burial day


Yihe became famous and became famous in a way that made him extremely hate him - who said that Sister Furong's model could not be copied, who said that Sister Feng was unique. Now there is such a buddy as Yi He, and the evaluation of him on the Internet is that this person is also very courageous.

No matter what method he used, Yihe steadily occupied a large number of magnesium lights. Under the murder bombardment of countless film gossips, Yihe's popularity has been popular all the way.

But he seems to have forgotten to design the script, but the world may be missing something. No one asked him to shoot Mr. Zebra, and there is no Mr. Zebra here. On the contrary, Su Xiaoru opened a silk stockings company leisurely, and then she didn't know where to find an author and wrote a book about Mr. Banma.

Then Yi He began filming without any remuneration - Su Xiaoru didn't mind throwing money, so this youth idol drama became popular without exception, and it was also red and purple.

What thunderstorm meteor fists trembled under Mr. Banma's buttocks.

Yihe's * began to disappear under the slaughter of energetic young people. With the emergence of positive news, Yihe appeared in front of large and small media as a fashion vane, making an extremely successful face change. This change of face made him straighten up and become a decent man!

I've made a fortune...

Although money does not seem to be of much use to the young couple, money itself is not the purpose - it should be said that the happiness of making money is the most important. Two people are playing with their lives. After more than ten years of glorious years in the mortal world, Yi He has gradually shot more and more films.

Evolved from idol drama to blockbuster.

Evolved from idols to power.

After Yi fit, Su Xiaoru's company also rose and became a world giant. Gradually, Yihe must also retire. Although his cultivation can keep him young forever, if he does so, the biggest consequence is that he will be pulled to slice and study, and according to Yihe's temper, it is more likely to slap the earth with a slap!

Gradually, this popular character faded out of people's sight.

From the entity to the stock market, from real estate to finance, in just a hundred years, Yi He and Su Xiaoru have done many things that ordinary people can't do, and they have created a legend of wealth. In their later years, they wrote their own legend, and each book was priced at 3,000 yuan.

But at such a price, everyone is also rushing to buy in mainland China, but some places in Europe and the United States lack interest, but in any case, Yihe has enough money they should make.

A hundred years later, the mortal world faded.

On a lonely moon, Yihe and Su Xiaoru looked far away from the earth. Su Xiaoru asked, "How do you feel about the mortal world this time?" Yi He nodded and said, "It's very cool, very cool..." With these insights, the two directly began to practice on the moon.

Three thousand years in a flash.

A lead-gray spacecraft flew from outer space, and the space radar around the earth sounded harsh alarms. Countless spacecraft were dense like locusts in every corner of the galaxy. At this moment, the people prepared for war - alien invasion! At this moment, the earth lives and dies!

A metal cold light shook at a strange frequency, and the meteorite belt in the solar system gathered together almost instantly, forming a fist-sized black hole, which hit the earth under the pull of a wonderful force.


Hundreds of thousands of space nuclear bombs directly dragged out the long tail, but the black hole was also powerful. As soon as the space nuclear bomb approached, it was silently swallowed up by the black hole. Instead, the size of the black hole increased a little.

Dense radio sound is transmitting.

Obviously, the other party's spacecraft could not control the communication here, but the communication here was seriously disturbed and the signal was extremely bad. Countless people are arguing fiercely about how to deal with the black hole in front of them. Just before they have discussed a result, the black hole is already in front of them.

On the alien's spaceship, several handsome people stood together and looked at them from a distance. One person said, "They have just come out of the universe. They can't even deal with the black hole. They are simply vulnerable. Even such a backward civilization, do you need to send us to deal with it? The boss must be crazy!"

"Andre, are you questioning the decision above?"

A woman replied coldly.

With the time of speaking, large spaceships were swallowed up, and the resistance on the earth quickly disappeared. However, after these technological forces disappeared, some people dragging the flames suddenly flew out of the earth and stood in space. These people are all Taoist priests, monks, and some are Western vampires, demons, priests...

An old man shouted, "Friends, work together to fight against demons!"



An old monk put his hands together, and a group of Buddhas began to combine into a simple 18 arhats array, and the golden light shot out in front. Immediately after the six Western priests combined into a six-pointed array, chanting the Bible aloud, and large pieces of holy white light emitted from their bodies.

The vampires screamed and quickly flapped their wings and left the place illuminated by the holy light. Then they also began to use their unique secret method. The blood around them was surrounded by a huge blood clan strong man appeared above their heads.

Countless demons are surrounded by magic and also stand on the vampire's side. Taoist priests from Middle-earth's righteous road have released their magic weapons one after another, such as sickles, hammers and axes, a large number of bottles and cans, thousands of auspicious spirits, and small arrays combined to exert dozens of times the combat power. .

A black hole is destroyed by this powerful power combined before it approaches.

