Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 26 The Way Out

Because everyone is very tired, I plan to move after resting. Maybe the environment here is so comfortable that I will fall asleep soon.

In sleep...

In the blur, I seemed to see the hills appear in front of my eyes again. Before I could see the faces of the hills, suddenly, a cold wind blew directly from the soles of my feet to my forehead. I was very surprised. When I looked down, my heart immediately felt cold. My feet were standing on the cliff at this time, and in front of me was The long wooden bridge is fixed by iron cables and hangs on both sides of the cliff. A gust of wind blows and swings around.

I took a deep breath and always said to people who are afraid of heights like us that I was standing at the gate of hell, and I subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

I grabbed the flashlight in my hand, and the light was like a sharp arrow that broke through the darkness, allowing me to see the people across the bridge. Although it was not very clear, I could be sure that it was a hill.

A white skirt, with the slight swing of the cold wind, her black hair seemed to be in the light. She slowly walked on the long bridge, but the long bridge was not stable. When she stepped on it, a wooden board answered and fell off the cliff. She leaned and almost fell down.

I hurriedly shouted at her, "Don't come over."

But she turned a deaf ear. Suddenly, I had a sense of déjà vu, as if I had experienced this scene. I was ethereal for a few seconds, and it was not until I patted my forehead that I regained consciousness. It was most important to deal with the current situation.

I still shouted for her not to come over. After it didn't work, I stabilized my mind and stepped on the long bridge with one foot. I carefully walked forward and persuaded the hills not to move.

The long skirt of the hill followed the wind, while the hilly man followed her footsteps. It seemed that she was unconscious. The boards on the long bridge were like flying butterflies and left at will.

The hills almost crumble several times, but fortunately, they are all right.

But I was walking on thin ice, struggling and anxious. After a little later, I saw the hilly face clearly. Her face was pale, her eyes staring straight at me, and her lips were tightly closed, but I didn't see the soul in her eyes.

At this time, the long bridge is becoming more and more unstable, as if it is about to collapse at any time.

I said eagerly and deeply, hoping that she would not move forward again, but it was useless.

When I finished speaking, her footsteps took another step forward. Suddenly, this step was like the last straw pressed on the long bridge. The long bridge broke from the middle, and I was still dozens of meters away from the hills. Just when it was completely disconnected, I grabbed the iron cable and hit the cliff wall by gravity, but the hills were nothing. Don't ignore it, let your body fall freely...

It was at this time that huge waves spewed out from under the cliff. After that, I was unconscious. When I opened my eyes, it was the fat men who appeared in sight.

I suddenly realized that I had a nightmare just now. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and felt a little weak.

"Sun, tell me honestly, have you done something wrong?"

Looking at the fat man's evil face, I immediately scolded him.

After a while, the fat man said, "Lao Sun, you were entangled in a nightmare just now. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have to thank me. Just give me ten or eight bright weapons after you go out."

I was short of breath for a moment, and Fatty Ma laughed proudly when he saw that I didn't speak.

"Are you all right?" Zhang Tong's gentle face came into my eyes.

"I'm fine."

I was a little tranceed.

I looked at the time, and it has been almost two hours. I looked at everyone's mental state. It's almost time to take the next step.

Fat Ma has been waiting for a long time.

As soon as I walked a few steps, my heart seemed to be bumped by something. Suddenly, I remembered those shining eyes. It seems that something is pulling me to explore the truth.

I stopped the clay figurine: "I want to have a look."

The clay figurine nodded silently: "You're injured, I'll just go."

"No, we have to go together." Following the steps of the clay man, this time, I prepared a flare, bypassed the hole that had fallen before, and took some steps forward.

The two points of white light became brighter and brighter. After communicating with the clay figurine, I threw it out. At the moment when I threw it out, we both covered our eyes with our hands, because when the illumination bomb was just thrown out, the light was particularly strong. After a few seconds later, with the help of white light, I saw the scene in front of us clearly, empty, and There was no danger imagined, and the two white lights disappeared without a trace. After the illumination bombs were extinguished, the two white lights lit up again. I suddenly realized something and a trace of joy appeared on my face. The clay figurine probably also expected it.

"Exit!" There was a surprise in my tone.

"Exit first."

When they told the news, they were first surprised and then smiled. We entered the narrow space one after another. When I went around the mouth of the cave where the dumplings were located, suddenly, there seemed to be a hoarse cry from below, as if shouting: Ghost Heavenly Palace... Ghost Heavenly Palace. But at this time, no one paid attention to it.

