Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 21 Digging the Tunnel

Fatty Ma's sudden exclamation surprised us, but when our eyes turned to the clay figurine, we were all stunned. Is this really the legendary two-finger Zen?

I saw the clay figurine's fingers pulled out of the ground.

It's not that I didn't know that clay people are powerful before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"There is mud below, which can dig a tunnel," the clay fig man said almost lightly. We basically answered in a stunned voice.

Looking at us, we are still in a daze. The clay man added, "If there is no doubt, do it."

At this time, we realized that the clay figurine drew a plate-sized circle on the ground and let us dig in this area.

When the fat man saw it, he expressed his dissatisfaction, which did not consider the fat man's feelings at all.

At the end of the action, the hole expanded several times.

We are not close to the sand excavation, but against the root of the wall. The clay figurine told us that it is enough to dig it out diagonally, but the slope must be well grasped. It is too much, a waste of engineering, and it is too small, which may cause a landslide.

Finally, under the guidance of the clay figurine, we began to do it.

The clay figurine is the vanguard, and our four men are the main force, and Zhang Tong is broken.

The body was dug smoothly along the way. When we met a stone halfway, we all avoided it selectively. I don't know how long it has been dug, but it still hasn't been dug to the exit. The mud in the tomb has piled up into a mountain.

We sat in the tunnel to replenish water and energy.

"Den man, is there no mistake? When will it end if it is dug like this?" Fat Ma asked.

The clay figurine did not answer, but listened on the mud, and suddenly his face was happy: "I heard it."

Our originally depressed mood immediately seemed to be injected with stimulants, and we looked at the mud man with wide eyes.

The clay figurine looked grim, and the joy on his face became more and more arous: "I heard the sound of air flowing." When his words fell, I knew what it meant. Maybe the exit was in front of me.

We are all as tired as dogs, with a narrow tunnel that basically can only accommodate one person. Fatty Ma was excited, hit his head at the top of the tunnel and scolded the mother, and even urged the clay figurine to scold him.

The clay figurine turned around and looked at Fatty Ma angrily, and then a shovel broke the layer of not very thick soil. The sound of the soil falling was empty, as if there was a trill in the air.

The clay figurine took a deep breath, quickly stopped his hand and fell back. Fatty Ma quickly held the clay figurine quickly.

"What's going on?" I asked urgently.

"It seems to be a cliff outside," the mud man said with lingering lingering.

"Cliff? It's impossible. We hit the tunnel in the opposite direction of the cliff.

The clay figurine stabilized his stability, grabbed the flashlight, and looked out again. We all waited nervously for his answer. After a while, the clay figurine was also relieved: "It's a false alarm. It's a tomb with a gap."

Our hanging hearts have also fallen. If it were a cliff, it would be difficult to do.

"How much is the gap?"

"It's not high, it's only about two meters. I'll go down first," and the clay figurine jumped down. Fat Ma did not hesitate and jumped down, followed by us, and finally Zhang Tong.

After landing, Fatty Ma said, "Isn't this the tomb where I fell down before? Damn, what a narrow road for enemies!"

Just after Fatty Ma's words, I was also shocked, because I also came to this tomb before, but I didn't meet Fatty Ma, and I know that falling into this tomb room will not be better than in the sand tomb just now, because the exit is nine bends. There may have ropes before, and we all escaped safely, but now we have There is no rope.

I felt that my face was a little hot. Looking at everything in front of me, I seemed to fall into a dream again.

I quickly glanced at the situation of the tomb. The coffin lid had been overturned to the ground with a skeleton next to it. Yes, these seem to be my hands with clay figurines.

But Fatty Ma said, "Sun, look, I overturned this coffin lid."

I was a little dazed: "You overturned this?"

Fat Ma answered: "Of course, only the fat man is so professional in this work."

I looked at Fatty Ma's tone and facial expression, which did not seem to be lying. I patted my forehead twice to wake myself up. Suddenly, I was so angry that I couldn't help spitting blood.

"What's wrong?" "Are you all right?"

A series of greetings poured into my brain, and I felt that my head was about to explode. I don't know why my head suddenly came to my mind when I was hospitalized in Beijing. One night, someone fed me a pill. I saw her. I seemed to see her face clearly, but who was she?

When I turned my body and pretended to be asleep, her hands, no, and her temperature, no, it should be her back and her eyes.

Is she... wrong? I seem to be about to see her appearance. The light slowly illuminates, and I will immediately see her face clearly.

Suddenly, the back of the neck was painful, and the spiritual platform suddenly became clear. The person in front of him disappeared, and Fatty Ma was standing in front of me.

"Are you all right, Grandson?"

I look pale and feel weak all over. I looked at everyone looking at me in the wrong way, so I asked, "What happened to me just now?"

I looked at the fat man.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, I'm going to ask you yourself. After you spit out blood just now, you became a god and almost died. If I hadn't acted bravely..."

The more Fatty Ma said it, the more ridiculous it became.

