Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 24 Shipwreck

"I'll stay and act with you."

Fat Ma and I asked in one voice, "Why?"

"There is no reason!" Second Brother Jiang replied firmly.

After packing up. Jiang Erge said, "The scope here no longer belongs to this tomb. If you want to explore this real tomb, follow me.

We didn't say anything, so we followed him. After walking a long distance, we were surprised to find that we had returned to the riverside of the previous dark river.

"We've been here before," I said.

"I know," Jiang Erge said.

Fat Ma asked, "Then why do you take us here?"

"I said, you didn't find the location of Zhengzhen's tomb. I took you to find it."

I heard him very seriously, and there should be nothing wrong with him.

We followed him forward. Everyone's equipment has taken on a new look, with complete ammunition and a wetsuit

I know it must be an underwater tomb, and it is a real underwater tomb. I have a hunch.

We used to go to the upstream canyon, and now we went down. The road is getting narrower and narrower, and there is slowly no land. It is completely waterway, but the water level is not deep.

Later, we had to walk sideways, because it was already very narrow, and Fatty Ma was squeezed into an unspeakable pain. Some places still have to climb over.

Finally, Jiang Erge stopped, and the water level here has covered our abdomen.

When I arrived, I looked at the surrounding environment, which was completely closed. Except for the front and back, the humid environment made the cliff wall full of moss and ferns.

The speed of the water flow is not obvious, and we stand peacefully in the water.

Fat Ma unconsciously took a step forward, "Ah!" With a sound, Fatty Ma disappeared. I shouted Fatty Horse nervously.

The clay figurine also stared nervously at the surface of the water.

I was about to go forward, but the next second, a big splash appeared on the water. I put my hand on my waist and held the handle of the knife.

"Mom, I'm scared to death," as the sound came out, I let go of my hand.

Fat Ma scratched a few times and swam next to us. He shouted, "The water below is so cold."

I was speechless, but I soon understood that this should be the underwater tomb he said.

"Go down!" Jiang Erge said. With that, he took the lead in diving.

I also stopped hesitating and followed. This opening is not big, about the size of a normal round well.

After going down, we marched along a corridor. Under the corridor, algae plants floated densely. As we marched, we had to spend time cleaning up these plants.

I wondered if they had never come in here before, and everything here seemed to be in a primitive state.

Jiang's second brother parade is at the front, and Fatty Ma is in the second position. For this kind of thing, Fatty Ma has always dared to be the first.

Although I was confused, there was no one to ask at this time, so I had to give up.

Moving forward, suddenly I felt that the water in front of me fluctuated a little. I looked forward and saw that the three of them had separated.

I swam up quickly, and a sunken ship appeared in my sight, and the scale was not small.

The white cloth sail has been washed yellow, and it is not broken. The subtle state of running water makes the sail still move slightly.

However, the mast is still standing straight, and the ship is two floors, with a warehouse and a cabin, which is generally used to accommodate people. The warehouse is used to store goods.

Looking at the size of this ship, it can take at least 100 people. But why is it stuck in such a slit?

Fat Ma has swam into the boat and entered the cabin. I followed in.

The lobby of the cabin is very large, and the lights and books cannot be fully covered.

It seems that the facilities are also complete. There are tables, chairs and so on, but they are all floating in the air, which also creates obstacles to our vision.

The cabin space is almost three meters high, which is enough for us to show our bodies.

Where the light can't be found is dark. The main reason is that the searchlights we bring are not strong in light transmission. However, the flashlight they gave us is good. It is a wolf's eye and very penetrating, but we are useless for the time being in order to save electricity.

I was looking around when I suddenly saw Fatty Ma swimming underground into the cabin. I saw what he had in his pocket.

I knew that this boy must have caught the baby again. I patted Fatty Ma from behind. Fatty Ma was shocked and turned around and aroused a lot of blisters.

When I saw it was me, I calmed down.

Fat Ma waved to me, and I also made a few gestures to him. Fatty Ma waved to me again.

This fat man must be pretending to be stupid with me. If he pretends to be stupid, I can't do anything about him. Think about it and save some energy.

Fat Ma is still waving at me.

Damn, I didn't ask you, why are you waving at me? At this time, I saw Fatty Ma roll his eyes.

I thought, what are you doing?

At this time, Fatty Ma pulled me, and I was dragged behind him.

I was stunned immediately! I felt that my scalp was numb, and I saw that Fatty Ma was being strangled by a water zongzi. Previously, it was probably because the searchlight of two people was shining, so I didn't see that Fatty Ma had a pair of white claws on his neck.

This water zongzi is white all over, and it has white hair on its body and is thin. I didn't see it at all when I hid behind Fat Ma before.

I suppressed my fear, hurried forward and broke the white claws of the zongzi hard. Fatty horse took advantage of the situation to dodge, retreated to the side, and breathed oxygen.

And before I could react, the water zongzi turned back and pinched my neck. When I saw the front of this water zongzi, I was already very nervous, as if I had added a weight, which was heavier.

I struggled hard, but due to the buoyancy of water, I couldn't exert my strength at all. I couldn't even stand still, and I was crooked in the process of struggling.

But the water dumplings stick to my body like a dog skin plaster that can't be thrown off.

The body of the water zongzi is very soft, and the underwater movement is like a dress floating in the water so quickly.

I couldn't break free from being pinched, and slowly rolled my eyes like a fat horse. Fatty Ma probably had enough rest and ran up.

He gasped to death, but it was like kicking on cotton, fluttering a few times and bouncing back.

I pinched the hands around my neck with my fingers, and then Fatty Ma understood.

I caught up with it, and finally, the hand of the water zongzi was opened. If I am one step later, I will almost go to the king of the den.

I stepped aside and took a big breath of oxygen. At this time, I looked at it. I don't know when the clay figurine and second brother Jiang had disappeared.

I quickly looked at Fatty Ma again.

Fat Ma is fighting desperately with the water dumplings. However, looking at the situation, Fat Ma has the advantage. The two sides fought together. However, Fatty Ma always can't make water dumplings. Its physical flexibility has a huge advantage in the water.