burial day


The night is as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. A hand stained with blood and mud opened with difficulty, squirmed forward, and then returned to calm. This is a secluded alley. There are three people crawling on the ground. Blood trickled out of their limbs, mouths, noses and back of their heads, like splashing ink, leaving a large area of red.

After a long time, the hand squirmed again, but the movement seemed to be much more agile, unlike the hard work just now. The hand squirmed for a while, and then the other hand also moved. A swaying, bloody man actually sat up!

He is still alive.

He swallowed the cold gas at night, and his lungs sounded like a bellows for the countryside. Every time he gasped, he seemed to touch his whole body. Although the wounds on the body are all skin injuries, they are very painful. This breath is even more painful.

"Xu Fei, next time there will be a good-looking one!"

He cursed in a low voice, patted the dirt on his clothes, rubbed the black and blue place, and was furious - whoever encounters such a situation and is severely beaten will always be like this. After simply dealing with his injury, he had a little difficulty in greeting his two brothers.

"Hey, wake up..."

"Panda...Brother Bao, wake up..."

"Brother Bao!"

Panda and Brother Bao are still motionless. Obviously, they are still in a coma. After screaming for a while without response, he also gave up his futile action. Taking a breath, he did not have the strength to leave the alley. For the time being, he could only use the earth as a bed and the sky as the cover, and fell into fantasy.

His name is Yihe.

The surname Yi is rare. If it hadn't been for such a Yi Zhongtian on TV, many people would not have known that there would be such a strange surname in the world. If you want to ask more young people, especially those who have read too many online novels, then they will definitely think of the character of a book - Yi Chen.

Easy to combine.

When his family gave him this name, it meant "easy because of the time, easy because of people, easy because of profit, so easy because of easy".

He stared at the stars in the sky. He didn't know before that the sky could be so beautiful. In fact, think about it carefully, how can this be strange and easy? Under the cover of high-rise buildings and shining neon lights, who can notice the starry sky overhead?

If it hadn't been for the secluded here, and if Yi He didn't have no strength at this time, how could he notice this narrow sky?

The most sexual thing is an old neighborhood here!

Yi He thought secretly: "Today, we were chased into a dead end with people by Xu Fei. Otherwise, we can't beat it and run away? Depressed and depressed, it's also the boy's most hateful. When I recover and don't beat you to kneel on the ground and sing to conquer, I'm sorry for my surname..."

A dark cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Sister-in-law, are you all right?"

Brother Bao on the left sat up and pulled an ugly smile on his mouth. Such a move alone has increased his pain by hundreds of percent. Yi He said, "For good, I recovered much faster than you. I have to practice more with my small body, and we will take revenge next time..."

Brother Bao is also ruthless... "Don't let him kneel on the ground and sing to conquer, take off his underwear and go home. I'm not Brother Bao!"

"I'm a panda, and I'm really fucked today!"

"Who can calculate that Xu Fei's bastard is really amazing, and he is still dozens of people. I didn't hang up today. It's our buddy's luck. However, we are not afraid of wearing shoes. Next time, we will beat Xu Fei alone, see him once, and beat him once until he is afraid!"

Yi He also began to be fierce.

The panda said, "That's necessary. You have to beat him so much that you don't even know him!"

Brother Bao smiled, and the meat on his face was twitching, and his dirty face was a little proud. He said, "Sister, next time we will have a good plan. Let's wash it today and go home quickly. But it's agreed that no one is allowed to talk to parents about this kind of thing!"

"Cut, no one is melon peel?"

Brother Bao's words attracted two middle fingers.

The three people helped together and easily moved out of the alley. They waved to the street lights to stop the taxi... A car drove quickly in front of their eyes. Then there is another one... Forget it, who dares to pull their shape? Three people took out the mobile phone and saw that it was turned off. After trying to turn it on, it was not broken!

Yi He looked up to the sky and sighed: "Daily, who said that domestic products are not of good quality? The mobile phone has been hit so hard that it's still fine. I'll call home first..."

"Hey... why don't you even have a standby sound?"

"Dat, I'll take back what I just said."

Yihe was extremely depressed. His mobile phone was not broken and the receiver was broken. He simply sent a text message to his home, saying that he was staying at his classmate's house today. Don't worry about your family. The remaining two people laughed, but they were not in the mood to laugh at this time. They also took out their mobile phones to learn from each other!

Panda asked, "Sister-in-law, are we going to sleep on the street today?"