After approaching the two natural white light, we found that these two white light was shot in through a wall sealed by soil. Naturally, we were very happy.

However, when it was cleaned up, we realized that this was not ordinary soil, but specially treated. Due to the limitation of space, it took us a lot of effort to deal with it.

When the wall broke and the strong light shone in pieces, we all subconsciously covered our eyes with our hands. We haven't faced such a strong light for dozens of hours, and we are a little uncomfortable.

The clay figurine was the first to go out, and the last one was me. The wind blew from the sky. I didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment. First, I took a deep breath and then felt the atmosphere outside.

When I opened my eyes again, I was a little surprised and then relieved.

The location we are now is really halfway up a mountain, and there is another lower mountain outside this exit. Although the mountains here are not high, they are numerous, so among these thousands of mountains, our location is not very clear at this time.

Zhang Tong looked around and was also a little confused.

Taking out the previous map comparison, there is no similarity at all. At this time, the place is a blind spot. I think we may be lost.

Fatty Ma didn't care: "Come out, everything is easy to say."

At this time, the sun was hanging in the middle, and soon we felt the enthusiasm and found the shade to enjoy the cool. It was also to rest. After staying in the mausoleum for three days, we were dirty and messy, just like beggars.

Six people gathered together. After coming out, there were not so many scruples. They took a big sip of water and ate dry food.

The only regret is the sacrifice of two comrades.

Everyone is a little depressed.

Fat Ma opened his heart and said, "Life and death can't be saved. This is all fate. Don't blame us."

Finally, we simply set up a virtual tomb for them, and we left.

Although I escaped, I suddenly thought of that incident. Everyone was not in a good mood. Next, it was even more tormenting people. After walking around these different mountains for a few hours, they didn't go around.

The sun has set in the west and the evening breeze is blowing, but we are as tired as dogs. We casually find a place and rest. It seems that we can't find an exit today.

Fat Ma leaned against the tree and raised his head, hoping to leak water from the kettle. He shook it hard, but there was still no movement. Fatty Ma scolded and threw the kettle away.

"What a broken place, grandma."

I looked at the angry fat man and handed my kettle to the fat man.

The fat man was also righteous and refused my water, but in the end he barely drank some.

When night fell, we found some firewood and lit a bonfire in a relatively empty area, and the sky was full of stars. The fat man got up, shouted at me, and said to get some game.

This is already a survival skill for me and the fat man in the wild. The fat man and I walked into the deep mountains, and I have made a mark along the way.

It didn't go far. The fat man's eyes were sharp and he saw a bird's nest on the tree. Without saying a word, he hugged the tree, shook it vigorously and shouted, "Sun, catch it!"

I raised my head to the tree, and the stars all over the sky fell into my eyes.

Suddenly remembered a poem "Today people don't see the ancient moon, and this month used to follow the ancients". Yes, in the long river of history, many people have disappeared in it.

"Sun, what are you still doing?" When the words fell, a bird egg fell on my head, broke, and made me more sober.

Fat Ma stared at me with a painful face: "Comrade Sun, please correct your attitude."

I answered, and then I caught all the eggs that fell from the tree. Naturally, the fat man was very happy.

After that, we caught another hare and returned the same way. After simply processing the hare, we cooked it on a bonfire. After eating, our stomachs were full, but we were even more thirsty.

And time has passed for another day. After two, we have been drunk. We are almost savages. If we can't go out, we will have blood with the beast.

"What kind of ghost mountain is this! It's like a maze," Huang Lin said with an unhappy face.

After another day, our legs were about to break. Finally, on this day, we met a woodcutter and followed him out of these mountains.

He took us down the mountain to a village, which is a completely strange village, and the villagers' accent is obviously different from before we came.

Later, we learned that we had come to Yunnan. After a few days in the mountains, I actually went around to Yunnan. Fortunately, I didn't die in the mountains.

After coming to the village, we first looked for water to drink. We never felt that drinking water was also a happiness!

The woodcutter who brought us down the mountain looked at us drinking water like a savage. We didn't care so much. Let's talk about it after drinking enough.

We were ragged, and finally when I took out the money from my pocket, the woodcutter's eyes changed a little, and I thought he didn't take the money.

But it turned out that I was too worried, and the woodcutter took the money.