The old monk looked sideways at the other party's spaceship and said, "One flower, one world!"

Where the Buddha's light shines, there appeared a large peaceful world, which seemed to be an illusion and seemed to be true. This peaceful world directly encroached on dozens of alien spacecraft, and then saw white light entering this Buddha country. A priest shouted, "God, there is light, so the world is There is light!"

On the periphery of this Buddhist country, a group of Taoist priests retreated one after another. A large five-line array surrounded this area far away, and then cast a spell to move the world into the vast nothingness. The old man sneered and said, "Now these monks and priests don't know where they have gone, the earth gate. I'll wait to unify the world!"

The Eastern Demon Xiu, who stood with the Western demons, also suddenly launched a killing move at this time. In the blink of an eye, the huge demon spirit was taken away by the demon Xiu, and countless vampire demons directly turned into flying ashes, and then vaguely, a confrontation between the good and evil of the eastern earth formed a situation.

The leading brothers of the two sides came out and said a few words to each other, and finally decided their respective territory to stop. Everyone knows that the right way and evil way are two sides, and no one can destroy anyone. And if you destroy this evil way, the right way itself will also differentiate into another evil way. If the evil way destroys the right way, the evil way itself will still divide a right way.

In the Middle Earth, they can't understand the principle of the interdependence of yin and yang!

The earth has once again regained calm.

All scientific and technological facilities were destroyed with the joint efforts of practitioners. The world seems to have recovered to the years of the three emperors and five emperors. These monks became grass kings here. Tragicly, they soon had a war, and then almost all the monks were killed and injured except for some alert people who were good at running away.

These monks either went out of the door or went far away from home and survived alone, which also just verified the so-called principle of prosperity and decline. Since then, the forces of cultivation have gradually faded out of the sight of mortals. It seems to be the fate of history, and technology has begun to rise again.

As a deeply rooted force of cultivation, Middle-earth has made slow progress in scientific and technological development and was soon surpassed by the Western world. Driven by human greed, the great voyage began. With the discovery of continents and the division of colonies, the last Chinese land was finally bombarded with cannons.

The country is in danger, countless righteous people rushing, and the rolling smoke of war have almost made the earth full of holes, and the land of China is the most important place to suffer disasters.

Suddenly, for more than 200 years, in a deep mountain and old forest, a man suddenly shouted and flew up. His voice was very simple... "I can drive the clouds, I can drive the clouds, I..." A plane crashed straight into the man, and the human voice stopped abruptly.

With a bang, the plane exploded, and the man was directly torn into powder by the explosion wave, and even a piece of flesh and blood could not be seen. Shortly after the end of the air crash, several workers buried the mountain, several cannons sounded, and large stones scattered in all sides.

No one knows that a space in the belly of the mountain suddenly collapsed, and a person sitting cross-legged in it was completely crushed into mud by the rocks before he could make a cry of horror.

Since then, the only two remaining practitioners on the earth have completely disappeared - the power of science and technology has been completely defeated by those practitioners. This is also an understanding of cause and effect. Science and technology died because of the cultivation of truth, and cultivation should eventually be completely extinct because of science and technology.

During this period, Yihe and Su Xiaoru have been closed.

They hid in an empty world in the moon and understood the feelings of that life. Now their practice is complete, and when they go out again, they find the great changes in the world. The two looked at each other and felt that the years had passed and the vicissitudes of life. They used a stealth spell and landed on the earth.

There are magnetic levitation cars flying in the sky everywhere - this scene is not strange to Yihe and Su Xiaoru, because they once did this step, and the two of them wandered around the world familiarly and understood a general idea.

The level of scientific and technological development here has been considerable.

"Do you want to stay here or find a more backward life planet?" Su Xiaoru looked at the sky, and there was a cold lead gray everywhere. Yi He touched his nose indifferently and said, "It's right here. Which world is different?" Maybe there is something interesting here!"

In a downtown area, the radio is promoting a set of game equipment, which is a high-tech patch. It is said that as long as you put it on your forehead, you can play an immersive online game anytime and anywhere. The two went to buy one and put it on their heads, which was really useful.

There is a sound prompting the operation steps. Yi He and Su Xiaoru used some means to draw enough cash on *. After buying a house, they quickly moved in and started the game.

The picture of the game is very ancient, which looks like the Tang Dynasty. In this game, you can choose martial arts, some professions of mage, and Yi He and Su Xiaoru all chose mage without exception - since you can release spells to hurt people from a long distance, why do you have to PK with people at close range? Isn't that a problem?

