burial day

[0024]Fate, wonderful

A plane landed at the airport in Sanya with a huge roar. Yihe pedestrian came to the lobby of the waiting room with his carry-on luggage. Just a few steps away, a guide lady trotted to Yi He and asked, "Sir, can you wait a moment? Well, it only takes a few minutes!"

Yi He was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?"

Miss Guide said, "You will know later. Anyway, just wait a moment..." Then Miss Guide covered her voice and whispered a few words to her mobile phone... "Xiaoxi, hurry up! I have found a person, and it's really the same as what you said. It's different..."

Although Miss Guide's voice is very small, Yihe's ears are very sharp, and she just heard it clearly. Yi He thought that he didn't seem to have much intersection with the people here. Is it - the stewardess who was walking and running errands by herself again and again? Yi Heyi was completely depressed when he thought of this.

Eating a loaf of bread is really speechless...


The sound of a rapid high-heeled shoes hitting the ground sounded, which could tell that the other party was running here quickly. Yihe's eyes followed the sound... Sure enough, it was the stewardess. In the lounge on the plane, the lady arranged herself a lot and became an old woman for herself.

I don't know how much better Yihe's five senses are now than ordinary people. Under the increasingly abnormality, such a voice can be heard, but I don't know how Xiaoxi will feel when she knows?

The stewardess, that is, the "Xiaoxi" in the mouth of Miss Lu, quickly approached here. She had changed into a long-sleeved turtleneck woolen milky white coat, red skirt, white boots, and black silk Xiaoxi was very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, she pulled out 50 pieces and threw them to Yihe and said, "I I don't owe you, bye!"

Yihe borrowed money and put it in his pocket. 50 yuan is not much, but it is also his income from labor, isn't it? Yi He asked strangely, "Hey, are you afraid that I will complain about you when you talk to me with this attitude?"

Xiaoxi took a vicious look and said, "I'm off work now, and the airline can't take care of it!"


Sister ran looked at Yi He, and then at Xiaoxi, who turned around and left, and said, "Let's go!"

Out of the airport, I took a call to a hotel to open a room. They have a day off today and will officially start work tomorrow - go to the beach to shoot outdoor scenes!

Yihe hates this place.

The climate of Sanya is simply a steamer for Yihe. Even if you run around with your bare buttocks, you can dry a few layers of skin. What's more, he still needs to wear thick pantyhose and all kinds of clothes to pose? This job is simply not done by human beings, Yihe thinks so.

Entering the room, Yihe lay in a stinky sweat**.

He didn't pull out the skin. After all, he had to go out for dinner later. He thought to himself that it would not be too late to take off his clothes when there was no one at night and he slept in his room! Therefore, Yi He covered himself with a zebra and fell asleep in a daze. He didn't know how long it took before he heard the doorbell.

When I opened the door, it was Sister .

Yi He said, "Sister!

Sister Ran said, "Well, how's your rest? Let's go down and eat something."


went downstairs, and the members who came together had already sat at a table and waited for them. As soon as they were together, they ordered some seafood. A colleague said, "This is the first time to eat seafood. Eat less, or you will have diarrhea!" No matter how much Yihe has, he has a lot of appetite, a gluttony belly, and there is almost no time to be full.

After sweeping away a table of dishes, Yihe ate almost one. On the second table, almost all of them were eating alone, while others were stunned and speechless.

It is easy to merge and not fat.

He is just a little stronger than his peers... But why does such a person have such an amazing appetite?

No one knows what the answer is!

After dinner, it was already dark outside, but they didn't want to go out to watch the night view of Sanya - after all, they have been tired all day on their way today, and the rest of the time is to have a good rest and rest.

Yihe returned to the room and began to take off his suit of clothes. He took them off layer by layer. The material of the clothes did not absorb much water, but now it is also moist. It is estimated that if he came like twisting a towel, he could squeeze out water, take off his clothes, and easily enter the bathroom.

The cold water was sprinkled from the lotus head, but it was not very cold. The warm water washed away the smell of sweat on his body, making him feel refreshed.

"I wash and brush..."

"Do it..."

After taking a shower, it is easy to fit and feel comfortable all over!

Throw the changed clothes into the washing machine, Yihe went out and turned on the computer equipped in the hotel. This is better now. You can also surf the Internet freely and easily in the hotel... As soon as you log on QQ, the message box begins to flash crazily, but there is only one person in it: the moon is flying.

Moon dance: Is there anyone...

Prince Zebra: Here we go.

Moon dance: Huh? Why did you change your name?

Prince Zebra: This name is more impressive.

Moon dance: Oh.


Yihe smiled and chatted with the moon dance. This moon dance was a native of Sanya, but Yi He complained about this place fiercely - sultry, humid and breathless. Anyway, Yihe didn't like it and didn't see anything good.

