Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

206: unexpected night

"Good." Jiang Muyan said helplessly that he didn't want to look at the editor at all. It doesn't matter if he is too frustrated, but he pretends to be a nymphomaniac cute, which is really disgusting.

If her charming man hadn't been valued by Qiao Jie, I'm afraid she wouldn't have shown such a disgusting side to herself in her life. Thinking about it this way, maybe it's better not to have those good ideas, at least you don't have to look at her as a fake flattery and pretending friend?

If Huanzi was there, he would definitely take himself to the bathroom and spit enough.

Xiao Huan slowly opened his eyes and looked around, strange places, high beams, painted with some portraits of the Renaissance, just like some European churches or some classic galleries.

The bed is so big that it is more than enough to lie on five of you, but you are indeed not very fat... The pillow is very soft, with fine velvet on it, slowly touching the skin you touch. The sheets are like this, and so are the quilts. As soon as people lie down, they want to enjoy it.

Of course, Xiao Huan also drilled twice in it without accident, and suddenly a smell of musk suddenly rushed into his mind. This is a fragrance commonly used in men's perfumes. The taste is not strong, but it is very self-smelling.

There is also the color of the bed, brown, with some black plaid patterns, but it is not so obvious, and it is also a style that low-key men like... The bedside lamp and alarm clock have extremely masculine patterns.

If a man can understand life so well, he must be a tasteful man! After thinking about this... Xiao Huan suddenly seemed to have been hit. He sat up from ** in an instant and looked around.

There is very little furniture, only one bed, and a huge TV opposite the bed, which can be said to be similar to the screen of the cinema. There is a black bed with its own backrest and a flying wing-like armrest, which looks both traditional and fashionable.

However...this place...I have never been here...Not only that, my own clothes...clothes...

Xiao Huan looked at his body. Oh, my God... he was ** all over! What the hell is going on? What happened? Xiao Huan slapped himself on the head desperately. But it's a chaos with a trace of temple pain.

While knocking randomly, the door opened and a smiling voice appeared at the door: "Is this the way you greet me?"

Xiao Huan immediately looked up, then covered his ** body with a futon and looked at the man at the door... Fang Kun?

Suddenly, all the memories rushed into my original chaotic mind like a movie callback.

Yesterday, she was in great pain, so she followed Fang Kun into the car. Fang Kun asked herself where she was going. She said she could go anywhere. Anyway, she had no wallet and no money... So Fang Kun could only take herself to a bar.

Then I drank a cup, one cup after another, and then another cup. Did Fang Kun persuade himself? Or haven't you persuaded yourself? She had completely forgotten that she only knew that at the end, she no longer knew the southeast and northwest, and the last thing she saw was Fang Kun's face.

Then... I don't know that countless words have been omitted here, but I believe that Fang Kun can definitely tell himself what happened.

Looking at Xiao Huan's eyes, Fang Kun smiled, then held a thin-footed cup in his hand, and then sat on the only sofa on one side, but his eyes kept looking at Xiao Huan, as if a hunter was appreciating the harvest he had just returned from hunting.

"That...Mr. Fang...I..."

"It's the same as what you see." Fang Kun shrugged his shoulders and then looked at his clothes with his eyes.

Obviously, Fang Kun is not wearing formal clothes, but at the sight of the bathrobe, the front part of the black bathrobe is wide open, revealing his bronze skin, and he knows at a glance that his figure is maintaining very well.

What kind of messy thing are you thinking about... Xiao Huan patted his head. It seems that he is not his figure, is he?

After calming down, Xiao Huan tested her body from top to bottom with her professional characteristics, all the way to her lower body, and she also knew what had happened. Well... As an adult woman, as a girl who doesn't know anything for a long time, I know how to deal with it next! Right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Huan closed his eyes and opened his eyes again and looked at Fang Kun opposite: "Mr. Fang, I thank you for bringing me back, but... Can you return my clothes to me? I have to go to work today.

"To work?" Fang Kun looked at his watch: "Look at the clock next to him..."

clock? Xiao Huan looked back and saw that the alarm clock was now pointing to 5 o'clock, but it was not 5 o'clock in the morning, because at that time, he was still drinking desperately. So this time is... 5 p.m.?

"Ah... I didn't ask for leave!" Xiao Huan suddenly said loudly, completely regretful.

