Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

196: Is it a new spring?

Qiao Jie finally took a look at Jiang Muyan and then smiled: "Goodbye..."

Jiang Muyan also looked at Qiao Jie. The goodbye in his eyes may never be seen.

"Goodbye." Jiang Muyan also said to him.

Qiao Jie turned around and left, as if he had walked out of Jiang Muyan's life from then on.

Huo Yan looked at Qiao Jie, then Jiang Muyan, and then turned around and took Jiang Muyan to his room.

"Hello? Didn't you say you wanted to eat?" Jiang Muyan looked left and right, and then asked Huo Yan.

"Yes. But I'm very upset now!" Huo Yan said angrily.

"Is it unpleasant? What's wrong?" Jiang Muyan was confused. What does it have to do with going back to the room?

"I don't want you to smile at other men, say thank you to other men, and say goodbye to other men, okay? So in order to express my dissatisfaction, I decided to fulfill the rights I should get..." Huo Yan's words were a pun, but Jiang Muyan was a black line...

Is this man a human? Or animals? Why did you come out after a while and think of that thing?

"No... I'm going to eat... I'm hungry..." Jiang Muyan suddenly used his hands and feet and began to struggle.

"I'm hungry too, but I have something better." Huo Yan's voice was full of desire.

"Do you have... I don't?"

" can also try mine, speaking of which...maybe not bad..." Huo Yan's thoughtful voice...

"Huo Yan..."

"Call me husband..."

"No! Huo Yan... you give it to me..."

Touch... The door was closed hard. I can't hear any sound anymore.

At the corner, a trace of sadness flashed on Qiao Jie's face against the wall. No matter how he pretended to be okay, but I'm afraid there is no way to make up the loophole in his heart.

"Are you the one who was complained about? Are you a guest here? A very petite-looking foreign woman said, wearing a security guard's clothes.

"It's not..."

"Why don't you stay here all the time? Come with me..." The foreign woman's fair skin reflected her rosy lips, and her golden hair was slightly curly, but it was tied up by her emotionlessly.

I don't know why when he saw her hair, Qiao Jie remembered Catherine's blonde hair. He subconsciously looked up and asked, "Excuse me... what's your name?"

"If you want to talk to me, you're wrong. I'm the security guard here, but you can call me Catherine." The foreign woman turned around and said, with a trace of firmness in her eyes, just like Catherine.

"Hello Catherine, my name is Jos."

When I woke up again, a fragrance suddenly came to my face. Jiang Muyan reluctantly opened his eyes and then sighed. Huo Yan's physical strength was also very good. Now I don't know when it was outside, probably from dawn to dark.

I barely looked up at the clock by the bed. Sure enough, it was 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I was starving to death. Jiang Muyan swallowed, and suddenly the fragrance of the delicious food floated to his nose again. Well, even his hallucinations began to appear. Can you still smell the dishes?

No! Even if it is an illusion, it should be if it is nothing, and it will never be as strong as it is now? And the taste of borscht? There seems to be something wrong with this.

Jiang Muyan shook his head and found that Huo Yan beside him was no longer there. After this guy was happy every time, he disappeared the next day as if he disappeared. Now he is still like this here.

Jiang Muyan, who was a little depressed, supported his body with his hands, and then slowly got up. He saw Huo Yan opposite him looking at him, but this was not the point. The point was that he was obviously holding a chicken wing root in his hand, nibbling, and then sometimes looked up and smiled at himself, revealing a row of dazzling white teeth.

"Chicken wings?" Jiang Muyan suddenly seemed to have beaten chicken blood. He suddenly jumped up from **, and then took a nightgown from the side, put it on and ran directly in the direction of Huo Yan.

Looking at Jiang Muyan's so "excited" and "enthusiastic" appearance, Huo Yan looked at the chicken wings in his hand, and his heart was somewhat depressed. Why didn't this little girl see him so serious and emotional when she saw her? Is it possible that his handsome appearance, golden back and scenery can't compare with such ugly chicken wings?

Thinking of this, everyone will feel depressed, right? Huo Yan looked up at Jiang Muyan and said, "Don't worry, there are many more."

Jiang Muyan couldn't listen to Huo Yan's words at this time, but she lowered her head and sat next to him. Seriously, he never knew that Jiang Muyan was so obedient when there was no reason to obey, but... it was not for himself.

"Wow... a lot of delicious food?" Jiang Muyan looked at the food in front of him, and then ate it rudely. While eating, he licked his fingers, and didn't even let go of the meat residue in the cracks.

