Good morning, sky-high runaway wife

376: Successive Accidents

Not long after Huo Yan left, Huanzi rushed in without thinking, and then looked at Jiang Muyan lying down: "I said, Ayan, are you all right?"

"It's okay. Just wake up, but it's a little malnourished. Jiang Muyan gave Huanzi a reassuring smile.

"Oh, really. You always don't care about yourself. You should know that women don't care about themselves..." Halfway through the words, Huanzi, who was taking off her coat, made a hisss, and then moved much slower.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"Oh, unlucky?" Huanzi said angrily, "Just like Asa."

Say Asa, and both of them began to be silent.

For Jiang Muyan, when he heard Huanzi talk about his bad luck again, he was a fierce hammer in his heart, and then he felt a little uneasy and looked up at Huanzi: "What's wrong with your hand...?"

"What else can I do? When I came back, I was right under the company. A hairy young man who didn't know where he came from suddenly passed me on a mountain bike. I felt that I hit hard, and suddenly my shoulder was about to dislocate, which was a pain..." Huanzi twisted his arm and said, deliberately putting aside the sadness brought by Asa.

"Bump? Isn't it you who was careless?"

"I was not careful. I walked on the top and walked straight! Later, the boy came up from behind like this. If it were a car, I would have flown to the sky. Also... After taking a few steps forward, I suddenly didn't know which bold person dropped his flower pot on the balcony and hit me on the head in a second. Huanzi said.

"Flower?" Jiang Muyan's heart is also getting more and more nervous.

"Yes, do you think I've been unlucky recently? I really want to worship God, but it's strange that only Fang Kun has no problem when he is by my side. I think it's a hint to me that that guy is the patron saint of my life? Huanzi asked with his chin in his chin.

"It should be. Get married quickly." Jiang Muyan joked and said, but she was secretly shocked. All this seemed to be caused by bad luck, but there was a better answer in her heart, that is, the nine-tailed fox! They are taking revenge!

Because Huo Yan is very good at protecting himself, it may be difficult for the nine-tailed fox to start, so he warned them from the people around him, my God! This is not a joke. If the nine-tailed fox succeeds, will Huanzi be the same as Asa one day? No!

Jiang Muyan looked up and looked at Huanzi in front of him, full of guilt. They all fell into such a field because of themselves.

"Beaning, Kang Sichen said that he was easier to take care of him. Why didn't you stay and have to come back?" Huanzi didn't feel Jiang Muyan's worry at all and said as he said.

"Because... I miss you." After saying that, Jiang Muyan smiled at himself.

"I miss you too, but I miss Asa more, who is so young. Sorry... I shouldn't have said it. You fainted the day before yesterday because you heard about Asa. Huanzi's eyes were a little wet, but he immediately restrained his emotions.

"It's all right. I'm much better." Jiang Muyan shook his head and said.

"Then have a good rest." Huanzi was obviously in a bad mood and wanted to go back because she talked about the topic of Asa. When she arrived at the door, she suddenly stopped and suddenly said, "I have suspected Asa before, but now there is no one left. A Yan? People are really vulnerable. I made a decision today, which is to agree to Fang Kun's proposal.

"Congratulations on that?" Jiang Muyan said with a smile, with a trace of helplessness in his smile.

"Thank you. Isn't it a pity that I didn't even become a bride when I died? Isn't that what Asa is?" After saying that, Huanzi went back to the room with choking.

Jiang Muyan also felt uncomfortable, and what was worse was that he chose phobia, but he had to face the most feared choice.

He didn't tell the Huo family that he was pregnant, and he didn't want to scare the snakes. Jiang Muyan continued to do his work, but he was more careful about everything.

Jiao Hongting didn't quite understand Jiang Muyan's timidity and began to be unwilling to go out to receive some manuscripts. Not only that, but also did not allow Huanzi to go out. She calls her parents every day, and she can only do this. But it doesn't seem to work.

Because when things happen, there is no way for her to keep them safe.

"Ayan? Come on, your mother fell into the pit and fainted!" Jiang's father took the initiative to call Jiang Muyan.

"What?" Jiang Muyan put down his things and rushed to the hospital.

The sick mother of Jiang was still sleeping. The doctor said that the pit was not very deep when she fell down, so there was nothing in the fracture. She was just scared, so she fainted for a while and she would recover in a moment.

"Dad, how can there be a pit? What the hell is going on?" Jiang Muyan looked at Jiang's father and asked.