I turned around and asked the clay figurine, "Really?"

"It's about the same, but my mind is a little unconscious."

I answered, but my mind can't remember the previous memories.

"Lao Sun, I'll give you a cigarette to refresh your mind."

I was not polite. I took it and lit it. I took two sips. When I saw Zhang Tong covering his mouth and coughing, I immediately put out the smoke. My mood has also stabilized a lot.

At this time, the six of us seemed to crash into a dead end. It is not realistic to want to go out directly from the hole where Fatty Ma fell down, but to turn back, which is also the worst plan.

Looking at the situation of this tomb, there is a useless coffin, a pile of white bones, and large and small earth bags raised on the ground. Except for these, there is nothing else in this tomb.

"If it really doesn't work! Let's start digging out of this tomb!" The fat man said solemnly.

But everyone obviously hasn't taken this into account now. If we can find an outlet, we are naturally unwilling to do the tiring work of digging tunnels.

"Don't worry, maybe you can find an exit from here," Zhang Tong said in answer to the fat man's words.

Fat Ma obviously lacks confidence in Zhang Tong: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Tong was asked by Fatty Ma that he couldn't lose face, his face turned a little red, and he couldn't answer for a moment. In order to relieve the awkward atmosphere, I said, "There will always be a way."

Zhang Tong snorted and stopped talking.

After the meeting, Zhang Tong said, "When I majored in archaeology, I also learned geography by myself. These earth bags raised on the ground are either caused by animals or caused by moisture.

Zhang Tong almost finished this sentence with emotion.

"If it is damp, the earth will bulge on the ground. What do you say?"

Zhang Tong straightened his positive color: "Because the water in the ground evaporates up, and this is a closed tomb, the water cannot be evaporated. At this time, the ground will be affected by moisture and the earth will bulge."

"It makes sense!" I couldn't help spitting these three words out of my mouth.

Then he looked down at the small earthen bag raised on the ground, which seemed to be really moist. I squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil with my hand, and twisted it in my hand. Sure enough, Zhang Tong was right.

"What can it prove if it is moist?" I asked.

Zhang Tong smiled and his face returned to normal. He asked, "Do you know how to build a house and lay a foundation?"

I shook my head first, and then nodded: "I haven't eaten pork. Haven't I ever seen a pig run away!"

"Do you know?" Zhang Tong looked like he didn't believe it.

"Of course I know."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know," she smiled, and my face turned red.

"When building a house, it is usually necessary to lay a foundation. The foundation is to hollow out the ground first, and then landfill concrete and steel bars to consolidate the ground, which is enough to bear the weight of a dozens of floors of building. If the foundation is solid, there is basically no possibility of resurgence, and if it resurgence, it may mean that the ground is hollowed out. Empty."

After listening to Zhang Tong's explanation, I was not only a little shocked, but also the mud man and the fat man.

The fat man's attitude suddenly improved and urged: "Comrade Zhang, go on."

Zhang Tong glanced at Fatty Ma and then said, "Look at the raised earth bags on the ground. Although they are messy, they are all on the same line."

"Oh! Don't say it, it's true."

We didn't notice this detail at all before she said it.

That is to say, there may be a passage underground. Zhang Tong's words lagged behind, and Ma Fatty said, "Did we meet our peers?"

"It shouldn't be," Zhang Tong denied.

"If it is really a tunnel, it is likely that the workers involved in the construction of this mausoleum are used to escape."

I have heard of this: "It is said that the workers involved in the construction of the mausoleum will eventually be trapped in the mausoleum for fear that they will leak the news. Later, these workers involved in the construction of the mausoleum usually dug a way to escape when building the mausoleum.

"Well," Zhang Tong nodded and answered.

Fat Ma can't wait to pull open the earthen bag.

Suddenly, a change happened. Many large and small centipede crawled out of the earth bag, big as big as a small finger, like a toothpick.

Fat Ma shouted and hurriedly stood up.

We are used to dealing with mutations at any time, so we are not panicked. Fortunately, centipedes did not attack people, but fled everywhere.

Zhang Tong was a little unconfident when she saw so many centipede: "Is it wrong?"

Soon, Fatty Ma's voice came again: "It's a wooden board."

Zhang Tong immediately drove forward, squatted down, and exposed a piece of wooden board under the earth bag pulled by Fatty Ma. Fatty Ma worked hard and cleaned it up.

A rotten wooden board was exposed, and everyone gathered around to watch.

"Open it?" Fatty Ma asked in an inquiring tone.

"Open it!" After receiving the affirmative answer, Fatty Ma stopped talking and lifted the board with a little strength. It turned out that Zhang Tong's analysis was correct.

An entrance is presented in our sight.

At this time, we are all very excited. This is a village with no way out.

When the light is put in, there is another gap, but fortunately there is a ladder.

"Go in," Fatty Ma continued.

"Go in later. The water vapor inside is too heavy. Let it volatilize first," Zhang Tong suggested, and Fatty Ma did not refute it this time.