Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 90 End

I'm getting more and more confused.

But it became more and more real, and many people were very excited, as if all their efforts and persistence were worth it.

'Ku, my king'

These people can't help bowing.

And I was supported by my father. I stared at the field, grinned my lips, and finally remained silent because I didn't know what to say.

I looked at Kui in the field again, and Kui also seemed to feel my eyes, and his eyes also looked in my direction.

Maybe I should believe that all this is true. That's what I think.

But suddenly someone answered me, and the voice said, "Maybe all this is fake!"

I looked in the direction of the voice, but saw his eyes. He was smiling at me. I couldn't understand the meaning of this smile, but I guessed something.

She is still confronting him.

And she seems to be waiting for an answer.

Many things have become meaningless now, after all, so many years have passed. Just like those years, the huge sacrifice, the sacrifice about her.

But he didn't die back then.

The war that the sacrifice wanted to pray for did not win, but there was a small accident at the beginning, that is, she survived forever.

The moment she climbed out of the bronze coffin, she understood this.

Later, as the idea of sacrifice in those years, it seems that this is a conspiracy. She survived, and he survived.

Now, they have met.

She stared at Kui with bright eyes.

Finally, he sighed leisurely.

Just when everyone is waiting for the result.

Suddenly, the blue flames burned all over, and the strong light made the orchid yin soldiers seem to disappear.

"No! Wang!" Someone shouted and made such a appeal.

Someone wanted to go forward, but was stopped by Kui, and his whole body was full of unquestionable domineering. He said, "Let me atone for my sins!" With that, a tear slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"She wants me to die, I'll die!" This was the last sentence that Kui said. Soon, the blue firelight swallowed him, and then some dark soldiers sang ghost Fangwen to lead him to the bronze coffin.

The ghost Fangwen sung by the Yinbing this time made people feel sad. All the people knelt down again, and some people were even crying and howling.

So many years of hard work are about to succeed, and now it has been burned again.

"Wang, why is this?"

Someone has raised questions.

But no one answered anymore.

There will be no more kings in this world! Originally, he should not exist.

And she looked at the dead again. After he completely disappeared, a tear slipped out of the corners of her eyes. But her eyes are extremely tough.

Finally, she suddenly came towards me, which made me a little panicked!

She looked at me, looked at Song Ran again, and finally said, "Exper your true face!"

Song Ran paused and tore off the skin on his face, but the exposed face surprised me. The same is true of the clay figurine. The face she is now is actually my face, but she knows from her body that this is not me.

Soon, her hand took off a layer of skin from her face, and a delicate face appeared. She was a girl in her 20s.

The clay figurine was relieved when he saw this, and his previous doubts about me were completely solved.

I now understand that this is a meticulous layout, but I am pulled in step by step.

I looked at her and said, "Are you a hill?"

She nodded heavily.

Her face is so calm that people can't see any waves.

Finally, she said to me, 'Thank you, you are a good man!'

I was a little speechless and still looked at her.

"Actually, my real name is not Hill, but Kuiling." After saying that, she didn't wait for me to answer and said, "Everyone quit quickly! This place is going to collapse soon!"

"I have touched the mechanism!" The hills are the way to me.

These voices made some people panic, but some people still knelt on the ground and refused to get up. They still refused to believe that their king was dead.

But some people have retreated.

"Follow me, I know the shortcut!" The hills shouted!

Where's Zhang Tong! I suddenly wondered. When I saw the hills lying on the ground, I quickly ran to pick her up and then followed her out.

And some people don't want to go out, and no one can dissuade them. Finally, there is no way, so we have to go first!

Fat Ma limped behind me.

Suddenly, in the space that seemed to end to the third floor, a path suddenly appeared. We followed her and soon came to the long bridge.

The people who came out soon crossed the long bridge.

But when we stood in our footsteps, the hills ran over again.

The ground began to shake, the wall overhead also cracked, and the long bridge was shaking violently, and the visible building had collapsed.

I looked at the hills and shouted to her come quickly, but she didn't.

She stood still, the wind blew up under the cliff, and her hair swayed. Her face was a little sad, and she said to me, "I don't belong to this world!"

Suddenly, just as she finished speaking, the end of the long bridge broke, and the hills were like butterflies that had lost their wings and were about to fall under the cliff.

I suddenly felt something tingling, and I shouted the name of the hilly in my mouth and asked her not to.

My footsteps were also ready to move, but when I realized that there was still Zhang Tong in my arms, my steps stopped! Fatty Ma shouted for me to go quickly!

The cliff opposite has collapsed, and the cliff here is almost crumbling!

Finally, we moved again, and then I looked back. The hills had disappeared. Behind us, we could only hear the sound of the wind and the sound of the boulder rolling and collapsing.

It seems that everything is coming to an end! Or, it's over!


A year later, Zhang Tong and I were very happy to get married as scheduled, and my grandfather and father were very happy.

However, there are some words that we will never say to people.

And there are some questions, and I don't want to ask, and I don't want to know the so-called answers.

As long as the people around you are here, it is the happiest thing!

A few days later, the post office suddenly sent me a letter without a signature, but when I read the letter, there was a huge wave in my heart again.

I can only see that the infall in the lower right corner is the word hilly.
