Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

363: Tell the truth

The goal was achieved, and Huo Yan looked up and smiled. He knew that if she directly told her that she needed to bring a locator, she would never refuse, which more or less limited her freedom of movement, and all her whereabouts would be controlled by Huo Yan. But... in fact, it has to be. If he loses contact during this period, Huo Yan may also be distracted.

What's more, Lao Li alone has made Huo Yan difficult to deal with, because he is too familiar with himself, his temper and all actions.

"Huo Yan..." Jiang Muyan blushed and gently stroked his chest with her fingers. The numbness of her body had not passed, and she was still looking forward to higher happiness.

"Here we are. Daughter-in-law." Huo Yan smiled proudly, and this little girl was also very well trained by herself! Then he lowered his head, let himself kiss Jiang Muyan's lips tightly, and then began to create more excitement with his big hands.

When Jiang Muyan was no longer able to resist, he gently entered her body, created an eternal wriggling, and let himself penetrate everything over and over again, making Jiang Muyan's reason also become fragmented.

What nine-tailed fox, what Xiaoning, what Su Chang, only Huo Yan in front of her is the most real. I don't want to think about what to do if Su Chang's child is really Huo Yan, and I don't want to think about the harm that the nine-tailed fox will bring to him. At this moment, only Huo Yan, only him!

In the morning. The clear sound of the alarm clock will wake Jiang Muyan from his sleep. She got up in an instant and looked around her. Huo Yan had disappeared, and it was a little cold to touch the quilt. It seemed that he had been away for a long time.

There are some breakfast, sandwiches and milk on the table. Obviously, Huo Yan went to buy a good one early in the morning. This guy always comes and goes in a hurry. What does he think of himself? Have you finished using the toilet paper? Really!

With a sigh, Jiang Muyan put on his clothes. However, there was still a trace of warmth in his heart. This guy knew that he was tired, and he didn't ask for it as stormy yesterday as before. Looking at himself sleeping, he let himself go. Otherwise, I may not be able to wake up now.

Obviously, he helped put the alarm clock next to

, so it's more than enough to dress, wash, have breakfast, and walk to the unit at this time. There is no need to worry too much. It's just him...

Jiang Muyan remembered what he said yesterday, nine-tailed fox, north, Ye Zixiang, locator... Suddenly Jiang Muyan's eyes stared! He said locator?

Jiang Muyan quickly took out his bag and clothes, shaking up and down, and nothing strange appeared. Did he forget to bring it? No, Huo Yan never forgets to bring anything, only whether he wants to bring it or not. So where is the locator? Or is he not using it for himself?

Jiang Muyan doesn't know how dangerous it is, but for her, the locator will directly kill her! From then on, what's the difference between yourself and those puppies on the roadside? He can see at a glance where he has gone and where he has gone. This won't work! Although she has no privacy that needs to be hidden, this feeling of being monitored is very uncomfortable.

Besides, Ye Zixiang is already looking at himself. Why do you need a locator? But it seems that he didn't have it. Maybe he didn't bring it, or did he say it casually? After all, how many people can take the words in front of love seriously? Thinking of this, Jiang Muyan was in a good mood, and then bit the sandwich in his hand and walked out of the door.

came to the company, but saw Asa, who had returned to his hometown to rest during this period, and was talking to Jiao Hongting.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Huanzi looked up and down at Jiang Muyan and asked.

"Ye�. It's good. Unfortunately, I don't have money. Otherwise, I would be happy to stay in a hotel every day. I don't have to clean it by myself. I change new sheets every day and kill viruses. It's so comfortable. Jiang Muyan said.

"Really lazy! By the way, Asa is about to go abroad. As you know, he came here to say goodbye to us today just to report on the battlefield. Huanzi didn't continue to ask.

"Hi! Are you here?" Asa's head suddenly appeared beside them.

"Ye�. You're leaving... How long will it take this time?"

"I don't know... but I'm looking forward to it. By the way, lunch is mine. Don't compete with me. I'll go downstairs to buy some jackets first. I heard that it's quite windy there. See you in the old place..." Asa obviously cut his hair a lot, looking as simple as a boy.

When Jiang Muyan and the others were finished, it was time for lunch. When they went down to the cafe, they saw Asa waving to themselves not far away.

The three people finished their lunch happily. Huanzi was called back by a phone call, leaving only Jiang Muyan and Asa.

Asa looked at Jiang Muyan and sighed, and then slowly said, "Sister Yan? I have something to tell you."

