Cut the world

Chapter 13: Thousands of years ago

Sitting cross-legged **, put the Black God on his knees and tried to communicate with the Black God.

Zhou Lingxuan's consciousness sank deeply into the black god. The first time he tried to communicate in depth, when Zhou Lingxuan's consciousness entered the Black God's body, he obviously felt the Black God trembling slightly at this time through his knees, and this feeling was slightly stronger than when he first got the Black God, which was the result of his continuous communication with the Black God all night.

The next morning, Zhou Lingxuan, who had just finished practicing, got up and rested for a while and then meditated for an hour, which was a must every day. If there is no accident, the thunder will not move.

After breakfast, Zhou Lingxuan leaned against the wall and thought about something.

"It's been almost half a year. I also have a certain strength now. Although I can't get rid of the whole Feng family station immediately, with my assassination ability, I can still make them live in fear; as for that Fengyang, they will definitely die!" Thinking of this, Zhou Lingxuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of fierceness flashed, as if he was thinking about how to die to eliminate the resentment in his heart.

"However, I will continue to observe today. It's not too late to take action after confirming the general situation of the Feng family, and the Feng family may still have several powerful figures hidden, so we have to prevent it." Zhou Lingxuan, who had a plan in his heart, took a knife and walked out of the house.

About half an hour later, Zhou Lingxuan was in the outermost row of the lobby on the first floor, diagonally facing the door. Because from here, you can directly see the gate of Fengjia's residence about 100 meters away from the door of the restaurant.

Although there are some memories of the introduction to this continent in his mind, they are all left by the little boy, and he can't know much about the tragedy. Even if he always stays in the restaurant, he is not in the mood to listen to other people's conversations, so it is actually rare to have some memories.

So, Zhou Lingxuan went to the restaurant to inquire about the news. For the previous three days, he would go to various hotels in the town in the afternoon, and his main purpose was to inquire about the news.

After a few days of insuching, Zhou Lingxuan knew that in addition to the four major foreign countries, there are also eight sects above the four empires on the mainland, and two of the eight major sects are located in a large country. For example, Tiandao Sect and Tianqiong Sect are in Tianfeng, Zixing Sect and Luoxia Sect are in the East, Seven Star Sect, Shenjian Sect in Dachu and the last Dunxian Sect and Wanming Sect in Tianlang.

Moreover, it seems that there are some hatred between the four sects in the eastern continent and the four sects in the western continent, but the strength of the two forces is half a catty and far away, so they have to temporarily choose to stop the war.

This also puts the four empires in a delicate stage of confrontation. Therefore, in the general direction, Tianfeng, Dongfang and Dachu and Sirius are hostile to each other.

Speaking of the secrets of the four emperors, I'm afraid it can be traced back to a thousand years ago, that is, just before the founding of the four emperors. These are no longer secret secrets. They are still the most important talk of the common people after dinner. Sometimes even some powerful heavenly beings have to ask these people about the situation.

A thousand years ago, the whole continent was divided into four major countries and many small countries. At that time, the Tianfeng Empire was called the Great Qin Empire, and the royal family name was Qin.

One day, sudden disasters, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. made the people of various countries on the mainland really live, and countless people starved to death every day.

However, in such a difficult situation, the royal families of various countries at that time refused to open warehouses to release grain. Finally, the people were angry and revolted one after another, and the rich and noble families everywhere.

However, the Yu family, which was one of the four families in the Qin Empire at that time, saw the beginning. Even if it was ordered to leave the family's food for a small amount of time, it was distributed.

As a result, countless peasants of the uprisings have been thrown into the Yu family's account, making the Yu family's strength unprecedented. The Yu family, who conformed to the hearts of the people, successfully occupied the capital of the Qin Empire with the help of this force and the invisible power of Tiandaozong, so it was renamed Tianfeng Empire and set the capital Tianfeng City.

The establishment of the Tianfeng Empire made the four major families at that time. Now they regret the Feng family and the Lei family among the three major families, and they all blame themselves for refusing to pay. Otherwise, it may be their families who are the emperor now.

Unfortunately, everything in the world is sold, but there is no regret medicine. This is also the root cause of the infidelity of the future Feng and Lei families and the soon-to-day rebellion.

The same thing happened coincidentally in the other three major countries, which were also seized by several large families with intentions and finally won the world. After this, after several years of war, the whole continent was divided into four, and there were no other four countries.

It is said that the establishment of the four major countries was successful with the secretly help of the eight major sects in the world. The reason seems to be related to the sudden disaster on the mainland, which is said to be the sudden emergence of a huge black hole in a mountain in the heavenly beast forest, which triggered various disasters on the mainland.

