Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

085: Some habits become natural after a long time

Jiang Muyan, who noticed that Huo Yan's eyes had changed, was not stupid at this time. He wanted to escape from Huo Yan's arms. Before she pushed Huo Yan away, Huo Yan directly held her tightly in his arms.

Hu Datuan leader, who raised his eyebrows, had an evil expression at this moment. Looking at someone who was a little panicked and guilty, Huo Tuan said coldly, "Do you still want to run? Daughter-in-law, where do you think you can go?

After saying that, without waiting for Jiang Tong's shoes to react, he directly kissed the delicate lips. Jiang Muyan was shocked and remembered that she and Huo Yan were still on the street at this time. Huo Yan was really capricious and reckless, which did not care about the impact at all!

"Woo...Huo...Yan...Don't..." Jiang Tong's shoes, who were kissed by Huo Yan, finally overflowed with a little sound while Huo Yan's sucking gap.

But Huo Yan has been missing the smell of Jiang Tong's shoes for too long. He has wanted to do this for a long time. How can he care so much? Huo Yan kissed him seriously and hugged Jiang Muyan in the posture of a man!

The shy Jiang Muyan couldn't get rid of Huo Yan's imprisonment at this time. She was so ashamed that she just wanted to find a seam to get in. She could only blush and close her eyes and let Huo Yan kiss enough.

When Huo Yan swept the inner wall of Jiang Muyan's mouth and conquered both inside and outside, he slightly let go of Jiang Tong's shoes with satisfaction.

Jiang Tong's shoes, whose red lips were slightly swollen after being kissed by Huo Yan, his eyes were blurred, his little face was charming and shy, and his little appearance was beautiful.

"Daughter, you are so beautiful!" Huo Yan's heartfelt praise made Jiang Tongshe, who wanted to be angry, suddenly lost his temper.

Jiang Muyan, who was a little annoyed, reminded herself in her heart why she couldn't stand Huo Yan's sugar-coated shells. Huo Yan was gentle or praised her, and she lost her temper in an instant.

It seems that I have to beware of Huo Yan in the future, so as not to be eaten to death by him!

"Huo Yan, you hooligan, I'm endless with you!" Jiang Muyan, who stamped his feet, was a little embarrassed now. Who let Huo Yan kiss her directly on the street regardless of the occasion?

Jiang Muyan's words made Huo Yan's mouth overflow with a few smiles. Huo Yanxin said that he was really afraid that Jiang Muyan would end up with him, which was what he didn't want to see. The more she was endless with him, the more happy he was!

"Daughter, if you feel at a loss, how about I let you kiss me here for a few minutes?" Huo Yan, who played a rogue with Jiang Muyan, said something that almost made Jiang Muyanchy.

This guy Huo Yan!! Fortunately, he really dares to say that she feels at a loss. She can kiss him here for a few minutes. She is really stupid. If she kisses him, isn't it still her who will suffer in the end?

"Huo Yan, you and you... I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Jiang Tongshe, who was so angry that he had nothing to say to Huo Yan, had to pretend to be angry now.

However, the more she is like this, the more Huo Yan feels that it is funny to tease her. Every time this girl is angry with herself, she really looks like the frogs they caught when they were young!

"Daughter-in-law, I only allow you to ignore me in three minutes. In three minutes, no matter what the reason is, you have to look at me and talk to me, otherwise I will be worried!"

Huo Yan's words were sincere. Jiang Muyan, who looked at Huo Yan's eyes, even if he was angry again, he would not be angry for a long time.

Jiang Muyan found that Huo Yan seemed to have started a sweet talk mode recently. The heartwarming words came out of his mouth one after another, which made Jiang Muyan a little suspicious that this man would not copy it directly on the Internet.

But Jiang Muyan thought about it and felt that Huo Yan was not a man who could do that, so he was more curious about what was wrong with Huo Yan, just like a yo-yo in his heart.

"I know, Huo Yan!"

The two looked at each other affectionately, and then walked towards the place where the car was parked. When Huo Yan sent Jiang Tong shoes downstairs, Jiang Muyan thought that Huo Yan would go up with him, but Huo Yan hugged her and kissed her forehead, and then whispered in her ear, "I have to go back to the army tonight, Ming The army has training in the morning. Wait for me at home, okay?"

Originally, Huo Yan also wanted to stay tonight, but Huo Yan knew that according to Jiang Muyan's influence on him and his weak endurance in front of her, if he stayed tonight, he probably wouldn't want to leave tomorrow morning.

Beauty village, hero tomb, the ancients don't bully me!

He didn't want Huo Yan to see Jiang Muyan with a trace of expectation in his eyes. At this moment, he gently pushed Huo Yan away and deliberately pretended to be indifferent and said, "I know, go back quickly. You don't need to send me up. Call me when you get there."

After saying that, he didn't look at Huo Yan, so he directly pushed the door and got out of the car. When the light in Jiang Muyan's room lit up, Huo Yan drove away at ease.