"Forget it, let's also experience the suffering of the people."

"Daily, where is Tianli?"

The three people scolded and complained, but they could only honestly find a shelter to rest. If you want them to go home, it's just a play! This is the closest to Brother Bao's home, but the nearest distance is more than 20 miles. When will it be back?

And the most important thing is that they don't have the physical strength to go back.

The three of Yihe searched several nearby streets for a long time before they found a feng shui treasure - in fact, this is a parking shed. Now there are many thieves, and there are not many cars in the shed. People who care a little about it have carried the battery car home. Yi He has seen an awesome man. On the sixth floor, he carried it home every day. It is called exercise. Yi He curled his lips helplessly and said, "Let's live here today..."

Brother Bao said, "It's really sad to get home. It's the first time to live in a carport. Forget it, sister-in-law, let's listen to you today and experience life. It's also good to have more thieves. At least there are few cars here, so we can have a good night..." The three of them found a clean place to sit down and rest.

Not to mention, the facilities in this carport are still very complete. There is a chair with a crooked foot, which can barely be done. There is also a scrapped soft cushion on the ground, which can sit under the buttocks. The three people gave full play to their subjective initiative and finally solved the problem of sitting--

There was a little too much blood loss, and the three people tossed around together again, that is, they began to hit their eyelids. Soon, I fell asleep, and I don't know how long it took. I felt as if someone was cursing in a low voice and kicking myself. Yi He opened his eyes in a daze and saw a foot kicking his waist and eyes. Then there was a pain, and the whole person rolled out three times to one side.

"Why do you hit people?"

When he turned over, he felt a pain all over his body. The old injury and a few feet were kicked by someone who had just been kicked, and his facial features were a little entangled. After Yi He stood up, he saw clearly who hit him! That's a begly, ragged and barefoot.

And the begling and several gang members were putting their feet on the panda and Brother Bao. Panda and Brother Bao also woke up one after another and got up and shouted, "What's going on? Grandma, why does your whole body hurt? I'm going to do it. What are you? Why do you hit people?" The two stood beside Yihe together. Although there were only three of them, the current situation is different from that just now!

When Xu Fei went to war with them just now, there were dozens of people on the other side. Even if the three of them had three heads and six arms, they could not deal with it. They could only run away and be beaten. But now these beggars are only five people, two more than Yihe, but the advantage in numbers can't make up for the physical shortcomings. One of these five begren is polio, and the battle value is equal to zero.

The other four people seem to have some problems. Either one leg is long and one leg is short, or the years of beggar gang life have made them secretly entangled, and there is no way to compare their physical quality with Yiyi. Although Yihe and others have just been beaten and have lost a lot of blood, it is more than enough to deal with these flowers!

The flower, who seems to be the head, rubbed his nose with the back of his hand and said, "This is our territory. You can't come here. Have you said hello? Humph, we also have rules in this industry. If you don't leave a leg today, don't want to leave. Hey hey, I will help you today. The beggar gang, if you want more money, you have to pretend to be pitiful, but after all, it's better to pretend to be pitiful, isn't it? What, do you have a problem?"

Brother Bao said, "Fuck you, do you still want me with one leg? I'll let you kneel on the ground and sing conquest now!" Brother Bao spoke together and put his foot on the beggar's belly. This action can be said to be a skilled worker, and the beggar who spoke at the front immediately turned into a rolling gourd and screamed.

As soon as Brother Bao moved his feet, the panda and Yi He also began to move their feet. The three people have gone through the night's running-in. Now they are quite smart. The experience of fighting has risen. The three people's feet kicked like another begling at the same time. This is called each to break and concentrate their superior forces to destroy the enemy. With strength, three feet came to the belly of the begza, and the begza also fell down.

After the wheel foot passes, it is a short emptiness - if you want to kick people again, you must first drop your feet, stabilize your center of gravity, and lift your feet and kick again. In practice, many people will use the wall, live shoulder support, grab arms and other ways to get the center of gravity...

Yihe used such a method. One foot went down and the other foot got up again. Four beggars who were thin and had no body and had no strength were beaten down by them, and then the three people around the leader were kicked to death. Who told him to say just that he wanted them to have one hand? It's already a face to deal with such a person and not to mutilate him. Suddenly, Yihe shouted "ah".


Yihe's hand covered the back of his head and suddenly sat on the ground. The trickle of blood came out, and it seemed that his head had been broken. Not knowing what the other party's murder weapon was, Yi He suddenly felt a feeling of swelling and pain in his brain, which seemed to be a soaring balloon that was about to burst... He held his head in his hands and kept rolling on the ground, and the frightening howls echoed far away.

