Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

295: Hotel data

"Huo Tuan... He called..."

"Nothing. Later, when I received his call, he said that I was still busy. Huo Yan looked at Lao Li, then turned around and walked to his desk and continued to look at the documents.

"But Huo Tuan, he is..."

"Lao Li, if it is a matter at work, of course, Huo Yan is responsible for it, but I ignore it now, that is to say, what he is talking about is a private matter. Since it is a private matter, what Huo Yan can't accept is unacceptable. If there are any other questions, please ask him to be smart!" After saying that, Huo Yan lowered his head and said nothing more.

Looking at Huo Yan's appearance, Lao Li frowned. There seemed to be something else in it. Generally speaking, he was unlikely to call Huo Yan directly in person? Is there really something that can't be said?

Thinking of this, Lao Li narrowed his eyes and walked out. I happened to meet Xiaoning who came over happily with a document.

"Hey... Xiaoning, don't go there now." Lao Li quickly stopped Xiaoning.

"What's wrong? Li Zheng?" Xiaoning looked confused.

"Huo Tuan is getting angry now! Aren't you close to the volcano now? Lao Li said.

Angry? Why? Wasn't it okay just now?" Xiaoning said with a big question mark.

"I don't know. Anyway, my superior just called Huo Tuan, so he just... Anyway, you are now... Don't mess with him." Lao Li looked at Xiaoning and said.

"Upper? Who? Li Zheng, tell me..." Xiaoning pouted, pulled Lao Li's sleeve, and said left and right.

"Oh, I really don't know, but what I can tell you is Ning..."

"Lao Li?" Suddenly, Huo Yan in the room made a sound and stopped Lao Li from speaking.

"All right, all right. I won't talk about it. Anyway, think about it yourself." After saying that, Lao Li left quickly.

Looking at Lao Li's back, Xiaoning seemed to understand something, and then she bit her lower lip and bravely came to Huo Yan's office: "Huo Tuan!"

"You're here. Come in. I happen to have something to tell you." Huo Yan put away the information and looked at Xiaoning and said.

"Yes." Xiaoning closed the door with a little uneasiness, and then sat down: "Huo Tuan... What are you looking for me...?"

"Xiaoning, this is the army, so I regard you or any soldiers as my subordinates. I treat them equally. Here, I will not discriminate between women and men, new soldiers and veterans. We are all people who contribute to the country. Do you understand this?" Huo Yan looked at Xiaoning and said.

"Of course I understand that I joined the army to exercise myself." Xiaoning nodded and said, even when Huo Yan said those words, it was shiny. Sure enough, he was the man he liked...

"Very good. I know it's not easy for you to work in the army. To put it bluntly, you have paid a lot. I'm glad you became our teammate. But... other than that, I don't want you to have any misunderstanding." Huo Yan turned around and said.

"I don't understand what you mean." Xiaoning frowned and said.

"Your father just called me and asked me to take more care of you, and also said a little about the reason why you came here. But I..."

"So that's it... Huo Tuan, don't worry, don't listen to him, because my father is very old enough to have me, so he is a little stricter on me. He is always afraid that I will get hurt, so he stares at everything he does. That's why I didn't exercise myself in his place, but came here. Xiaoning quickly explained.

Huo Yan nodded, and then Xiaoning continued: "I know his identity, but I will never forget it because of his identity. Therefore, I will do my job well and never embarras Huo Tuan. Moreover, I also hope that Huo Tuan can hide my identity. I don't want other comrades-in-arms to be friends with me after they hear it.

"There is no problem with this, which is also what I mean. Well, now that I've made it clear, I'm relieved. Work is work, friends are friends, just make a clear score. Go down. I still need to read a few documents. I don't need you by my side for the time being. Huo Yan lowered his head after saying that.

Xiao Ning could only leave embarrassedly, took a look at Huo Yan at the door, and then frowned and went straight to the phone room.

"Hello? Dad, what are you doing? Why did you call Huo Tuan? ...Anyway, you don't have to take care of my business. That's it! I know. I will deal with it myself. Don't interfere any more!" After saying that, Xiaoning hung up the phone.

Really, my mother must have told him that she just wanted to stay here quietly for a while and have a relationship of her own, but my father had to interfere. It's really annoying... However, looking at Huo Yan's appearance, it seems that she doesn't hate herself. She just doesn't like her father. That's all right, but don't disturb your plan!

