burial day

[0108] immortal, old friend

I don't know if it's a spoof. Yihe bought a shop in a small town by the lake and started a business. The start-up capital of the business comes from the three seemingly not very good fairy weapons, but for ordinary people, this is a rare magic weapon.

So these things can be exchanged for a lot of money, which is enough to easily buy a city of your own - but this constructive game has been played several times and does not mean to continue to play.

Even if the small store officially opens after looking for service personnel, the boss's wife will come once in the first half a month to check the accounts or something. The two masters didn't care about it as soon as they shook their hands. They just collected money and flicked their fingers for ten years. Yihe's small shop has expanded into a huge thing at an incredible speed!

In dozens of surrounding cities, there are full of easy-to-use shops. Those unified golden plaques with "Yizhuang" written on them are simply department stores. Countless goods come in and out, and countless cash flows flow like a lively river, so silent, easy to combine Blood and tears control the economic lifeline of dozens of cities, and one of their sneezes can make these cities shake a few times!

This ** incomparable economic wrist is comparable to those real spells, and even more practical than real spells, which makes use of a kind of wisdom and power.

On a green mountain, Yihe wears a white coat, just like a turbid prince! He was playing with a white paper fan with 5,000 words of Tao Te Ching on the fan, holding a beautiful mother in his arms. He pointed a fan to a fog in the distance and said, "That is the ruins of the ancient fairy!"

In several years, Yihe spent countless gold and silver, and finally used the sea of people tactics to find a relic of an ancient fairy. His expression was extremely proud, his eyebrows were flying, and he said, "This time we have formed a group to kill monsters. Well, tears, how much do you think we should get? How about a fairy weapon?

Blood and tears said, "Over the past ten years, we have vaguely controlled the economic lifeline here and the lives of mortals. What's the point of us still looking for the relics of these ancient immortals?"

Yi He took a deep breath and said, "Please, I haven't just enjoyed working these years. The existence of the demon world itself is a place where prisoners are exiled in the fairyland, but with the passage of time, the nature here has changed dramatically, and it has become the existence that one side can fight against the fairyland!"

Blood and tears said, "What else?"

"Those ancient immortals' practice methods are the most orthodox, left over from the ancient flood and famine. Tell me how valuable are these methods? If we can find a good method, it will also be of great significance to us personally. Maybe I can reach a higher level as soon as possible!"

"Do you know what state you are now?"

Blood and tears asked a question that made Yi He extremely entangled, because in fact, he did not know what state he should be now - Tianxian, it seems not to be. Jinxian doesn't seem to be either. But he has the strength of Jinxian. What do you think this is?

Yi He curled his lips and said, "Big man, frank egg, I'm easy to be open and aboveboard, and I'm not afraid to tell you about this little lady, uncle, my current cultivation... I don't know myself."


Blood and tears were a little speechless. Yi He pulled her around and silently arranged a very simple hidden trail. After adding a little psychedelic formation, she retreated. Blood and tears looked at Yihe with a black line to make it more difficult for her, and she didn't know how to say it.

What is this?

If there are difficulties, if there are no difficulties, do you have to create difficulties?

Well, it seems that this is really the meaning. Soon, Yihe used his power in the mortal world to express what he wanted to express. An expedition team of about 30 people, with the lowest cultivation in Tianxian and the highest cultivation in the same golden immortal as Yihe, was formed!

On this day, more than 30 monks gathered together, and then marched towards the target location together. Four or five of them were accidentally thrown into the maze arranged by Yi He. As they deepened, some rookies who were underground and knew nothing about the formation were out one after another. .

After removing nearly half of the rookies, the rest are seven or eight immortals with good cultivation, and the rest are all golden immortals. On the way, no one pays attention to those rookies who don't know where they have gone and are dizzy.

A team of people investigated all the way, and Yi He carefully avoided the traps he had arranged... Well, after about three or four days, the immortals who kept going around were tricked again.

The team is missing another place.

After Yihe looked almost there, he accidentally left the formation he arranged with the team and really entered the scope of the ancient immortal ruins. Powerful prohibitions isolated the inside and outside. When they saw the prohibition here, everyone's faces changed--

The prohibition of ancient immortals is so confusing--

The ancient immortal prohibition here is almost isolated from a large mountain range. Just from their perspective, you can feel the power of this prohibition. Their divine thoughts can't penetrate at all. Once they try, there will immediately bombard their divine thoughts into dregs!

"What should I do now?"

I found the right place, but they can't get in. A fairy threw his flying sword in, and suddenly a large amount of lightning flashed. In less than two seconds, his flying sword became a piece of scrap metal and fell to the ground. A group of people were stunned. How to get in became their biggest problem.

