burial day

[0080]Sky Curtain

Ximen Fuxue and Meng Yi were not boring to the sword, but had a strange charm and strangeness. Ximen Fuxue's sword occupies a fast word, and there is nothing else but a sword. That kind of pure sword itself is a state of perfection.

And Meng Yi's sword is power - that momentum can be said to be earth-shaking, the stars are moving, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the gods and Buddhas are changing!

Even these words can't describe that kind of power.

The two figures were briefly intertwined, changed positions, and then fought like this again. In fact, the weapons of both of them are not treasures. The sword is the most ordinary sword, and the man is also the most ordinary person, but when the man and the sword came together, it burst out incredible things.


The twisted colorful light in the surrounding air is mottled, and the two people's bodies can't help transforming their orientation. Every moment, you can hear the sound of a long sword intertwined together, which is crisp and pleasant.

The sound seems to have a magic that makes people forget everything in the world - the sword, only the sword. At this moment, whether it is Ximen Fuxue or Meng Yi, there is only a sword in their hearts.

Suddenly, a little Yinhong appeared on Ximen Chuixue's sword. The red color turned into a little blood dripping on the ground. Ximen Chuixue slowly collected his sword and said with an indifferent face, "You lost, your sword is not pure, and your heart is not pure, so you are not my opponent, not now, and the future will not be. Never!"

With a little master loneliness, Ximen's figure fluttering, disappeared into the rolling stream of people in an instant, and there was no trace of it.

Meng Yi rubbed his chest, and some strange expressions flashed in his eyes. He said self-deprecatingly, "My heart is not pure enough, and the sword is not pure enough? Joke." Shaking his head and sighed, Meng Yi ordered people to take away the body, and then continued to patrol after registering according to the merits.

Such a patrol itself can't use Meng Yi, but Meng Yi has changed his mind now. Now there can be a Ximen blowing snow here. Who knows if there will be a Nie Gai, Jing Ke here tomorrow?

Uppered by a towering glass wall building, Dugu Qiubai was dressed in blue, and his eyes were shining. He said to himself, "What a west gate blowing snow, what a fast sword, what a pure sword spirit... This man is really my strong enemy. Life is no longer lonely. Whose sword can compare with him?

Dugu Qiubai put down his sword, but Ximen Fuxue held the sword and refused to let go.

It seems that the realm of Dugu Qiubai seems to be more profound, but only Dugu Qiubai himself knows that he is indeed not as good as Ximen's blowing snow in some aspects - so he is also more looking forward to the battle after the catastrophe and hopes that day can come as soon as possible.

Before fighting the sword, he will definitely bathe and change his clothes, and then welcome the sacred baptism in his most perfect state. But now, there are too many troubles in the world.

Monk Daoji has now changed into clean casual clothes, which is still white. Since his sloppy equipment has been scrapped, there is no need for him to continue to be poor. It's better to wash it clean and wear it well. He took a baked sweet potato and nibbled it while nibbling it.

There are still many beautiful women on the street, with bulging and bulging back, and murderous weapons are better than people.

Black silk high heels and short skirts have brightened the eyes of the big monk several times. The Taoist monk, who was almost scattered by Yi He, is now a little indifferent to the Buddha's heart and looks more like a person.

Monk Daoji said, "The prosperity of the world, this is the hell of the red dust said by the group of old bald donkeys pretending to be thirteen... Hey, who made the poor monks so compassionate? If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Let me suffer here, sink, and save all sentient beings... Hey, this beautiful woman, your wallet has fallen!"

A tall beauty with long hair and dyed red in the corners just passed by. Monk Daoji casually took off the beautiful woman's wallet with a small spell. He squatted down to pick it up. By the way, he accidentally glanced up and glanced at it. His vision beyond ordinary people made him see a pale pink lace flower. Side underwear.

Three or five black hairs gently flashed in front of his eyes, and Taoist monk sent his wallet with pure hands. The woman glanced at him, picked up her wallet, snorted "lewd" and left.

A young man patted the monk on the shoulder and laughed, "I said, buddy, can you come up with such an old-fashioned way?" Fortunately, they don't care, otherwise you don't know how to die. Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to the best beast like you..."

The monk Daoji stood up and took a bite of sweet potatoes fiercely, "Is it really outdated?"

On the far side of the moon, dozens of huge space warships hovered at the airport. Some fully automatic robots are undergoing overhaul of these spacecraft. A tunnel connected from the inside the moon directly reaches the other side of the moon, and the high-speed railcar inside can easily shuttle back and forth.

