Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

102: Cold night warmth

Jiang Muyan did not know that he had attracted the attention and attention of the big star Jin Cheng. At the end of Brother Liang's interview, he also successfully completed the photo shooting of the exclusive interview.

When everyone got up one after another and prepared to end this interview, Jiang Muyan took advantage of the gap where Jin Cheng was sitting alone on the sofa and ran to Jin Cheng's side with a worshipful expression.

"Jin Cheng, that... Can I take a picture with you?" When he said this, Jiang Tongshe had a completely uneasy little fan expression on his face.

Seeing this, he smiled with some business-oriented Jin Cheng, and the corners of his mouth smiled, but his eyes flashed with a few traces of eyes that Jiang Tong's shoes did not notice, similar to the curiosity to see novel things.

"Of can!" Jin Cheng, who was deliberately appetizing, finally satisfied Jiang Muyan's request for a group photo.

When Brother Liang finished taking pictures for them, Jin Cheng stood up and was about to stand aside Jiang Tong's shoes to let Jin Cheng leave, but he saw Jin Cheng suddenly close to her ear and said, "It's nice to meet you, Miss Jiang!"

What Jiang Muyan didn't know is that she and Jin Cheng are now. In the eyes of outsiders, they are a very familiar and ambiguous picture. The handsome and tall Jin Cheng lowered the corners of his head and mouth close to Jiang Tong's shoes's ear. From the side shadow, Jiang Tong's shoes were sweet and delicate, and the little bird leaned slightly against Jin Cheng's side.

If that picture is captured by people with intentions, it will definitely be the front page of the major entertainment weekly magazines the next day!

Unfortunately, Jiang Tongshe, as a professional entertainment reporter, only feels the unparalleled charm of his idol, and he is not interested in paying attention to other things.

Jiang Muyan, who didn't hear what Jin Cheng said. When Jin Cheng raised his head, he looked at him puzzledly, as if he was thinking about whether what he had just said was true or not.

"Jin Cheng, we should go!"

Just when Jiang Muyan wanted to say something to Jin Cheng, Jin Cheng's agent reminded Jin Cheng at this time. The more he smiled, the more inventing Jin Cheng. After deeply looking at Jiang Muyan, he left elegantly.

"Ayan, what did Jin Cheng say to you just now?" Brother Liang, who happened to see Jin Cheng close to Jiang Muyan, couldn't help but be a little curious about what the two just said.

Shaking his head, Jiang Tongshe said honestly, "I didn't say anything, just say that I'm very happy to know you!"

"Is this what Jin Cheng said to you?" His expression was a little suspicious, and his tone made it clear that he didn't believe in Jiang Tong's shoes. At this time, Jiang Muyan didn't want to say more, but he didn't continue to ask.

As a senior editor and has worked in the entertainment industry for so many years, Brother Liang knows that there are some things that he should not ask. Even if he sees it, he will treat it as if he sees it or not.

Compared with Jiang Tong's shoes and Brother Liang, who have been frozen for a long time, Jin Cheng, who cooperated with the completion of the interview work, became a little meaningful as soon as he got on the car.

Looking at his agent sitting in the co-pilot's seat, Jin Cheng asked, "Did Mr. Cai really call you just now?"

Mr. Cai in Jin Cheng's mouth is the general manager of his economic company. He is curious about a small interview, which will shock Jin Cheng, the senior executives. At this time, his face is full of interest.


"It seems that Jiang Muyan is not a small man!" What is the beginning of Jiang Muyan, who can ask the senior management to call his agent in person?

"Jin Cheng, why don't we forget it?"

Hearing the agent say this, Jin Cheng smiled and insisted, "Sister Veliy, help me check this Jiang Muyan!"

He would like to see what kind of powerful role the woman who can make Mr. Cai speak and bother K is.

For Jin Cheng's persistence, the agent Veliy only sighed worriedly and said, "I know!"

With Jin Cheng for so long, Sister Veliy is quite clear about Jin Cheng's personality. As long as he wants to do something, no matter how much he says, he won't listen. It's better to follow his personality, so that he won't often go against him.

I can't help it. Who let Jin Cheng be a steamed bun competing for by major brokerage companies? Recently, his contract is about to expire. If he doesn't continue to renew the contract, I'm afraid that her gold medal broker's signature will also fall into Jin Cheng's hands.

And here, Jiang Muyan, who successfully finished the interview task and rushed back to the magazine, felt a little dizzy before she got off work. It seems that this is a sign that she is going to catch a cold again.

It's over. If Huo Yan knows, the man will definitely say in front of her that she doesn't care about her body again!

Jiang Tong shoes, who wanted to go to the supermarket to buy goods after work, simply went home directly after work because she was uncomfortable. She took a hot bath, turned on the heating, and fell into a warm quilt.

Jiang Tongshe, who was dizzy, forgot to change the mute he had just made during the interview to a ringtone, so that at night, Huo Yan called her several times, but no one answered.