Yihe frowned for a long time and said, "The prohibition here is so powerful that I guess the things in it are not small. What should we do? Enter, or don't enter, easy to listen to everyone!"

What Yi He said is simply treating these people as guns. However, these immortals were moved to tears. What does it mean to follow the right people? That's how difficult it is to listen to everyone at this time. As for Yihe's subtext, it has been ignored by these excited people.

Not long, a elected fairy performed a powerful thunder method. A black cloud three or four miles in the sky covered this area abnormally comprehensively. After a crackling lightning, the ancient immortal ban was motionless. Jing, the contents are also intact... Attack, without any effect.

One person said, "Why don't we use the thunder method together and see how?"


Next, it was covered by black clouds, with ten times the thunder and lightning roaring at the same time. There were traces of water waves in the ancient immortal prohibition, and some places also appeared a circle of colorful halo, spreading around. When everyone saw it, they were overjoyed and used their own unique moves one after another.

Thundercraft, swordsmanship, various spells...

They took out their bodies and worked hard to attack Guxian Ban, and Yihe also spewed out their own Yiheyin. The fake, it looked powerful, like the top of Mount Tai, but in fact, after a gentle contact with the Guxian Ban, they quickly withdrew.

Bite the tip of his tongue, Yihe howled and sprayed a mouthful of blood. There were hundreds of heel fights in the sky far away. In the blink of an eye, he was a hundred miles away, leaving this area.

Yi He shouted strangely while running: "This ancient fairy ban is so powerful. My fairy body, my internal organs, it's over, I'm done!" Yi He stopped his body in a place invisible to the naked eye with a very strange look on his face, smashed his mouth and muttered, "I spit out a mouthful of blood. This scene is enough!"

Only after a moment, blood and tears also fled here in the same way, and then nervously asked Yi He, "Well, is there any flaw in what I just performed?"

"No, absolutely not."

The acting skills of blood and tears are enough to show that they are professional. From spitting blood, to being banned by ancient immortals, and tragic screams, they are all so fascinating. All the performance is natural that people can't find any flaws.

Blood and tears looked at the ancient immortal prohibition in the distance and whispered, "I hope they can really break the ancient immortal prohibition. If there are not enough people, should we release those trapped in the maze? In this way, our success rate will be greatly increased!"

Yi He shook his head: "No, then we will reveal the truth."

The trapped people have low cultivation and are not at the same level as them. If people find that those with low cultivation have not been ounced out, how can Yihe and blood and tears be mixed up? This is a big issue related to their glorious justice and great image, and there is no compromise on this issue.

Blood and tears nodded deeply and said, "Yes, yes, this is the foundation of our foothold. If this is exposed, we can't take advantage of it in the future."


Yi He and Blood and Tears, the advantage of the two of them lies in their own cultivation. Yi He pretends to be a fairy, and Blood and Tears also pretends to be a fairy, but others can't see it at all. Blood and tears are a family-owned skill, but what about Yihe? Poor God, he doesn't know what he is!

More than a dozen immortals in the distance were in a fierce situation, and large areas of three flowers gradually appeared above their heads to cover the sky and the sun. The black clouds in the sky were as thick as ink. The lightning looked bright as cat-eyed gems, and lightning like cracks pierced the sky. .

One by one, spherical lightning made an unpleasant hiss and collided with the ancient immortal prohibition. One by one, fireballs, fire dragons, and water flow fiercely collided with the ancient immortal prohibition, and the roar resounded through the world.

Under this strong attack, even the ordinary land will be completely penetrated, but in this strange place, there are no waves. The only thing you can see is that the ripples on the ancient fairy's prohibition are getting stronger and stronger, and then there is a voice from the black clouds in the sky. Upload:

"Little Jinxian, don't measure yourself!"

The sound sounds extremely strange, like a baby's voice, but it smells a little old, which makes people feel extremely uncomfortable both physically and mentally. Blood and tears frowned and said to Yi He, "It's the famous evil Xiu Ye family in the Yan demon world. It is said that this man's cultivation has reached the peak of immortality, which is only one line worse than my father!"

Easy to take a breath of cold air.

Exortal, what is that concept? Isn't the immortal already a quasi-saint-level awesome man? With such a small step, you can be sanctified with one foot at the door. Such strength is enough to make people's heart beat faster.

Yi He said with a wry smile, "After calculating for a long time but didn't calculate such a big movement, it will alarm the old man. But this also shows that things here are unusual, and even these old guys are interested.

Blood and tears said, "Yes."

