Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 61 Another Zongzi

When this scene happened, everyone was stunned. Fatty Ma couldn't help sighing, "This is too strong!" Even the mud man's face changed.

I was also in a daze in the corner. The black donkey's hoof was stuffed into its mouth, and it was chewed and swallowed down. The aura of this picture was so strong that it lasted for about a few seconds. Everyone seemed to have been completely defeated and fled one after another.

Fat Ma shouted that the clay man was also ready to run away, which was completely invincible, and everyone's psychological defense line had been defeated.

Fat Ma was no exception. He wiped his cold sweat and ran towards me. The clay figurine and two followers also ran over. I also understood the situation and no longer pinched. When Fatty Ma reached out his hand, I lay on his back.

The current situation is still relatively important to escape. Fatty Ma carried me and ran all the way to the dark. Zhang Tong also caught up with him. The clay figurines and old ghosts did not fall. We entered an arched passage, which is the aisle connecting another part of the Ghost Heavenly Palace.

Fat Ma ran wildly and didn't care about the situation behind him at all.

That ten-thousand-year-old rice dumplings made us completely give up the idea of resistance.

Finally, we came to another palace. The door was spaciously opened, and the huge bronze palace stood in front of me. It was as high as two floors. I couldn't see its whole at a glance. Fatty Ma with my back did not have the intention to look at the palace and rushed in directly.

I'm still chasing the zongzi!

Everyone rushed in. When they ran into the palace, they found that there was no way out, and the door was open. If the ten-thousand-year-old rice dumplings came in, we would be finished. Thinking about this, I quickly asked Fatty Ma to call someone to close the door.

Fat Ma was not stunned. With a bang, everyone closed the door together. After closing it, a gloomy feeling immediately surged into my heart. I don't know if it's an illusion.

At the moment when the door was closed, everything seemed to be quiet. Some people leaned directly against the back of the door and gasped, while others were treating the wound. I asked Fatty Ma to put me down and I leaned against a big pillar.

The wound is a little torn, and it hurts a little.

"It's okay, everyone have a rest!" Someone made a speech.

This sentence is backward, which makes many people relieved.

The group of devious people who followed the clay people before, now there are only four or five people left, and the rest are dead, and there are six or seven people in the same team.

So there are about 15 people here.

I turned on the searchlight tied to my head and looked at the environment of the hall. Several towering bronze pillars supported the building. Above the hall, there was a statue. I supported my body and wanted to see more clearly.

When I saw the whole picture of the statue, I was shocked for a moment! I have seen this statue, to be precise, I have seen this face on the statue.

It seems to be the statue of Kui Wu, the figure on the mural. Yes, it's Kui Wu. Now he presents a statue with heroic hair.

When I saw those inscriptions before, I was still wondering why there were no people with the surname of Kui. Now I have finally seen them. This is just more determined by my guess and approach the truth step by step.

After thinking about coming in, there is no valuable income, and they have to lose their lives. Everyone's mood is a little depressed.

"It's not a good way to stay here." Fatty Ma shouted and went up to the second floor.

The footsteps are like stepping on the stairs, making a sound and making noise in this dark world.

Fat Ma is complaining. After going up to the second floor, I suddenly felt refreshed. I was about to shout, but I was forced to suppress it! He said in a low voice. Damn, I sent it this time.

I stared at the statue. It's amazing.

However, he was soon interrupted by Fatty Ma's screams. He almost ran down with screams, but his whole body was full of bright weapons. Fatty Ma's screams immediately tightened everyone's nerves.

The clay figurine quickly came forward to answer Fatty Ma and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's Zongzi!"

It's rice dumplings again! The clay figurine was a little surprised that several blood cuts had been drawn on Fat Ma's body.

Everyone heard the word Zongzi said by Fatty Ma, and their faces became a little ugly for a while. I reminded Zhang Tong to be careful.

I stood up with the pillar and took out a knife from my waist to prepare for the situation in front of me.

Everyone is ready and dare not relax.

But after about a quarter of an hour, I didn't see the Zongzi mentioned in Fatty Ma's mouth.

"I said fat, you are not a liar, are you?" Someone shouted directly with Fatty Ma's reminder.

Fat Ma said with an unhappy face after hearing this, "If you don't believe it, go up and have a look!"

In fact, many people have noticed the smart weapon hanging on Fatty Ma's body, but because there are many people on Ma Fatty's side, so they don't dare to make a blatant idea. Now that after so long, the so-called zongzi in his mouth still hasn't appeared. Could it be the fat man who wants to swallow the Mingqi on it alone? Some people think so.

"Go and go!"

"What's the big deal for me to go with you!"

After the words, the two went up.

After the two went up, their eyes lit up first, and then settled their own guess, but there was no sound, and they were happy in their hearts. Just when the two were proud, when their hands were soft, a cold light flashed suddenly flashed, and one of them screamed.

"Who is it?"

No one responded and did not see the murderer. Looking at the five claw marks on his chest, the man was directly frightened, "There are really zongzi!" He said weakly.

Another person hasn't been injured yet: "Get some points, and we'll go down."

As soon as the man nod his head, five claw marks, accompanied by a cold light, directly passed through his chest and pulled out with blood and organs, and a smell of blood permeated directly. Another person was scared to death when he witnessed the scene and wanted to run away.

As soon as I got to the top of the stairs, there was a surprise expression on my face, but then I immediately withered down the next second, and the blood on my face immediately receded, occupied by paleness and panic. At the end of my mouth, I left a sentence: "There are dumplings!"

This shout is almost a word of panic from the heart.

In our ears, it made people shiver unconsciously, and there was a chill in the back spine.

The man shouted such a sentence and fell directly from the top of the stairs. He rolled in a few steps, and his blood brushed red a few steps.

However, the so-called zongzi murderer did not appear.