Looking at the fine snow falling outside the window, Huo Yan's mood at this moment is like the falling snowflakes, cold and cold!

The worry and anxiety that grew from the bottom of his heart almost eroded Huo Yan's heart. After thinking about it, Huo Yan simply called Huanzi.

Speaking of which, this was the last time we had dinner together. Huanzi handed Huo Yan's business card, and the phone was quickly connected by Huanzi. When Huo Yan explained his identity and intention, Huanzi really felt that Huo Yan was quite reliable.

"Miss Xiao, do you think Yan Yan has been off work a long time ago?" Jiang Muyan has never answered his phone. Huo Yan is inevitably a little worried. Thinking of the previous robbery in Binhai City, Huo Yan's heart couldn't help shrinking nervously.

On the other side of the phone, Huanzi, who had just taken a shower, replied to Huo Yan in a positive tone, "I just got home from work. I'm sure that Ayan shouted that he wanted to go home to rest after work."

"But... I don't think she looked very good when she got off work in the afternoon. I guess she was frozen when she went to interview during the day. Why don't you go to her apartment to have a look?"

"Ye, thank you!" Hearing Huanzi's words, Huo Yan could not sit still. He took the car key directly and walked out.

Huanzi, who hung up the phone in a hurry by Huo Yan, couldn't help but feel lucky for Jiang Muyan. Unexpectedly, her husband looked cold and hard, but he was a loving man.

Along the way, Huo Yan's mind was full of Jiang Muyan's miserable little appearance. Land Rover was born as a racing car. When he rushed all the way to Jiang Muyan downstairs, Huo Yan's heart also beat up and down.

Huo Yan, who continued to call Jiang Muyan, listened to the mechanized prompts that no one answered on the phone, and his handsome eyebrows were almost wrinkled into steamed buns.

He strode up to the fifth floor and stood outside the door. Huo Yan was afraid that his reckless appearance would scare Jiang Tong's shoes, so he knocked on the door patiently while making a phone call.

But the room was quiet. After knocking for a long time, I didn't see Jiang Tong shoes open the door. Huo Yan, who was anxious and worried, couldn't control so much. He directly took some 'exordinary means' and successfully entered the house ten seconds later.

The cold winter sky has already dimmed, and the room is dark and there is no sound at all. If it hadn't been for calling Huanzi before to make sure that Jiang Muyan had come home from work, Huo Yan would have thought she was not at home.

There is no Jiang Tong's shoes in the living room, kitchen and bathroom. In the dark, Huo Yan's tall and handsome figure walked lightly into Jiang Tong's bedroom.

When he saw ** a towering unknown creature, Huo Yanqi's heart fell on the ground for a long time and finally fell to the ground. Fortunately, the little girl was at home!

However, when Huo Yan walked into the bedside and found that Jiang Muyan was still asleep, Huo Yan's half-hanging heart began to be a little nervous again, "Yanyan, wake up!"

Huo Yan made a soft voice and tried to call Jiang Tongshe, but found that she did not respond. Huo Yan, who was worried about what Jiang Tongshe would do, quickly turned on the light in the room.

Under the soft light, Huo Yan only saw that the little girl's head curled her body like a little shrimp. Under the background of the quilt, the unusually petite figure pierced Huo Yan's steel heart.

This is Huo Yan's little daughter-in-law. How could he let her stay at home alone?

Seeing that Jiang Tongshe's face was a little pale, Huo Yan reached out and explored Jiang Tongshe's forehead. When he found that Jiang Muyan was cold all over, Huo Yan remembered what Huanzi said. It was estimated that the girl was very cold when she went to interview during the day.

"Does the worry-free little girl have to make herself like this for the sake of Jin Cheng?" Needless to think, Huo Yan also knew who Jiang Tong's shoes were interviewed during the day.

Who let this girl have been mentioning Jin Cheng in front of him recently, causing Huo Yan to be jealous of an unknown man.

After searching for Jincheng on the Internet, Huo Yan knew that the person mentioned by Jiang Muyan was a star and seemed to be quite famous. However, Huo Yan, who did not catch a cold about it, was only worried about whether Jiang Tong's shoes would be fascinated by Jin Cheng.

Fortunately, now that the interview is over, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. Considering that the temperature outside is too low now, if he sends Jiang Muyan to the hospital now, it is inevitable that she will suffer another cold.

On balance, Huo Yan decided to observe Jiang Muyan's situation for one night. If her situation is not easy tomorrow morning, Huo Yan will take her to the hospital for medical treatment.

With a few pieces of ginger left in the kitchen, Huo Yan boiled a pot of brown sugar ginger water and drank it for the confused Jiang Tong shoes. When he saw her shaking coldly, Huo Yan climbed into bed and hugged the little poor boy into his hot and warm chest.

"Sleep, little thing, I'm here!"

I don't know if he felt the existence of Huo Yan. Jiang Tongshe, who had not slept soundly, really nestled in Huo Yan's arms, and his trembling body slowly became calmed down.