Following, another person in the void said, "Ye Shiqi, you have been sound for so many years!"

"Yang Kaitai?"

"Yes, the hatred of a knife in those years will never be forgotten."

Blood and tears said to Yi He, "This Yang Kaitai's cultivation is also ancient and modern, and it is only a little worse than that of Ye's, and even it can be said that it is indifferent. Now that these old guys have appeared one after another, I'm afraid we won't have any chance!"

Yi He shook his head and said helplessly, "Look."

"What else can I do?"

This young couple was extremely depressed, all their plans were wasted, all their hard work was wasted, and the golden immortals who attacked the forbidden were respectively twisted into pieces by two extremely sharp air machines. Ye's cultivation is a knife, and Yang Kai cultivation is a sword. The two people are one knife and one sword, but the air machine is extremely powerful.

Yi He couldn't help licking his tongue from afar, pulled blood and tears and withdrew from a hundred miles - here, it should be a relatively safe distance. After taking out the telescope I made and adjusting the focal length, I began to look at it from afar. Not to mention, it's really clear.

Ye's long hair is a deep purple, and the knife gas is almost full of it at any time, while Yang Kaitai on the other side is like a learned man, very elegant.

Ye Shiqi laughed and said, "I came here today just for this cave. Yang Kaitai, today, I don't want to fight with you. If you are not interested, don't blame me for doing it!" Behind Ye's, three knives rose to the sky and easily stirred the surrounding space into powder and went straight up to the sky.

That knife is extremely domineering, destroying everything and not giving any life life. It is simply going to exterminate all living creatures in the world. Isn't such a knife terrible?

Yang Kai snorted too coldly, and there was also a sword spirit between his hand, but the wind was light and clouds, and there was no such domineering as Ye Shiqi. He said, "Are you threatening me? Humph, I came here today to avenge you. I have practiced the three swords of Tianzangfeng to the extreme!"

Ye said, "It's a coincidence that the three knives of the Tianzang wind under are also in full swing."

The voices of the two people are limited to a very small range. If it weren't for the easy-to-understand lips, they wouldn't know what the other person was talking about. But that day, the three words Tibetan style still shocked Yi He. It was from these simple information that he inferred a lot of important clues:

1, these people have soared up, and it hasn't been long.

2, the three volumes of Tianzangfeng are incongive secrets.

In fact, it is not difficult to get this inference. You can practice to this level in a short time. If you say that the three volumes of Tianzangfeng are not powerful, who will believe it?

What has happened since the First Emperor of Qin unified the six countries? What happened in the past 30,000 years? A voice suddenly appeared in the depths of Yihe's mind, making him think about these things. His eyes at the two people gradually changed--

Hometown, this is a real fellow villager.

Everyone knows that it is Yihe who collected all three volumes of Tianzangfeng, but after Yihe leaves, who will get the complete secrets? Ye Shiqi, Yang Kaitai, and Yi He felt more and more familiar with the names of these two people. After a long time, he suddenly remembered the identity of these two people!

Yang Kaitai and Ye Shiqi, these two were once his classmates, but they were very unmanlike with Yihe.

He took a deep breath, suppressed his shock, and Yi He narrowed his eyes.

These two people have actually soared and have such cultivation... So, what is the mortal world now? Is it as rumored in the fairy world that the gods and Buddhas slaughtered the mortal world and everything started again? At this moment, Yihe's heart is unprecedentedly active.

"King of Tibet, why did I forget this man?"

Yi He turned his mouth and thought of this seemingly dispensable but crucial role that he had ignored for a long time, leaving only a sigh - will the king of Tibet sit and watch the gods and Buddha slaughter the world? So if the mortal world is not really destroyed, what will the truth be like?

Just when Yi He was thinking about this, the two students who had merged with Yi that were not very deal with have already started to fight. The swords and swords looked at each other, and the white light and blue light reflected each other, and there was a black flash from time to time. After looking at it for a while, Yi He's expression turned into sarcasm!

What do you think?

In this way, can it be regarded as understanding the three volumes of Tianzang Wind? They are simply insulting this supreme secret book. If the three volumes of Tianzangfeng are what they are using now, the person who wrote this book will definitely spit blood! Yi He sneered and moved again: "Tian Zangfeng, why did I forget such an important secret?"

Yihe feels that he really deserves to die. Such an amazing cheater can be forgotten. If he faced with the vicious siege of the fairyland, he could use the subtlety of three volumes of Tianzangfeng. Maybe he can walk away without losing his head, instead of as if he is now It's such a tragedy.

What is this? Typical remember to eat or not.