burial day

[0058]Rainy night, killing

In a manor to which the Holy See belongs, thirty-six fist-sized jades are intricately arranged on the ground, forming a strange array. The aura between heaven and earth is absorbed and transformed by the array, and an invisible force breaks through the shackles of the sky and hits the power of light.

The aura of heaven and earth directly communicates with heaven and earth, while 36 monks stand around 36 jade, each holding a bronze sword with a serious face.

There is also one person in the array, carrying floating dust, incense cases, tokens, charms, bells, swords and other items in front of him, and there are some members of the Holy See standing outside the array. They are a little incomprehensible to watch these Taoists busy doing strange things, but they don't know what's use!

However, they can feel the light shrouding in the sky. Even after communicating with heaven and earth and breaking through the seal here, they can also feel that these Taoist priests seem to walk and stop, very relaxed, but in fact they have used great * mana.

"The righteous God of Heaven listens to me and Gou Chen Emperor..."

The sword waved, the blue light, and the winds under his feet swept away, blowing the ground extremely cleanly. Thirty-six charms around the array flew up in the wind, and fire came out. The invisible force rushed to the sky, and the man's sword also pointed to the sky!

"When Hai is full of clouds and rain, you can't be wrong, otherwise you will be killed according to the law!"

The man's beard was open, and a loud shout was like thunder. The shocked people around him did not react, and then there seemed to be a obscure and vast breath falling from the sky, and the magnificent sky was not cast.

After the Taoist practice, the seal of light in the sky naturally healed. He said to the Holy See outside, "There will be a heavy rain in London tonight, and it will be up to you..." A group of Taoist priests gathered together and the follower left.

A cardinal came out of the darkness and muttered, " Weird, strange... How can these heresers borrow the power of the supreme father? Yes, that's the power of the father!" With some fanaticism in his eyes, the Cardinal turned and shouted, "Come on, take me back and send the fastest helicopter. No, bring my laptop..."

The cardinal couldn't wait to take the laptop from a man's hand and open the information inside to find it. The great flood came from the top secret record of the Holy See... The supreme father was exiled to the Caucasus mountains, and the vulture ate his flesh and blood every day...

If an outsider comes here and sees this information, he will definitely think of a famous mythical figure: Prometheus, who brought fire to human beings.

Prometheus was exiled for bringing fire to people and against the will of Zeus, but he had his own believers among human beings. During the flood, he told people the way out to live. Adam led some primitive humans to make Noah's Ark from giant wood...

Then they drifted all the way to Central Asia and waited for the flood to fade away when they returned to the land where they were born, but at that time... the god Olympus had fallen, and the Nordic gods also fell. On the land of China, all the gods in the world seemed to have fallen--

Why did it fall, but no one knows! ( This book system follows the "Da Dao Song". Why did God fall? Let's read the book Da Dao Song. Hahaha, I am very shameless and lazy. Although the update is relatively stable, when it comes to the conception of a big framework... So I quote it directly!)

So Prometheus became the only god in the eyes of Westerners. His character and sentiments have been recognized by human beings, so everyone calls him supreme, supreme and strongest, and only the sky is worthy of these three words. The sea and sky are wide, and the sky is the largest, the tallest, and the most invincible!

So, Prometheus became another person in the long river of history, and he had a name of his own - God!


This is the origin of that sect.

This is a secret that is sealed underground, but no one knows it. The Pope and only a few bishops knew the secret, but no one told it. It was a secret.

The handwriting on the pictures of the old sheepskin scroll is slightly blurred. This is a unique scan of several cardinals. The Hebrew on it records some things that have happened in history in detail. This scroll comes from nearly 2,000 years ago, when China seemed to be in the Han Dynasty.

There are many unexpected things recorded in it, but more is a word that is repeatedly mentioned - "god". This word is taken out separately, unlike the "heaven", let alone "angel", but this "god" is unique!

The Lord said, "Everything in the world can't escape the eyes of gods!"

This sentence has long been deleted from the Bible, but I don't know how long it has been, but it suddenly flashed in the cardinal's mind, and only this ancient sheepskin scroll can see such a sentence. But what does this sentence mean? He originally wanted to find out why those Taoist priests could communicate, but...

Now it seems that the god is more attractive.

The god, in the record of the sheepskin scroll, is an extremely tall body. When he shows his whole body, there is a giant nearly 100 meters high. Compared with the gods, the legendary Titan is just a naughty boy who has just grown to his waist... (God, guess by yourself!)

