Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

059: Heart stuffy is not a disease, but it kills people

Jiang Muyan, who turned his back to Qiao Jie, is speechless. Is Qiao Jie a monster with three eyes? Since he came, he hasn't been to and from work normally every day. Now, does he even want to occupy her lunch time?

It's so disgusting! She swore that if Qiao Jie asked her to help him with any personal affairs, she would go to the Labor Bureau to sue him for encroaching on the legitimate rights and interests of the workers, hum!

Thinking about this, Jiang Muyan instantly felt that he didn't need to be afraid of Qiao Jie at all. She had a labor law to protect the hard-working public. Jiang Muyan, who turned around, pretended to be curious and asked, "I'm off work. What else is the editor-in-chief?"

Jiang Muyan, who deliberately aggravated the tone of the words 'off work', was afraid that Qiao Jie didn't know that it was her lunchtime. Unexpectedly, Qiao Jie, the guy who killed thousands of knives, really pretended not to understand and smiled at her, with an expression like a spring breeze.

Unfortunately, his different expressions could not confuse Jiang Tongshe's clear heart at all. Jiang Muyan swore that if Qiao Jie dared to make any excessive demands again, she would make him look for teeth on the spot until his mother couldn't recognize him!

"You haven't answered me yet. Where are you in a hurry to go?" Qiao Jie, who was very curious about what Jiang Muyan wanted to do. As soon as he saw Jiang Muyan, he couldn't help teasing her.

He resisted the impulse to beat Qiao Jie. Jiang Muyan smiled stiffly, "Look at what the editor-in-chief said, where can I go? It's lunch time. Of course, I'm going downstairs for lunch."

Jiang Muyan, who doesn't know what Qiao Jie wants to think, will definitely not tell Qiao Jie that he is going to choose a gift, but Qiao Jie's next sentence makes Jiang Muyan feel dead.

"Just in time, I'm also going down to eat. In order to reward your 'work' these days, well, I'll treat you to lunch together at noon today. I don't think you will refuse me, will you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Muyan wanted to ask Qiao Jie weakly, where did his confidence come from, thinking that he would not refuse his lunch invitation? Does he think that he is handsome and gold, and all the women in the world will like to be with him?

Even if she really wants to go to eat, she will never eat with him, because just looking at Qiao Jie's handsome and dark face, she is already full without eating anything.

What does it mean that she won't refuse him? He thinks he is a Korean Obama or a European and American superstar. Why can't he refuse him? Besides, the time at noon is already tight. If she goes to dinner with Qiao Jie, I don't think she will have time to choose gifts later.

So, Jiang Muyan, who refused Qiao Jie's proposal without much thought about it, now quickly finished his words and slipped out like a loach, completely ignoring Qiao Jie's surprised and embarrassed handsome expression after being rejected.

"I'm really sorry, editor-in-chief. I have other things to do at noon today, so I won't have lunch with you. I wish you a good meal! I'll go first, bye!"

It was not until Jiang Muyan disappeared into his sight and Qiao Jie, who was rudely rejected by her, that he gradually returned to his senses from surprise. Qiao Jie smiled and said to himself that Jiang Muyan, a woman was really interesting!

She usually looks afraid that he is going to die. Today, she is tough. Despite his invitation, she ran away so quickly. What important is she has to do now? The more she thinks about it, the more curious Qiao Jie is. She really wants to follow her, but Qiao Jie couldn't help laughing at the thought that he had such an idea.

What's wrong with me? Usually, what I disdained the most, but as soon as I met Jiang Muyan, I completely lost the previous principles. It seems that I have to be careful of Jiang Muyan as a woman in the future. Who made her have such a great influence and destructive power to herself invisibly?

I finally got rid of Qiao Jie's Jiang Muyan. When Sa Yazi ran downstairs to the company, she breathed a relaxed breath. Fortunately, she flashed quickly, otherwise she would have been pulled by Qiao Jie to work hard.

Thinking of his arrangement at noon, Jiang Muyan no longer delayed and went directly to the nearby mall. After comparison with several gift shops, Jiang Muyan finally bought his favorite gift.

Thinking of meeting Huo Yan again tonight, Jiang Muyan couldn't help recalling what Huo Yan forced her that night. Jiang Muyan, who always had a pimple in his heart, shook his head and reminded himself not to think too much.

Anyway, she will go back to dinner with Huo Yan later, and find a reason to say goodbye to Huo's father and Huo's mother. At that time, the two elders will be present, and Huo Yan will not dare to do anything to himself!

Thinking about this, Jiang Muyan felt much more at ease in an instant. When he got off work, Jiang Muyan just walked downstairs of the company and saw an extremely familiar Land Rover parked not far from the company.

The more she looked at it, the more familiar Jiang Muyan felt. She was about to get closer to see what was going on, but before Jiang Muyan walked over, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly rang.