In the huge glass cover, a woman in a silver tight uniform looked at the blue planet closest to the moon and said to a blonde man beside her, "Meta, do you think our journey is this time a return or a destruction of the earth's civilization?"

Meta said, "This is our return. We will not conquer them. We just hope that they will not be enemies with us. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to be soft on the enemy!"


There was a moment of silence in the huge glass cover.

Outside the Milky Way, dozens of spacecraft jumped here in pursuit of some special traces and entered the outside of the solar system in the blink of an eye. A harsh alarm sound was remembered on the lunar base. Meta disappeared for about ten minutes and appeared again. "No, the Samsung Alliance has chased!"

The woman frowned and said, "Samsung Alliance does not have such advanced technology. How did it track it?"

"I don't know!"

The woman took a deep breath and said, "Never mind, let our fleet prepare that this battle must be carried out outside the solar system and cannot disturb life on earth, understand?"


The spacecraft that had just rested took off and lined up in a straight line in the synchronous orbit of the moon, and then a strange formation suddenly disappeared and appeared again. It was already a dark and deep universe. Behind them is the solar system, and in front of them is a sparse star!

This is the edge of the Milky Way, and further out, there is an boundless vacuum. There is nothing there, only empty darkness.

In the dark, a cosmic warship emitting an orange glow soon appeared opposite the Atlantis spacecraft, confronting each other at an unreachable distance - this distance is absolutely far, like the distance from Earth to Saturn.

On the command ship, the woman in a silver tight uniform frowned, looked at dozens of light spots on the screen, and quickly gave combat orders to her subordinate warships.

After all Atlantis spacecraft are separated from each other according to a certain distance to ensure that they can exert all their combat performance and will not fall alone and achieve the best defense effect, the woman once again emphasized one point: "Listen all the captains, the flames of war can only burn in the solar system. Outside!"


The blue planet is their homeland, and no one wants to lose it - even today's war in the depths of the universe will have to pay a great price.

The other party's three-star alliance spacecraft suddenly released an electromagnetic attack and began to disrupt the surrounding gravity and various signals, which made the electronic instruments on the Atlantis spacecraft blurred. After turning on the strong signal device, everything recovered.

"According to our understanding, they will launch annihilation weapons next."

Annihilation weapon is a special weapon, which can make all material things nothing and difficult to prevent. Of course, this difficult prevention is not for the Atlanteans. The woman quickly arranged the defensive formation, and those invisible and qualitative attacks were wiped out.

A group of meteorites the size of thousands of football fields not far away turned into as ashes in the first wave of attacks. Suddenly, a clear shadow rushed out on a spacecraft opposite and heard the clear shadow shouting, "Silent reincarnation!"

A thick silver light cut towards the command ship here in Atlantis, and the pupils of the woman on the command ship suddenly contracted, and the pink fist clicked: "Special alert, it's a trueist!" A dense alarm sounded on the spacecraft, and an orange light curtain stood in front of the spacecraft.

Silver and pink are entangled together.


The explosion wave spread like fireworks, and the light curtain choked fiercely, but in the end it did not capture the defense system of the Atlantis spacecraft. The woman on the command ship commanded in an orderly manner: "Send three three three-layer soldiers with gene lock, and all the spacecraft will defend themselves. Damn it, if more soldiers who have opened the gene lock can be produced over the years..."

This is also one of the reasons why they want to return to the earth - since they left the earth, their people have no one who can open the genetic lock, and they can't even open one layer.

You know, as long as a person can open two layers of gene locks, then these practitioners dare not underestimate it. Even the immortals who open four layers of gene locks are only slightly inferior. Although Atlantis did not rely on material civilization as much as it is now, it is very powerful.

And now, they have been bullied by practitioners!

Three figures rushed out of the spaceship and approached the other side like three lightnings. The three people were tall and looked like giants, with boundless strength and blood steaming one after another, attacking the true man. Their moves are very simple, and they are also hand-to-hand combat.

The practitioners hurriedly split out three times in a row, and a magic weapon in front of him that looked like a plate rotated endlessly. The fluorescence came from this plate.

Fast, like lightning.

The fluorescence and blood light collided, and the owner of the blood light suddenly slowed down, but it was still extremely strong towards the practitioners. The true man was stunned and roared, "What are you looking at? Why don't you do it quickly? Otherwise, the alliance between Dingxingmen and you will be cancelled, immediately, immediately!"

"All fleets, attack immediately!"

It was not the Samsung Alliance that issued the first offensive order, but the woman. Atlantis' spacecraft was like a dozen huge fleas, flashing in the void and appeared in front of the Samsung Alliance spacecraft, representing the orange beam of death that rudely swept through their spacecraft.

