Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

215: Conschen's past

"It's really beautiful. That girl is like an angel going down to earth. The sun reflects a smile, but her smile reflects the sun. But I don't know what's going on. I always feel that the style of this photo... is different from other works of this photographer. Compared with other works, it is more like your usual style. Jiang Muyan recalled and said.

"But in China, there is little information about this photographer and photo. Later, I went abroad until two years ago and specialized in photography. Then I found that there is a lot of information about them abroad. I found that all his photos have a story that can be told, and there is a back of the past, a scene, but this photo... is not in harmony with the story he said.

"I can't say anything is wrong, but... my intuition tells me that there is something wrong." After saying that, Jiang Muyan looked back at Kang Sichen and found that his expression seemed to be a little drifting away, as if recalling something.

"I have loved taking photos since I was a child. My father had a friend who was a famous photographer at that time, the person you know. He taught me how to grasp my favorite scenery and how to understand myself for this picture. I am very grateful to him and likes to follow him since I was a child. It was until I was 16 years old..." Kang Sichen sighed.

Maybe people who know Kang Sichen have never seen him sigh. He will never smile, and he will always be like this. I won't sigh, I won't say failure, and occasionally I'm impatient for the work.

16-year-old Kang Sichen met a girl when she went to the hospital to visit her sick father. She is in the late stage of cancer. After countless chemotherapy, her hair has lost and her face is not very good-looking, but she is still very optimistic and lives every day.

He visits his father, who has been around for a long time every day, and always visits her by the way. He doesn't talk, just watches.

Until one day, the girl took the initiative to greet him: "Hello."

"Hello." The timid Kang Sichen has always known how to deal with a person.

"Can you take a picture of me? I need it at that window. Because the sunshine over there is good. The girl pointed to the window on one side and said.

"But... there is no way to take good photos with the backlight over there." Kang Sichen looked at the girl cautiously and said.

"You're a photographer, aren't you? The big camera behind you is different from ours. You can definitely do what we can't do, can you? The girl said with a smile, then took out some cosmetics in the drawer and simply began to gently put on makeup with her trembling hands.

Then Cons Chen helped her to the window. Her arm was very thin and fragile, as if it would break at a touch.

Kang Sichen looked at her and didn't know why a feeling emerged. Then he took out his camera and took a lot of pictures at the girl. Knowing that there was fatigue in the girl's eyes, he stopped. Then he promised the girl that he would show her photos the next day.

But when he went to the hospital the next day, the girl had died in the middle of the night, so she no longer saw a picture of herself. This photo of a beautiful girl being covered by the sun, with the best expectations for the world, named Athena A photo of a smile!

But soon after Kang Sichen saw it, this photo was put intact by his father's friend, the uncle who taught him photography, in his photography exhibition, and attached the story he described himself. Everyone admired the beauty of this photo. Find out who this girl is.

When he found the photographer, he just looked at Kang Sichen and smiled: "You are just a nobody. Do you know how deep this bowl of water is? What is art? What can't create wealth can't be called art.

Kang Sichen did not ask to get the photo back. He knew that if he owned this photo, no one would ever know that a girl who once lived in the world was full of desire to treat life and did not feel sorry for the loss, so only in this way can her beauty be known by all. Obviously, I haven't reached this level yet.

What's more, my father has passed away, and no one can help him get this photo that belongs to him. So he gave up going back and began to slowly develop his career.

"So you have the ability to go back now? Why not?" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and said.

"That photographer is dead, isn't he? Who should I ask for it? Moreover, Athena's smile represents the desire to live and salute the purest part of life. If I use her to set off a storm in the photography world again and put it together with the reputation of interests, this is not the original intention of this photo.

"I don't think so." Jiang Muyan shook his head and said, "If the truth is not made up, it is the performance of a coward. You are now famous and profitable, and you don't need to get back more fame and fortune, so what you want to get back now is the truth. What about the storm? You said she was Athena..."