"What? Say it."

"Actually, I should have told you the last time I left, but I'm afraid that you will be angry, so... But after this time, I feel that if I don't say something, I may not have a chance in my life. So I must tell you everything as soon as possible." Asa summoned up his courage, took a sip of milk tea and continued to say.

"Actually, I approached you and Sister Huan for a purpose at the beginning." Asa suddenly said.

The purpose? Not for money, and why, what is your purpose? Jiang Muyan said with a smile, which was very disapproving.

"You!" Asa looked up at Jiang Muyan and said.

"Me?" Jiang Muyan pointed to himself with a puzzled face.

"Actually, it's for you and Huo Yan." Asa summoned up the courage to speak.

"Huo Yan and I? I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Jiang Muyan frowned.

"I think you know Su Chang now, right? Huanzi told me that she came to see you. In fact, I'm the person she arranged. Asa looked at Jiang Muyan and said.

"Do you think you are Su Chang's person? But...between you..." Jiang Muyan thought about it and couldn't find common points.

"It should be said that I am her helper. I come from a small village and don't have a high degree, so I want to get ahead. Later, I accidentally met Su Chang. She helped me get a calendar certificate and helped me get a lot of certificates. I can find a job freely in this city without worrying about my livelihood. I am grateful to her, so I am willing to do whatever she wants to do for you.

"Su Chang, do you really have that much ability?" Jiang Muyan seemed to be asking himself.

"I don't know much about why she has so many skills, but what I know is that she is not simple, but a person with means. Fortunately, you are careless and don't care about everything, so many times you don't care about the tricks she uses to you. And Huo Yan, she can't take advantage of it at all. Asa sighed.

"No wonder you are so good to us and always don't care about money to invite us to eat this and do that. So it's to get close to us?" Jiang Muyan looked at Asa with a faint anger in his heart. Although it was a good thing for Asa to confess to them now, everything in the past could no longer be changed.

No wonder Huanzi kept saying that Asa was a little strange at that time. It was true that he was too careless, so he didn't pay attention to this at all. Fortunately, Asa didn't do anything in the end. If she really wanted to do something, I'm afraid she would have been hooked.

Are you really that idiotic? So easy to be cheated? Thinking of this, Jiang Muyan has a strong sense of frustration.

"I'm sorry, Sister Yan. Although I was ordered by Su Chang to get close to you, understand the recent situation between you and Huo Yan, and appropriately destroy the things between you, after being with you for a period of time, I found that you are really good and have never doubted me. Although Sister Huan sometimes feels that I'm weird, you have never had any objection.

"After a long time, I felt that I was wrong, hurt you and made me so insidious. So at that time, there was a quota for war correspondents, and I applied. On the one hand, I want to avoid you, and on the other hand, I also want to avoid Su Chang. Now I'll tell you that there is only one reason, that is, I hope you can be careful of Su Chang. Asa sincerely reminded.

"I will." Jiang Muyan nodded.

"Also, about the matter between Su Chang and Huo Yan..." Asa didn't know what to say and paused: "As I know about Su Chang, she is not the kind of person who will give birth and raise children for a man. But there must be a reason why she has to do this.

"After she told me that day, I always felt that the child might not be Huo Yan's. Maybe Su Chang had used some method to deceive Huo Yan and make him think that it seemed to be his child. But I don't have the ability to investigate Su Chang, so I can only tell you this. Asa said everything with apologetic.

"I know. Thank you." Jiang Muyan nodded. Asa's words made her feel more confident. Su Chang's child may have the same problem as Huo Yan said!

"Sister Yan, be careful. Anyway, I'm on the battlefield, so Su Chang can't do anything about me. There may be no one today or tomorrow, and she can't do anything to me. But you are different. Be careful that she will do something to you. The power behind her is too great. Asa lowered his voice and said.

"I will. Thank you for reminding me. Asa, be careful over there. The gun has no eyes. I also want to see you next time and have dinner here together. Jiang Muyan said with a smile. Although she was a little angry with Asa, after all, she actually helped Su Chang keep trying to get close to herself, but now everything she said is true.

"Ha ha, it's not as terrible as you said. Although it's dangerous, as an international journalist, it's more or less protective. As long as I don't want to make contributions too fast, of course, I won't die too fast. But to be honest... I spent the past few years in chaos, bars, opening rooms, and everything seems to be like this. But only on the battlefield did I discover my value!"

Asa's face has a bright light and is not afraid of any courage. Jiang Muyan even began to envy her a little.