Jiang Muyan, who picked it up without looking at it, is still paying attention to Land Rover at this time. "Hey, hello, I'm Jiang Muyan."

"Come here." The person who called Jiang Muyan's voice was stable and short. With just two words, there was a pressure of anger and self-righteousness. There was no need to think about it. The phone call was from Chief Huo.

Suddenly hearing Huo Yan's voice, Jiang Muyan couldn't help but be a little surprised. When she looked up, the Land Rover, which had just stopped not far from the company, had already opened in front of her.

The window slid down, and Huo Yan's square and serious handsome face was reflected in Jiang Muyan's eyes. Jiang Muyan looked around nervously. Fortunately, now the people of their magazine have almost left. Otherwise, they would have jumped into the Yellow River.

Huo Yan's reaction of Jiang Muyan looking around was in his eyes. His handsome face was so heavy that it was about to drip water. When Jiang Muyan saw Huo Yan holding his mobile phone in one hand, he was really sure that it was Huo Yan who called him.

Jiang Muyan hung up the phone with an embarrassed expression and asked politely, "Huo Yan, why are you here?"

"I don't want my parents to see us go back separately later. You like to lie, but I won't!" As soon as Huo Yan opened his mouth, he almost blocked Jiang Muyan.

Jiang Muyan, who pinched his little fist, almost turned his head and left. Huo Yan is still endless. Does he have to say cold words to her? If he really doesn't like to see her, don't appear in front of her. It's not that she took the initiative to beg him to appear.

Standing Jiang Tongshe, who refused to get on the car, was quite a bit of a cold war with Huo Yan, but Huo Yan saw that she stood still and refused to move her little buttocks. It was a horizontal and her face darkened. He hung up the phone and saw that he was about to pull the door and get out of the car. "Since you can't walk, Then I have to come down and carry you into the car."

How could Jiang Muyan not hear the threat in Huo Yan's words? Knowing that Huo Yan was a man who must do what he said, Jiang Muyan suddenly pulled the door quickly and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Wow... Fortunately, she moved quickly, otherwise she would be humiliated if she was really caught by Huo Yan and hugged herself into the car.

As soon as he got on the car, Jiang Muyan roared and urged Huo Yan to drive. The nervous little appearance was afraid of being seen by the people in the company building.

However, the more anxious she was to get angry, the more leisurely Huo Yan was. Looking at Jiang Muyan sitting on the co-driver, Huo Yan suddenly leaned over, and his upper body was almost close to Jiang Muyan.

Huo Yan's sudden approach made Jiang Muyan nervous and scared. The unhappy memory of that night instantly came to Jiang Muyan's mind. Jiang Muyan subconsciously held his hands in his chest and stared at Huo Yan with a vigilant face, "Huo Yan, what are you doing?"

Huo Yan, who was almost pissed off by Jiang Muyan, really wanted to pry open Jiang Muyan's head to see what was in it. When he saw his little daughter-in-law subconsciously avoiding his behavior, Huo Yan's eyes darkened and he regret slipped quickly through his eyes.

It seems that the little thing still has a grudge against himself. Even if Huo Yan wants to change what happened that night, he can't turn back the time or think that it didn't happen.

But if the little daughter-in-law allocates herself to the ranks of passers-by, he can't say anything, "Don't move, I'll fasten your seat belt."

Hearing Huo Yan say that he should fasten his seat belt, Jiang Muyan was secretly relieved. The expression of tension and fear on his face gradually dissipated. When Huo Yan fastened his seat belt, Jiang Muyan found that Huo Yan had no intention of leaving at all.

Seeing this, Jiang Muyan, who was relieved just now, couldn't help staring at Huo Yan's every move nervously, as if he was afraid that he would do something too much to himself.

"Huo Yan, don't come so close to me. Drive quickly. Wait a moment... Mom and Dad should be anxious." Jiang Muyan, who wanted to take this topic to divert Huo Yan's attention, kept urging Huo Yan to drive away.

However, Huo Yan seemed to know what she was thinking at this moment. A pair of eagle eyes stared at her motionless, as if to understand what she was thinking through her eyes.

"You are afraid of me." Huo Yan, who stared at Jiang Muyan for a long time, suddenly said this in a positive tone before sitting back to his seat.

Jiang Muyan, whose eyes were a little surprised, didn't understand why Huo Yan suddenly said so. She sat honestly in the co-driver's seat and looked at Huo Yan with a curious and vigilant look all the way, as if Huo Yan had suddenly possessed by an alien.

No wonder Jiang Muyan felt that Huo Yan was a little strange. Since he knew that she was a little afraid of him, why did he go downstairs to the company to pick her up, which made her keep beating and was afraid that Huo Yan would do something unreasonable.