Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

272: Back to reality

"What do you mean?" Huo Yan didn't understand what Jiang Muyan said.

"What if we lie down like this and the car suddenly moves?" Jiang Muyan said again.

"How can it move?" Huo Yan obviously did not grasp the focus of Jiang Muyan's words.

"Because... someone will report to the towing company, and then we will be dragged away." Jiang Muyan laughed after saying that. It disrupted the original silence.

"Ha ha, the things in your head are really worth studying." Huo Yan also smiled softly with her and then said.

"Should we go?" Jiang Muyan asked softly.

"Do you... want to go?" Huo Yan frowned, and then wrapped his hand tightly around Jiang Muyan.

"I don't want to." Jiang Muyan's answer was once again beyond Huo Yan's expectation.

"Why?" The answer to Huo Yan's question is Jiang Muyan's silence.

Suddenly in the silent carriage again, Jiang Muyan complained again, but unfortunately it was not from her mouth, but from her stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Huo Yan's hand gently touched Jiang Muyan's stomach. But it was held down by Jiang Muyan.

"Don't**. Itchy."

"Is it here?" Huo Yan suddenly became curious, and then his hand suddenly reached her waist, then to her back, and finally grabbed her buttocks.

"Hey..." Jiang Muyan immediately got up and stared at him.

"I know you're staring at me, but... I can't see clearly." Huo Yan said with a smile, and then began to touch up and down generously.

"I'm hungry." Jiang Muyan continued to hold his hand and said, but he couldn't hold his other hand.

"I'm hungry too!" Huo Yan replied more sincerely, and then he didn't know how he did it. When he turned over, Jiang Muyan became his prey, and he became her hunter again.

"What are you going to do?"

"Eat, eat...dinner." After Huo Yan finished speaking, he didn't even give Jiang Muyan a chance to answer a word, and raised his body to break into her softness. The same rhythm shook in the car again.

"I'm hungry." Jiang Muyan resisted slightly and said that although she was hungry, her hand did not mean to push him away at all.

"Really?" Huo Yan stopped and asked seriously.

"Ye�. Really." Jiang Muyan nodded, but his body was closer to him: "Give me something to eat quickly. Now... I want to..."

If in normal, Jiang Muyan can never say such a thing, but I don't know whether the night gave her strength or whether she really wants it now, so when her words fall, Huo Yan is of course absolutely willing to follow such instructions.

The crazy atmosphere once again filled the whole carriage, and the moan was blocked by the door, but it could not block the enthusiasm of the two people.

I can't remember how many times it was. Jiang Muyan finally couldn't stand such an impact, and then blocked Huo Yan's endless attack. However, Huo Yan was obviously on the string and had to shoot it, so he could not take care of Jiang Muyan's seemingly unobstructed. After bursting out all his enthusiasm, he slowly lay aside.

Looking at Jiang Muyan's weak appearance, Huo Yan had a sense of satisfaction and fullness. He slowly took out a tissue from the side and helped Jiang Muyan wipe the dirt on his body little by little. He was careful and cautious, as if he were facing a treasure. Then finally put on the clothes one by one.

Looking at Huo Yan's careful appearance, Jiang Muyan was slightly moved, and her hand suddenly gently stroked his cheek.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yan felt Jiang Muyan's small move and looked up and asked.

Jiang Muyan withdrew his hand and shook his head, regardless of whether Huo Yan saw it or not: "I'm hungry and want to eat something."

"Hmm, okay. Go to your house and make something for you to eat. Huo Yan said immediately.

"Do you know that Huanzi is not at home?" Jiang Muyan suddenly asked.

Huo Yan was speechy immediately.

"Has Fang Kun been reporting your whereabouts and me?" Jiang Muyan asked plainly.

Huo Yan is still silent.

"There are two other times... You are the key to my house, right?" Jiang Muyan continued to ask.

"Do you know all about it?" Huo Yan looked up and asked.

"I'm careless, but I'm not stupid." Jiang Muyan's tone did not mean to blame, which made Huo Yan feel relieved: "And... I'm not drunk either..."

"Yanyan, you..."

"Every time... I feel it." Jiang Muyan said a little awkwardly, "However, I don't understand. Will you be downstairs of my company just now? What a coincidence?"

"I had a task a few days ago, so I didn't come here anymore. The first thing I did when I came back was to see you, so I ran to see you. It's just that I don't know how coincidentally that I saw that you needed to use a car. Huo Yan smiled a little awkwardly.