There is no chance to see Huo Yan, let alone talk to him. The mouth is nibbling here, smelling over there, eating the standard bowl, looking at the pot, thinking about tomorrow.

Huo Yan looked at her devouring a little and was no longer angry. Instead, she thought that from morning to now, she was indeed "tossed" by herself. More importantly, not only was she tossed by herself enough, but she really didn't eat anything to replenish her strength. So she really can't be blamed for being hungry like this.

So he thoughtfully took a napkin from the side, then gently wiped the leftover food from the corners of her mouth, and looked at her savage eating with a smile.

I always thought that maybe only he would appreciate her eating like this, but he never realized that there was another Qiao Jie who would like such Jiang Muyan. Maybe he really overestimated his position in Jiang Muyan's heart. It's just that she always seems to care about nothing, so he doesn't know what Jiang Muyan wants.

After being full of wine and food, Jiang Muyan touched his stomach, hit a big hiccup, and then looked at Huo Yan: "Where did so many delicious food come from?"

"You don't have to go out to eat. You just need to press Service on the phone, and someone will immediately ask you what you need. I said you need food, so there is food!" Huo Yan shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Ye�. It tastes good, but compared with what David made..." Jiang Muyan suddenly wanted to hit himself in the mouth. Obviously, he knew what he was taboo, but he actually said. What a displeaper...

"I don't know if Qiao Jie's barbecue will be more delicious." Huo Yan suddenly said, but his tone sounded very peaceful, as if he didn't mean to blame Jiang Muyan. Jiang Muyan didn't know how to answer, and he always felt that his tone was a little strange.

No...barbecue? Yacht? Thinking of this, she suddenly looked back at Huo Yan: "Are you following me?"

Huo Yan did not answer yes or no, but just took a look at Jiang Muyan: "If you like yachts, I can buy you one without occupying Qiao Jie's light."

"Huo Yan... You didn't answer my question. Are you following me? Since I came to England?" Jiang Muyan narrowed his eyes and then looked at Huo Yan in front of him and asked.

Huo Yan still did not answer Jiang Muyan, but she already knew that she had guessed right.

"Huo Yan? What the hell are you going to do? Jin Cheng's matter is over. I know you are worried about my safety, so send someone to look at me. But I'm in England. It's safe here. I don't know why you still follow me? Jiang Muyan's belly has an unknown anger of you slowly growing.

"Britain? You came with Qiao Jie. And you know Qiao Jie's thoughts. How can I be assured that you will come with him? Huo Yan looked at Qiao Jie and said word by word.

"Don't you trust him? Or are you worried about me?" Jiang Muyan asked with a straight face.

Huo Yan didn't say anything.

"You don't trust me, do you? Huo Yan?" Jiang Muyan asked again.

Huo Yan still didn't say anything.

"If you don't speak, it's a default, right? Huo" Jiang Muyan was so angry that this guy didn't believe in himself so much? If I had any thoughts earlier, I would have been with other men in those two years. How could I have been single all the time?

Are you so inscient? Will you be with other men if you have a husband? Well... Although I have eaten foreign ink, I am still an authentic traditional woman after all? How can you distrust yourself so much? It seems that the problem between them is not just a matter of confession.

Thinking of this, Jiang Muyan bit his lower lip, then suddenly turned around and walked to the bedside, picked up his clothes angrily, and then walked into the bathroom.

Huo Yan silently watched her move, but did not stop it.

By the time Jiang Muyan came out, Huo Yan was no longer at the table and was wondering where he had gone. I only heard a voice behind him: "Where do you want to go?"

"Are you a ghost? Being suspicious and doing things is so sneaky. Aren't you afraid that I will be scared to death?" Jiang Muyan said angrily, then turned his head, saw his small backpack, and then picked it up.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere." Huo Yan suddenly said behind her.

"Why do you restrict my freedom? I didn't break the law, didn't commit a crime, didn't be a prisoner of war, and didn't participate in any military activities, so you have no right to restrict my freedom!" Jiang Muyan walked to Huo Yan and roared at him on tiptoe.

What is this guy doing so tall? Bai Bai gave himself the courage to summon up a level in front of his body shape.

"Jiang Muyan, you are not allowed to go!" Huo Yan's voice heard that he had obviously begun to get angry. But Jiang Muyan was not casual, so she slowly stared at Huo Yan in front of her.