burial day

[0040] Maha Prajna Paramita

Yang Bai, who went to Tianyun, was very unhappy. She was determined to take good revenge on Yihe - but the team had determined the task. She didn't want to get along with her bonus, so she couldn't let Yihe's pigeons go. In the evening, she took one of her very good colleagues to the nightclub!

Yang Bai counted the rules and annoying places one by one, and complained about the dead orders issued by the group this time, otherwise he would definitely give Yi He a good look. Her very good colleague gave her a good-looking idea, which is to take a walk around Yihe.

First of all, after coming to Beijing, tell him that the program has been cancelled. When he returns to Tianyun, he will tell him that he has not actually been cancelled. Once again, he seems to play monkeys, and maybe things will be successful. Yang Bai was in a much better mood, and then her colleague said another thing.

The relationship between Yang Bai's group is not good with Xiaoya, and Yihe's speaking style is very annoying. If this guy can come and make Xiaoya half dead, they can also be relieved.

Yang Bai picked up his glass and said, "Okay, cheers for our revenge..."


Yi He didn't know that he had been tricked. He is now busy. It's not that he has many things to do, but that the reporters of the local TV station make him very helpless - he wants learning materials, asks him about his experience of learning, and has to have an exclusive interview with the champion!

In fact, Yihe still understands their mood.

So, although Yi He was a little impatient, he did not show it. Everyone is for life, that's all! Yi He looked at the camera boredly and said, "Actually, if you want to win the college entrance examination smoothly, then give up all morning and evening self-study, play and learn is the best and most basic way!"

The reporter who took notes asked, "Easy Contract, can you explain it?"

Yi He said: "This truth is actually very simple, and everyone understands it. For example, we get up every morning to exercise and are in good health, but if you exercise all day, you will become overloaded exercise, which is not only harmful to the body, but also deadly. For example, if you eat too much, you will feel bloated!"

The reporter continued to take notes. It seemed that this should be a reporter from the newspaper. Yi He continued to fool him, "We learn knowledge just like digesting food. If there are too many stuffed things in your stomach, you will have indigestion... This is equivalent to anorexia, how much you learn and how much you forget!"

The reporter said, "Didn't Yi Contract Science really participate in morning and evening self-study?"

Yi He nodded affirmatively and said, "This is absolutely not. All students in the school know it. In fact, everyone understands this truth, but parents don't understand that the school needs to make money. How to make money if you don't set up tutoring classes other than normal learning? And those teachers are very treacherous to give new lessons in informal classes, causing those who don't want to receive tutoring to have a knowledge fault and can't keep up!"

The reporter began to ask again: "That..."

Yi He smiled and said that he knew what you were going to ask. Yi He said, "How can I keep up? It's very simple. When I found out the secret, I began to study systematically at my own pace without listening to the teacher's lectures. This is a very easy and comfortable process, and sometimes I skip class to go to the library..."

Reporter: "What books do you read when you go to the library?"

Yi He rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway, it's not a teaching assistant!"

Several reporters laughed, and the reporter of the TV station asked, "Now, many parents want their children to become successful, but they didn't expect to make their children suffer from anorexia. The Yi contract theory is really confusing, and what's more surprising is that there are so many loopholes in education! What does Yi Contractxue think of this?

"I have no opinion!"

This is a big problem. Although Yihe has the power to be free in the world, it can't be solved. So it's better for him not to say such a problem. An education involves all aspects. If he offends people like this again, he will offend everyone!

Seeing that the question has gradually separated from the manuscript that has been prepared for a long time, and Yi He's answer is even more dizzy. Several reporters exchanged eyes with each other, and one person asked, "Yi Contract, can you say what do you think of the rebellious generation and the lost generation?"

Yi He asked, "Can I understand that you are talking about the post-90s generation?"


Yihe once again launched his big deception, saying without scruples and unscrupulously: "About this, I can understand that it has become a jealousy for youth, or a very special mentality after becoming a parent. In fact, whether it is the post-80s or the 70s, or even the post-10s, they all have a speechless childhood!"

The reporter chased: "What about?"

Yi He said, "Who hasn't messed around? The 10th generation is a rebellious generation. After generation after generation of rebellion, we have what we are now. I forgot to say that in fact, I was also born in the 1990s. It's my job to defend them, but some things are too detailed..."

The reporter asked, "How about it?"

"It will be harmonious!"

Several reporters rolled their eyes and said that we will naturally help you filter and transform the harmonious content. What are you worried about? Of course, they can't understand Yi He's idea, because Yi He would rather not say it than let them distort the meaning of his words, so he specially recorded it for himself.

After several more sessions of the interview, it was finally over. Yihe moved his neck and said, "Have a good time, everyone, but you must report it truthfully, otherwise I will sue. Occasionally there is evidence...record a copy!"

