Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

249: Outbreak of contradiction

"Why did you come back early? I thought you would tell me the flight today. I'll pick you up tomorrow." Huo Yan looked at Jiang Muyan's tired face and said sadly.

"No." Jiang Muyan was strangely cold, which made Huo Yan's heart tremble. What happened?


"Let me down, I'm thirsty." Jiang Muyan patted Huo Yan on the shoulder, and then slowly walked to the door and closed the door. Then I went to the kitchen.

Huo Yan looked around. Obviously, the sheets, tables and some simple things here have been greatly modified. She came to do these things as soon as she got off the plane, and also changed the lock. Why?

"What? Why did you change the lock?

"I don't want people I don't like to come in." Jiang Muyan said lightly, and then as if Huo Yan was like air, she slowly walked to the table, then turned on the computer and looked at the content of the interview in the past few days.

"Don't like it? Including me?" Huo Yan slowly approached and then asked.

Jiang Muyan paused for a moment and then looked up at Huo Yan: "If you think so, my answer is, yes."

"Why?" Huo Yan narrowed his eyes, and his 2.0 vision made him clearly see the photos on her computer. A large part of them are photos between Kang Sichen and her. Some of them are eating together, and some of them are together in a villa. There are several of them even in her villa bedroom.

Looking at Huo Yan's expression, Jiang Muyan looked back at him: "I think you have seen the reason."

"Is that why?" Huo Yan pointed to the computer and asked. No! Absolutely, if that's the case, why is there no sign of a phone call these days?

"What do you think?" Jiang Muyan shrugged her shoulders, but she was extremely nervous. She knew what would happen if she provoked Huo Yan, so she had called Huanzi early, hoping that she could come as soon as possible today. Huanzi, why haven't you come back yet?

"You lied to me. You haven't said anything on the phone these days. Huo Yan's voice seemed to come out of hell, making Jiang Muyan keep coming up from the soles of his feet.

"Why should I say that? Wouldn't it be better to wait to tell you in person? Besides, aren't you lying to me while being with the other one? Jiang Muyan smiled, as if he didn't care at all.

"Are you angry?" Huo Yan was keenly aware of the feeling in her tone, and then asked with a little nervousness.

"Me? I have no right to be angry." Jiang Muyan shook his head and said, "Because when you are doing something to deceive me, I am also cheating on you. We are two clear, so if you are not angry with me, I won't be angry with you."


"You have seen the photo, and you should also know that something happened with him. I have been living in his villa during this period. We went to work together in the morning, went home together in the evening, and had a romantic celebration banquet together. Seriously, Kang Sichen moved me very much. He is a romantic person. I like romance. Jiang Muyan said with no heart.

Then look directly at his face and slowly change. But he can't stop, can't retreat, can't soften, Jiang Muyan told himself.

"Thank you very much for giving me a month to understand that Kang Sichen is the right person for me. Everything matches. In the morning, he can accompany me to drink tea and enjoy the sunshine in the garden. When he is free, he can draw a portrait for me. In the evening, we will have a romantic dinner together. Do you know how happy I am?"

"But only when I have to call you, I have to calm down for fear of telling you the truth. I'm afraid that you will find him directly and then make him ugly, just like you embarrassed Qiao Jie in England at that time. I'm afraid of this. I want to protect him." Jiang Muyan turned his head and could not pay attention to his expression.

" Shut up!" Huo Yan suddenly calmed down but said with anger that was about to break out.

"Even if I don't say it, I can't change what has happened. Huo Yan... You have your woman to protect. We can't betray your woman and my man, right? And..." Jiang Muyan suddenly got up and walked to the door. I don't mind if you want to keep our marriage, because he doesn't mind either. If you don't want to... I'll wait."

After saying that, Jiang Muyan opened the door and then made a gesture to ask Huo Yan to leave.

Huo Yan clenched his fist tightly and clenched his teeth tightly. The pictures on the computer in front of him stung his eyes one by one, but he had to look at them. Yes... Those individual photos must be taken by someone. This is Conschen's villa, and only he has the right to enter every room.

Has Yanyan already had a... intimate... relationship with him? I don't want to think about it, but this idea is as pervasive as a poisonous snake, full of his nerves.

