Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 77 Opened Coffin

The four candles placed in the four corners of the coffin, the lit flames rose higher and higher, reflecting the light of the searchlight, and a gloomyness opened.

"Get started!" When Fatty Ma said this, he was no longer a hippie smile.

We take out some basic tools, brazies, daggers, etc. Then they gathered around one after another.

This 'gem coffin' is also the first time I've seen it, so I don't know how to do it. Usually the coffins are nailed to death by the sealed coffin.

So, after we went forward, we first looked for the location of these nails, but soon we were disappointed. Because these gems were densely embedded in the gap between the coffin lid and the coffin body, we could not effectively explore the virtuality of the position of the coffin nails.

When we were about to be rough, Fatty Ma suddenly said grandly, "Protect cultural relics!"

We just felt dumbfounded when we heard this sentence.

Through these colorful gems, its thorough and pure colors all declare its value.

The hypocrisy of his words can be seen from Fatty Ma's eyes.

We didn't do anything about it. Moreover, this coffin is not as simple as it looks, otherwise why didn't the person who went up earlier open it?

Fat Ma grabbed the dagger and tried to cut down the gems around the coffin, but the gems seemed to grow on the coffin.

Fat Ma sighed disappointedly.

"What do you think we should do?" I asked the clay figurine.

"Look at other parts of the coffin!" After saying that, we found it on this coffin, which was wooden and a little damaged.

Most of its original paint color has disappeared, and some carved lines are also empty.

"There's something wrong. The fat man feels that this coffin has been opened no matter how he looks at it, but why didn't he open it just now!" Fatty Ma said to himself.

But this sentence fell into our ears.

We all looked at Fatty Ma in surprise.

Fat Ma was looked at so abruptly by us and was dull for a while.

"Say it! "Fatty Ma" I urged him.

"What did you say?" As soon as this sentence was said, Fatty Ma immediately patted his forehead and said he knew it.

Fat Ma pointed to the coffin like a master and said, "General coffins are sealed, you know this!"

I nodded.

"Look, do you have this coffin?" We followed the direction pointed by Fatty Ma. Sure enough, it seemed that there was really no sealing.

"But this is not difficult to explain. After all, it is normal that there is no sealing after such a long time." I retorted Fatty Ma.

"Lao Sun, if you say this, you will be a lay man."

I was stunned by what Fatty Ma said.

"The sealing thing is made of special plants. It may not be obvious now, but it is basically impossible for this kind of thing to disappear. When the coffin was first soiled, the sealing was wrapped a lot. On the one hand, it can maintain the closure of the coffin, and on the other hand, it can ensure that the body inside will not decay. It's rotten so fast."

I was almost impressed by Fatty Ma's words.

However, before Fatty Ma finished speaking, he called me to look at a layer of dark yellow material on the coffin that was almost invisible. Under the light, I could see more clearly. There was an inconspicuous dividing line between the cover of the coffin and the body of the coffin, separating the overall dark yellow.

After reading it, I suddenly realized that I had never paid attention to these when I went to the ground before, and now I have to say that I have gained knowledge again.

After Fatty Ma finished speaking, he took a sip of water.

At this time, even the clay figurine's eyes on Fatty Ma couldn't help but change. It seems that the clay figurine also doesn't understand this aspect. I believe that at this time, Fatty Ma's image suddenly becomes taller.

"Fatty, you're right. We've learned it before." Zhang Tong watched us freeze and did not move, and woke us up in a sound.

"Have you also learned it?"

"Hmm." Zhang Tong nodded.

Since Ma Fatty and Zhang Tong, who graduated from the science class of archaeology, have said so, it should be right.

"Since this coffin has been opened, why is it covered again now?" I asked my doubts and waited for Fatty Ma's answer.

Fat Ma couldn't answer, but said, "This coffin has been sealed again."

"Then why were these gems taken away in the first place?"

When Fatty Ma heard this, all the horizontal meat on his face squeezed together and said, "These gems are probably used to seal the coffin again."

I couldn't help taking a deep breath. What a big deal!

After saying that, Fatty Ma was also scared by his own speculation, and then spit and scolded, "Dud!"

The clay fig man asked, "Fat man, what do you think you should do now?"

Fatty Ma's two big eyes rotated like a car, and suddenly stopped, with a painful expression on his face: "Damn it, the overlord, bow hard!"

Fat Ma seems to have made a great decision: "What do you think?"

I didn't answer positively with the clay figurine, but I acquiesced.

The three of us quickly took out the dagger and brace, forcibly broke out a few colorful gems. Although the gems were not completely broken, there were also some damage. Fatty Ma, like his parents, painfully picked up those gems and put them in his pocket.

If you ask us why we don't directly damage the coffin, I can only say that it is really not gloomy! Anyway, you have to talk about a little rules.

A total of about ten gems have been cleaned up. These gems are fixed on the coffin by metal, so the metal is also fixed on the coffin. Therefore, the gems are eaten dead on the coffin and become the gems that lock the coffin.

After the ten gems were cleaned up, a ten-centimeter opening appeared on the coffin.

It's time for us to take the next step.

With an uproar, all the candles in the four corners of the coffin were extinguished.

This happened suddenly, making us feel like falling into the ice cellar. We know what it means. This is the ghost in the coffin who is not happy that we take it.

Zhang Tong was also scared by this abrupt situation. There is no wind here. How did the candle go out?

"Don't panic!" I remind everyone.

It's not that we haven't experienced this kind of thing, either stop or continue, but we haven't had the habit of stopping halfway since we went to the ground.

We collected our hearts, and Fatty Ma continued to light the candles around the coffin, and the flames gradually lit up. Although the second lighting was of little significance, it was at least a psychological comfort.