Yuewu Feiyang sent him a smiling face and wrote: Sanya is very beautiful. When you have time, shall we meet?

Prince Zebra: OK!

As he continued chatting, he couldn't describe it without a clever word. Yi He looked at Yuewu Feiyang and complained, saying that he met a freak today and almost broke his leg. He had a big stomach, ate 50 bags of bread, and then sent a smiling face. Fortunately, he won the bet.

It's easy to sweat, isn't it?

Yi He sent a video invitation, and then twisted the camera elsewhere. The other party's image shook on the screen and also twisted elsewhere. Yi He adjusted his language and said, "Now, please take a deep breath and face firmly and bravely to the computer. I'm going to show my true face!"

"Why is the sound so familiar?"

He muttered in a small voice and did not escape Yihe's ears. He talked nonsense in his heart. Today, he asked you for forty-nine times, plus dozens of cans of coke. No wonder he was unfamiliar with it!


Yihe twisted the camera to let the other party see his face and said, "Do you remember? On the plane, I ate fifty bags of bread..."

The other party screamed, "My eyes are blind. How can my husband be purple?"

"Jiang Zi is right."

Yihe is very unpleasant. The two of them have a voice, video, typing and chatting, which is very lively. The only thing that is certain is that Xiaoxi's resentment against him has almost dissipated. Using the expressions on the Internet, she whips, drops waxes, throws her dick away, and castrated...

These expressions make Yi He sweat coldly.

Of course, this stewardess is not ordinary and fierce. Fortunately, she is also a person who has a girlfriend. She is famous and doesn't worry about Xiaoxi's abuse her like this. Xiaoxi sent a vicious expression and said, "Today I'm angry, but it's the first time I've seen a man in stockings!"

Yi He answered four words: "Work needs."

Xiaoxi was silent for a moment and sent a few words: It's very beautiful, and the matching is very eye-catching, very standard. Not to mention anything else, just because it depends on your appearance, you know that it's not a sissy or a little white face. Are you have time? When I come to Hainan, I am the landlord. How about you play?

Yi He said, "We have a location tomorrow. How about you come together when you have time?"

Men have the same attributes and like to plunge into the pile of beautiful women. Although Yi He and Su Xiaoru are in love, Yi He still can't help but want a few more beautiful women - this is purely for eye-catching and has nothing to do with love. The other party sent an expression.

Easy to giggle.

Xiaoxi soon sent a picture of "pulling out and shooting 100 times" to Yihe, and then responded - tomorrow, smart, beautiful, generous, cold, gentle Yu Xiaoxi will be present, just let someone wait for a moment. Yihe replied quickly:

Tomorrow, look for the zebra, that's me.

After chatting for a while, it was getting late. Yihe turned off the computer, turned the light dark, and began to sit cross-legged on ** and run the quiet door.

Recently, he found that this is a good exercise - if he sits quietly for an hour before going to bed, he will be particularly sweet. The next day, he will be absolutely full of energy, and the nightmare that once troubled him has also dissipated. Gradually, Yihe also has a deeper sense of that quiet feeling.

This is a natural process...

Of course, Yi He absolutely can't see his current state. He doesn't know that there are some slender auras between heaven and earth that are instinctively and mechanically attracted by his body, and then penetrated into the pores and disappear without a trace.

It took just an hour. Yihe opened his eyes on time and lay down to sleep.

The next morning, Yihe got up on time, took a cold shower in the bathroom, and began to change clothes. It's still the same as yesterday. Because it's a male relationship, Yihe has to wear two pairs of underwear, one pair of briefs inside and one boxer shorts outside the pantyhose.

Carefully wear tights, put on brown shorts, white belts, and a good outfit on the lower body. However, Yihe still can't get used to the climate here. The north is about to enter November, but it is still hot here. Yihe sighed again: "Life..."

reluctantly put on that pair of soft leather high boots that I don't know what brand it is. Yihe maliciously guessed that Alice was helping a shoe factory to save money, or that the boots also planned to open the male market? To be honest, it doesn't matter if you wear these boots--

You are wearing all the pantyhose, do you still care about a boot? Someone has a broken mentality.

Put on a close-fitting elastic vest and look in the mirror together. The muscles of his chest and abdomen are still clearly visible, and they are outlined with a very three-dimensional sense. However, now is not the time to sigh. Yi closed the long-sleeved tight zebra-style black and white top, put on gloves and a vest.

His dress is finished. Looking in the mirror, there seems to be no problem!

Yes, the wrist and neck need to be dealt with...

Yi He complained that this three million annual salary job is simply troublesome, but on the other hand, he is absolutely reluctant to give up three million. He honestly dresses himself up. As long as he makes money, it doesn't matter, let alone playing a man now!

