Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 20 The Great Disaster

For future generations to pursue, Lao Shan said that he stopped.

I asked curiously: Do you know the name of this race?

Mr. Shan pondered for a while and said, "Ghost Fang." The two words blurted out, like a huge thunder ringing in my heart, and Fatty Ma's eyes emitted light.

I suppressed the shock in my heart. I looked at Fatty Ma for fear that he would say it, but Fatty Ma held his breath and didn't say anything.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about clay figurines. This matter cannot be said and heard by others for the time being, and it may cause trouble.

After saying these words, Lao Shan suddenly closed his eyes and stood firmly in place.

I thought he was thinking about the problem.

But when Xiaonan called the master, Lao Shan didn't move, and the black glasses also realized something and shouted, "Master."

"Dead," Fatty Ma asked doubtfully.

The black glasses tried Lao Shan's nose, and finally nodded heavily.

I felt heavy in my heart and made a big salute to Mr. Lao Shan's body.

Black glasses slowly flattened the body of Mr. Shan.

I have never heard of the name of Mr. Ma, but Fatty Ma, who often goes to the ground, is like thunderous. In those years, Mr. Lao Shan went to the sand sea and went to the underground palace, and could do anything, especially his method of finding dragons and acupoints, which can be said to be a unique place in the ground. In the industry, he dares to recognize the second place, and no one dares to recognize the first place, but now it is In the past, people are safe, and many things are not brought by life or death.

Xiao Nan pounced on the body of Mr. Lao Shan and cried, and his black glasses were silent.

The clay figurine stood next to the body of Mr. Lao Shan and saluted inadvertently.

I said quietly to the black glasses, "Let Mr. Shan enter the earth for peace!"

The black glasses shook his head and said persistently, "I want to find that ebony coffin for my master."

Xiaonan wiped the tears on his face and said to the black glasses, "I'll go with you."

The black glasses nodded and asked Xiaonan to stop crying. Xiaonan stopped crying, but still sobbed, "Master asked me to follow you. I will listen to whatever you say."

The black glasses sighed and didn't say anything.

I was also a little sad when I looked aside and patted Xiaonan on the shoulder.

The clay figurine asked the black glasses, "What are you going to do with the body?" Black glasses responded directly to the clay figurine with his actions. He tied the body of Lao Shan's clay figurine's body. It's hard for us to persuade either.

Xiao Nan held Lao Shan's back with his hand.

After a while, the black glasses whispered to me, "I may have trouble you this time. If something happens to me, Xiaonan will give it to you."

Since Mr. Laoshan's death, there is no need to wear his black glasses.

I sighed in my heart, nodded heavily to the black glasses, and agreed to his request, and then said, "Don't worry! There won't be anything wrong with you."

I hope so, the black glasses said for a long time.

Fatty Ma has been detached from the death of Mr. Shan and asked me impatiently, "Lao Sun, do you have a way to get through?"

I replied, "If you follow Mr. Shan's departure, moving or destroying the stars above will change the layout here. Try it! There may be a chance."

"But doing this will destroy the aura here," the clay figurine reminded me.

What the clay figurine said was also reasonable, and I suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Fat Ma said, "Den man, don't be superstitious. The great * teaches us not to be afraid of any snakes, ghosts and cows."

The clay figurine didn't say anything.

Fat Ma added, "Even if it's destroyed, we'll just run away, and we're not going to stay here for a long time."

I was amused by Fatty Ma's words.

Fat Ma also said, and the clay figurine hurriedly said, "I'm afraid of you. Let's do it!"

Fat Ma laughed proudly.

Before I took action, I asked for the advice of the black glasses. The black glasses remained silent. I knew that he was tacit, so there was no scruples.

From our point of view, it is Xuanwu, Rosefinch, White Tiger and Green Dragon.

Fat Ma and I approached Xuanwu and wanted to try to move. It turned out that this was simply delusional. How could we move thousands of stone-carved mythical beasts?

Since the following attention cannot be played, we can only pay attention to the stars.

Just as we were about to do it, the clay figurine hurriedly called me and Fatty Ma. We looked at the clay figurine at the same time and saw that the clay figurine looked anxious.

I looked back again, and Fatty Ma still asked the mud man what was going on.

In the next second, the 'withered vine'-like tentacles tied me and Fatty Ma, and we were pulled into the air at the same time.

Fat Ma cursed in the air.

I settled down in the air, because Fatty Ma had been suspended in mid-air before, and as long as he seized the opportunity, he could escape.

But this time I didn't expect that the 'withered vine' tentacles did not stop like the last time, but contracted quickly.

When I approached the black round hole, I was chilling and thought that this time it was over. Survival was the most instinctive reaction. I struggled hard, but it didn't work at all.

At this time, I could feel the feeling of Fatty Ma at that time. Damn, I felt that my organs were directly tied by the withered vine.

The sound of breaking wind in the ear can prove that these 'withered vine'-like tentacles have contracted back.

I took a look at Fatty Ma, who was looking for an escape with his teeth and claws. But in the end, he made an "ah" sound and was thrown into the black hole.

Then it was me. I grabbed the edge of the black hole. Unexpectedly, Fat Ma actually grabbed my ankle.

This black hole is not shallow. The Fatty flashlight fell into it and can faintly illuminate the scene inside, but now we don't have time to watch it.

Now our situation is really awkward. It is reasonable that due to the gravity of the earth, we should fall down, but at this time, on the contrary, we are going to fall into a black hole at the top.

I struggled bitterly, and Fatty Ma was screaming below.

I opened my eyes and looked down. It was at least ten meters high from the ground. I almost forgot to tell them that I was also afraid of heights!

I was confused and heard the clay figurine shouting anxiously: "Hold on, I'll save you right away."

As I climbed the edge of the black hole and fell off my last finger, Fatty Ma and I fell into the abyss at the same time, but we didn't fall directly.

but dragged us down by the withered vine-like tentacles, which is relatively stable.

We are bound by dead vines. If we don't tie us up, we will definitely die.

I took a deep breath, hung like this, congested, and my head was a little dizzy.

Fat Ma also said faintly, "What the hell is this place?"

I replied vaguely, "The ghost knows."

"Are you all right? "Old Sun," Fatty Ma almost roared. In this narrow space, there is an echo. My eardrums were ringing.

I was sobered by his call and found that we were still hanging in the black hole and did not fall to the ground of the black hole.

I shook my head hard to keep myself awake.

I consolidated my center of gravity so that my body would not shake too much. Fat Ma and I may be doomed at any time.

There are two consequences, either landing the head and falling straight to the ground and falling to death, or falling into the face plate mentioned by the mud man and becoming a food in the mouth, but the ending is the same, that is, death.