burial day

[0060]Black pot

At night, the lights on the wall of the British Museum were brilliant, and several fine electric sparks flashed in a very inconspicuous place, making a slight click sound, and then a burst of fine blue smoke tangled with the night wind, bringing out a smell of burning rubber, only about ten seconds, big All the neon lights in the British Museum began to shine with electric sparks and went out completely.

Darkness enveloped this huge building complex in an instant, and a layer of water mist floated silently in the wind. You could hear someone speaking lightly in Japanese, but it sounded as if you were dreaming, and you didn't hear it at all... "Action, Luo, you only have ten minutes!"

After ten minutes, everything here will be restored, and those bursting and burned neons will also attract people's attention, and the results will naturally be self-evident. Their goal this time was Yu Wangding, not to have an intimate physical communication with the security guard of the British Museum... A mass of water mist drifted away.

The door of the British Museum suddenly opened a gap, and then closed quickly, as if the door had not been opened at all, and then a water vapor wrapped in cold wind and went straight upstairs. This is the Oriental Museum. There happened to be a big tripod in it. They have been preparing for too long to wait for this moment. The current action is carried out when you step on it, control it, and touch the situation extremely clearly!

The water vapor slowly sprinkled away. A man was wearing a black tights, a black scarf mask, a black headgear, and even the eye part of his eyes was wearing sunglasses that could see at night, so that people could not see what this person looked like at all. The only thing that was certain was that the person's body was extremely thin.

The man, who was about 1.5 meters tall, walked between the exhibition cabinets, and finally walked to the front of Yu Wangding. He pressed his hand with black gloves on the glass of the display cabinet. A high-temperature flame spewed out of the nozzle, melted the glass and cut it down, and then this person wanted to pick up the tripod!

"Ba Ga!"

The thin man exclaimed that the tripod was empty and turned out to be a projection. How could this be possible? Where on earth did Yu Wangding go? He can't stay here any longer. He needs to report the situation here to the summit. A mass of water vapor swept his body again and returned to the top peak!

Luo bowed deeply in fear and said, "Mr. Liu Sheng, I'm very sorry. When I went in, I saw the big tripod. When I wanted to take it out, I found that the tripod was just a projection. Someone has been ahead of us."

A trace of coldness flashed in Liu Sheng's eyes and waved his hand and said, "Withdraw!"

There is no point in staying any longer. The disappearance of Yu Wangding also shows that all their painstaking efforts have been wasted, and they can only evacuate. After a while, the security personnel here will come... In the cab of a big truck on the roadside, Ryan's eyes flashed with a mysterious blood light and saw several Japanese leave.

He is in a good mood now, because Yu Wangding is in his hands. Everything is in accordance with the boss's instructions. He turned a young man named Li Xiaofeng into a blood clan. The second generation of officials who came to study abroad from China really lived up to the heavy burden. He directly opened the cabinet with the key and took out Yu Wangding.

Really, they didn't use any high technology - Li Xiaofeng sold his hue, and then the key was taken. Everything was so easy, and everything was in the boss's calculation.

When Yihe took the materials of various people in the museum for careful comparison and research, these circles only knew how to step on here. They ignored an important factor, that is, no matter what, people are dominant! Now Yu Wangding is in the car, but no one will know the secret of it.

Ryan smiled strangely and said, "This tripod must be very valuable. I didn't expect this thing to be so heavy. I think I should also go, otherwise it's really hard to say if it's seen!" The big card started and soon disappeared. Then the whole museum became chaotic, and a harsh siren began to resound...

Director Hans cursed in a low voice and came out of the police car and went in to check the situation. Finally, their eyes naturally focused on the group of hateful thieves. After watching a meaningless video over and over again, Hans said, "Damn it, are these bastards still human? Back, we need to interrogate those lovely thieves. Maybe they know the origin of these people..."

In a Japanese judo club, the plaid gate is separated from the front and back into two parts. On the tatami, a middle-aged man who seemed to be about 40 years old and had a few silver hair on his head shouted angrily and shouted "Baga". He wrapped his whole body in a rubber coat, tied tightly, and his mouth was full. The woman wearing a mask and gas mask pushed him to the ground and kicked a few times fiercely. .

The action they carefully planned failed.

The woman gasped in pain, and her eyes behind the mask were full of fear. On the other side, a bare woman with all over her body screamed in horror. The screams came one after another, and the whole room was full of a * smell. The man turned around and stared at the screaming woman fiercely.

The woman suddenly stopped talking. Her two delicate arms blocked her three points and looked at the man in fear... This man was a demon, and his favorite thing was to torture them, just like the woman just now. In fact, there are many women who were played to death by this man!

