Cut the world

Chapter 10: Refiner

Through several corridors that are not very long, Zhou Lingxuan slowly feels hotter and hotter. When autumn and winter are coming, it seems that this place is still in the hot summer.

"From the outside store to the forging area behind here, all the houses in the middle are for those blacksmiths to live in, and I live there myself. Well, turn left to the forging area. Tie An led Zhou Lingxuan inside and explained to him what the components of the "first weapon store" were.

When he arrived at the forging area, Zhou Lingxuan looked at a glance. Hundreds of men with their upper body and only one pair of shorts on the lower body were forging weapons in groups of three. Looking at the strong body of these big men, even if Schwarzenegger at the peak came, I'm afraid he would be ashamed to cover his face and run away with tears.

After letting Zhou Lingxuan appreciate it for a while, Tie An took Zhou Lingxuan into a separate room in the forging area. The room is about 50 square meters. In addition to a set of furnace-like forging utensils, there is only one small stone table at the door, which must be used to put some items. On the other side of the door, there is a small lounge with all kinds of supplies.

"This is my own solo forging room. Before I help you find materials to forge weapons, I want to tell you something. In fact, the forger has another name, that is, the refiner. There are indeed countless people on the continent, but the number of refiners is only very small. Of course, there are also a few pharmacists. I am a double refiner, and the instrument next to me is in my refinery furnace. What I also want to tell you is that the weapons refined by refiners on the mainland are called spiritual weapons, which are divided into one to nine grades, and above the ninth grade are divine products, which is what we often call artifacts. However, you should remember that even spiritual weapons of the same grade are good and bad, strong and weak. The level of our refiners is linked to their own cultivation. For example, because my cultivation is only innately nine levels, the grade of the refiner is only a double refiner. When I break into the realm of soul, I think that the current refinery strength can be easily upgraded to a triple refiner. However, if you only focus on improving your cultivation and don't refine more every day after learning the method of refining, then even if you reach the holy realm of heaven, your refining ability will still stay at the original level and will not improve because of the improvement of your cultivation. Therefore, although the ability of the refinery is linked to your own cultivation level, if your refining ability cannot be improved, it is useless no matter how high your cultivation is.

After a pause, Tie'an continued, "In addition, although I am not a pharmacist, I think the way and method of upgrading should be the same as our refiner. Well, these are all some information that you must know when walking on the mainland in the future. I don't think you may know, so I'll tell you briefly.

"Thank you" Zhou Lingxuan just listened silently and didn't say anything else after listening, because he felt that it was no longer needed.

"Hey, why are you still polite to me, don't you?" Tie'an said carelessly.

"Ye, I know. I won't talk about it in the future." Zhou Lingxuan just smiled faintly.

"Okay, come and have a look." At this time, Tie An took out a brocade box and held it in the palm of his hand like his most precious treasure. Gently put the brocade box on the corner of the refinery furnace, and slowly opened the brocade box with excitement on his face. A dark but bright object the size of an adult fist appeared in front of Zhou Lingxuan.

"This was found ten years ago in a small cave on the edge of the Heavenly Beast Mountains, and I named him Black Crystal. I don't know what kind of material it is, but I burned it on an ordinary stove for at least seven or 49 days, but I couldn't make it have any traces of melting. This time I'm going to use it to refine your short blade•••••”

"How can this be? How can such a precious material be given to me so casually? And if it's really like what you said, then this black crystal will be more precious, and I can't take it." Before Tie An finished speaking, but when he heard that he was going to use such a precious material to refine knives for him, Zhou Lingxuan was shocked and interrupted Tie An's words.

"Brother, what you said is wrong. Since I promised you to give you the spiritual weapon you want, I will definitely not be stingy. Besides, I have put this black crystal for more than ten years. This time, I can use it as a knife material, and at the same time it can also improve my refining ability. Maybe I can I may take this opportunity to be promoted to the realm of metamorpho. Why don't you want to kill three birds with one stone like this? So, brother, don't delay any more. Go to the nearby lounge and draw the knife you need. Brother, I'm ready to start work.

