Cut the world

Chapter 12: Brotherhood

After chatting a few words, the two came to the living room in the backyard and sat down. There is also a living room in the backyard to receive distinguished guests. After sitting down, Tie Anxiang thought of something and asked Zhou Lingxuan, "Well, by the way, brother, do you have any questions to ask me just before I ask you to drip blood again?"

Hearing this, Zhou Lingxuan thought for a moment before answering, "Yes, I just don't know whether to ask or not."

"Oh, brother, do we still need to pay attention to this? Ask directly."

So, Zhou Lingxuan asked, "Brother, you said that that black iron essence can't be melted with ordinary fire, so what kind of fire is the blue flame just now? In addition, why is there a faint golden light flashing around this knife?

Tie'an also thought for a while, as if he was sorting out the sentences. After a while, Tie'an said, "Let's talk about the blue fire first. I remember I should have said that the black stone was found in a small cave on the edge of the Tian Beast Mountains ten years ago. I didn't tell you that I still found a small bottle in that small hole. I'm sorry, brother. I just want to give you a surprise. Don't be surprised.

Seeing that Zhou Lingxuan just shook his head with a slight smile and knew that he was not angry, he was relieved and then said, "When I picked up the small bottle, I found that the bottle was strange. So I opened it and almost finished my life. It contains a few drops of the blood of the seven-level heavenly beast - the blue-eyed fire lion, which is equivalent to the strong in the realm of human respect; and the blood of the blue-eyed fire lion can emit blue fire, hence the name of the blue-eyed fire lion. The moment I opened the cap of the bottle, the blue flame bursting into the sky almost burned me. Later, I left the cave with these two things. And that small cave has obvious traces of your early exposure, so I guess someone left these two things there. In addition, although the black stone is very hard, the blue fire emitted by the blood of the blue-eyed fire lion can still melt it. As for why there was a faint golden light flashing around the knife, because I added a little fine gold to the material of the knife body in addition to the black fine stone, so there was a faint golden light flashing from time to time.

Tie'an stopped for a while, took a sip of tea, and then continued, "At this point, we have to talk about some special refining materials. At present, the best materials known on the whole continent are meteorite, that is, the essence of meteorites, followed by gold marrow, silver marrow, copper marrow, fine gold, silver essence, copper essence and basal iron. I estimate that black essence may be the same grade of material as copper marrow. You may not know that it takes nearly a thousand gold to extract a catty of fine gold, while it takes nearly 100,000 catties of gold to extract a catty of gold marrow, which is simply more than ever, so generally only those superpowers can take gold marrow. Silver marrow, copper marrow, silver essence and copper essence are all the same. Only basal iron can be directly mined. After that, there are very ordinary materials, not to mention. Well, here are other things for you. With that, he got up and took out a package from a large cabinet behind him and put it on the coffee table.

After being stunned for a while, Zhou Lingxuan came to his senses from the many messages that Tie'an had just told him. At the same time, he also knew that he owed him more and more, and he really didn't know when he would pay it back. Maybe it smells like broken. When he saw this package again, Zhou Lingxuan seemed to be not surprised. Perhaps the only thing he doesn't know now is why Tie'an is so good to him; but on second thought, Tie'an is a very affectionate person, which can be seen from his experience when he was young. He is a person who can die for his brother and partner. In fact, after the first meeting, Tie An regarded Zhou Lingxuan as his brother, but he didn't say anything.

Zhou Lingxuan opened the package, which contained a dark gold knife and nine silver flying knives. At this time, Tie An suddenly smiled and said, "I think it's very good to use a short knife with a long knife. I'll make an extra one for you. I hope you don't think it's troublesome, but the material of this short knife is generally alloy of copper essence and black iron; and the nine flying knives are refined in silver according to your pattern. I'm sure you will like it."

Looking at these, Zhou Lingxuan said in his heart that he was not moved, which was pure bullshit. So he immediately replied, "How can it be troublesome? I'm happy that it's too late. However, brother, how can I repay you with such a great effort to help me make such a good spiritual weapon?

