Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 10 Burial

The other four people also came over. Zhang Tong was obviously attracted by these four pottery urns. He stared at them and couldn't help reaching out to touch them.

I hurriedly stopped her.

Zhang Tong was obviously scared by my loud shout and looked at me innocently.

I knew I was a little too much, and said, "Don't touch it randomly, it's safer."

But in my stunned eyes, Zhang Tong took out white gloves, brushes, and magnifying glasses from his backpack.

Our eyes have been caught. The other three are the same as Zhang Tong.

Although I don't know what they are going to do, I have probably seen some clues from their proficiency in movements. This is in sharp contrast to their panic when they met bandits before. Looking at them wearing white gloves, I can't help thinking of Mr. Shan of the Northern School.

And to some extent, I feel that I have been fooled.

"What are you doing?"

"Clean up the scene," Zhang Tong replied briefly.

After hearing this, Fatty Ma almost exploded and was about to curse. I persuaded him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

After Zhang Tong sorted out the tools, "We are actually from the national archaeological team."

Hearing this sentence and seeing that there are not many adults at these ages, I was a little surprised that my mind did not recover for a moment.

"Archaeology team?"

"Yes," Zhang Tong gave an affirmative answer.

I was silent after listening to it, while Fatty Ma was a little unhappy, and the clay figurine was expressionless from beginning to end.

Fat Ma took the picked up firearms and looked dissatisfied: "The archaeological team went to archaeology well. What are you doing with us?"

Zhang Tong has completely put away the crying little girl's appearance, and on the contrary, she has become capable and concise.

"We have also decided after careful consideration. I hope you can cooperate."

"Mom, if you say you are the national archaeological team, I will believe it!"

Zhang Tong quickly showed the evidence to Fatty Ma. Fatty Ma had no choice but to recognize it and complained, "I'm really bad luck in my life. I met you."

To be honest, in this situation at that time, I really didn't know how to deal with it. Due to the particularity and confinement of the times, I had to acquiesce.

I can't clean up these people! In the face of life, we are compassionate.

Zhang Tong looked directly at us, as if waiting for an affirmative answer. I didn't accept her sudden change for a moment, so I looked away.

The clay figurine turned a blind eye to it.

Only Fatty Ma looked angrily: "What's going on!" I lit a cigarette in frustration and didn't answer.

"Go back after work," said Fatty Ma angrily.

"Can we go back empty-handed?" The clay figurine suddenly said this sentence.

Fat Ma was stunned and finally had to acquiesce.

When Zhang Tong saw that we were silent, he finally said, "You can get the corresponding remuneration!"

"How much?" Fat Ma is straightforward.

This time, Zhang Tong was stunned. After a while, he said, "10,000 yuan per person."

"It's done."

Before Zhang Tong opened his mouth, Fatty Ma had already turned his back. If you ask Fatty Ma why he agreed so readily, it is because the price of 10,000 yuan is already very reasonable. You should know that there were few so-called 10,000 households at that time. Besides, you can still fish in troubled waters while the chaos,

Fatty Ma turned his back with a ** smile on his face and simply didn't do anything, letting them operate by themselves.

Fat Ma lit a cigarette and asked me and the clay people to come over. Everyone assigned a cigarette to talk about life.

I took the cigarette, but I didn't light it. The clay figurine didn't want it. I have completely quit smoking.

The first element of archaeology is to protect the site.

How can I receive money and not work? As soon as Fatty Ma finished smoking a cigarette, he was called to work. Although he was reluctant, others promised to pay him.

Zhang Tong distributed gloves to each of us. I took them in my hand and felt awkward. It's the first time I've been so particular about it. Fatty Ma has experienced it once.

"Isn't it just a few jars? Do you need to be so particular?"

"These things have precious cultural value and play a vital role in our understanding of previous history."

I was silent with the clay figurine, and it was completely Fatty Ma talking.

"What's the use of knowing the past! The chairman has called on us to look forward. You are taking the backward route of capitalism.

Zhang Tong was speechless by Fatty Ma. He looked at Fatty Ma angrily and did not answer, but quickly dealt with the scene. In fact, we can't help. We won't be bored. We just pick up a small brush and brush it at a pottery urn, take it out directly, and flush it with water.

Zhang Tong observed the painting on the pottery urn with a magnifying glass and kept recording something with a pen.

It's boring for me to watch. Finally, it's been an hour since everything is ready, and I've been looking at it dryly for an hour.

Next, it should be to open the pottery urn, which is also the time we are most looking forward to. Fatty Ma has stretched his neck and walked three steps and two steps to the front.

"Just leave this rough work to me. You are also tired."

Zhang Tong looked at the attentive fat man with some surprise. He was really worried about handing over the job to her, but he couldn't stand Fatty Ma's good resilience, so he reluctantly agreed to Fatty Ma's request.

"You are not allowed to be extravagant, you have to be careful," Zhang Tong's only request.

Fat Ma nodded and said yes.

When I saw the pottery urn in front of me, I initially thought it was used to store things, but when the pottery urn was opened, it completely subverted my imagination, and there were people buried inside.

Although I'm a little surprised, I won't panic. After all, I've seen the world.

And Zhang Tong and others almost couldn't help spitting out. It seems that they are also novices! However, I have to recognize that their hands are really good.

Fat Ma laughed secretly in his heart. At this time, when he didn't take action, he quickly fished out the baby when they were uncomfortable. Because he was anxious, before he could see the situation inside, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it inside. He scratched it randomly, but there was no harvest.

Suddenly, his face changed and he soon panicked. His fat hand came back like a spring, stepped back a few steps, and shouted, "I'm alive."

I was horrified, because I didn't have time to see to what extent the body inside had reached, if it was really what Fatty Ma said was alive. That is definitely not a skeleton.

The clay man quickly walked to the open pottery urn and looked inside with the help of the light column. The pupil quickly contracted and enlarged, and retreated.

"Did you cheat the corpse?" Looking at the clay figurine's movements, I couldn't believe it, so I opened the lid and cheated the corpse. Damn, this probability is the same as winning the lottery.

"Yes," the clay man adjusted his breathing and gave me an affirmative answer. At this time, I felt that my scalp was numb.