Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 54 Dreamlike

But in fact, this is the case. In the process of moving back, a huge bronze wall slowly hung in the air, and a cold wind blew from the cracks, but what it felt was not cold, but a chilling.

Even if everyone doesn't say anything, they know what's going to happen next, so they silently wait for that moment to come.

Time is like an hourglass at the fingertips. Soon, the bronze wall stopped moving, and a two-meter-wide mouth towered in front of everyone. There seemed to be an atmosphere of vicissitudes, like a thousand-year-old mystery, about to face the world.

Everyone is surprised, but in addition to being surprised, at this moment, I believe it is also a hidden thought.

"Remble that bronze fish!"

"You can't take it first." The words are finished.

Finally, someone proposed to go on. There was no objection, but no one made a sound, so acquiesced. Some people took the first step, and some people dared to follow the second step.

The sudden group of mysterious people all retreated in, and the previous group of people who were blocked saw that they were not stopped at this time, like fish falling into the water and run wild horses running in one after another. For a moment, there was a lot of noise here.

I have estimated the number of people, and now it has reached 40 or 50 people.

Fat Ma is not happy to see so many people coming. Grandma, there are only a lot of babies in total. If there is one more person, you will need an extra cup of soup. Fatty Ma said to the mud: "Let your people get them out."

The clay figurine did not speak and stood aside. The group of people with a deceitful atmosphere did not open their mouths. Everyone was holding black-black guns, just like a mud man's guard.

When Fatty Ma saw the clay man making a sound, he scolded. People went in batches. Seeing that he could not stop the general situation, Fatty Ma hurriedly lay on his feet and chased him. Zhang Tong and I followed behind us, and then we were the old ghost.

Finally, there are the clay figurines and that group of people.

The mysterious man is almost broken.

The road down

is almost vertical, but there are steps. When I went down the steps, I silently counted them in my heart. There are 33 steps in total. The width of each step is about 55 centimeters, and the length is 10 meters or even longer. I have occasionally read Buddhist books and learned that the number 33 has a special significance in Buddhism, but I forgot the specifics and couldn't remember them for a while.

I went down these 33 steps and came to a relatively flat buffer belt, but after the unexpected buffer belt, I faced another step, but this time it was a step.

Several lampposts brightened the lights reflected here, and the darkness suddenly dodged.

The slightly empty corridor sounded with the words of the living, which I'm afraid no one can think of.

The fish head and Mr. Wang are a little excited. They have been pursuing the place for so many years and have paid such a big price. Now they finally have a clue and hope, or they are going to go to the harvest. How can they not be excited?

I don't remember how many colleagues and friends were on the road of pursuing the 'Ghost Heavenly Palace', and I don't know how many people have died. Now it's finally about to open, and I can't hide the impulse.

The two steps are almost opposite, almost 90 degrees. Although the space is large, there is nothing, all of them are steps.

This inevitably disappoints many people. This is called opening the door without red and profit. There must be nothing good in the future!

Some people complained a few words, but complaining. The soles of their feet seemed to be oiled, without any delay, and they went up the steps one after another. Fatty Ma had long disappeared.

I only heard: "Brother, please make way. This elder sister, please also make way. By the way, and that thin boy, it's you, make way." Fatty Ma lived up to expectations along the way and finally squeezed into the front of the team.

Suddenly, the first person to arrive made a sound like the scream of a male monkey during the ** period.

Everyone thought something had happened. Fatty Ma shook his legs and chased after him. When he arrived, he also shouted: "Damn it! Damn it!"

After the people went up, they expressed their excitement one after another. When it was my turn to go up, I was stunned for a second, and at the same time, there was a strange taste in my heart, which was different from them.

On the contrary, this is a familiar feeling. I feel like the protagonist who fell into Liaozhai suddenly fell into a picture scroll, which was so unreal!

At this moment, the scene we are facing:

A cliff at the foot is at least 100 meters wide, with fog below, and sometimes a gust of cold wind. Naturally, the height is impossible to visualize, but at the other end of the cliff, it is dark and there is no end.

Looking up along the cliff, there is a floating bridge hanging over there, like a single wooden bridge hanging in the sky, which is unusually scattered under the roar of the wind.

Everyone's excitement was uncontrollable for a moment.

After getting out of the steps, the road to the long bridge is as wide and narrow as the steps. If you want to go there, you must be careful.

At this time, I am most afraid of heights. In this regard, Fatty Mao and I have such problems.

But * teaches us that when we encounter difficulties, we must overcome them. If there are no conditions, we must create conditions. Adhering to this great ideological concept, Fatty Ma embarked on a road of practice, leaving a lonely back. Mr. Lu Xun wrote in his pen that there is always a person who dares to be the first, and then he will Successor-sequent.

Sure enough, with Fatty Ma as the leader, there will soon be later people.

The team spread into a long dragon, and the cold air under the cliff, coupled with the environmental factors at this time, made people't help trembling. If you don't pay attention to this, it will be doomed.

And the construction here is really amazing.

Who would have thought of a cliff buried under the ground, such a scene, all of which are amazing and unheard of!

I stood still for a moment and did not move. I carefully recalled the scene here, and the dream suddenly came to my mind. I tried to compare them one by one. It doesn't matter. When I compared it, even I was shocked. Am I still dreaming?

I pinched myself and felt the pain, but I still couldn't believe it, so I asked Zhang Tong to pinch me. Although Zhang Tong was puzzled, she still did it. Soon, the sense of authenticity forced me directly.

Suddenly, I fell into a hot stove, but I broke out in a cold sweat. This feeling was indescribable. I walked into my dream, or the dream has become a reality.

In an instant, I suddenly thought of the hills...