Why did Yihe tell them about the recording here?

Because our law is very obscene - secretly, recordings without the consent of a third party are invalid, especially without their knowledge. Yihe children's shoes also studied the law when he was in the library, and naturally understood this simple truth very well.

Several reporters laughed uglyly and then fled.

This guy seems to have a deep hatred with them. Yi He quarrels with these people and is tired. Therefore, Yihe simply lay in ** and fell asleep. A mobile phone ringing woke up Yihe... He picked up his mobile phone and listened to it, but he didn't know what the other party was saying, just a few words of kindness!

When Yihe woke up from sleep, he didn't know what the phone he just answered said. At the same time, Yang Bai in Beijing was excited. Just come. I'll tell you tomorrow that you don't need to be on your program, and then... Hey hey, the pleasure of revenge made Yang Bai ** for a while.

Yi He is about to go crazy - not long after he got up, the second wave of reporters came.

Although every city has a top student in the college entrance examination, his national top student can naturally attract the attention of the vast majority of people in the country, especially those children in high school, who are waiting for him to pass on their experience.

"I can't stand it!"

Yi He didn't take off his clothes, so he got soaked in the shower. The irritable anger in his heart faded little by little, and Yi He squatted on the ground depressively!

It's hard to be a person, it's hard to be a celebrity!

Su Xiaoru opened the bathroom door and "fished" Yihe. "What's wrong with you? What's crazy? Taking a shower in clothes? Do you know how much this dress costs? You, you... Forget it, I really have nothing to say. Go and change your clothes quickly and be careful not to catch a cold..."

Yi He said, "I've been a little annoyed lately!"

Su Xiaoru asked, "Did those reporters affect your practice?"


It's true. In the past few days, the noisy Yihe of those reporters can't be clean. It's hard to say, even the results of their own impact on the second vein of Rendu in those days have almost turned into nothing - it's useless, which is to make these annoying things completely useless, and the hard work of Yihe turned into water!

Su Xiaoru comforted, "Maybe it will be better in the future?"

Yihe took a breath and said, "Maybe so. If I can't be quiet, I think I can only find a better place in the deep mountains and forests to devote my practice."

Su Xiaoru said, "I'll accompany you!"

Yi He said, "The mountains are lonely, so you can't go or try not to go. In the secular world, if we can not participate, we should try not to participate. I also regard this as a kind of training. We can't roll out a round and lost golden elixir in the world. Everything is also a fake and can't be counted!"

In the deep mountains, people's hearts are unimpeded.

Although they seek quietness and have cultivation, this cultivation is so unstable and their hearts are so fragile. Any difficulty or even ** can make them completely lose themselves in the world. Isn't this the so-called world disaster of practitioners?

Therefore, the mind sharpened in the world is the same as the lost golden elixir. The road is mixed and unshakable. Only with such a firm mind can make extraordinary achievements.

It takes great perseverance and perseverance to die alone in the deep mountains, but it is more difficult to maintain your own sincerity in the world. What you need is not only great perseverance and perseverance, but also great wisdom and persistence, as Buddhism said:

Maha Prajna Paramita.

With great wisdom to escape from the other side, this is the meaning of these eight words.

Yihe is not only reading Taoist classics, mathematics, physics, law and other things, but also dabbled in various religious collections such as the Bible and Buddhist scriptures. Although these books are somewhat superstitious, they are a key to wisdom for Yihe -

Yihe respects the results of any book.

This learning process is a process of removing counterfeiting and storing essence. Because Yihe has too little accumulation now, he only remembers most of them and understands a little bit. Although the daily silence made him gain something, the midnight work was delayed and in vain. It was all caused by those reporters.

Yi He also saw his own shortcomings - the heart can't be fixed, God can't keep it, and the essence can't exist.

If it goes on like this, even if no one disturbs him in the early stage, there will be problems later, but he will definitely go crazy. Even if it really goes well, it will turn into ashes in the last disaster. If a person is hardware itself, then his heart is software!

How much damage the virus is to computers, then how much the mind destroys people.

Su Xiaoru encouraged Yihe and said, "Xiaoyi, if you want the world to refine your heart, I will accompany you in the world. If you want to dive in the deep mountains, I will also accompany you to be pure. And I believe you, you are very talented in martial arts, and you are also talented in practicing martial arts!"

Easy to laugh and didn't say anything.

His capital is indeed strong, but he seems to be a prodigal son!

Although it is difficult to enter the silence these days, Yihe insists on entering the silence every day. The second vein of Rendu has closed to the door of Dantian, but Yihe still persists - Qiu Miaomiao told him that if Dantian is closed, then he will really be completely useless and will start over again.

