zhang the universe

Chapter 303 Perception

Another few bites, the Warcraft has a great appetite, and nearly half of the creatures attracted by it have been eaten by it.

At this time, the energetic eyes were like looking from a distance. There were white waves on the sea, and countless creatures gathered from all sides. The middle line of these white lines was this huge warcraft.

Zhao Qianyang ate his consciousness. He observed a strange monster underwater. Their volume was about three meters long, but they looked strange. Their bodies were like leopards and had limbs, but their limbs were flat, which was conducive to sliding in the water. Their bodies were covered with white scales and their raised tails were thick. Strong and powerful, and the tail is as sharp as a cone, and a built tooth is exposed in the open mouth of the sharp head, and a white airflow spewed out in the air.

"So many monsters!" Zhao Qianyang said lightly, "There are thousands of white lines on the white face, and the number of these monsters will never be 10,000.

When these silver-white monsters came nearly 1,000 meters in front of this huge monster, they suddenly jumped up from the surface of the water. The sound of cling is endless, which makes people's scalp numb, and the density is like a swarm of bees out of the nest, pressed white.

"Oh!" This huge warcraft suddenly became crazy. With its roaring sound, the wind suddenly rose, and the waves raised and formed a huge wall more than Qianmi. The white waves were condensed by sound waves, like a transparent stone wall, facing this white warcraft.

The white monsters were disturbed by a violent wind. When they rushed out of the huge waves, they only heard the sound. They became dizzy, and some lean silver monsters fell directly into the water. As soon as I broke through the pouring wall, I saw a tail with a diameter of nearly 100 meters thick sweeping over. There were drops of water in the strong wind, and the speed of each drop splashing was amazing. It looked like bullets shooting out. Zhao Qianyang heard a violent sound in the distance. That was the sound of water dripping on the silver beast. Fortunately, their scales were extremely tough and abruptly endured. At this time, the thick tail had swept in front of them.

"Boom!" The huge warcraft swept out 360 degrees and swept out more than 200 silver-white monsters. They turned into white shells and hit the sea fiercely. The splashed waves were dozens of meters high. However, hundreds of silver-white monsters smoothly attached to this huge warcraft. Their The tail turned into a steel gun in vain and penetrated directly into the body of this huge warcraft. Take this opportunity to stabilize your body.

The pain aroused the fierceness of this huge beast. Its body was like willow branches waving randomly in the strong wind, swinging crazily on the sea, splashing waves one after another, and the four sides were filled with 100 meters of water mist. The roar is endless. All these silver-white monsters that had just attached to him were squeezed into meat sauce.

Zhao Qianyang felt that the wind in front of him was turbulent. With the swallowing of this huge monster, huge columns of water hit these silver-white monsters.

At this time, the silver-white Warcraft also began to lose their temper. They spewed out white light from their mouths and hit the rolling waves. In an instant, the cold air came on their faces and covered the earth. Before the waves fell, they had turned into ice sculptures. Within dozens of miles, it quickly condensed, and the water mist floating in the air turned into small ice grains in a few falling air and floated around by the strong wind.

This huge beast kept rolling and twisting his huge body. In an instant, the sea that had just condensed was broken again. Those silver-white monsters seized the opportunity and swarmed up. When their tail pierced into the body of the huge Warcraft, the black skin on the huge Warcraft gradually turned white.

The huge monsters twisted crazily, and thick drops of water shot up from the sea, and countless silver-white monsters were patted into mud.

The sea surface has been condensed again and broken again and again, and the color of the sea surface has changed. At this time, it has become a blood-red color. And the huge monster rise is also full of scars, black and white, and the flesh and blood in the white place have been solidified. As long as you touch it, it will be broken. Then, the blood is like a spring, like a big red current, gushing out, which is very spectacular.

Zhao Qianyang did not plan to continue watching. He felt that if he continued like this, he could only end up with both sides. His main purpose here was to find some powerful monsters, hoping that he could create life, so he now has to protect this huge beast and those silver and white. Colored Warcraft. The next moment, Zhao Qianyang released the energy in his body, and in an instant, the speed of everything in the world slowed down.

The huge warcraft roar also slowed down. At this time, the roar seemed extremely wild. Those silver-white monsters also sensed something bad and wanted to escape, but their bodies were stiff like ice sculptures and could not move.

The cold air between heaven and earth has not disappeared, and a hundred miles can only become a strange scene. This huge warcraft and these red warcraft have become ice sculptures.

At this moment, Zhao Qianyang's consciousness penetrated the body of this huge warcraft, and various structures of his body could clearly appear in Zhao Qianyang's brain. The most important thing is its soul. Zhao Qianyang's consciousness came to the brain of this huge warcraft, and he saw a soul bead about one meter in diameter. And the energy of its soul corresponds to the energy of the soul beads.

Zhao Qianyang carefully felt the soul power of this huge warcraft. His soul power is extremely strong, which is equivalent to a soul cultivation person in the later stage of the soul change. However, because he does not have so many means to control energy by human beings, he cannot release these energy incisively and vividly. Otherwise, these silver-white The Warcraft absolutely cannot threaten him. The energy of the soul is invisible. It is like a strange fluctuation. Zhao Qianyang's mind is all immersed in it and feels this strange fluctuation.

The fluctuation of this energy is extremely strange and ever-changing. Zhao Qianyang released a wisp of divine knowledge, which is the safest way. If this wisp of divine knowledge is destroyed, Zhao Qianyang's strength will only be reduced a little, but if it succeeds, Zhao Qianyang may understand the soul. If Zhao Qianyang's divine consciousness enters the composition of energy, it is estimated that this soul will not be able to bear it at all. Now Zhao Qianyang's soul is too horrible.

Next, it is to wait. Zhao Qianyang has nothing to do. He has completely controlled the body structure of this huge warcraft. As long as he wants to create it, he will soon be able to create an almost identical warcraft. There is only this little difference among them. .

At this time, Zhao Qianyang felt the wisp of consciousness he had released. Through this wisp of consciousness, Zhao Qianyang could feel the anger and fear of this huge warcraft. It was an extremely complex fluctuation formed by the superposition of emotions. Zhao Qianyang was immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself. If Zhao Qianyang hadn't collected the black and white energy runes, he would not have felt it at all. Now he found that the changes of the soul are endless like these two runes.

Suddenly, Zhao Qianyang woke up. He felt that the last trace of doubt had completely disappeared, and everything was scattered. He had a feeling of great enlightenment. It turns out that the soul that created life is very close to Zhao Qianyang. There are soul beads over there, and each soul bead is condensed by the soul of animals.

Everything in heaven and earth is completely still. With Zhao Qianyang as the center, even the splashed drops of water within thousands of miles have solidified in the air and never fallen.

Then, Zhao Qianyang grabbed it casually and suddenly opened a ten-meter-long opening on the huge monster's head. This large black soul bead flew in front of Zhao Qianyang. Zhao Qianyang was a little excited. He didn't know whether he would succeed.

Next, Zhao Qianyang released the soul spell, and in just a few seconds, he made the violent breath in this soul bead clear. Zhao Qianyang did not want these violent breaths to disturb him when he created life.

Zhao Qianyang thought carefully, and thousands of thoughts passed by in his energetic heart. Then, the energy of the two runes appeared in Zhao Qianyang's hands. The energy of these two runes was driven by Zhao Qianyang's mind and fused into one place, which restrained each other and restricted each other.

Then, Zhao Qianyang's mind moved, and this group of rune energy split into tens of millions in an instant.