The words have been said, and Zhou Lingxuan had to nod with a wry smile and walked to the lounge next to him. He couldn't help sighing, "This kindness is really bad!" Forget it, just give it back to him when there is a chance.

I would think so because Zhou Lingxuan doesn't like to owe human debts the most.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Lingxuan handed the drawn drawings to Tie An, who was using a warm stove. Before the refiner, the furnace must be done and cannot be saved. Otherwise, it is easy to fry the furnace. The knife drawn by Zhou Lingxuan is the short knife he used in his previous life. Under this knife is the flying knife he used. He is going to let Tie'an refine the knife again and refine a few flying knives by the way, so that he will have more cards.

Looking at the knife picture drawn by Zhou Lingxuan, Tie An couldn't help but be surprised. Looking at the unique knife shape, it is full of intoxication; just drawing on paper, it still can't hide its sharp edge, and so is the flying knife below.

Thinking that this was designed by Zhou Lingxuan, and then of his invincible and evil cultivation talent. So much so that while looking at the picture, Tie An kept saying something 'really perverted', 'you are evil', 'fuck, let others really live' and so on. The voice was not loud, but it was just enough for Zhou Lingxuan to hear it. Obviously, it was intentional. Zhou Lingxuan, who stood aside, simply smiled bitterly.

"Well, I'm starting to work now. You can go back first. I guess you can come at this time in three days. On the contrary, this peerless knife will need your help. This kind of flying knife needs nine, right? Just come there together. Now, what should you do? Don't get in my way here.

"Jealousy, brother, you are pure jealousy, and I haven't provoked you much. Okay, you're better than me. Come on, don't stare at me with any kind. I can't stand it. Then I'll go. Goodbye, brother." Zhou Lingxuan is getting more and more fun for this brother. He is honest, generous, informal, and has a good character. As Zhou Lingxuan's first friend in the world, he really has that qualification.

Walking quietly on the street, quietly enjoying this moment of noise, I felt that my whole body and mind seemed to be enriched a lot. Previously, I stayed in the mountains for nearly half a year and had never seen anyone. I only kept practicing hard and tasting the loneliness alone. Therefore, Zhou Lingxuan, who has no close friends in his life, wants to have a few close friends in his life. The rapid relationship with Tie'an before was also out of this psychology. After all, the two generations are indeed a little lonely. Now he has a good friend, which is a good beginning. After thinking about this, he suddenly feels that the sky has become bluer and the pedestrians around him have become more cute.

Suddenly, the aura whirlpool that has not appeared again recently appeared. Fortunately, Zhou Lingxuan reacted very quickly, and a breeze rose, leaving only a group of stunned pedestrians on the street.

Quickly returned to the cabin and sat cross-legged, feeling the faster and faster-rotating aura, and feeling the aura that kept pouring into the Dantian field. Because the slightly larger and thicker whirlpool after entering the sixth level also accelerated the rotation, like a bottomless hole, it constantly devouring the aura influx. At the same time, Zhou Lingxuan also controlled part of the aura to continue to refine the body. Because he found that the use of the aura absorbed when he wanted to break through to quench his body would be several times better than usual, he particularly cherished the use of those auras when he broke through.

Slowly, the reiki whirlpool began to disappear, and Zhou Lingxuan's cultivation has entered the seventh level of the day after tomorrow.

It took a while to consolidate the current state, and then returned to the street. This time, he did not care about the eyes of those women who looked at him and became a little crazy, nor did he care about the eyes of countless male compatriots containing envy, exclam, puzzlement and resentment.

Zhou Lingxuan is still walking on the street. However, he felt that the people in this world were really fucking qualified. They would not be like those fanatical boys and girls in their previous lives. They couldn't control their eyes when they saw handsome men and moved their legs when they saw beautiful women. Looking here, although their eyes are full of excitement, they will not rush up, which is called high quality.

Occasionally, when I see a long, beautiful girl, Zhou Lingxuan will smile at her. Of course, this is just a pure reward. Zhou Lingxuan is still very pure.

However, after Zhou Lingxuan passed by, he faintly heard the girl whisper there: "He smiled at me, he smiled at me, and looked at him so much, and he only smiled at me..." Even Zhou Lingxuan had gone far away, and she couldn't come back.