Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 4 Professor Sun 1

The sun rose from the east. I got up early, helped Fatty Ma open the door of the store, and then went to buy a breakfast to get all this done. I lay on the counter and looked boredly at the streets.

Suddenly, the phone on the counter vibrated. I answered the phone, and there was a strange and familiar sound. The first time, I didn't hear it. It was not until she made the second sound that I was sure that it was Zhang Tong's voice.

How could it be her? Predicting the time, she should not have been in Beijing for a long time. Why did she call so quickly? Just as I was thinking, Zhang Tong's voice pulled out of my thoughts.

"You want me to contact Professor Sun for you, and he promised to see you."

Professor Sun? I immediately reacted and quickly responded.

Zhang Tong smiled at the other end of the phone: "Don't be happy too early. Professor Sun has other things to do and will only stay in Beijing for a week, so if you want to see him, come to Beijing quickly."

"Okay," I hung up the phone after saying thank you.

I thought that it would take three or four days to get from Changsha to Beijing. If we set out now, we will definitely not see Professor Sun at that time, and I am eager to see him, because this may be an important part of us to break through all the fog.

The fat man was still snoring. I hurriedly woke him up. He was in a daze, so I asked, "I'm going to Beijing. Are you going?"

The fat man opened his eyes dimly. When he heard the word Beijing, he suddenly jumped up: "Sun, what are you doing in Beijing?"

"Just now, Zhang Tong called me and said that Professor Sun would like to see us."

The fat man also came to the spirit, because this is about the secret of the Ghost Heavenly Palace. If you find the Ghost Heavenly Palace and then open it, there are all kinds of treasures in it. At that time, you can really wash your hands after doing this pen. Fatty Ma's mind flashed these thoughts in an instant.

"I'll go."

Looking at Fatty Ma's firm eyes, I said, "Then pack up quickly."

Once the enthusiasm of the fat man is mobilized, the battle index will increase exponentially: "What else are you going to pack? After arriving in Beijing, you can buy it again."

I took a look at him in surprise.

Fat Ma* smiled and said, "Didn't you make a business yesterday!"

Finally, we simply picked up a few clothes and quickly rushed to Changsha Railway Station, but after we left, we ignored an important question, that is, who turned over Fatty Ma's shop, but at this time we couldn't take care of it. After getting on the train, go all the way north.

As soon as I got off the station, I saw the graceful Zhang Tong and the fat man eagerly came forward to greet Zhang Tong and greeted each other with a smile, with an expression that we were brothers and sisters.

Although Zhang Tong is not as enthusiastic as Fatty Ma, he also has a smile on his face.

"You must be very tired all the way. I'll take you to the hotel to rest and have dinner together in the evening. At that time, Professor Sun will also come.

Fat Ma and I agreed.

Beijing, as the capital, has a corresponding prosperity, which is dazzling. Last time, because I came to treat the disease, I ignored these. This time it's really a feast for the eyes.

The fat man told me that I had never seen the world along the way. I'm also lazy to talk to him.

Zhang Tong also chatted with me without saying a word on the way. When we arrived at the hotel, we settled down. When I was about to lie down and rest, someone knocked on the door outside and I asked her to come in.

The purpose of entering is Zhang Tong, and Zhang Tong naturally sat down to my **.

Looking at her move, on the contrary, I was a little unnatural: "What's the matter?"

Zhang Tong has a generous smile on her face. This contrast is too big for me. Is this still the girl who keeps crying in Guangxi?

"Yes, Mr. Sun, I have something to explain to you."

I looked at her questioningly.

Zhang Tong still kept smiling: "Professor Sun has a strange temper. Please pay attention to it then."

Look at me not responding.

Zhang Tong said again, "I'll pick you up in the evening."

At this time, I realized and answered. Zhang Tong also got up and left the bed. Before leaving, she turned around and smiled, which gave me a strange feeling.

I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. When I looked in the mirror, I found that my old face was red. Damn, that's all I can do.

I wiped all the drops of water and lay down**, and soon my sleepiness came.

Fat Ma lives in the room next to me.

I don't know how long it took, someone was knocking on my door, and the sound kept ringing. I opened my eyes and the night had come.

The room was dark. I touched the place and found the switch. After pressing it, the room became bright. Suddenly, it was a little dazzling.

After I opened the door, Fatty Ma was about to knock on the door and stopped in the air. When he saw me, he immediately laughed: "Sun, you finally got up."

Next to the fat man is Zhang Tong. After simply cleaning up, we went out. This time, Zhang Tong got a car from somewhere, and I sat on it with the fat man.