A thin begling spread his hands and stared at his empty palm.

Just now, he obviously picked up a stone the size of a palm in the carport... The weather was too dark to see clearly. It was probably a stone. He patted Yihe hard on the back of his head, and then the back of Yihe's head bleed. However, this is not the reason why he is so demented!

What really shocked him was what happened next - blood flowed out, and blood bathed on the stone in his hand. The stone suddenly melted and released a very bright purple light spot, and then quickly got into Yihe's head.

What exactly is that?

One foot kicked him hard in the stomach, and he was sober. This is not the time to be in a daze at all, because they are still fighting. Then, the other foot also kicked over fiercely, screaming one after another, but it could not cover the sound from Yi He's mouth... He seemed to be crazy and howling, rolling on the ground, and the residents around him were awakened.

Through the window, you can see that the lights of the house are on.

About ten minutes later, the siren sounded. If it is usual, Brother Bao and Panda must have pulled Yi He away. But now that Yihe is like this, it is impossible for them to leave! Anyway, everyone is a brother. If you want to go in, go in together. Everyone takes care of each other, and even the so-called boss in the detention center doesn't need to be a bird...

Brother Bao said, "Panda, what do you say?"

The panda rubbed his painful arm and said, "These five people want to steal. We can't ignore it. We can't act bravely for justice. If we hadn't come here, their car shed would have been pried..." Brother Bao nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, after our three high school students, after evening self-study, I happened to see these bets trying to steal, so I went up to stop them, and then there was a violent conflict!"

The two of them made a statement in a few words, and when the police asked, they said so. Anyway, the three of them are at home, and their performance in school is quite good, and people can't catch any bad teenagers. Ninety-nine percent of the possibility, the police will also award them a bravery award to reward such a good young man who is responsible to society and the people and can stand up.

A white off-road police car stopped. It was dark and did not see what two words were written on the door. They saw the headlights in front of the car swing towards here. Their eyes were dazzling, and they didn't even see clearly how they opened the door and got off the car. They heard the sound and footsteps. There was a rush, followed by a messy shout... "Don't move, squat on the ground... Don't move, talk about you, squat down!"

Brother Bao and the panda squatted down with their heads in their arms, waiting for the arrival of the police uncle. As for the five beggars, they were also honest at this time. After squatting down, the police came to torture all the people, leaving only one who had a headache on the ground. A policeman asked, "What should I do?"

The director looked at Yi He and said, "I'll be sent to the hospital nearby. When it's almost done, we'll finish recording the confession. It's just a fight case... Xiao Zhang, you take this boy to the hospital. I'll take these people back and ask first. Fuck, it won't stop at night!" He took out a cigarette from the pocket of his uniform and lit it. The director took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone:


The receiver was the sound of the other party's phone standby, and it took a long time to connect. The director said, "Xiaoyi, something has happened to your boy. Well, I was beaten... Well, don't worry, we are all old classmates. We have me. It's okay... Well, well, don't worry, I just told you, don't worry... Well, I took your boy to the hospital. It's okay. Don't worry, you can't trust me?"

"The director..."

"Ye-huh, let's go!"

The police car returned to the police station with a full car of people. Such small disputes, fights and other things really could not shock the criminal police team. The director took all the people in and began to ask for the record. The first thing he asked was Brother Bao and Panda, and they began to make a confession that had already been thought of.

The director frowned and didn't say much to the two of them, and then passed on to the five beggars. Unexpectedly, when he asked, the other party crawled along the pole, not only admitting that he had beaten people, but also confessed to the theft. The director had an idea and transferred the files of some previous cases, all of which were several theft cases, and those people still admitted their pleasure... So Changchun proudly stretched out.

In the cell of the detention center, Brother Bao and Panda sat in the corner with their knees in their arms. The five beggars cried gratefully to the three of them and said a large basket of apologies, hoping that they could forgive them. The beggar who patted Yiyi's bricks didn't know how many mouths he had!

Several beggars said, "Two brothers, can't we apologize? You are our reborn parents. If you can be sentenced to a few more years this time, we will thank you for your whole life... I heard that if you go to prison and have meat to eat, you don't have to starve, and you can also be on bail for medical treatment. Our fifth polio can also be cured. And Lao San's arthritis and Lao Si's stomach, we really thank you..."

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