Repeated defeats and defeats, this is the current Yihe.

The previously opened meridians are closed, and Dantian is about to close. Such a thing makes Yi He very anxious, but the more he is unable to calm himself down, the faster Dantian closes. This is an inevitable momentum, and finally Yi He also gave up... The night light is like water, and the heart is empty.

After relaxing, Yi He actually felt that his whole body was soaked in warm water, like a baby. His heart became transparent and crystal clear, and there was a voice in the spiritual platform reciting "Maha Prajna Paramita", back and forth in a row!

It seems that there is a group of monks surrounding the Yi He Nianjing.

In the world, but out of the world, the so-called lost thing is restrained for reliance!

The reli is the essence of wisdom cohesion, which is the ark that reaches the other side. For a monk, the reli is perfect. Yi He has no reli, but the sound of chanting the scriptures in his mind makes him more and more and more ethereal, as if he has grasped the fleeting wisdom of emptiness-

What is this? Epiphany?

Although Yihe did not have so much wisdom, at the last moment, he put down the burden and relaxed all over. This is to put down the butcher knife and forget to kill, and you can become a Buddha. In the same way, Yihe has no way out and no way forward.

He can't take a step back or take a step forward, so he can only put it down!

Put it down, everything is empty.

A time passed quickly, Yihe slowly opened his eyes and said, "When you are a Bodhisattva, you can see that the five aggregates are empty and all sufferings. Relison, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and it is the same.

"The relith is the empty phase of all laws, which is not born and immortal, not dirty or clean, and does not increase or decrease. Therefore, there is no color in the air, no imagination, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, colorless sound, fragrance and touch, no eye boundary, and even unconscious world. There is no obscurity, no obscurity, and even no death of old age, no death.

"There is no suffering and destruction, no wisdom and no gain.

"For the sake of nothing, Bodhisattva, according to Prajna Paramita, there is no hindrance, no hindrance, no horror, away from the reversal of dreams, and nirvana.

"The three Buddhas, according to Prajna Paramita, obtained the Avalokiteshvara. Therefore, it is known that Prajna Paramita is a great god spell, a great god spell, a supreme spell, and a mantra that can eliminate all sufferings, which is true. Therefore, Prajna Paramita mantra, that is, the mantra is said: reveal the desu, the desu, the desu desu, the desu desu, the desugar desu, the Bodhisattva.

Yi Hexin got something, and subconsciously recited this Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra. This scripture has a great history, which is the true scripture translated by Xuanzang from Tianzhu.

The state of mind and the scriptures are quietly united.

After that, Yi He took a breath and didn't expect what he had cultivated. In the end, it turned out to be such a four unlikes. Taoist collections, Bibles, Buddhist scriptures, and even mathematics, physics and physics were used. It's really not surprising.


In Miao Tea House, Qiu Miaomiao took a sip of tea and said to Yi He, "Two days ago, you were very worried, irritable, full of red dust and turbidity. Today, you have a new look. It seems that you have gained something!" There is a very comfortable taste in Qiu Miao's smile.

Yi He said, "There is no way forward and no door behind. If I don't put it down, how can I reach the other side?"

Qiu Miaomiao smiled and said, "The Taoist has no way to control his six qi. The Buddha has no door. He sits on the ground and everything is empty. If you don't ask for it, it is a great desire... There is already a hill in his heart. Why do you have to go again?"

This sentence of hatred is actually a little Zen, but it is easy to understand. But he still understands the six qi in front of him. As for the big desire, no desire and so on, Yihe can only understand the superficial meaning. As for what is hidden in it, he still needs to understand!

Now Yihe has no worries.

Yi He said, "That's right."

Qiu Miaomiao said, "You can't understand these now, but you don't need to understand them. Because you will understand one day that many people will take detours, and so will you. Don't be discouraged... Cultivation, what you originally asked for was to be detached from this cage, free from heaven and earth. What Taoists seek is detached, and what Buddhism also seeks from detachment.

Yi He asked, "Is there any difference?"

"I don't know!"

I don't know, but in fact, Yihe doesn't know either.

Yi He drank tea here and left, because he really had a lot of things to do. For example, he just received a phone call saying that the program of Happy Dictionary was cancelled - Yi He thought of this, but he was not too willing to go. But in the afternoon, he said he would not cancel it...

Yi He hung up Yang Bai's phone, rubbed his temples, and muttered, "What about playing monkeys?"

Yang Bai in Beijing is very happy. He will tell him not to cancel and ask him to come over tomorrow... But Yang Bai thinks well, but will Yi He really go there? He is not a monkey, and he doesn't like to be fooled! Yihe shook his legs and walked in the direction of Alice Group.