothes and trousers, and scolded, "If you don't move, I will be suffoed.

After leaving the tent, the wind and waves outside were calm and the bonfire had been lit.

All the people gathered around the bonfire.

Mr. didn't talk about it. He said something and started, and everyone took action.

Through my observation in the past few days, there are 25 people in the whole team, plus 29 people in total, including the three of us and Jiang Erge, but there are only 28 people at this moment. The shovel is missing. I swept around and still didn't find him.

They generally act simply and neatly, without dragging down, and their training literacy is not ordinary.

It makes me feel more like an army.

In less than a minute, they were ready to go. I was a little faster than Fat Ma, but it also took three minutes.

Each of us has sent a set of oxygen equipment. We will go into the water later.

Although it was known that the tomb was at the bottom of the river, it would still be a little surprised to go down at this time.

The tomb is actually located at the bottom of the river. Let alone how big the tomb is, the difficulty of its project is also amazing.

After the bonfire was extinguished, we set off.

I have an American submachine gun around my neck, which is waterproof.

When I came to the river, the water looked very calm.

Suddenly, a spray turned up on the river, and a man came out of the water. He floated uncertainly on the surface of the water, but the specific position did not change. The bottom should have fixed his body with a rope.

It should be a shovel. Under a light, he gestured to us.

The rope has been tied, and Xiao Hui whispered in his ear.

When Mr. spoke, everyone pulled the rope and leaned over there. As a word fell, those people went into the water with the same action and put water on their backs first.

Then follow the rope to the place where the shovel is located, dive down and disappear, and all the movements are done in one go.

I felt a little stunned. The clay figurine stood next to me and said, "They are very professional. Of course, I know what he is referring to.

I just nodded subconsciously.

Fat Ma has been waiting for a long time. When those people disappeared, he went into the water and urged us to hurry up.

I looked up and took a deep breath. Suddenly, a wind blew, and I felt a little weird for no reason.

Each of us has a waterproof searchlight on our head.

After entering the water, you can really feel how fast the water flow is. After climbing the rope all the way to the exact location, then dive into the water.

The water is very cold, and I can really feel it through a layer of waterproof clothing.

A lot of light is faint in the water.

After going down, there was a rope as a guide to take me to all the places I went.

The current keeps hitting my body. As I go down, I can feel that the impact of the current is decreasing.

When I was moving down smoothly, I suddenly encountered some resistance. I stared, and a pale face suddenly appeared, and I was shocked.

I almost didn't grasp the rope and was washed away. Suddenly, someone pressed my shoulder. I looked back. It was Xiao Hui and gestured to me not to panic.

I nodded, but I was uneasy. A person died so soon.

I looked back, and the body floated up slowly and disappeared, and the light was finally annihilated.

But no one here cares about his death. If you die, you will die.

The rope was inclined. We climbed all the way down, and the rope fluctuated under the impact of the amount of water.

Finally, I made such a journey, and I saw a *, and they entered one after another.

I also quickly entered that*. It seems that the tomb has been washed away, I speculated in my heart.

After entering*, the impact of the water flow has obviously slowed down significantly, and you can basically control the body freely.

* has been filled with a large amount of river water, walking through it while paying attention to the situation around.

The walls are also artificially piled flat, and it seems that you can feel a sense of dryness when you touch them with your hands.

The team in front of them had no intention of stopping at all and kept pushing down, and their purpose was very clear.

But as it goes down, the water seems to become cloudy and the visibility becomes poor. Those masses of light can be identified in the haze.

I rowed the water hard to catch up with them.

Suddenly, the cave became narrow, and only one person could barely pass through it. The water flowed significantly accelerated in this narrow place.

After passing through, many floating objects appeared in the water, obstructing the view and occasionally seeing aquatic creatures.

We walked forward for a while, and suddenly there was a gunshot in front of me. After smelling the gunfire, I couldn't help but be a little nervous and the whole team stopped moving.

But surprisingly, there was no panic at all.

The gunshot sounded for almost a minute before it calmed down and the team moved forward in an orderly manner.

A large area of red blood began to flow around me. I accelerated the march forward for a while and saw the body of a creature, and the bullet hole was still flowing blood. All the waters here have been dyed red.

I looked closer and was shocked the next second. The creature looked like a humanoid, but it was covered with white hair and its pointed fangs exposed, which was extremely horrible.

What kind of water creature is this? Why have you never seen it! After a few seconds, I continued to march forward.

Suddenly, all the light gathered, and everyone stopped and came to a relatively spacious place.

Someone was injured, and I saw someone treating the wound.

At this time, Fatty Ma swam beside me and made a random comparison to me. I basically didn't understand it, but from the exaggerated movements of Fatty Ma.

I can imagine how fierce the battle was at that time.

This time, it can be said that it was unfavorable to go to the ground. As soon as I went into the water, a person died, and then I saw blood again. I began to feel a little uneasy.

This is a tomb, but at this moment it has been soaked with water, and there is a lot of debris floating in the space.

After a random gesture, Fatty Ma blinked and waited for me to answer.

I also made a comparison. In fact, I want to ask, what kind of creature is that?

Fat Ma shook his head as if he understood.

Suddenly, Fatty Ma dragged me to the tomb. The whole tomb was about 100 square meters, piled flat with stone bricks and looked empty.

It is estimated that it was washed away by the river. Soon, Mr. and Jiang Erge also followed in, and the shovel was broken.

They should have planned to stop here. Then wait for others to command.

A thought suddenly crossed my mind whether they had a map of this tomb, and I couldn't help but be distracted.

After the gentleman came in, everyone gathered around and acted neatly.

Mr. compares his movements to them, but it looks much more professional than ours.

I saw those people nod their heads.

Then row forward again. But we didn't quite understand, and sir didn't have extra time to explain it to me.

Finally, the shovel let us follow him.

The three of us followed the clay figurine and began to move forward again.

If water has not been poured here before, I think it will be easier, because the water seems to have washed the whole tomb, and all the dirty things have become obstacles to the sight.

The water has basically turned yellow, and the scenery is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish, as if it is surrounded by physical objects, and it is uncomfortable to be squeezed.

Suddenly, black phytoplankton appeared in the water, like molluscs, and I didn't care at first.

Until someone reminds him, he said it was a ch.

I quickly drove it away from my body, just a small number.

The speed of travel in the water is definitely slower than on land, and it is in a tomb that is not spacious.

The team in front heard it again and heard that there was a stone gate blocking the way forward.

After waiting for a few minutes, a huge shock wave and sound came, and we were washed back by the water.

Fat Ma cursed angrily, and blisters kept rising.

This should be the consequence of underwater explosives. Unsurprisingly, the stone gate has been blown up.

Sure enough, it was not wrong. After a while, the whole team advanced forward in an orderly manner. In such an environment, only the hazy light can be seen clearly.

The team soon came to an empty place. This horror was a real tomb, I thought to myself.

These quickly dispersed in the tomb and began to work. Fat Ma and the three muddy people stayed still and watched their movements. After a few minutes, a sudden, a person inexplicably lost control...