" is not everything he wants. He can't just sit back and wait for death, no... Huo Yan suddenly turned his head. Then he stared at Jiang Muyan.

Jiang Muyan's heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate. She was too familiar with this look. Huo Yan's eyes when he was about to lose his mind were like this. She had seen it several times. No... Not this time, absolutely not!

"Huo Yan... Don't come here." Jiang Muyan said tremblingly.

"Why?" Huo Yan walked to Jiang Muyan step by step like death. With a strong murderous atmosphere, Jiang Muyan suddenly had a feeling that he had been killed tens of millions of times.

"No matter what you do, you can't change everything." Jiang Muyan calmly said. I'm already with Kang Sichen. That's it."

"I don't care." Huo Yan suddenly said. You are mine..."

"Huo Yan... Please don't come here. You are a soldier. You should know what will happen if you do this. Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan and said, then closed his eyes and opened them again in an instant: "Unless you kill me, if you use force against me again, I will call the police."

Huo Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped. Then he looked straight at Jiang Muyan in a staring manner.

It seems that it is really useful to call the police, at least Huo Yan has stopped now. Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan, who was still one meter away from him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But after a short stop, Huo Yan continued to move forward.

Jiang Muyan stretched out his hands and hugged his body. Why hasn't Huanzi come yet?

Huo Yan did not walk in front of her, but suddenly passed by, and then paused beside her: "I'm not afraid that you will call the police, I'm afraid that I will hurt you again."

After saying that, Huo Yan walked out of the door and left without looking back.

Until he left, Jiang Muyan immediately closed the door and locked it. He slowly slid down the door panel to the ground. What was he doing? I know what Huo Yan cares about most, but I still want to make him sad like this. It's just... what should I do? If you don't do this, what else can be done to break the current deadlock?

He has a woman who has to deal with. No matter which one he really likes in his heart, for him, he can only choose one, otherwise... If he is known by others, his future will be ruined. And I... can't be so muddle-headed anymore. As long as you enjoy the happiness in front of you, you will completely ignore everything that follows.

She can't feel sorry for herself, so she can only embarrass her and him. Sorry, Huo Yan...

The crying changed from tragic to slowly light, and finally became sobbing. Jiang Muyan felt extremely tired. Whether it was caused by jet lag or heartache, it had made her a little dizzy. The ears are a little buzzing, and they can't hear everything around them clearly, as if their eyes are now looking at anything.

Slowly, slowly, a familiar woman's voice sounded not far away: " words? Words? Are you in there? I'm Huanzi."

Huanzi? Is she finally here? Jiang Muyan struggled to open the door, and then saw Huanzi, who was very anxious at the door.

"You changed the lock, so I can't open the door. I've been calling you for a long time, and you shouldn't. Your mobile phone is ringing in the house. I'm afraid that you almost have an accident and almost called the police. Huanzi looked at Jiang Muyan and said anxiously.

However, he found that Jiang Muyan in front of him seemed to be a little wrong. His eyes were not focused, and he knew that he had been crying for a long time.

She knew that Jiang Muyan came back and was also in a hurry to come back, but because when Jiang Muyan left, a lot of work had to be handed over to her, so the work intensity was also quite high. For a while, Jiao Hongting was in a hurry to ask for something, so it was much later to come back after she finished.

"What? Are you all right? I think you..." As soon as Huanzi touched Jiang Muyan's body, he felt hot and scary: "Do you have a fever? Oh, my God, is it so hot? How many degrees is this?"

In a panic, she picked up a thermometer and stuffed it into her mouth. After waiting for three minutes, the thermometer was obviously 42 degrees. Oh, my God... Isn't this the rhythm of burning people?

Seeing that the temperature was so high, Huanzi also began to be anxious, and then quickly picked up her mobile phone: " By the way, what is the number of the ambulance? You just came back from abroad. What if you get Ebola? What's the number of the ambulance? Should I call 114 to ask? Oh, why am I confused..."

"120." Jiang Muyan said weakly, "Also, I don't have Ebola." After saying that, he poured it over to **.

"People who infected Ebola say that they don't have Ebola. If you infect me... I will be entangled with you all my life." Huanzi muttered and dialed 120: "Hey... I have a man here... who is not a fever and is in a coma. Please send an ambulance immediately... the address is..."