Looking at Xiao Huan's appearance, Fang Kun began to feel strange. Isn't the first reaction of a woman finding out that she had a relationship with another strange man? Shouldn't she start dealing with the side effects of these "intimate" relationships? For example, should I ask for it? Should it be contraception? Or should I do something else? Shouldn't you remember to ask for leave from the unit?

"KAO! The phone is out of power!" Xiao Huan looked at the mobile phone on one side and had no electricity at all. Then she rubbed her hair with her hand!

I'm really home. It doesn't matter if my boyfriend does such a thing. In addition to being sad, he actually did the same thing as him? I was absent from work before I asked for leave, and my mobile phone was out of power! I lost my wallet, and there is nothing left!

"Hello?" Suddenly, Fang Kun's head approached Xiao Huan.

Xiao Huan suddenly looked up, but his eyes saw his ** chest, and then swallowed: "What are you... so close...what are you doing?"

Of course, Fang Kun will not let go of her look at her eyes. He, who has always been serious, suddenly changed into a ruffian appearance: "You have seen this place yesterday, not only saw it but also touched it thoroughly. Why? Don't you have to take responsibility for the mistakes you make when you are drunk?

Responsibility? Me?" Xiao Huan pointed to his face and asked.

"Otherwise, is it me?" Fang Kun looked at Xiao Huan and said with a pitiful face, "Don't forget, you had to drink yesterday. I saved you, but you also drank me. Not only that, you must come to my house and lie down on my **..."

"Although I'm a normal man..." Speaking of this, Fang Kun deliberately paused for a moment, "But... it's because it's normal that I can't control it?" I'm the hardest person. You're just lying down and humming... I wasted money, time, and my body... Do you think it's my responsibility?"

"This..." Although Xiao Huan felt that something was wrong, there seemed to be nothing wrong. Looking at Fang Kun's expression, in fact, he is right. He is completely to help himself...

"Okay... You didn't tell me what happened all night yesterday? Can you talk about it now?" Fang Kun saw that he had completely confused Xiao Huan, and suddenly turned to the real topic.

Fang Kun's transformation was really fast, and Xiao Huan couldn't help saying: "Dapeng..."

"Betrayed you?" Fang Kun blurted out.

"How do you know?"

"Ha ha, woman... don't cry for such a man..." Fang Kun suddenly snorted a small note, and then turned over and lay**.

"We have been dating for three years."

Three years? So you were already an adult when you met him?" Fang Kun looked at Xiao Huan and asked.

"Ye�. I just worked for two years."

"Then you don't know what he is like?" Three years? How many years of a woman have, but she doesn't see it at all?

"I don't know... All I know is that he loves me very much and always remembers us a little bit. All the festivals, some and some don't remember. He will surprise me very much. Most of the time, he will suddenly be at home and buy flowers for me, or our first phone call, the first kiss, the first movie, and all kinds of festivals. I can't remember, but he remembers them all.

Looking at Xiao Huan's face addicted to the past, Fang Kun felt absolutely uncomfortable, and then he turned over, and then Xiao Huan: "Do you believe it? Well... Does his surprise have some perfume or traces of candle use? Occasionally, maybe your flowers are mixed with some other petals?

"Yes? How do you know?" Xiao Huan nodded and then looked at Fang Kun and asked.

"If it were me, I might have done better. It would be better to change to another place, but that's all he can do." Fang Kun said disdainfully.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you a fool? Three years, there will be surprises when two people go out with each other, but are there so many small festivals? Those are all for you. I sent you flowers because he was afraid that the flowers he sent to other women would accidentally fall somewhere at home and be found by you. Apply perfume, or touch perfume in the house, because you are afraid that you will smell the perfume on his body..."

"As for the candle... he must have lit it first. It's said that fire is dangerous. Don't you be in danger, right? Fang Kun asked disapprovingly.

"Yes..." Xiao Huan couldn't keep his mouth closed. Did this man see it on the spot? Almost wordless... Only once, she accidentally lit it and found that the candle seemed to have some traces of passing. Later, she asked Dapeng, but he said that the store had sold her something she had used! He said he must replace it with a new one.

Later, she "reluctantly" to hold him and said that it was just a few yuan, and there was no need for him to stop.