After staying in the novice village for a moment, the two directly flashed at level 10 and went to the nearest city to do a transfer task. Yihe learned the simplest thunder spell, while Su Xiaoru learned a fire spell. After receiving a task proudly and arrogantly, they flew towards a group of monsters, which was extremely Desou released lightning and fireballs to scorched the outside and inside of the barbecue--

The two people's mysterious body without adding agility is quite a lot of flowers, and the leaves do not touch the body. The series soared all the way, and the simplest basic spell actually rose to 100, which is comparable to ordinary first-level spells.

At this time, the couple knew that they foolishly went back to learn first-level spells - well, you really can't afford to hurt people who have never played games. Under the extremely strange eyes of a group of players, this couple mage learned all 123-level spells in one breath, if it weren't for not enough money...

"Yihe, Longkong Valley, hurry up!"

A strange email suddenly appeared in Yihe's mailbox. Yihe frowned, but he was surprised to see that the signature of the email was actually Yang Ming. As soon as they talked to their wife Su Xiaoru, they quickly found the coordinates of the map and rushed to the destination - Longkong Valley, where is Longkong Valley?

The number of monsters around them is getting higher and higher, but the number of the two people is also gradually getting higher in running, and the various attributes of their bodies have changed. It seems that... At the moment they entered the Longkong Valley, they finally felt their own changes--

They became NPCs!

At the entrance of Longkong Valley, a muscular man was looking at them with a smile. As soon as I saw the two of them coming, they waved and said, "I came here as a guest boss. I heard that someone came here to kill, so I can only ask the two of you to come and help. Hey hey, I'm really sorry!"


"The apprentice is for use, right?"

Yi He rolled his eyes speechlessly and just hoped that his master would not play him to death, but what is his master's identity? How can he play online games? Yi He looked at Yang Ming without any wonder, but he didn't see what Yang Ming did. The change of attributes on his body finally turned into a wind monster.

And Su Xiaoru became a rain master.

Less than 20 minutes later, hundreds of top players came to kill here. Yihe's master said shamelessly, "You two help me carry it. I'm going to make a big move. One move can definitely destroy half of them, and you just have to resist!"

Yihe pushed himself as a meat shield to the mouth of the valley, so that no one would pass.

Su Xiaoru used the rain dew skill in the back to replenish blood, and from time to time, she would also cast a fixed group spell, so that these players temporarily lost their ability to move. Yihe tried his best to attack, grabbed a death beating, and hit a single spell towards a person. As soon as the group spell cooled down, he even looked at the target's I'm in a good mood.

In less than half an hour, one-third of these players were killed. It is estimated that everyone will be grateful if they don't drop one or two levels. According to what Yi He knows, the reward of this super boss is rich, but the punishment for hanging out is even more cheating.

"Replenish blood, replenish blood quickly..."

"I'm blue."


A series of beams of light lit up one after another, and Yi He also left half of the blood. When there were only more than 60 people left, Yang Ming's big move was finally ready, killing a large area at once, and finally the remaining ten red grids were directly killed by Yi He. This time, the player's group killing of bosses was completely defeated under the combination of Yihe and the three.

Yi He asked at this time, "Master, you are not really playing online games, are you?"

Yang Ming said, "I'm not so painful. I'm here to preach to you. My disciples naturally deserve my true biography. You enter the game, to be precise, it's also my arrangement. The purpose is nothing more than that you can experience here. What is the heavenly way? If you don't break through the heavenly way, you will always I don't know the existence of the road!"

"50 Avenue, 49 Tiandao?"

Yang Ming smiled and flew away. He only left a sentence for Yi He: "In reality, Tiandao can no longer be used by you, but in the world of online games, you can see and know what Tiandao is, so that you can know what Tiandao is. When you really understand, it is not far from the realm of heaven.

Yi He scratched his head with a wry smile, "This realm... faints!"

Now there is a peerless cultivation, and Yi He is very satisfied. He really hasn't thought of breaking through or not. You said that in life, as long as you are safe and walk through the hands of your beloved, what money, power, and the power that can change heaven and earth, isn't it all floating clouds?

Yihe feels that he thinks very clearly and thoroughly.

He took Su Xiaoru's hand and said, "What else do we need to pursue now?" What road are you pursuing? If it weren't for you and me being transformed by the innate pure yin and pure yang, maybe I don't know where to go now. Even if there is such a big * magic power as a master, isn't it the same that can't make our parents reborn? If there is something regret in my heart, maybe this is a pity..."

After saying this sentence, Yi He suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

Su Xiaoru smiled gently and leaned against Yihe's arms.

The scenery of Longkong Valley changed, and Yi He and Su Xiaoru suddenly appeared in another place. Xiaotian jumped up and walked to the two people and shouted, "Dad, mom, you finally went home. Xiaotian is so lonely...


At this moment, countless runes suddenly appeared in Yihe's mind. These runes were quickly recombined, and finally formed a unique mark of heaven, which existed in his mind. He actually got it under such a situation... Maybe he can't get it back here.

(The whole book is over!)