Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

298: Riding injury

Kang Sichen smiled gently and laughed at himself for being too hasty. That is, since Huo Yan and Jiang Muyan are already predestined roads, what are they worried about? It's nothing to start with friends, isn't it?

"Ah..." While he was in a daze, suddenly Jiang Muyan in front of him gave a scream, and then when he went over, he found that Jiang Muyan had fallen to the ground.

"Are you all right!" Kang Sichen hurried to the front and then squatted down to look at Jiang Muyan.

"It's okay. I just shook it myself and fell down without stepping on the pedal." Jiang Muyan said and then stroked his knee. When I just came down, I was so anxious that I accidentally hit my knee on the ground, and now it is also hot and painful. But it's just a little sore, and there should be no so-called broken.

"Is it really okay?" Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan, and then insisted on slowly rolling up her trousers and checking it. Only then did he find that it was already red inside. The skin on the surface must have been worn out, but Fortunately, the small brown was not very high, and the speed was also very slow at that time, so he just rubbed off a layer of skin. There should be no injury inside.

"Look, are you all right?" Jiang Muyan put away the trousers and trousers, and then got up to walk forward, but when she suddenly got together, her knee was sore. Then it can only suddenly fall down.

"You still said it's okay. Look at the way you can't even stand!" Kang Sichen frowned and said, and then picked up Jiang Muyan.

Looking at Kang Sichen's thin body, he didn't know that his strength was not small. Being able to completely pick up Jiang Muyan, I think his strength is good.

"Sit down with Xiaohua, and I'll take you back to Aunt Zhang to check the wound. Little Brown will follow us." Kang Sichen took Jiang Muyan on horseback, and then he also turned over and sat behind her.

Xiaohua needs to bear the power of two people. Although it doesn't seem very difficult, it is obvious that the sound of her nose is also much louder. Xiao Brown also seemed to be worried, but although he could not speak and had no expression, Jiang Muyan looked at Xiao Brown and felt that he seemed to be apologetic to himself.

The eyes are also a little different. Jiang Muyan suddenly said, "Little Brown, my technology hasn't arrived yet. It has nothing to do with you. As long as you go back for treatment, you won't have to worry about it.

Kang Sichen looked at Jiang Muyan, then looked at the little brown on one side, smiled, and it sounded a little cheap to impress a woman with a horse, but if this method is good to get closer to them, at least he is sitting on a horse now, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Kang Sichen's hand suddenly stretched from her waist to the front, and then gently pulled the reins of the horse. His arm inevitably touched Jiang Muyan's waist. Jiang Muyan moved his body slightly nervously, and then deliberately avoided his arm.

Contin obviously found this, and then loosened his hand slightly to the side, and then continued to drive.

Her hair is very fragrant, an indescribable fragrance. She obviously didn't take a shower... But why can it be so fragrant? The air here removed the smell of her supper that night, leaving only the current fragrance, which made him involuntarily want to smell two more.

"What brand is your shampoo?" Kang Sichen finally couldn't help asking.

"Shampoo? Why did you suddenly ask this question?" Jiang Muyan asked curiously.

"I have smelled perfume many times, some expensive and cheeks, but I know you don't use perfume, but your current smell... smells good. It's been a few days, but it's still so strong?"

"Strong?" Jiang Muyan pulled his hair and smelled it. There was no smell? There is no such thing as strong. There is only a little sweat, probably because I was too nervous on the horse. But why is there no so-called fragrance...

I really doubt whether the artist's perspective is different from that of ordinary people, so he can smell what he doesn't smell? It's really strange.

Aunt Zhang checked her knee: "It's okay, I just hit it. Just apply some medicine and you will be fine. Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry for hurting Mrs. Wang. Lao Zhang should always be next to him. This guy is really."

Ath Aunt Zhang's face is full of apology, which is also easy to explain, because after all, for Kang Sichen, she is equivalent to his employees taking care of the whole place here, so of course, something is inseparable from her. It's just about the madam...

"It's okay, Aunt Zhang, I'm greedy. And the little brown is very good and slow, so I'm just a scratch. Regardless of Lao Zhang's matter, and I'm not..." Jiang Muyan's words were not finished, but Kang Sichen on one side immediately interrupted her, as if it was intentional or not.