However, the Cardinal has not forgotten his business, and he is still trying to find useful news. Finally, the information of Gou Chen Emperor surfaced. Gou Chen Emperor, Zeus, Nordic mythology, many seemingly irrelevant things were linked by an invisible line!

The cardinal frowned and looked up at the sky, which was extremely confused. He didn't find the answer he needed, but let more information confuse him.

At night, the wind suddenly blew, and a large area of black clouds gathered towards London, which soon covered London tightly. After less than half an hour, raindrops the size of peanuts began to fall, and the streets suddenly became empty...

Several exquisite scalpels gently flew out of their hands and accurately inserted into a steel pipe, leaving only a small piece of hand-grabbed handle. Yihe looked at the sky outside and said, "Xiaoru, what do you think those people think? Is it to confuse the public to make such a rain come out?

Su Xiaoru said, "This weather happens to fish in troubled waters. Maybe they think we will also go... It's true that we can't do it. Xiaoyi, what have you prepared for these drowned chickens?"

Yi He smiled and said, "Don't think of your man so badly. Although men are not bad and women don't love them, we are not ordinary men, and you are not ordinary women. Go, turn on the TV, and soon we can see that Director Hans is powerful and bring a group of robbers to justice..."

Su Xiaoru was a little worried and said, "Can they catch those monks?"


Yi He can answer this question without hesitation, because Director Hans changed some very special weapons at Yi He's prompt. For example, the gun that can shoot fishing nets, for example, *, in short, the firepower is enough, and some firepower is not enough, but it can delay people's movements.

The kind of gun that shoots fishing nets is specially used to catch thieves, which is more suitable here - the amazing fishing nets can make a practitioners unable to exert his speed advantage within 30 seconds, and during this period, a * can shoot at least 5,000 bullets!

If there is still a problem with such a lineup, it is the problem of the police. Yi He said painfully, "And not only these things, but also rocket launchers, as well as mines, explosives and flash bombs. As long as they are used reasonably, even if the old man of God comes in person, it will be tragic!"

Su Xiaoru gritted her teeth for a long time and finally slapped Yihe: "When did you learn so badly?"

sighed that Yi He had lost his purity, and Su Xiaoru kicked him again. It seemed that this man was going to become bad. What about the little man who used to be pure? Or, maybe, probably, is one of the reasons why Su Xiaoru doesn't want to think about it, that is, everyone is an old husband and wife, simply--

The original shape is exposed.

More than a dozen black cars, like ghosts in the pouring rain, galloped all the way towards the museum, and then stopped outside. The observation post hidden in the private house reported to Director Hans that those people had begun to take action. Director Hans took off his hat and fell on the table!

"Gentlemen, this action is very critical. If we catch the prisoner, our bonus is very big. If we can't catch the prisoner, we will all lose our job... Well, we have arranged today's action for a long time and waited for a long time. Wait a minute to put down the fishing net of the museum, trap people in it, and then..."

Hans did not fully follow the easy method. He came up with a more wonderful way - hanging a fishing net on the dome of the museum, waiting for others to go in and cast a net, and it was almost done. However, the team members are still ready to deal with the fish that leaks the nets.

"GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Watching all the people in the car come out and enter the museum, Director Hans announced the attack, and the armed police with live ammunition began to rush into the museum, and the fishing nets in the museum were also put down. However, it is a pity that the fishing nets are not specially made and do not bind several people.

Those monks with mirrors, dust and other magic weapons were unlucky and trapped. However, those with swords broke away from the fishing net a few times, but as soon as they jumped out, they saw a group of policemen wearing headgear and bulletproof vests running in, and several fishing net guns were shooting at the same time.

High-tech processed fishing nets suddenly enveloped them. Although the sword is sharp, it has not exerted its due power at this moment. Then the flash bombs rolled in one after another, and the light flashed, and a few shots were fired. Their lower bodies turned into eyes like sieves.

The blood spewed out from afar and dyed it red all over the ground, and then the police suppressed these people with special steel cables, stuffed a grenade in their mouths, and took them all away...

The reporter of the TV station appeared at the scene in a very timely manner, and the camera recorded the heroic posture of the police. Yi He looked at one old man after another with a gray face and was gloating. He didn't know how to describe the stupidity of these people--

If you don't see whether you have gone or not, just break in?

It's a pity that he is not a small fish** by fish, but those people are.

"Hahaha...it's finally clean!"