"Hey... Your mother will go shopping at six o'clock every morning. That road is a shortcut. Few people know, and it's not far from home. It's also dawn today. I don't know which immoral guy actually dug a hole at that intersection, as if to dig something. But it was not filled in. It's dark, and your mother's eyes are not good, so..."

Jiang Muyan felt a little breathless. At first, it was his father, and then it was Asa. Huanzi was threatened again and again. Now he is his mother. Who will be next? Oh my God! Jiang Muyan covered his head and dared not think about it. He immediately ran to the door.

"Ayan?" Jiang Muyan's father's feet were not yet healed. Looking at Jiang Muyan's upset appearance, he wanted to ask, but he couldn't leave, so he had to shout in place.

"Dad. I'm fine. It's just that I feel sad to see my mother like this. Jiang Muyan quickly suppressed his emotions and then said.

"Oh, it's unlucky. First my feet, and then your mother. Jiang's father sighed and said.

Unlucky? It's not bad luck, it's a nine-tailed fox! Jiang Muyan bit his teeth and then calmed down: "Dad, I have something to leave first. Mom woke up and called me. I'll be right back."

"Oh, okay. Then you should be careful," Jiang's father said.

"I know." Jiang Muyan nodded, then turned around and left the hospital, driving in one direction.

In a short time, she arrived downstairs of Su Chang. This is the second time she came here. It feels completely different from the first time. She absolutely can't let the people around her be hurt because of herself and Huo Yan again, so this is what she must do and the only thing she has to do. Love.

Jiang Muyan calmed himself down as soon as possible, and then slowly walked up and knocked on Su Chang's door.

Su Chang seemed to have expected that she was coming. Seeing that she was not surprised at all, she smiled and then made way: "Are you coming?"

Jiang Muyan slowly walked in, then subconsciously touched his lower abdomen and swallowed a mouthful of water.

"Would you like some tea?" Su Chang took out a water cup and asked with a smile.

"Thank you. No need." No matter what it is, Jiang Muyan should be careful. Here, she can never drink or eat anything. Although it is already a risk, she must do so.

"What did you come to me for? Isn't it just to see me and Huo Yan's children, is it?" Su Chang never speaks slowly, but he is really prickly.

"No." Jiang Muyan shook his head and smiled, "I'm here to tell you that I will leave."

"Did I hear it wrong? Miss Jiang, who has a choice phobia, finally chose to leave? Su Chang said with a smile.

"How do you know I have a phobia of choice?" Jiang Muyan frowned slightly and asked.

"I don't only know that you have a choice phobia, but I also know that you have a difficult pregnancy, right?" Su Chang turned his head and said slowly.

"You..." Jiang Muyan subconsciously covered his stomach again.

Looking at Jiang Muyan's behavior, Su Chang grinned: "A woman who is difficult to have children is really not a perfect woman."

"So what?" Jiang Muyan put down his hand and asked pretending to be strong. It seemed that Su Chang had investigated himself thoroughly.

"So what? Is this why Huo's mother is willing to give up your good daughter-in-law and choose me as a bad daughter-in-law? Su Chang took a sip of water and half lay on the sofa and said.

"Su Chang, I'm not here to compare with you today. I just want you to know one thing. If you want me to leave Huo Yan, I can do it immediately. But... I hope you don't hurt my family and friends again." Jiang Muyan lowered his voice and said.

"Friend? Do you mean Asa? Su Chang suddenly stared at Jiang Muyan and asked, "Humph! Jiang Muyan, I don't know what beauty you have. Asa turned out to be my friend and was dedicated to me. When she first came here, thanks to me, she was able to gain a foothold here, but after meeting you, she changed. No longer doing things for me, but staring at you?"

"What I can tell you is that what happened to you is not an accident, but I didn't do it." Su Chang looked at Jiang Muyan's indifferent appearance and walked aside and said, "But it does have something to do with me."

"Su Chang, I beg you, don't embarrass my friends and my family. I will leave, give me a week, I will take care of everything, and I will leave. Go to a place that will never be found by Huo Yan, but what you have to do is that whether it is you or someone you know, you must stop this behavior. Jiang Muyan said.

"Can't find it? How can I believe that you can't find it? Last time you said you weren't with Huo Yan, but you did spend several nights. Do you think I don't know? Or sting me to play?" Su Chang looked at Jiang Muyan with a face of disbelief.