"All right. Since you are injured, it's time to have a good rest now.

"Oh." Jiang Muyan nodded and didn't know how to go on. In fact, there was no need to explain so much to Aunt Zhang. After all, he was just a passer-by and may never come again. So it doesn't really matter what it is called.

It was just a small scratch, but the wound was wrapped by Aunt Zhang with straps. It looks like a broken leg. Knowing that Aunt Zhang was afraid of being hurt, then Kang Sichen would blame her, so he naturally became more careful.

Looking at my mobile phone, there was no phone call or message. Is it possible that no one remembered that he had not gone back? Even Huanzi doesn't have a phone? It seems that he still hasn't gone home. As for the uninvited guy at home, it's definitely better for them not to go back.

The night here is very quiet. There is no sound of cars or the sound of people closing those anti-theft doors. It is so quiet that sometimes if someone scares themselves outside, I'm afraid they will be surprised for a long time.

Jiang Muyan picked up a flashlight and lame one leg, but still struggled to slowly walk outside and approached the lake.

It was dark outside, so the moon overhead was particularly bright, and the moonlight was imprinted on the lake, because the restless lake made the reflection of the moon so mottled. Occasionally, there are small bubbles, implying that there are fish here.

The footsteps behind her are clearly visible, but she didn't look back at this time, because besides him, who else will come here without sleeping at this time?

Sure enough, after the sound of the camera, Kang Sichen sat down with the camera.

"Shoot the night scene?"

"Ye�. The night view here is better than in the morning. Cons Chen nodded.

"Can't you sleep either?" Jiang Muyan asked curiously, "I don't think you need to sleep much all day, and..." Jiang Muyan was trying to say that like Huo Yan, he couldn't see him sleeping. It was only about once, that fever.

"Sometimes when inspiration comes, it is difficult to sleep. So artists are short-lived. Kang Sichen made a joke and said, "What about you? Is it also inspiration?"

"Of course not. It's too quiet. When sleeping in the city, I always complain about the sounds outside, but in fact, once I fall asleep, I can't hear these sounds." Jiang Muyan looked around and there was only a little wind, but it was also fleeting.

"It's really too quiet. It turns out to be too quiet, which will make people unable to calm down."

"You've seen too many horror movies." Kang Sichen laughed.

"Maybe... By the way, why don't you explain our relationship to Aunt Zhang?"

"I said, don't be angry..." Kang Sichen suddenly lowered his voice a little mysteriously and said.

"No, don't be angry, say it." Jiang Muyan looked at Kang Sichen and said.

"Although my father bought this land, Aunt Zhang is still not as clear about the ownership of this land as their parents. So sometimes the treatment I receive as a host is not very good. This time I planned to tell them that you and I are going to divorce, so I came here to recuperate. It can improve the relationship between you and me..."

"False... Hurry up and be serious..." Jiang Muyan interrupted Kang Sichen's words and then said bluntly.

"Hehe, well, what I said before is true, but the final purpose is to see if the investment in recent years is effective here. If not, I will not invest here in the future, or ask Aunt Zhang to move out. So..." Kang Sichen shrugged his shoulders and said.

"I thought you were an artist and wouldn't do such a commercial thing."

"In fact, it's not me doing it, it's stewer Li who is doing it. I really don't understand the difference. Kang Sichen said, "Is there any difference between them or other people managing this land?" Kang Sichen asked doubtfully, "But Stele Li insisted on Aunt Zhang. So... I'll do whatever he wants."

After saying that, everything calmed down again: "No wonder you clearly said that we were husband and wife, but Aunt Zhang was really not surprised that we slept in separate rooms."

"So stewer Li is really smart, not only understanding my feelings, but also so that Aunt Zhang will not be suspicious." Kang Sichen suddenly lay on the grass on one side and looked at the sky and said.

"Li has been with you for many years, hasn't he?"

"It should be said that I have been with my father for many years. He has been in my house since he was 12 years old, longer than I have been in my house. Kang Sichen said, "If he hadn't been helping me maintain my dilapidated home, I might not have been as successful as I am now."