"Ha ha, thanks to you, at least I solved a mystery." Jiang Muyan tied up his long hair.

Huo Yan restored everything in the car, and then sat back in the front seat with Jiang Muyan: "Mystery? Do you mean the person named Jin Cheng?

"Ye." Jiang Muyan nodded: "I finally know why editor-in-chief Jiao and Jin Chengdu are so nervous. It turned out that the heroine appeared.

Is that right? You mean the woman in the wheelchair? Huo Yan thought for a moment and said.

"Ye." Jiang Muyan nodded, "She is the key. I think there may be a earth-shaking movement in the entertainment industry soon.

"Just a woman, will she have so much power?" Huo Yan didn't quite understand the rules of the entertainment industry and asked.

"A strong newsman in the entertainment industry and a top star in the entertainment industry now, how can you not turn upside down?" Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan and said.

"I understand." Huo Yan nodded. Although he doesn't know much about these entertainment circles, it doesn't mean that he doesn't watch the news. Compared with current national events, more people still focus on those entertainment news. It's not heavy, but it can also consume extra time.

While the two were still talking to you, Huo Yan's mobile phone suddenly rang. Huo Yan picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and his face suddenly became much more indifferent. Jiang Muyan can swear to God that he doesn't want to peek. But she still saw the word Su Chang written on her mobile phone.

Su Chang... A strange and familiar name, Dong Ying said to herself early, didn't she?

"What's wrong?" Seeing Jiang Muyan's silent expression, Huo Yan turned around and asked.

"I should get off the bus." Jiang Muyan said lightly, yes... Everything will go back to the beginning. She doesn't know if Huo's mother has given him the divorce agreement, and she doesn't want to know what he wants now. She is even confused about what she is thinking. So what you can do is to get out of the car and return to the life you should go to.

"Get off? Not yet..."

"I said stop, I'm going to get off." Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan and said.


"Don't you understand? That's enough. Stop the car!" Jiang Muyan looked at Huo Yan with an indifferent face and said.

Huo Yan could only stop the car, but did not open the safety lock of the car: "Yanyan..."

"I will go back by myself. You should go back quickly. She is pregnant and definitely needs you." After saying that, Jiang Muyan opened the safety lock by himself and got out of the car.

Huo Yan really wanted to hold her and told her that he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay by her side all the time, but... he didn't even have the courage to reach out.

Jiang Muyan knew that he would not follow, and this was what she wanted. Maybe this was a spring dream, and then she woke up and left. It's that simple.

She waved, stopped one or two taxis, and then got into the car. She knew that as long as Huanzi and Fang Kun were dating, she would never stop Huo Yan from entering. So she won't deliberately change the key. What you have to do may be to get out of here.

This is something she absolutely doesn't want to do, but she has to do it herself.

Seeing Jiang Muyan leave, Huo Yan's mobile phone rang again.

"What are you doing?" Huo Yan's tone was very angry and uncontrollably angry.

"Brother Huo Yan, tomorrow is the time to get the report. Will you go with me?" Su Chang was shocked by his voice, and then he could control his anger and asked.

"Go by yourself, I have something to do. When you're done, remember to give the report to my mother. Huo Yan said lightly.

"But..." Su Chang didn't finish his words, and Huo Yan hung up the phone again.

Why! Huo Yan closed his eyes and hammered the steering wheel fiercely. Why! You have to encounter such a thing! Is it fate that makes it impossible for her to be with her? Tomorrow...maybe it's time to decide.

Su Chang is not worried at all. As soon as you show your power, you will find that everything is so helpless tomorrow.

"Is the report out?" Huo's mother obviously looked nervous, and then looked at Su Chang and asked.

"Ye." Su Chang nodded and then took out the report form.

Huo's mother's hands trembled a little, and then slowly opened the envelope. The last 96% figure made her want to be happy and embarrassed.

"Huo Yan asked you to take the report back." Su Chang looked at Huo's mother's expression and said with a secret smile.

"I know. Hurry up and go back to rest." Huo's mother looked at Su Chang's stomach, and then her face was more kind than before. She slowly took the report and walked out.

Su Chang watched her leave, and then turned back to the doctor's office.

How's it going? It's done." The doctor was obviously very happy to see Su Chang coming.

"Ye�. Yes. Very good. I will transfer the money to your account in a moment. Please check it. And... you promised that you should never tell the third person. Su Chang looked at the doctor and said.

"I won't joke with my doctor's license. I won't say it. Besides, who will get along with the money? The doctor smiled softly behind the mask. Then he watched Su Chang sign another check.