Unexpectedly, Tie'an, who was originally laughing, suddenly became serious and pondered for a moment and said, "The first time I saw you, I knew that you must not be in the pool. You may stay in this maple leaf town for a long time before you will go out. After all, with your extremely evil cultivation talent, I can assert that you will The whole continent is your stage. So brother, I want you to improve faster in the initial stage, so a few weapons are indispensable. Moreover, because I broke into the realm of soul at the moment when the long knife was finally fully formed; at the same time, my refiner's grade was also upgraded to triple heaven, so the black god knife you mentioned was originally only a third-level lower-level spiritual weapon, but at the moment of formation, your blood was added for quenching, so this knife should now be three-grade. The upper-level spiritual weapon. Although the equal order is not too high, as you said, it has a certain spirituality, so the room for growth in the future is also huge. So you have to cultivate it well in the future. As for the short knife and flying knife, they are only slightly better materials than ordinary ones. Brother, I can still afford it. Don't think too much about it. Cultivation and lifting your cultivation quickly is the top priority for you, but you must not be in a hurry to achieve success. Well, that's all I said. You should also go home quickly and communicate more with the Black God Knife. You know, as you said, you can have a slight feeling with this knife, which can be said to be a miracle. It is said that only seven or more spiritual weapons can happen as soon as they are born. I think it may be the special material of this knife, or it may be related to the fusion of your blood. But anyway, this knife has great potential, maybe just like your potential. So work hard and I believe there will be great gains in the future.

"Brother, if you say everything you should say and what you shouldn't say, then I won't ink. Don't worry, I just have that sentence. No matter what I will become in the future, as long as you need it, send someone to let me know. Brother, even if I am on the ends of the earth, I will rush there desperately. A gentleman's words are hard to catch, no, no horse is hard to catch. I hope you can remember it. All right, I'll go first. If you have anything to say, let's talk slowly next time we see each other.

Tie'an sent him all the way, "Okay, brother, don't send him away. It's almost out of town." Because this is a continent that advocates force, there are many heavenly people, and everyone has ordinary weapons or spiritual weapons in their hands. Before he came out, Tie An gave two scabbards to Zhou Lingxuan, so Zhou Lingxuan didn't pay attention to it with a long knife. Perhaps what people pay most attention to is his elegant Xianchen's anger. Quality and handsome face!

"If you really want to go to my house, when you have time, I'll take you there, okay! Well, goodbye, brother. Go home early and stop thinking about men. It's better to be like a woman!"

Listening to Zhou Lingxuan's last words, Tie An almost fell to the ground one by one, and his face suddenly rose. The good mood of the day was destroyed by Zhou Lingxuan in an instant. Embarrassingly, he roared loudly at Zhou Lingxuan in the contemptuous eyes of the pedestrians around him: "Kid, you framed me. Remember that I must beat you to a pig's head next time we meet, hum!" He threw down a sentence and quickly fled the scene of the crime.

Zhou Lingxuan, who had just left the city, suddenly looked up and laughed wildly. I'm afraid half of the people in Maple Leaf Town can hear it, including Tie'an, of course.

Listening to this arrogant laughter, Tie'an also laughed, and his mood immediately became infinitely good. Because he knows that it may be the most correct decision in his life to become a brother with Zhou Lingxuan.

After returning to the cabin, Zhou Lingxuan took out nine flying knives and inserted them into the inside of the slightly wide but suitable leather belt at a time; five on the left and four on the right, leaving only the jade knife handle outside. However, these knife handles are so harmonious with his temperament that they don't seem abrupt at all.

This leather belt was made by himself by buying some materials before, just to place those flying knives; and in order not to appear so obvious, Zhou Lingxuan specially used jade to cut the handle, and the result was that, as he expected, the effect was very good. No one, except Tie'an, knows that these jades are invisible murderous weapons?

He put two knives on the wooden table and walked out of the hut. With the light in the middle, Zhou Lingxuan began to practice flying knives at night.

His body burst up in an instant. In the high-speed movement, his left and right hands each pulled out a flying knife, and at the same time shot the flying knife at a circle with a radius of only about three centimeters on a tree more than 20 meters away.

With a flash of silver light, the two flying knives inserted straight into the center of the small circle with lightning speed, and then did not stay directly from the tree for a moment. After they penetrated two large trees of the same radius continuously before stopping on the fourth tree.

"Well, although it hasn't been useful for a long time, but the good thing is that the power now is much stronger than in my previous life. If I go back to the earth now, I can easily penetrate more than a dozen people with my current ability. Hey, that Shenma Li Xunhuan is all floating clouds. I felt that my flying knife was not only not unfamiliar, but also seemed to have improved a lot. Zhou Lingxuan happily YY. Although his flying knife is indeed much more powerful than Xiao Li's flying knife now.

Go over and pick up the two flying knives, put them back in the leather case, and then go back to the cabin to start the evening practice. It can be said that his cultivation talent is evil, but his hard work is also evil.