Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 57 Under the Ghost Palace

I took a deep look at Zhang Tong, and my heart was warm. Zhang Tong looked a little nervous, her hair was a little messy, and a white face became not so clean, but she grabbed the corners of my clothes tightly.

"Don't worry! It's okay!"

Zhang Tong still didn't let go.

I had no choice but to explain. Zhang Tong's face reflected a glow, and he lowered his head slightly.

My hand also slowly fell off me.

At this time, I took some steps forward. I don't know where the wind blew through the soles of my feet, setting off a chill, which made people feel slightly uneasy.

The huge 'Ghost Palace' stood in front of me. I stared at it. In an instant, I felt that everything here had been covered up. It was noisy, the wind, everything disappeared, and a strange feeling rose from my heart and occupied the whole brain.

At this time, it was only me and the Ghost Palace.

Some scenes are slowly disappearing, empty and empty. There is only the emptiness left. I seem to be in a vast white space, long and far away, and the long wormwood appears at the forefront of me in an unbridled and crazy bronze palace. It looks so young and a little solemn, not stained by a grain of dust, not to mention the so-called bronze green.

A big flag hung majestically on the wall of the palace, stretching proudly under the strong wind and making an angry sound.

The soldiers guarding the palace stood majestically and clenched the fists of the weapon tightly.

The huge bronze door of the palace was closed, and I stood outside the palace in silence.

With a bang, the bronze door slowly opened and a huge team came out of it. It was soldiers who opened the way. There were some people in strange clothes in the middle, walking and jumping all the way, humming, and I don't know what they were saying.

Then there was a group of maids, each holding a bamboo basket in their hands, and the petals kept falling from their hands, paving flowers all the way, followed by a four-person sedan chair, with tassels falling from a fulcrum at the top of the sedan chair, perfectly, covering the figure of the person sitting in the sedan chair.

When the sedan chair came out of the bronze gate, a strange fragrance came, which made people shake.

I stood in the middle of the road and forgot to give in for a moment.

When the team came to me, it was too late. Just as I was looking for a way to avoid, a scene that surprised me appeared. I was like a transparent person and turned a blind eye to it.

They passed by me, and I can guarantee that my brain is completely blank at this time.

At this time, the sedan chair also came towards me. I forgot to avoid it for a moment. When I hit it, I knew it was too late, but a scene that surprised me appeared.

The sedan chair actually went straight through my body, as if it had not hit any obstacles at all.

I looked up at the sedan chair, and the white skirt appeared in the cracks of the tassels.

I looked up along the skirt. Through the cracks in the tassels, I saw the side face of the woman sitting in the sedan chair. A flash of lightning flashed in my mind, which woke me up from my dream. I pulled up and chased after it.

I'm like a transparent person here. No one can see me, but I can see them.

Gradually, more and more people gathered on both sides of the road. Their voices are trivial, but I roughly put them together, that is, "the princess is going to attend the sacrificial ceremony today", but they don't seem to be so happy, but regretful.

Suddenly, I took a look at the crowd and found that what they said seemed to be ghosts. I was stunned for a moment! When I realized that the huge team was already 100 meters away, I hurriedly accelerated my pace to catch up with it.

Because the sacrificial team walked very slowly, I caught up with it without much effort.

The side face just now was really familiar, but I couldn't remember who it was at the moment. As I followed the team, I tried to look into the sedan chair to see her true face.

The discussion among the crowd is still not over.

"Hey! This is the first time the princess has walked out of the palace!" Someone sighed and said.

"I really don't know what the princess looks like!"

"What's the use of knowing it? After this sacrifice, there will be no more princesses in the world." With that, he couldn't help sighing.

"I heard that this sacrifice is to pray for the victory of the war."

The words sounded piecemeal.

I captured some information from it. After synthesis, it made me understand that there will be a sacrificial ceremony for victory, and I have a bad and unreal feeling in the dark.

I followed the team, during which I looked into the tassel, but I never got the real face.

I have no choice but to follow the sacrificial team.

After following for a while, all the surrounding scenery has disappeared, and the previously discussed crowd has also disappeared.

A vast whiteness covered everything, leaving only the vast sacrificial team and the lonely me. I have been following closely, and it's a long way. I don't know how long it took. I made a rough estimate in my mind.

It should have been seven or eight hours, but there is no change in the sky. Time is like eternal, and then a group of lonely people walk aimlessly on this absurd land.

Finally, when my legs were about to break, they stopped. Mother, they had been walking for almost a whole day, and I scolded angrily in my heart.

The team stopped in front of a vast white mountain. After coming here, the noise they wanted stopped, and their expressions all became solemn.

After the team dispersed, everything was placed.

Do you want to sacrifice the mountain? I'm thinking in my heart.

A group of people gathered around the newly built platform, humming and singing, and I identified a few words, such as great gods and so on.

A group of people sang and danced, and soldiers and maids stood solemnly aside.

"Start" With this shout, the battle started. They actually built a platform made of wood with a bronze plate on it. After a long few hours of singing, dancing, laughing and crying.

Finally, someone died first. The blood, the bright red blood was as enchanting as the previous bright red petals, and soon scattered in front of the white mountain in front of him.

The first maid was killed as an introduction to sacrifice. Although the rest were a little scared, they did not retreat.

Just as the main sacrifice was about to kill the second person, suddenly the sedan chair spoke loudly: " Stop! Isn't it enough to die alone?"