On the other side, Luo and others, who had just returned from participating in the operation, knelt on the ground, lowered their heads and bent down. It seemed that everything that happened in front of them had nothing to do with her mother.

After a long time, the man helped up the suffocating woman wrapped in a gel coat and said, "Liu Sheng, you go and find out who has ruined our good deeds. In addition, let Michiko come over. I think only Michiko, known as the goddess of wisdom, can complete this task!"


"Go down, don't scare my little baby!"

A group of ninjas fished away, and there were only three people left in the room, two women and one man... "My dear babies, forget the pain just now, Xin Youmei, are you afraid? Hahaha...come here! Come here! Let's do something more exciting, Xinyou, my little baby, you will love it!"

Zhouyi Building, Yi He carefully wandered around a big tripod. I don't know how many circles. The handwriting on the big tripod is still known. It is a kind of ancient writing. He specially learned a lot. What is recorded on it is actually a kind of domineering cultivation skill, called Do:

The secret of the universe.

The secret of the universe, cultivated to a high level, can only be earth-shaking, but a small skill to move mountains and seas. Yihe greedily recorded the above words, saw this tripod thoroughly inside and outside, and also found a jade girl's simple heart formula that is especially suitable for women's cultivation...

Isn't this tailored for him and his wife?

Yihe is very happy at this time. The two kung fu routes were carefully simulated in his mind, and it turned out to be extremely magical. Now the kung fu is not comparable at all. If Li Tiannian hadn't disappeared, Yihe would have found a way to ask this matter clearly - why would ancient skills be more powerful and awesome than modern?

But in fact, this is not the case!

Many things can't only look at the surface. The reason why the current skills don't look as good as ancient ones is related to the emergence of civilization. In addition, the Brooms of various schools are self-deserving and do not know how to make progress. After each realm is more detailed and miniaturized, such a result will naturally occur.

Just like modern science, the more detailed the subjects are, the more complex they are. It is a truth that you can't simply summarize which is better - ancient skills require too much for a person's capital. At least many people in modern times do not have the physical quality as ancient people and lack a living environment.

But Yihe does not lack such physical quality. His current body is comparable to a pervert, and such a skill is just suitable for people like him, so how can you make him not be excited?

Yi He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "We have gained a lot this time. If I had known that this tripod should have been made earlier, hey, failure, failure..." Touching his chin, Yihe turned to make people ready to carve a knife and secretly engrave a name or something in the tripod...

Moral fraud will leave a mark on the work. If Yi He wants to leave this tripod, he must leave something on it to make it fake. Even if the police come, he will make it clear - more importantly, the museum will not want a fake, so this tripod is his.

Early the next morning, Yi He received a call from Qiu Miaomiao. A group of monsters put a human like him on a large table in a hotel. Everyone did not know that the theft of Yu Wangding was easy to do, and Yi He naturally would not admit it. What everyone is celebrating now is... No, it's not a celebration. , it's discussion!

The Japanese have got the news of Yu Wangding, and the Xiuzhen world has known it. Yihe, a new pink rookie, knows more about it and thinks that the matter was directed by him, and this is the purpose of everyone's gathering this time. They must take back Yu Wangding and not let the national treasure flow out...

Yihe asked about the ins and outs of the matter. It turned out that it was Li San who interfered with it. Everyone still had to live in China, so naturally they could not ignore it.

Yi He rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said, "There is no good bird. He has the time to jump. It's better to get more real goods for the country. That day, he also asked me to help me accommodate and find out a few practitioners. Come on, I'll knock hard next time..."

A group of monsters laughed heartlessly. Obviously, they also knew the news, but Li San did not know the relationship between these people and Yi He.

Qiu Miaomiao frowned and said, "Xiaoyi, I heard that Li San has now mobilized the local Chinese gangsters. They are going to put pressure on you. Be careful."

Yi He curled his lips and said, "This is not China. I said hello to the police station and catch as many people as they make trouble. Do you think foreigners in China are the same as Chinese people in foreign countries? They don't have the privilege, and it doesn't matter how much they arrest. At most, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will protest, and even condemn..."

Qiu Miaomiao asked, "Then you won't go back to China?"

"My family has picked it up. Isn't this obvious? And my current industry, London, occupies the majority, and naturally I will sit here... In fact, the patrioticism is almost empty. As long as you can retain a person's assets and wealth, then that person belongs there!"