Yi He had no pressure in his heart. As soon as he finished returning his clothes, he heard the phone ring and opened it to see that it was Su Xiaoru's. Su Xiaoru asked at the other end of the phone, "Why did you answer the phone?" Did you just get up? It's one thing to go out, but practicing martial arts is another thing. Go and practice and be careful to come back and fall you!"

Su Xiaoru looked evil and laughed in her heart and said, "I went out to exercise, but no one would talk to you..."

"Put on your headphones, I want to hear your movement!"

It's really domineering.

Yi He shook his head helplessly, inserted his mobile phone into his pocket, hung up his headphones and went out. The hotel is near the beach. Yihe easily found the direction. He ran along a road and drank Su Xiaoru while talking. Time slipped away like this, and in a blink of an eye, the sun rose high.

Yi He said, "Xiao Ru, it's time for me to go back to the hotel!"

Su Xiaoru ordered, "One person should pay attention and remember to bring me a photo album when he comes back."

Yi He said, "OK!"

Su Xiaoru's request is easy to meet, but Yihe has now been soaked with sweat. As soon as she got up, she went back to take a shower. Obviously, it was not very realistic. Just as Yi He was entangled all the way back, Sister Rang and others had already been waiting below. Yi He took the initiative to say, "I'll go out for a run and let everyone wait for a long time. !"

Sister RAN said, "Exercise hard and be in good health, especially now as an endorsement. What you want is this image. If you can have a good habit of exercising like this, you should maintain it..."

Others also nodded one after another and said, "I've been taught."

Sister Rang laughed and said, "There are too few people on the beach now. Our shooting time is mainly after 10 a.m. When the sun sets in the evening, I estimate that most of the photos here can be completed in a day, and then we can relax for a day or two after work, and then go somewhere else!"

Yi He didn't expect it to be so fast, let alone the time period of roasting people to death. He almost fell down and fainted decisively. Yi He raised his hands and surrendered and said, "Sister, spare my life, why don't you let me live?"

Sister Ran said, "What are you talking about? It's a blessing to come to Sanya, Hainan to shoot. It has rich tourism resources and beautiful scenery, especially... When you see a glimmer of sky, the ends of the earth and so on, you will definitely like it here, I promise!" Sister Ran obviously doesn't understand the meaning of Yihe.

Maybe women's endurance is naturally higher than that of men...

Yi He was about to cry and said, "Sister, look at the clothes I wear, wrapped like rice dumplings, all day, it will kill people!"

Sister Ran said, "Isn't she wearing an extra layer of pantyhose? According to you, women still don't work? Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up. Don't be lazy when you start work... Makeup artist, please clean up Xiaoyi. Although Xiaoyi's current hairstyle is handsome enough, it seems that he should add a hat!"

A follower asked, "What kind of hat?"

"It's okay to match the clothes on your body."

Yi He didn't say anything. Since Sister RAN still wants to add a little difficulty to him, he can only put up with it - signing a contract is not much different from selling himself. Just in front of a table on the first floor, the makeup artist began to be busy putting on makeup for Yihe. This is a big challenge for the makeup artist!

Make up for a man is different from make up for a woman. Yi He didn't have the courage to see what his face would look like, so he simply closed his eyes.

Time passed very painfully, and finally everything was ready. The makeup artist withdrew from Yihe's side, and he also bought a lot of hats - fluff, baseball caps, top hats, and all kinds of hats almost the same, and then Yihe tried one by one to see if that hat was suitable...

"Stop, that's it. It looks good."

As the leader, Sister Ran saw the fluff on Yihe's head now. The fluff is a red Taoist on a white background, which is worn on Yihe's head, which makes Yihe feel very awkward... How to say? Is his body a clothes rack specially prepared for women's clothing?

Yihe is depressed. Isn't it right according to reason?

Look at the easy muscles, look at the biceps, look at the height, weight, and size, which seem to have nothing to do with these clothes, but suddenly, it seems that you have become the leader of this style? Once again, Yi He turned his life-reate white eyes depressedly.

Sister Ran said, "Okay, Xiaoyi, everyone, get ready, take the equipment and go."

At this time, Yihe's mobile phone rang again. As soon as I saw that the phone was Xiaoxi. The other party received a text message saying that he had arrived. He asked Yihe where he was. Yi He quickly sent the address. As a result, as soon as they left the door, Xiaoxi came over...

"Well, do you need any help?"

Xiaoxi wears a very comfortable suspender and a pair of denim hot pants on her lower body, which looks simple and cool, which makes Yihe envious. Sister Jiang and the others were stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say. They didn't know why the stewardess came here all of a sudden, and then their eyes turned to Yi He.

Yi He smiled dryly and explained, "In fact, it was such a thing. This stewardess is a netizen of mine. When chatting last night, he complained to me that a guy ate more than 50 bags of bread, and then... I thought, how could the bastard he said be the same as me?

Xiaoxi smiled and said, "So, we made a video call. I didn't expect it to be him."