In the red light, all the metal and spacecraft turned into coke, and the true man directly suffered the attack of dozens of spacecraft. It's also his bad luck. No one would have thought that these spacecraft of the Samsung Alliance were vulnerable--

Of course, after all, no one would have expected that Atlantis would have a comprehensive rest in such a short time, and most of the weapons on the spacecraft have returned to function.

Atlantis and the Samsung Alliance have had a long feud. This time, they fought together again. The person led by this woman ran all the way here and was also chased here. Many of the spacecraft's weapons could not be used, and the time was so short, so it was no wonder that the other party was unprepared.

This is unprepared!

A orange light of destruction swept over the true man.

Three warriors who untied the three-layer gene lock quickly wandered around the practitioner. The practitioner seemed to have some magic weapons to protect him. Whether it was red light or three warriors, they also had a sense of helplessness. The woman stared at the screen for a long time and said, "Half fairy! This man is actually a half-immortal!"

No matter how the realm of cultivation in the world changes, the three largest and most general realms will never change. This is true for practicing gasification, refining gods, and refining gods. However, only those who have achieved the cultivation of refining their gods can be called immortals, and only those who have reached the peak can be called semi-immortals.

Such a person is not only the supreme existence in the world, but also beyond many mortals - so this woman knows that they can't kill this practitioner today.

A general around the woman said, "What, half-immortal?"

"That's right, it's a half-immortal."

Everyone took a breath of cold air, half immortal...

One person said, "I, Atlantis, don't seem to offend such a person..."

"Others deal with you not necessarily because you offended him. The interests are touching, and I think it must be that Atlantis has something worth his action. Humph, it's a pity that the princess and many relatives are in the fairyland. Otherwise, how can it be these little monks to be arrogant?

When the princess of Atlantis was there, she was a real fairy and did not dare to be so presumptuous. Now that the tiger is not here, these monkeys have bullied the door.

The battle outside was still fierce. The three soldiers were strong and almost ignored the attack of the practitioner. They approached little by little and gave full play to their melee advantage, while the practitioner began to retreat steadily - his magic weapon was powerful, but he was not in his hand, and his power was naturally limited.

Although he can cut the earth bumps in the universe, he can't beat the bodies of these three warriors.

"Atlantis, it's really awesome!"


The practitioners suddenly threw the disk in his hand and recited a spell: "Nine heavens and ten earths, divine power comes, fate roulette, turn the universe around!"

The disk was quickly enlarged and said to be dozens of feet in size. The wonderful runes on it flashed with luster, and the bright blue light flashed away. The practitioners actually disappeared with his own plate. The woman frowned and said, "This is actually teleportation. How can it be possible?"

Even those immortal monks in those years may not be able to move instantly. But now, a monk who returns to the peak of refining can move instantly. What does this mean?

This shows that with the meticulousness of the practitioners of their own realm and their in-depth research on various realms and mana, they have now made some amazing breakthroughs. What teleportation, what powerful attack spells can often destroy stars and galaxies are common!

is a little different from the decline of the Xiuzhen civilization on earth.

There is not only one civilization on the earth in this universe. The stars in the universe are as vast as smoke. Even if the probability of life is one hundred millionth, the life on earth is only one hundred millionth of the universe, or even not enough. How many civilizations will be born in such a bright starry sky?

There are various trends in these civilizations, including practitioners, scientific civilizations, and a lot of magical beliefs, but they are prospering.

The increasingly clear realm is the same as the more detailed and classified research in science, and the results of more and faster. The three soldiers looked around blankly and finally returned to the spacecraft, which once again jumped into space and returned to the orbit of the moon.

About four or five hours later, the astronomical telescope in space captured a spectacle outside the sky, but the place was too far away and the image was too blurred. After the inference of a group of astronomers, they predicted that it was a process of a stellar explosion and then collapse to form a black hole.

These people automatically ignore the fact that there are no stars there, or even no planets there - forgive them. When people are excited, it is always easy to forget something.

And the easy combination in the ground is still asleep. A fragrant dragon ball emitted a clear stream in his mouth, and the vitality full of vitality spread to Yihe's whole body. Although his injury did not improve, it did not continue to deteriorate.

The black dragon blinked his big eyes, looked at Yihe, and then turned his head and continued to lie down. The Black Dragon was also injured, and he was seriously injured. It was already benevolent and righteous to be able to give the Dragon Ball to Yihe.


Finally, we opened a corner of the vast world of cultivation and peeped out a little bit of it. Let's continue to support it. Let the pig's feet finish the things on the earth and go to the world to continue the disaster. Since this book is a correction, how can it be separated from the world of cultivation? Hahaha!