And Jiang Muyan, who climbed upstairs, looked depressed on the sofa, and his little face was like a flower that had not absorbed nutrients, which was called a malaise.

Jiang Muyan didn't know what was wrong with her. When she heard Huo Yan say that he would not stay tonight, her first reaction was actually a little sad. That dense sadness gradually spread from her heart to her whole body, so that now she doesn't want to do anything and just wants to nest quietly on the sofa.

Jiang Muyan never thought that from the time she promised to try to live a good life with Huo Yan, but in just a month, she has begun to get used to the feeling of Huo Yan accompanying her.

Now Huo Yan suddenly said that she could not accompany her. The sadness and loss in her heart almost directly drowned out Jiang Tong's shoes. Fortunately, Jiang Tong shoes, who had always felt that they could afford to let go, were heartless and not tired, gradually recovered after a short time.

"I took a shower and went to bed!"

After taking a shower, he lay alone**. Although he was very sleepy, he always felt that Jiang Muyan was missing something, which was so difficult to fall asleep.

When Jiang Muyan realized that she was used to the feeling of sleeping behind Huo Yan, Jiang Muyan was almost driven crazy by the messy pretentious thoughts in his mind tonight.

"Ah, ah, Huo Yan, you are a bad guy!"

Jiang Muyan, who roared like a crazy woman, finally fell asleep with infinite resentment for Huo Yan.

And Huo Yan returned to the army, but now he didn't know what Jiang Muyan was thinking. He was thinking about Jiang Muyan. He picked up the phone and wanted to call Jiang Muyan, but thinking that it was too late now, he decided to call tomorrow.

"Good night, daughter-in-law!" Huo Yan, who said this silently in his heart, finally fell into a deep sleep.

It's late at night, and we don't know whether two men and women who care about each other can meet in their dreams!

Due to the enthusiastic and hot response of the first issue of the interview with the charming man, the magazine led by Qiao Jie expressed their heartfelt congratulations to Huanzi and Jiang Muyan. Qiao Jie also publicly announced at the magazine meeting that their group would continue to be responsible for the next few exclusive interviews with the charming men.

"I believe that the group of Huanzi and Ayan will definitely make better results for us to learn, don't you think?" Qiao Jie, who wore a high hat for Huanzi and Jiang Muyan, not only put pressure on their group, but also encouraged colleagues from the whole magazine to learn from them and supervise them together.

Huanzi and Jiang Muyan, who became the target of public criticism in an instant, had to keep a low profile and work hard. Otherwise, they would be caught by some people with intentions in the magazine, and they would really be endless.

After the meeting, although Huanzi didn't say anything, he had a solemn expression on his face, but indirectly told Jiang Tongshe that the situation was not good!

"Huanzi, what's wrong with you?" Jiang Tongshe, who finally summoned up the courage to ask a question, didn't know why Huanzi was praised but was unhappy.

Looking at Jiang Muyan, who thought the matter was too simple, Huanzi called a big duck pear mountain, and his eyes looked sharply at the editor-in-chief's office. Huanzi explained to Jiang Tongshe carefully.

"Do you think the editor-in-chief was praising us just now?"

"Yes!" Jiang Tong's shoes, who answered without hesitation, did not think about the deep aspects at all.

Huanzi had an expression of 'I knew it was like this' and continued to say to Jiang Tongshe, "Although the editor-in-chief seems to be praising us, there is still a layer of meaning in the words, that is, now the whole magazine is staring at our group. If we can't do well in the next few exclusive interviews, no matter how well we are, it will It's useless!"

Jiang Muyan, who was explained by Huanzi and instantly felt that it was very similar, asked in disbelief, "No way?" Recently, she has always felt that Qiao Jie is very good, just like a person. She is also polite to herself and no longer deliberately toss her like before.

I didn't expect him to be so sinister and said something with several meanings. Fortunately, Huanzi heard it, otherwise she would foolishly think that Qiao Jie was praising them.

He stared at Jiang Tong's shoes in Qiao Jie's office with hatred. At this time, he fully believed what Huanzi analyzed and listened to her, "What should we do, Huanzi?"

"What should I do? Let's have a salad, as long as we do our own things well and complete this special topic well, even if anyone wants to deliberately pick our mistakes, is it really a dead person, is it so easy to bully?

Inadvertently showed a few times of the queen's momentum, and what he said made Jiang Tonghua very reassuring!

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with following Huanzi, hey hey!

While Jiang Muyan and Huanzi completely misunderstood the meaning of Qiao Jie's words, Qiao Jie sitting in the office was also quite satisfied with the achievements made by Huanzi and Jiang Muyan this time.

Qiao Jiexin said that when Jiang Muyan put forward the topic of this charming man in front of him, Qiao Jie really thought that this plan was good. However, considering that Jiang Muyan and Huanzi had not been responsible for such a topic alone before, they were integrated and produced different chemical reactions.

Sure enough, the result was as he expected. They did not disappoint him. The first issue of the special topic was launched, and the reaction was quite good!