Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 39 Trance

At this time, everything was so quiet that I simply lay on the stage and rested. The hills are still immersed in their own world and have not recovered.

I don't know how long it took, a few minutes, or more than ten minutes. Anyway, I suddenly felt a strong drowsiness, and then...

In the dream, I felt that someone lit a fire in my chest. I was extremely uncomfortable. Suddenly, I felt that my cheeks were cold. I quickly opened my eyelids, and the hilly hands were just away from my forehead.

"You have a fever," the hill said in a low voice.

I sat up and touched my forehead. It was really hot, but I was not so uncomfortable. On the contrary, I felt refreshed.

The hilly face has calmed down, and I seized this opportunity to ask, "What on earth do you need me to do for you?"

"It's over", and the hilly tone is very calm.

"Is it over?" I was a little surprised to ask.


"It's a pity that I didn't help and fell asleep."

The hills did not answer me, and their eyes opened quickly. I didn't ask her what she did, because I knew that even if I asked her, she wouldn't say anything.

"Since your task has been completed, let's go out."

The hills answered.

I jumped off the stage first, and the hills hesitated a little before coming down from the stage.

Looking at the hills, I was inexplicably relieved. The task was completed, and nothing happened to us. Although the hills in front of us were fake, to some extent, I also hoped that she was safe.

We went down the stairs and came to the yard. Our task now is to find the white jade chair, otherwise the rest will be in vain.

The hills did not stop in the yard and walked straight to the main hall.

In the beam of light, the white jade chair is releasing warm and peaceful light.

I was stunned and slightly disappointed. It turned out that this was not a problem at all. Hill and I sat in the white jade chair at the same time. Just as I was about to sit down, my pupils quickly contracted and enlarged, and a black cat was jumping towards me. At that moment, I was actually a little panicked.

Fortunately, I have returned to a tomb, and the black cat failed.

I wiped the sweat from my hand on the edge of my trousers.

I looked at this white jade chair and sincerely admired the designer of the mausoleum.

I walked out of the graveway, and it seemed that all the dangers had been far away from us.

In fact, it was almost done. When I walked to the Golden Road, I found that the wall had become potholes and dense.

I knew this must be a good thing done by Fatty Ma.

After the hills and I came out of this mausoleum, the python disappeared. At this time, it was night, and a cool wind blew, and the moon was in the sky.

The hazy light reflected the whole mountain, and the hills and I walked out.

Through the sheep intestine path covered by the crown of the tree, I came to a relatively open place, and my vision was also a little far away. Standing here as if I were a different world, I shook my head and took a deep breath.

I won't go down the mountain tonight. The hills and I lit a bonfire and dried the wet clothes that had just passed the waterway.

The cold wind at night is creepy.

The flames are also ringing in the wind, sometimes high and sometimes low. Suddenly, someone's stomach rang.

I looked down and then looked up at the hills.

A blush appeared on her face.

"Wait, I'll find something to eat," I got up. In the night, I rushed out with the food I had just got in my hand, but there was no one beside the bonfire and the hills were gone.

I lost my mind, but quickly adjusted myself, smiled, sat back next to the bonfire, and buried a few bird eggs in the earth next to the bonfire, so that it could be eaten when it was cooked.

I raised my head and looked at the moon, but the branches of the big tree intentionally or unintentionally blocked my sight. I lowered my head again, caught a dead branch, and teased the flames.

The wind accompanied by the rustling of leaves penetrated through the endless forest. I tightened my clothes and filled the bonfire with some firewood so that it was not so cold.

I have a lot of things in my mind at this moment, but I can't describe them in detail. It's like I'm knitting a sweater, but due to the unfortunate hand, the sweater has been destroyed into a mess.

The night lasted until dawn, and I didn't sleep all night. After dealing with the bonfire, I moved to the bottom of the mountain.

While the morning dew was everywhere, the scorching sun slowly rose on the horizon that could not be chased from afar. I quickly walked down the mountain, but got lost for no reason.

Just as I looked around at a loss, I found that many carved trees were marked, and finally I followed the mark safely down the Xing'an Mountains.

Looking for Ma Fatty and Mud Man in the forest farm, and the rest of them have already left. Including Xiaonan and black glasses.

Fat Ma has taken advantage of these times to get along well here.

Fat, you have been here for a long time, and you have been like a dog.

Fat Ma looked at me contemptuously: Lao Sun, if you don't come down again, the clay figurine and I will go up the mountain to collect your body.

I looked at Fatty Ma suspiciously.