This sentence can be said to be an easy perception. The sense of belonging can be changed, and many things can be changed. Just like a woman says to keep a man's heart, first of all, it is necessary to keep his stomach. If the country wants to keep a person's heart, it must keep his assets:

Provide a fairer and reasonable environment that can create wealth and provide a lot of things. In this way, your money is left behind. What else can't you keep?

Everything in the world is often so simple, and of course there is a sense of security. Rich people seeking to go abroad and transfer their assets are nothing more than afraid of being cleared one day. If you play an online game and suddenly be cleared one day, what is it like?

People in the 20s may have a little regret. People who have just joined the game are very happy, but those who play themselves can only jump off the building sadly and indignantly. You said that there is a better game than this game, and it will never delete the file and never be zero. Why not choose that one?

Qiu Miaomiao said "Oh".

Yi He said, "Sister Miaomiao, why don't you come out? I feel that the environment outside has many benefits for the development of the demon alliance, doesn't it?"

Qiu Miaomiao said, "I have a teahouse, and I can't bear it. After all, it has been open for nearly two or three hundred years, and I have been a daughter for myself, and I have been a daughter for my daughter. I really can't bear it. That's the foundation..." One reluctantly said that it simply came to the heart of Yi He.

I can't bear it.

Yi He said it all morning and withdrew. When I went back, I happened to see Li San annoying his parents and father-in-law and mother-in-law. Yi He's face suddenly turned black. "Security guard, put me out. Who let people in? You are the one who shows me the door. If you don't do anything, don't you want to roll up and get out of here?"

Li San was set off by the security guard called by Yi He. Yi He directly called and scolded the secretary before he stopped. Ye Tong, Yihe's mother, rubbed the painful brain and said, "Finally left, Xiaoyi, why is there such a difficult person? Just now, when I went shopping with your mother-in-law, this person happened to follow us and insisted on carrying us bags, but after coming up,..."

This is undoubtedly a painful experience for this family!

There were a few more black lines on Yi He's forehead. Yi He took out his mobile phone and roared: "Listen, listen to me and post all the photos of Li San, especially the security guard. His eyes are bright for me. Next time this person comes back, if he doesn't bring 200 billion euros, throw them out for me! "

Two hundred billion euros, Yi He's parents, Su Xiaoru's parents, and everyone who heard Yi He's roar collectively choked. 200 billion euros, are you crazy about money?

But who made Yihe the boss? The boss's order can only be carried out. In this way, about four or five days later, Yihe received a very traditional worship post with a brush writing time, date and so on. Yi He smiled and thought about how these people want to play with themselves?

Would you like to go? Passing through the hall? Or... No matter how red and black he is, Yihe is not afraid. Even if these people copy a dozen, Yihe will not frown.

The next day, Yihe got into his extended car in a suit and began to leave with a group of bodyguards. Looking down from the top of the highway, he and his convoy are simply luxurious. People who don't know the inside story think that the British prince is getting married again!

The car stopped at Chinatown.

There are Chinatowns in various cities around the world. Chinese people like to gather together, so everyone comes to a large area. The buildings here are Western-style, but the plaques are oriental. The convoy stopped near a teahouse. Yi He put on sunglasses and came out of the car.

A group of bodyguards are hugging!

Originally, the members of these companies were training, training and training every day, and they were a little idle. Therefore, Yihe pulled these people out based on the principle of doing his best. He didn't expect that it was quite useful to pretend to be powerful - they didn't need these rookies to fight. Their strength was too weak.

"Mr. Yi, please!"

A half-inch young man in a Tang suit made a gesture of invitation.

Yi He said, "Oh, my people, can you arrange to come over?"

"No problem!"

Yihe's shiny teeth flashed with white light and said to a group of bodyguards, "Guys, let go and eat. You will eat the most authentic Chinese food today. Maybe after today, you won't have a chance. Don't give me face, don't care about the company's image, and eat!"

Yi He laughed in his heart, and his company didn't need any image. Their image needs to be established on the battlefield, and today's people are doomed to cost some people.

Yihe took a group of people to the yard behind, with green grass and green, and the traditional Eight Immortals table. There were already two or three people here. And Yi He was even more surprised to see Ryan's servant - Mr. Li Xiaofeng here. Yi He shook hands with Li Xiaofeng enthusiastically, which made Li Xiaofeng flattered.

This is the boss's boss.

Yi He said, "Do your hard. I'm very optimistic about you!"

The salary of Yihe is not only money, but also has various skills, which are available for junior, intermediate and seniors, which depends on their contribution. And if Li Xiaofeng behaves well, he may get something like the peerless secrets in martial arts novels.