" boss... I'm sorry, I can only get so much." Fang Kun put a computer in front of Huo Yan.

Huo Yan put everything in the hotel that day. He only saw that Su Chang also came in for a while, and then it was blurred for a period of time. Then he saw that Su Chang seemed to go out. After a long period of blur, the corridor returned to calm, and then he saw that Huo Yan had come out.

Huo Yan frowned and then turned to a scene where Su Chang came out: "What is she doing out?"

"I don't know." Fang Kun shook his head and said, "I have called all the hotel records, but because the hotel only temporarily stored the video information for a month, and then it was completely destroyed, so this video has been restored as much as I can to ask the computer master, but it is only for a moment."

"Did you have any call records or any information about Su Chang during that time?" Huo Yan looked at Fang Kun and said.

"No, not at all." Fang Kun looked at Huo Yan and said, "I have investigated everything. But no, that is to say, she came back after going out for a while. Maybe it's because I forgot something, or maybe I asked the service desk to ask for something... But I asked the person in charge that day, and there was no information at all.

"It may also be because after arranging the boss, I wanted to leave, but then I suddenly regretted and thought it was the best opportunity to get close to the boss, so I went back." Yu Haoran looked at Huo Yan and said, "Ye Zixiang has investigated this woman. This woman is really not simple."

"Su Chang, formerly known as Su Yuzhu, later felt that her name was not good, probably because people said that she had done too many times and was too spacious... Haha... So she changed her name to Su Chang." After saying that, Yu Haoran looked around. Obviously, the other three people were not happy because of his jokes at all, so they could only touch their noses and continue to talk.

"I came from the countryside because I was very good-looking, so I have been mixed with various high-level officials, and I was already a famous flower in college. Later, for some reason, they entered the same school as Little Shadow, but they didn't know each other at that time until they were assigned to the same unit... and became good friends.

"The men around her are all men, and they are very popular in many fields, so she is very powerful." Yu Haoran said to himself.

"She can mix in so many places and meet so many people, which is not necessarily her own ability." Fang Kun said with a fork.

"What do you mean?" Huo Yan looked at Fang Kun.

"There is another possibility that there is a person behind her who we can't see is controlling everything. It's just that we can't find any other information about her for the time being, as if someone has covered all the information with one hand. For example, all the money in the house and card of her name seems to come from these different people. But..." Fang Kun didn't finish speaking and was interrupted.

"But there are many people who haven't been with her for a long time. What's the reason to keep remit money to her? If those officials, for their career, or were jumped by immortals, they may have been remitted money to her, but these people..." Yu Haoran pointed to another group of people: "They are all people in the business world, and there are still a few golden bachelors."

"You mean that these people will not be threatened. Even if the fairy jumps, they have not touched the bottom line, right?" Huo Yan asked.

That's what it means. So I think there seems to be a black hand manipulating inside, just for what purpose. Su Chang is obviously one of the lines, a... beauty trick. However... the money given to Su Chang over the years has gradually become less, probably because Su Chang wants to leave, or Su Chang... likes the boss.

Huo Yan glanced at Yu Haoran, and then looked at Ye Zixiang, who had been silent: "What do you think?"

Ye Zixiang turned his head coldly: "Su Chang's back, the scene is not important. What matters is whether Su Chang is for himself or for the black hand. If it's for herself, at most a woman wants to find a long-term meal ticket. If it's for the black hand... then we must know who that person is."

"NO, NO, NO..." Yu Haoran waved with his hand, then shook his head and said, "Yezi, you really don't understand women. If it's for the black hand, Su Chang has many ways to make the boss give in. Even if it's just a ** process, you can take a video and take a few photos. It's enough to let the boss be manipulated, but others use it..."

Yu Haoran drew a comparison on his stomach with his hand: "You should know that pregnancy is very harmful to women. Not to mention the degree of recovery of her figure for the time being, a woman, even if she is a person can do her husband, she is still full of flowers, but once she has a child... Discounted. Su Chang is not a fool. How can he do such a stupid thing?

"So you mean..." Fang Kun looked at Yu Haoran and asked.

"This woman... fell in love with the boss!" Yu Haoran said affirmatively.