Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 64 Low tide

And his eyes seemed to look at me.

When he came closer, I asked, "What's the matter, clay figurine?" The clay figurine shook his head and said nothing. When he walked around me, he said, "Come here!" Then he leaned his back against the wall and sat down, and several of his attends followed him.

"He seems to be in a bad mood!" Zhang Tong suddenly said softly.

I hummed, and then walked towards the place where the clay figurine was. Several of my followers were also blown away by the clay figurine. At this time, the clay figurine's face had become rigorous. He stood up and whispered a few words in my ear, and I was immediately stunned!

This news undoubtedly surprised me!

But looking at the mud man's look, I couldn't help asking, "Do you doubt me?" My voice is very peaceful.

The clay figurine just shook his head, and there was no follow-up.

I also touched the wall and sat down.

"I just suddenly feel a little tired!" The clay figurine sighed after saying that.

This is the first time I have said such a sentence with a clay figurine in so many years.

"It's getting more and more complicated!" The clay figurine said another sentence, then stood up and patted the dust on his body, and helped me up again.

"How's your injury?"

"It's okay!"

The words of the clay figurine put another layer of fog on me, and my mind became a little heavy.

I looked at the group of people in front of me. Everyone was tossed and gray, but everyone's face was smiling at this time. Those weapons were held in their arms, and this time they made a fortune.

Fat Ma rushed over and talked nonsense with me. But at this time, a sonorous sound interrupted all this!

The sound of the door of the palace being hit is getting louder and louder.

Fat Ma was happily talking nonsense and suddenly said, "Grandma, that ten-thousand-year-old zongzi will not be killed!"

"It's not impossible!"

We are ready in an instant! Look nervously at the shaking of the door. Just a minute later, the door was knocked open.

"Mom!" Fatty Ma cursed.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "It's not Zongzi!" For a while, everyone relaxed. Two people came in. They were covered with wounds, and soon someone recognized them! It's the previous group of people who entered before us.

"What happened?" Someone asked.

The man didn't kick round in one breath. Before he could speak, he shouted that he wanted to drink water. After drinking water, he said, "It's all organs. Everyone is dead!" The tone was an indescreible panic.

When we heard the news, we were blindfolded for a moment! All the people are dead!"


"Where are they?" I asked in a hurry.

The two of them didn't say anything. After a while, they advised us not to go there. It's too dangerous!

After hearing the news, the rest of the people showed some fear and did not want to go there. In the end, we had no choice but to force it, so we had to let him tell us the general direction. Zhang Tong was still very proficient in geographical direction. After listening to the man's narration, he knew a general idea.

"Fat, give me a hand!" I shouted.

Fatty Ma is full of possessions and has no time to help me. Finally, Fatty Ma has to give up something for the overall situation. Then we walked in that direction and took a few steps, and the old man seemed to be a little reluctant.

Fat Ma scolded him as a bastard!

I said forget it. He also came to ask for money. If something happens here, we can't afford it. In the end, the old ghost and that group of people don't want to stay here.

I advised Zhang Tong not to go, but Zhang Tong refused and couldn't let her follow.

There are only four or five followers left by the clay figurines, that is, the previous group of devious people. The clay figurines also wanted to try to dismiss them, but it was useless at all. He was like the shadow of the clay figurines and refused to leave. The team was finally determined, with a total of nine people.

This is an underground palace, and I think it is not inferior to the Terracotta Warriors.

The huge palaces are connected one by one, and many corridors are buried in this darkness. We walked out of the door of the palace. Zhang Tong, as a guide, walked towards the boundary full of organs.

I don't know where the cold wind whistled brought a cold. I couldn't help shaking. Fatty Ma carried my shoulder and hummed songs in his mouth.

We walked through a few corridors and walked in that direction. We didn't go into the palace we passed by again, as if we didn't feel necessary.

I think the people who entered before us have arrived at the most important place in the Ghost Heavenly Palace, otherwise it would not have been possible to set up so many organs and kill so many people. I can't help but look at the clay figurine. Maybe the answer he is looking for should also appear.

I have always been very confused about the identity of the clay figurine, but I have never asked. For more than ten years, we have not had any conflicts because of this problem, and it seems that this problem has been forgotten.

But this time, so many people suddenly appeared around the clay figurine, which made me more and more confused about his identity.

Fat Ma hummed a meat tune heartlessly. I had to remind him to have more heart and not to suffer big losses later.

Fat Ma answered, looked back at the mud man and looked at the people following him. Ma Fatty shouted, "Ma Fatty man, where did you get such a group of people? It's so good. Come back and get some for me!"

The clay figurine was speechless for a moment.

Fat Ma laughed to himself.

The team is still moving forward.

"Fat, why are you so happy?" I asked.

"I suddenly want to laugh! Can you hold it back?" Then I followed Fatty Ma and laughed.

Crossed another corridor, and the clay figurine suddenly became cautious and said, "Be careful, it smells like blood!"

This sentence made us nervous and cautious. I asked Zhang Tong to go behind me, but Zhang Tong was not happy at first. Finally, I said, "You are not as experienced as us!"

Zhang Tong finally compromised. She is an amazing archaeologist, and her adventure is not suitable for her.

Fat Ma took a few steps forward on my shoulder, and I suddenly whispered, "Let go!"

"Can you do it?"

I straightened my chest and said, "Of course!"

Fatty Ma looked at me suspiciously, and finally tried to release his hand and watched me walk a few steps before he was relieved.

I forced myself to walk forward, sweating on my forehead! The wound on his feet was torn and painful, but the wound on his shoulders was fine.

I took a few steps forward again. I stretched out my hand to hold the wall of the corridor. Just as I was about to support it, someone suddenly helped me. I turned my head and saw that it was a clay fig man.

"Don't be strong!"

"It's okay!"

Fat Ma also ran over when he saw this situation and said, "Sun, I told you can't do it!" I still don't believe it."

"Fat, you don't hurt people!" Zhang Tong answered at this time.