Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

078: What women are most interested in

"Editor-in-chief, can I ask you a question?" Jiang Muyan, who sat down, continued to ask questions now.

Qiao Jie, who didn't know why, couldn't figure out what Jiang Muyan wanted to play. He continued to wait for her to follow, and continued to dig down her words, "Ask."

knew that Qiao Jie would be Jiang Muyan with such a curious reaction. At this time, he continued to ask his own questions confidently and boldly, "Editor-in-Chief, what do you think women are most interested in?"

Qiao Jie, who was aroused by Jiang Muyan's inexplicable question, temporarily put down his unhappiness and was a little curious about what strange suggestions Jiang Muyan would say.

"Women... are most interested in... clothes, bags, jewelry, sports cars?" Qiao Jie, who thought casually and deliberately said a few conventional answers, now has quite a bit of throwing bricks to attract jade.

Jiang Muyan, who knew that Qiao Jie would say these things, had a proud and stinky expression on his face. Jiang Muyan, who was a little excited to deny Qiao Jie's answer, finally said his proudest standard answer under Qiao Jie's eyes.

"Hey, you're wrong. Although most women will be interested in what you said, this is definitely not what women are most interested in. Let me tell you, what women are most interested in is actually... men!"

Jiang Muyan, who was afraid that Qiao Jie could not understand, continued to explain excitedly, "To be more precise, women are most interested in the most outstanding men in all walks of life, such as doctors, lawyers, stars, prosecutors and so on. As long as this man is handsome and capable enough, it doesn't matter. Whether he is the president or the CEO is the coveted object of women.

"So, editor-in-chief, you can see that the reading and purchasing group of our magazine is mainly focused on women between 18 and 45 years old. If we can do a special topic and interview a man who has made outstanding achievements in a certain field in each issue, I think the sales of our magazine will definitely double."

Speaking of this, Jiang Muyan seems to have seen countless sales and commission bonuses. His small expression is called a financial fan. Qiao Jie opposite him is both surprised and wants to laugh.

Qiao Jiexin said that he thought that the woman's head was flat and had no idea. Unexpectedly, Jiang Muyan opened his eyes today. The proposal she just said, apart from all subjective factors, was indeed a good proposal worth a try.

Qiao Jie, who has already made a decision in his heart, has a calm expression on his face. "The proposal you mentioned is really good, but if you want to do a good job in this charming man topic, you can't do it alone."

After a pause, Qiao Jie deliberately didn't look at Jiang Muyan's slightly depressed expression and continued to hang someone's appetite slowly. "Well, since this topic was proposed by you and Xiao Huan, I will reserve eight pages for you in each issue, and you will dig out a charming man for me in each issue."

"The specific interview will be left to Xiao Huan, and you will be fully responsible for the photography of this topic. If you can do this topic well, I don't think the magazine will treat you badly."

When listening to Qiao Jie's words uneasily, Jiang Muyan, who was already speechless, really wanted to jump up and pinch his face.

She heard it right just now. Qiao Jie actually agreed to her proposal and reserved eight pages of A edition for them in each issue. Is this a good thing that only happens when pies fall from the sky?

Jiang Muyan, who changed his outlook on Qiao Jie in an instant, only held Qiao Jie's claws without a look. Fortunately, Jiang Tong's shoes, which were still rational, restrained his impulse in time.

Jiang Muyan, who didn't care what Qiao Jie wanted to say to her, stood up with a happy expression and rushed out at all, giving Qiao Jie no chance to say anything else.

Seeing that Jiang Muyan had rushed out of the office's excited back, Qiao Jie, who was originally a little depressed and entangled, seemed to have been infected by the woman. His mood was inexplicably better, and the smile on the corners of his mouth gradually appeared.

Sure enough, as Jiang Muyan expected, when she told Huanzi about this matter, Huanzi, who had always been calm, finally couldn't resist the joy and joy in his heart, and instantly pulled Jiang Muyan into his arms, with a happy expression.

After being in the magazine for so long, she finally had the opportunity to write a special topic, and it was also a special topic in the A version. It seems that she was worried about Jiang Muyan just now. This girl looked stupid. Unexpectedly, the fool was blessed, and the editor-in-chief was persuaded by her to agree.

If it hadn't been for the fear of hitting Jiang Tongshe, who is quite happy now, Huanzi really wanted to ask someone what method he used to let the editor-in-chief agree to their proposal, and it was also under the circumstances that the editor-in-chief's poor face just now.