"So isn't Athena also fighting with Odin, Poseidon and Hades with the constellation warriors of the zodiac and the bronze saint to obtain the tranquility of the sanctuary and the well-being of the people?" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen.

Concechen frowned and said nothing, but seemed to be thoughtful.

"Maybe you are right."

When Jiang Muyan was about to finish drinking mineral water, Kang Sichen suddenly turned around and said. She was so scared that she almost dropped all the mineral water bottles in her hand.

"It's also time to say goodbye to my last bit of respect for him." Kang Sichen took a sip of water and said. But...the Athena and the twelve constellations you mentioned, Hades fight...what is that?"

"Ha ha... that... Don't you have a childhood? This should be what the boys of your era like, not me. Jiang Muyan said with a smile.

"My era?" Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan curiously.

"Bright, let's go back to our interview. I still have a few questions to ask..." Jiang Muyan came back to the ground.

"Let me use it for my next visit. Look at this photo. Kang Sichen took a photo from the side and handed it to Jiang Muyan.

As soon as the photo entered, it was a little girl who looked deep in the snow. Her eyes were wide open as if she was expecting something. In the ice and snow, she did not have a drop of tears. Maybe it was because it was too cold, and the tears had dried up. Maybe she has been crying for too long and has stopped crying for a long time.

Behind her is a puppy with long hair, not a hyeon, but an ordinary puppy. With a disappointed expression, he slowly followed the little girl in front of him.

The photo is not very clear, as if it is enlarged, but the eyes are the focus of everything, which gives people a disappointing pain. A kind of regret brought by leaving my family. Maybe a little girl sneaked outside because she was unhappy with her family, but her way home was blocked by heavy snow.

"What did you see?" Kang Sichen asked at the same time.

"I saw the little girl's sadness and pain, but..." Jiang Muyan paused for a moment and then looked back at Kang Sichen: "But she is not desperate."

"No? Why?" Kang Sichen was surprised that Jiang Muyan would suddenly say so.

"Because...she has found her way home, or... she saw her relatives looking for her." Jiang Muyan returned the photo to Kang Sichen.

"Why do you think so?"

"Because... the tail of the puppy behind hangs down, and the puppy's tail swings when it sees someone it knows or likes, and it obviously sees familiar people, so its tail swings. It looks in the same direction as the owner. And... there is a faint shadow in the little girl's eyes.

"Shadow?" Kang Sichen looked carefully. Sure enough, a person's palm was faintly visible in the little girl's left eye, which was very small and could hardly be seen clearly, but it was indeed the hand of a person in front of him. Kang Sichen was surprised that Jiang Muyan's observation ability could always be so amazing, saying that it was her intuition. In fact, it may not be intuition, but her talent.

A talent that can be observed at the first time for subtle things. Artists are often human beings who capture things that ordinary people can't catch, and Jiang Muyan obviously has such characteristics that she may not even realize.

"And the puppy is so enthusiastic that she will definitely not be a stranger, so she has found her family, of course she will not despair. The pitiful little eyes may be to complain and regret to her family again."

"Repentance? How do you see that you are regretful? Kang Sichen became more curious.

"Her lips pouted slightly. When the little girl regretted, she was not ashamed to see others, but was anxious to act coquettish and used coquettishness to replace her own shame. Obviously, that's her expression."

"So that's it." Kang Sichen smiled a little on his face for the first time. Sure enough, she was the person who would sometimes bring her different feelings.

"Yes. I'm more curious about how you got this photo? If you are at the scene, why don't you help them?" Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen. This man will not be so ruthless, will he? Are you in the mood to follow them to take photos, but they didn't help them find their relatives?

"Art is a very subtle career. If we don't master any small movements, we will eventually pass away our artistic instincts, so I set up some cameras in sparsely populated places, all of which are high-definition. This snowy mountain jungle is one of them. I lived there for a while, and I caught such a picture that day.

"So that's it. You are completely inhuman." Jiang Muyan nodded and said.