Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 83 Unspeakable Secrets

Chapter 83

It's not easy to hear Fatty Ma admire the 'Five Coffins of Southern School' so much.

"Pai Nei sent out several manuals in those years," the clay figurine followed Fatty Ma's words.

"It's worthy that I learned a few tricks when I went to the northeast!"

The clay figurine: "But the books outside are all broken books"

Fat Ma still wants to say something, but he only feels a little dry in his mouth.

Time stopped for a few seconds.

I asked, "Then why did you hide your identity and follow us?"

In this question, Fatty Ma also showed a doubtful expression. According to reason, such a greasy character should not follow me and Fatty Ma to have a small fight.

The clay figurine pondered for a while, and then blurted out, "At first, it was just because you found the bronze fish mouth, but later, the more secrets I found in you!"

"Are you talking about me?" I was a little surprised.

The clay figurine nodded.

"This pursuit of the Ghost Palace, all people have more or less to do with this secret"

"What secret?"

"This pursuit is not so much arranged by the state as..."

After the clay figurine's words, suddenly I didn't know a sentence: "You said too much..."

Abrupt words caught our attention. We looked around, but we didn't find him.

"I want to say it."

"Don't forget the agreement of that year."

"Over there!" Fat Ma suddenly shouted.

Fat Ma's words were still in his throat, and he saw a dark shadow and disappeared from our sight.

At this time, I still have time to move.

The clay figurine looked around and looked a little ugly.

"It seems that he has left."

"Muddy man, go on." Fatty Ma urged with his eyes shining.

But the clay man was silent again and said after a while, "Maybe it's not the time to say a lot of things now, but please believe that I have never had the motivation to hurt you."

"I believe this." I said sullenly.

Fat Ma saw this situation and did not continue to ask questions.

We collected our minds and refocused our attention. Our team has gone through this journey, and now there are only five people left. I can't help thinking about what kind of secret it is worth sacrificing and pursuing so many lives.

I shook my head.

After that, the wound was re-wraped.

Zongzi was also dealt with once for fear that it would cheat the body again.

After we packed up, we were ready to start again. Even so, when we go on the road again, we may have more or less hidden knots, that is, what the so-called secrets are or what they are.

But I've just taken a few steps...

A scream suddenly came: "Ah..."

"Don't move, we've heard it before." I reminded everyone.

If someone really had an accident, but we couldn't save him before, that person should have died long ago. If he had escaped by chance, it would be even more wrong to scream at this time.

Does anyone go up again...

Will it be Song Ran, the girl who looks like a hill?

Thinking of this, I actually felt a little uneasy.

Soon, we found the stairs upstairs. The stairs made of dark wood were covered with a gloomy and shedding wood paint color, which seemed to tell the long history of this staircase.

We went up the stairs steadily.

When I passed by the lounge, I suddenly found blood stains on the ground.

I checked the blood stains on the ground, but I didn't see anything. The clay figurine also squatted down slightly and smelled the blood stains.

said: "The time is not long."

Fatty Ma didn't care about so much. He walked upstairs, three steps and two steps. Suddenly, there was a creak, and the board was actually trampled by Fat Ma.

Fat Ma tried to pull out his foot, but as soon as he moved, the board creaked and looked at it. It was estimated that if Fatty Ma was moving, his whole body would fall down.

I hurried a few steps, grabbed Fatty Ma's hand and asked him to move gently.

After Fatty Ma mastered the essentials, he finally struggled. After this episode, Fatty Ma finally became cautious.

The steps below were light and clever. About half a minute later, all the people went up the stairs.

Enter the third floor, which should be the last floor.

We stepped in without any hesitation.

Where the light can reach, all the pillars are held by one person, which are used to support the whole building.

The searchlights we bring are all enhanced, and the distance that can be illuminated is relatively far away. Although it consumes more electricity now, the distance that the light can reach is still 100 meters away.

However, the place where the lights can't touch is still extremely dark, so it is speculated that this space should be more than half larger than downstairs.

After going upstairs, we were not in a hurry to move forward. The experience of going up two floors has made me more careful. This building called 'Ghost Heaven Palace' will not be so simple.

And those so-called secrets may be hidden in it.

"I just judged that there may be someone on it. Why is there no one now?" Fatty Ma asked curiously.

I didn't see anyone where the light went just now.

"Maybe they are all in the dark."

It suddenly occurred to me that when I first entered this building, I found that the top floor was covered by the top of the martial arts arena. That is to say, the floor we are now in is the part we can't see. Maybe the space behind is infinite, and maybe everything hidden is inside.

I can't help but be a little excited when I think of this.

But for public consideration, I have said everything I know to remind them!

This reminder also distracted them.

Fat Ma's unconcealed excitement and the sudden silence on the mud man's face explain all this. Only Zhang Tong seems to be feelingless about what happened in front of him.

is relatively silent.

The other two tremese people rotated to carry the body, and their current mission is to take the body out alive.

After a few steps forward, the previous screams have disappeared.

At this time, the strange tranquility and unprovokedly came.

The footsteps were buckled on the wooden board, and the sound echoed back and forth in the space. Several dark lampposts moved slightly in the space, trying to dispel the darkness.

At this time, Fat Ma suddenly stopped the clay figurine.

"What's the matter?"

"That... Fat master, I am both virtuous and artistic... That... If you still lack a deputy doorkeeper, remember to find me!"

After hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned for a moment. After about a second, they made us laugh...