After thinking about it, Huanzi didn't ask after all. He looked at Jiang Muyan with a proud face and the editor-in-chief's office with the door closed.

It seems that something is happening, but she didn't notice it when she looked at Jiang Muyan!

Well, the person involved is not in a hurry. As a spectator, what right does she have to say more?

Since taking over this special topic that has attracted the attention of the whole magazine, Jiang Muyan and Huanzi have been busy like a top every day. They can't wait to conjure up hundreds of splits to help them do things like Sun Wukong. Fortunately, Qiao Jie later considered the importance of this topic and added three people to them, so that First of all, Jiang Muyan and Huanzi were finally able to take a break in a hurry.

Jiang Muyan, who is still sorting out relevant materials in the office at night, is hungry and sleepy now. Unfortunately, tomorrow is the first interview with their special topic. She and Huanzi still have some important information that have not been sorted out. Now they have to work overtime in the office to finish.

Huanzi, who didn't raise her head, continued to stare at the computer and write hard. She seemed to have two more eyes behind her head. At this time, she said calmly to Jiang Muyan, "Ayan, you go back to rest first. I'm going to finish it soon. Tomorrow's interview is very important to us, so tomorrow you You must fight the spirit of 120,000 points.

Although the text part of the interview is important, if there is no photo matching, no matter how excellent the men they interviewed are, it is estimated that the female readers of the magazine will not accept it.

Huanzi, who knows this truth well, will let Jiang Muyan go back to rest first, so that she will not be listless tomorrow and the photos taken will not be seen.

Jiang Muyan, who originally wanted to continue to accompany Huanzi to finish it, finally packed up his things and walked out of the office exhausted under Huanzi's strong request and sharp eyes.

When Jiang Muyan walked downstairs, he heard the mobile phone in his bag ring. He took out his mobile phone and saw that the phone was Jiang Muyan called by Huo Yan, and a smile couldn't help overflowing from his mouth.

"Hey, Huo Yan, why did you call me so early?" In the past few days, Huo Yan, who was in the army, called her at least once a day. Every time she and Huo Yan took the phone and didn't say anything, they just listened to each other's breathing quietly, and they felt very satisfied and beautiful.

I never thought that she and Huo Yan would get along with Jiang Muyan in such a calm and beautiful way. Now when he answered the phone, he was in a happy mood. Huo Yan, on the other end of the phone, smiled and listened to Jiang Muyan's ears inexplicably a little heartburn.

"Daughter, are you still in the magazine?"

"Hum, Huanzi and I have been busy with the topic these days. Now I just got off work. What are you doing now?" Jiang Muyan, who walked out and talked to Huo Yan about his affairs today, did not notice that a car behind him was gradually approaching.

"Come back." At the other end of the phone, Huo Yan inexplicably said something that surprised Jiang Muyan.

When Jiang Muyan turned around, he saw Huo Yan, who was dressed in a military uniform, elegantly down from the car and slowly approached him. The picture was so beautiful, as if it blurred the years and stopped the stream of time.

Jiang Muyan, who was almost stunned, suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. If Huo Yan was allowed to be the subject of their charming man's interview, I don't know if he would agree.

But when Jiang Muyan saw Huo Yan in military uniform, he decisively strangled this idea in the cradle. What was she thinking? Huo Yan was a soldier and disciplined. Unless approved by his superiors, he would never do such a thing.

"What are you thinking about, daughter-in-law?" Huo Yan, who had already walked to Jiang Muyan, couldn't help but hold her in his arms with some curiosity.

Jiang Muyan, who did not resist Huo Yan's intimate actions towards him, did not find that the pattern of her relationship with Huo Yan seemed to be an old husband and wife who had been married for many years, and she did not feel strange or uncomfortable at all.

"Nothing, Huo Yan, are you here to pick me up?" At this moment, it's better to wonder how Huo Yan came here, Jiang Muyan, raised his thin little face and asked.

Seeing that Jiang Muyan was about to lose a lot of weight, Huo Yan frowned dissatisfiedly. Jiang Muyan was already thin enough. What's she going on now? Is she really a spiritual food to eat?

"Little thing, didn't you know to ask, have you eaten? You are about to lose weight, daughter-in, I still like the feeling of a little meat on your body. It's more comfortable to hold it like that.

Huo Yan doesn't like some women nowadays. In order to lose weight, he makes himself look like a sparerib essence, which makes people anxious! Women still need a little meat to be more sexy!