Yihe patted his thighs and was very happy. After these people went to prison, I guess it would not be so easy to calculate him, right? And it doesn't seem easy for those people to come out. The response of the domestic diplomatic department is very slow, which is inversely proportional to another situation:

If a foreigner has an accident in China, it can be found and dealt with in less than ten hours. If a Chinese foreign country has an accident, or a Chinese country has an accident, you may not know whether you are there for more than a week.

Well, this is a tragedy!

Su Xiaoru said, "Xiaoyi, have you ever thought that if we do this, we are likely to be sprayed to death. After all, people are going back to rob the national treasure, but you have stopped this matter... It is likely that you will become the public enemy of the whole country. Everyone shouts to fight. How can you do it?

Yi He snorted and said, "I only want to have a clear conscience. I'm not sorry for them, not to mention that I don't plan to go back in the future. Isn't it good to get rich here? To be honest, I really don't want this thing to go back. Those people are so easy to be satisfied that they are more likely to forget the shame..."

Yihe frowned and felt that it was better to leave such a scar on China.

Whether it is the Olympics or the World Expo, they have been silent on this matter for too long. They are easy to be happy and forget, and Yihe always hopes that they can have a way to make people remember something - such as shame! A nation that does not hold grudges is pathetic, and a nation that does not hold grudges is pitiful.

But poor is much better than sad...

Su Xiaoru smiled bitterly.

Yihe's personality is a little strange, and she has been used to it. In fact, these things did not end. Just as everyone was going according to the original plan, the people of the Holy See were also dispatched, but when they were about to go to their destination, they met the police... They could only choose to retreat.

It's not okay to walk on the road. There is surveillance, so they subconsciously plunged into an alley. But then they found a strange and terrible fact - they got lost.

No matter how they go, they still walk around in this alley. They can't get out and can't find the door. At this moment, Yi He drank a little milk, hugged Su Xiaoru and said, "Xiaoru, I'm going to save the world and wait for me to come back peacefully..."

Yihe flashed out of the Zhouyi Building and sneaked in the night in a raincoat all the way to the trapped alley. Yi He knew that it was not strange here, because he originally arranged it.

There are several alleys that are also arranged, and this formation is actually not difficult. He just pasted a few spells on the surrounding walls. Now it looks good, and those people are still spinning around in it. Yi He took out more than a dozen scalpels and threw them inside.

Several people covered their throats and fell down. Yi He threw 123 scalpels. Each person was cut open and died of excessive blood. After finishing all the people here, Yihe walked to the wall with a special pace and took the charm on the wall...

"Gentlemen, I'm really sorry, but I died early and was reincarnated early. I can't catch the second bus late... Bye!" Yi He waved his hand, shook his head, and Shi Ran left, leaving only a body on the ground. As for fingerprints and footprints, this weather can't be left at all.

What the dead are going to do? That's Hans's business.

Yi He comfortably sucked the air with a little earthy smell. The rainy day was very cold. Yi He accelerated his direct pace and returned to the floor where Zhou Yi Building was located ten minutes later. Su Xiaoru prepared a glass of hot water and asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

Yi He said, "Tianzong Wizards always have something different from others, such as speed. I just went there a few times, and those people never stood up again. The so-called Xiaoyi flying knife has no false hair. This sentence is not in vain, but I think I still need a box of blades!"

Su Xiaoru snorted and said, "The scalpels are all smooth and don't cost money. Don't you think it's cheap? Next time, change it to a blade, a box of more than ten pieces, only costs one yuan. How can you show off? The scalpel is simply a waste for you..." Su Xiaoru rolled her eyes.

Although the scalpel is also a disposable thing, it can't be thrown like throwing stones like Yihe, right?

Yi He smiled and said, "We are not short of money now!"

"I said no, but I can't!"

"Come on, listen to you, let's change to an ordinary blade in the future. Among other things, a blade can be broken with a few pieces with a little strength, which is infinitely lethal. Wait, let me think about it. No, we are not thieves. What blades should we use? This affects the image of my little Yifei knife too much!"

Yihe should argue that he can't accommodate any non-point requirements. What's more, Yihe is still a rich man, with millions of dollars every day.

Su Xiaoru asked, "Please, do you still have an image?"

"Of course, it's much more positive than Clark."


"Who wears underwear outside? Do you think that's the truth?"

Su Xiaoru hummed and said, "You have to show off. Next time you have to run around the street in sexy rubber clothes and tell everyone that Superman is a masochist and is a little abnormal."

"Ah, that's a good idea. It must be very unique!"

"Bah, it's really shameless."