Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 31 Tricky

Go forward or retreat, and two roads are in front of you. At this point, the hills will naturally refuse to retreat. And our objection is basically not, so we intend to move on.

The popular accidental disappearance, and the lying monsters at the top of the tomb are hidden dangers in our hearts. And this strange tomb path.

During the discussion, Alan has been configuring explosives.

Although the unknown monster lying at the top of the tomb is terrible, its weakness was discovered by the clay figurine and is safe to some extent.

Fat Ma stepped forward carelessly, humming a joke.

"Fatty, how many hearts will you grow later," I caught up with Fat Ma.

Fat Ma said in an indifferent tone, "Lao Sun, just let yourself go. You don't know that I'm a fat man. It's okay."

I was embarrassed for a moment, and I reminded him because I knew his style. Before I opened my mouth, Fatty Ma waved the flashlight in his hand and walked forward.

I had no choice but to follow him closely, and Xiaonan followed me closely. And the clay figurines followed us three.

The hills are walking behind us.

I held the flashlight in my hand and kept looking at the top of the tomb. If you don't pay attention to those monsters, it may also cause fatal damage.

"Brother Sun, what are the monsters in front of you?" Xiaonan asked curiously.

"I can't tell. Xiaonan, pay attention to yourself," I replied.

"Well, Brother Sun, I will, Xiaonan answered."

I was silent in my heart. From time to time, I looked at the watch on my wrist and walked at the current speed for ten minutes to reach the place where we met the monster.

Suddenly, the fat man walking in the front shouted in a surprised tone, "There is light in front of you."

I immediately looked forward, and my heart sank, and it was the previous light that led us to the dangerous light.

"It's a trap," the clay figurine couldn't help reminding Fat Ma.

After hearing this, Fatty Ma strode hung in the air and then took it back.

I stepped forward, looked at it with my naked eyes, and found that the pillar of light was moving. This is exactly the same as the situation we met before, and I have to be secretly worried.

Atractylode whispered in the hilly ear, and the hilly face changed, and then returned to normal.

"Let's go," I said after watching and finding that there was nothing abnormal. After saying that, I passed him and walked to the front while Fatty Ma was not paying attention. So far, my eyes have not left the top of the tomb.

The top of the tomb is thick and thin, green and mossy.

Five minutes have passed. But I didn't dare to relax at all. Suddenly, the back of my neck was cold. I looked back as if I was shocked by a ghost. The fat man Ma staggered back a few steps and scolded, "Grandson, what the hell are you doing?"

I wiped the water off the back of my neck and looked at the top of the tomb. There was nothing, a false alarm.

Fat Ma patted his chest and said, "I can't be scared. I can't be scared to death. Don't go. Come back soon."

The fat man was attracting his soul. I quickly smiled and showed goodwill to Fatty Ma to avoid unnecessary trouble. At this time, the back of my neck was cold again.

The clay fig man quickly pulled me. My center of gravity was unstable. I leaned forward and threw myself on Fatty Ma. This time, Fatty Ma did not stand firmly and was overwhelmed by me. He muttered, "I'm unlucky today."

I tossed down and got up, and saw the monster at the top of the tomb disappear quickly like a flexible monkey.

Xiaonan turned pale with fear and stood still in a stunned manner. Alan's hand is ready to take out the explosives in his pocket.

Fat Ma is still teaching me a lesson. And I swallowed my saliva and unconsciously said the slogans of Fatty Ma in my heart. The pupil contracted, then enlarged and took a deep breath.

I closed my heart, clenched my fist and let go. "I escaped," the clay figurine said to me when I stepped forward.

I looked at the top of the tomb road and saw more scratches on the flat moss.

"Brother Sun, you were almost caught by it," Xiaonan said in a frightened voice.

"Xiaonan, I'm fine, don't worry," I replied.

I continued to move forward, and Xiaonan quickly followed. I said, "Xiaonan, don't go behind me and walk with the sister behind me."

After hearing my words, the hills waved to my Xiaonan. Xiaonan looked unwilling, but finally obeyed me.

The road ahead is a little dangerous. You can't let him follow me.

Fat Ma ran up and walked side by side with me, saying, "Old Sun, Fat Master will come to support you so that you won't be scared again."

I didn't pay attention to the fat man. What just happened, and my spirit was still as tense as a string.

Tick... A crisp sound sounded in the tomb. I immediately looked for a sound and saw that another drop of water gathered on the moss was about to drip down.

I was relieved, so**, and I complained about myself in my heart.

I looked down at the time. Eight minutes have passed. Two minutes later, the monster did not appear, but the beam of light was still moving.