Fat Ma continued, "Sun, tell the truth to the fat master, are you two?"

"What, say it directly! Fatty," I saw the remnants of capitalism in his evil eyes.

"We have been waiting for you here for five days, and we are preparing to go up the mountain today," the clay figurine suddenly said.

Five days? If Fatty Ma said this, I might not believe it, but the clay figurine should not lie to me.

"It's really been five days!"

Fat Ma smiled and said, "Lao Sun, I think you are stupid."

"You stupid head", I rudely retorted Fatty Ma.

I was a little confused. Five days have passed, but five days have passed unconsciously. I didn't feel it at all. Did I fall asleep on the stage for three or four days, and I felt ridiculous and incredible when I thought about it?

"What are you thinking about?" The fat man stared at me with sneaky eyes. Suddenly, my eyes turned to my bag, and I pressed down the bulging part of the bag.

Fat Ma looked at my movements, and his eyes were even more unsipable.

"Sun, come on, take it out, and the fat master will help you identify the authenticity."

"Do not lie to me. What comes out of there can be fake!"

"Maybe, Mr. Sun, Mr. Qianlong, do you know?" I nodded and waited for his follow-up. Once a senior made a fake from the tomb of Master Qianlong, and during the Guangxu period, someone dug out a fake blue and white porcelain," Fatty Ma said, sighing, with an angry expression that my generation was bullied by others.

"Fat man, I'm also afraid that you will be deceived." He looked at me piously.

I really can't stand him. Finally, I took out a few tea cups from the theater and showed them to Fatty Ma.

After Fatty Ma took my teacup, he immediately put it into his bag.

I'm just about to**.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, don't be so flamboyant. The most important thing in our industry is to keep a low profile. I'll keep the things for you first and help you identify them when I get back."


"Don't say any more. Let's pack up first and then get ready to leave here. After that, Fatty Ma disappeared."

I greeted him thoroughly in the back.

The clay figurine smiled and didn't say anything.

These tea cups of mine are considered to be sheep into the mouth of the tiger. They were supposed to be given to my grandfather. No, this fat man must spit them out later.

I learned something from the clay figurine.

After eating and changing clothes, we were like Uncle Zhang saying goodbye. We didn't say anything about his nephew. It's surprising that he didn't ask us.

"Hey, fat man, who dug the hole in the wall?"

Fat Ma panicked, but his face was calm: "Lao Sun, what are you talking about?"

The mud man smiled and said, "Don't quibble."

Fat Ma looked at us with contemptuousness: "Look at your success. If the fat man has a promising day, he can still forget you."

"Don't talk about those useless things, let's do something practical."

"Lao Sun, you have been brainwashed by the despicable thought of capitalism. You are impure. Isn't it hurtful to talk about money with our revolutionary feelings?"

When Fatty Ma said this, he didn't blink his eyes. He was as thick-skinned as a wall and talked about it. After a while, the topic had risen to the revolutionary level.

"Just give me back my cup."

Fat Ma stopped talking and finally reluctantly returned the cup to me.

Along the way, the clay figurine and I tried to beat the fat man's bamboo pole, but the fat man's mouth became strict. He denied whatever you asked.

There is nothing we can do, so we have to give up.

We went back to Fatty's nest in Changsha first, and we were tired enough to toss around all the way. When it comes to Fat Ma's territory, as the host, Fatty Ma is proud.

I picked up the wind and washed the dust and visited Changsha. A few years ago, I heard that a well-preserved female corpse was dug out in Mawangdui, Changsha, which reminded me of the faceless female corpse I met in Xing'anling, and I couldn't help but be interested in it.

Fat Ma mocked me and said, "Sun, you have a little taste. What's good about that damn thing?"

I don't bother to pay attention to him.

When we came to Mawangdui and saw the female corpse with our own eyes, we couldn't help but be disappointed. If it is well preserved, ours in the Xing'an Mountains will be the best. If it is discovered by this group of archaeological discoveries, it must be worshipped as a treasure, enough for these experts to study for ten or eight years.

Return from Ma Wangdui to Ma Fatty's residence.

In the next few days, he followed Fatty Ma around in old Changsha. Fatty Ma said that he would take us to see the antique market in Changsha.

"Aren't you in this industry?" I asked doubtfully.

"Lao Sun, if you say that you are shallow-sighted, don't you believe that those goods will easily come out of the water?"

I couldn't help nodding and saying yes, Fatty Ma was able to laugh.

"Old Sun, although you have followed me several times, you are still not mature. Today, Fat Master will teach you some words."