Then, after the investigation of the eight sects, there was a peasant uprising and subsequent wars. Under the control of the eight major sects, the four major countries gathered near the strange black hole and wanted countries to find out the situation. As a result, the four empires seem to have forgotten, just discussing the ownership of the black hole and its surroundings. As a result, there was an unprecedented super melee due to the issue of attribution.

The eight major sects let it go from the beginning because they saw that they didn't listen to themselves. However, there were too many people who died after that, and the eight sects were afraid that the whole world would fall into an eternal place, so they took action to stop it.

After several visits, a competition called "Four Kingdoms Competition" was decided, and only members of the royal families of the four empires were allowed to participate. Every ten years, the winner can be stationed here for ten years. Within ten years, the other three countries, including the eight major sects, are not allowed to enter without the consent of the winning country, otherwise the eight major sects will be responsible for destroying them.

In fact, in the end, eight major sects were cheaper. After all, they can enter through the permission of their own country. Therefore, in order to win, the eight major sects began to send people to teach the children of a big family, and even some talented people can be trained by the eight major sects. These people will generally become the main force of the major royal families in the battle. In order to have more outstanding talents to help, the royal family will also marry some princesses to some young heroes with great potential, or take some powerful women as wives and make their best to win.

The consequence of this is that it has indeed created many heavenly marriages, but it has also destroyed many beautiful marriages, leaving many bleak love legends.

In addition, Zhou Lingxuan also learned that there are some unstable factors in the Tianfeng Empire. Among them, wind and thunder are the most. Feng and Lei have begun to secretly develop their power since the last battle. They are also vaguely dissatisfied with Emperor Tianfeng in the court and repeatedly secretly slander the imperial dynasty. Many people speculated whether there was any big force behind the scenes supporting the two families to do so, but nothing was found out. Therefore, the current Tianfeng Empire is quite full of mountains and rain.

As the last family of the three families, the Xue family strongly supports the royal Yu family. However, this will not surprise people, because the relationship between the two families for thousands of years is very good, and the Yu family has the help of the Xue family. After that, the objects of the Yu family's marriage are basically the Xue family. After so many years of development, it can be said that the relationship between the two families is more deeply rooted, and the two families have always been on the same warship.

However, now the headquarters of the three major families are located in the capital Tianfeng City, but the whole Tianfeng Empire is vast, so for more systematic management, there is a large family station in each larger town, but in some small towns, only individual families will be stationed. Just like Maple Leaf Town, only the Feng family is stationed, and there is no power in this town, so the people of the Feng family stationed here are like the emperor here. If a little inconspicuous people provoke the Feng family, they will be beaten or even killed directly. There's nothing we can do. The royal family can't take care of it here, because it's too remote and worthless. Therefore, after living here for a long time, they gradually developed the arrogance of the Feng family, as if they were the king of heaven. But in this town, they are really like this, just a copycat.

Knowing this, although it has no great effect on Zhou Lingxuan now, he will not care about the Feng family, the Lei family. He is barefoot and not afraid to wear shoes. I fight guerrillas with you every day to see who kills whom first. However, after learning this news, you can have an all-round consideration of what you will do in the future. Although I'm not afraid of these people, there is always a fly behind you, which is also very annoying!" Zhou Lingxuan sighed involuntarily.

Looking up and drinking a glass of wine, Zhou Lingxuan couldn't help but say, "Damn it, isn't this cheating your father? He also said what is the best wine of 'No Drunken Building'. Shit, the taste is so light, is this still wine? Looking down, there is still half a glass of wine left, which is turbid, just like the color of beer in the previous life. Suddenly, Zhou Lingxuan lost interest and ate a little side dish casually. Well, the taste of the dish was not bad.

I just put down my chopsticks and casually looked in the direction of Feng's residence. Then, his eyes lit up. At the gate of Feng's house, Fengyang, that is, the person who killed the original owner of this body about half a year ago, was walking out of his door, followed by four younger brothers, next to a middle-aged man in his thirties.

Zhou Lingxuan's eyesight is very good, and he can clearly see the five people behind him. It's not those who followed Fengyang six months ago, but after seeing these five people, Zhou Lingxuan smiled happily, as if he found that the plate in front of him was not a dish, but gold. The extremely handsome smile directly made the eyes of the 'complaining female idiots' who dared to look at him all the time, including upstairs, drool.

Such as well as these many 'complaining women's who were helplessly ignored by Zhou Lingxuan, he laughed because he actually knew those five people.

"Hey, I was just thinking about how to start the affairs of the Hefeng family, and someone came to my door for a long time. If you really sleepy, someone will send you a pillow immediately.

A series of ideas immediately took shape in Zhou Lingxuan's mind.