Fat Ma pointed to the pillar of light and said, "There must be a rabbit in front of him."

At this time, a drop of water fell on my eyelashes. I blinked and the scene became a little blurred, huh! I was shocked, as if there was really a figure.

I wiped my eyes hard. When the retina was clear, the figure disappeared again.

It's strange, did I misread it!

I asked Fatty Ma, "Have you seen a shadow?"

Fat Ma first looked forward and then looked at me and said, "Sun, you have been nervous recently. After you go out, you really have to go to the hospital for a check-up."

"Fat, you're crazy," I replied. Fatty Ma still stared at me, and I was f upset by him.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you," I said, and I stepped forward.

Fatty Ma caught up with him and said to me seriously, "Sun, I just saw your face."

I didn't pay attention to him. Fatty Ma kept saying in my ear: "Sun, you have a good face, your nose, your mouth is your mouth, your eyes are eyes, and you are righteous, but it's a pity..." Fatty Ma said this as long as a magic stick...

I couldn't help being distracted when I heard him say this: "What's a pity?"

"What a pity! What a pity!" Fatty Ma has a worldly master's tone.

"The fat man, say it quickly, don't sell it to me."

Fat Ma immediately changed his face and said with a smile, "Cancel all the conditions you put up before."

I turned my head and left.

Fat Ma hurriedly caught up with him: "How about half of it?"

"Half..." I turned around. Before I finished speaking, I saw a gloomy claw in front of Fatty Ma's forehead. I thought it was too late to save him, so I shouted at Fatty Ma.

Fat Ma was stunned by my shouting. However, it was clever. Although there was a deep scratch on his forehead, he finally escaped.

"Mom, where did they come from?" Fatty Ma screamed, covered his forehead and kept cursing. The clay figurine quickly rushed up from behind. After reacting, he quickly grabbed the monster's claws and pulled hard.

Monster (called it a god ghost). He was torn and shouted, but he did not leave the top of the tomb.

Fat Ma is angry, but he is not an idle person.

Pulling the dry ghost's claws, the dry ghost seemed to be anxious, and the other paw attacked Fatty Ma. However, it underestimated the ability of the angry fat man, and Fatty Ma immediately grabbed his other paw with his other hand.

Fat Ma's forehead was sweating, and he scolded, "If you dare to bully me, I want you to look good."

The clay figurine and I were stunned. Fatty Ma's tough ability really makes us a little ashamed. Fatty Ma has an overwhelming advantage.

The rest of the people rushed up and were encountering a scene of Fatty Ma confronting with a ghost.

The dry ghost is as thin as wood, withered and short. The fat horse has a tiger's back and a bear's waist, and his limbs are strong.

I can't help sympathizing with this dry ghost.

Fat Ma gritted his teeth and dragged the ghost. The ghost resisted. But strangely, in such a situation of such a disparity in strength, the hell was not dragged down from the top of the tomb by Fat Ma.

I stared at the dry ghost and saw that the dry ghost was still struggling. Suddenly, my head stretched out by more than a foot, and my eyes were about to protrude, opening my mouth full of sharp teeth.

I'm so scared that it's too fast.

At this time, a light shone on its eyes, and I took advantage of the gap and pushed the fat horse.

Fat Ma reacted and worked harder, and the godfather shouted more painfully.

"Help me, old grandson," Fatty Ma finally shouted helplessly.

I answered and went forward to help Fatty Ma hold one of the clown's paws. As we worked together, the ghost screamed miserably.

Its claws were actually broken by us.

Fatty Ma and I were stunned and stopped with some strength. At this time, it broke free from us. When we ran away, the ghost looked at me and Fatty Ma with resentment.

Suddenly, a cold light crossed our eyes and the ghost was hit by an arrow.

Whey, two more arrows. The hell died on the spot. I watched Bai Shu holding the crossbow and withdraw it.

The dry ghost lying on the wall shed bright red blood and fell from the top of the tomb road after a few seconds.

Fat Ma and I hurried forward and looked at the dry ghost who fell to the ground. We saw that its feet had long and sharp claws. It should rely on this to hold on the wall and not fall off.

Fatty Ma tentatively kicked it, and there was no movement. Fatty Ma and I dared to squat down to check.

I have never seen anything like this.

At this time, the hill said, "This should be a special ancient method, commonly known as raising corpses."

"Ry the corpse?" I asked in surprise.

Hill nodded and said, "This technique originated in Xiangxi, Hunan, but the corpses of raising children are contrary to the rules."

"Damn, it's crazy," Xiaonan couldn't help adding.