Cut the world

Chapter 16: Battle against Xia Cheng

These protections are all sent by the family, which is said to be protection, but in fact they are supervision. But these people are so powerful that they don't dare to neglect themselves. If I hadn't been too sure, I wouldn't have invited you three bastards. As he walked, Feng Jie kept cursing in his heart.

Standing in front of the door, Feng Jie bowed slightly and said, "Three guardians, Feng Jie has something to see."

For a moment, Fang sent an echo: "Wind Lord, please come in."

"Thank you for protecting the law." After answering, Feng Jie pushed the door and entered. This is the largest room in the whole station, which is divided into three parts: middle, left and right. It is divided into the great protection method, the second protection method and the third protection method. What I just replied is the third protection method.

After entering the door, I saw the three guardians sitting cross-legged, as if they were practicing.

Then, the guardian on the right, that is, the third guardian, said, "What's the important thing?"

"Return to the three guardians, just now, an eyeliner came to report that the child was provoked and cheated away. I think this matter is quite strange. There are many 17- or 18-year-old innate masters on the mainland, but they have never appeared in our remote town. In addition, the guardians should also know the news, so I analyzed that I said what I had just thought. Then look at the three guardians.

"Well, in this case, second and third, you can follow the wind and make sure to investigate the matter clearly, so as not to blame the family after knowing it. That's not for you or me." After hearing this, the Great Guardian still closed his eyes and just whispered.

"I know, big brother." The two guardians agreed. Then he turned his head and looked at Feng Jie and said, "It's not too late. Let's go quickly. There is no need to worry about the wind. A small pioneer can't pose any threat to such a person as the heaven in the realm of the soul.

"Yes, Feng Jie understands; the two guardians are highly cultivated, and Feng Jie is out of reach; when he returns afterwards, Feng Jie will definitely celebrate them with thin wine." Feng Jie replied with a smile on his face, but he was scolding in his heart: "Fut, two immortals, you are not abandoned by the family, and you will only rely on that little cultivation to dom in front of me; there is no threat? The person who was cheated is not your son. You won't fucking worry, but that's my son, fuck!"

Then, Feng Jie took the gathered servants and, under the guidance of the eyeliner, rushed to the direction outside the town where Zhou Lingxuan was located with the two guardians.


The words were divided into two parts, and Zhou Lingxuan, who paid for the wine, followed Fengyang slowly. In his opinion, the speed of the two people is really slow.

While rushing out of the town, Fengyang looked back, as if he wanted to see if Zhou Lingxuan could keep up and escape. However, when he saw Zhou Lingxuan's cold and ruthless eyes, his whole body suddenly shivered and vaguely felt that something seemed to be wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. However, these questions were instantly overwhelmed by his own anger, and when he looked at Zhou Lingxuan, he also gritted his teeth. His face was full of ferocious anger.

Zhou Lingxuan didn't care. In his eyes, Fengyang has long been a dead man; he doesn't care about any three families. For him, it's a false reputation. It's okay to scare others, but it's absolutely not scary him.

At this time, he was just thinking, "Little guy, I can finally avenge you. After I chop him up, you can rest in peace. Don't worry, I will live a glorious life for you and won't be bullied by anyone again. No matter what he is*, as long as I dare to provoke me, I will dare to cut him down. What a big family and a big force, in my eyes, it's not a fart. It really pisses me. I can kill all over the world alone until I'm afraid and kill them.

Because the town is not big, the three of them have left the town two or three miles away. Coincidentally, not far away is the small broken courtyard, and the small shabby house in it is still the same, but the yard is already full of weeds.

At this time, the windyang stopped, and Xia Cheng also stopped. Standing behind Fengyang, the two looked at Zhou Lingxuan, who had just stopped.

Zhou Lingxuan saw the two stop, and he also stopped ten feet away from the two people, and then joked, "Hey, why don't you two continue to escape? Are you so eager to die?"

"Damn boy, you are so shameless!" Fengyang cursed angrily.

"Who can be more shameless than you?" Of course, Zhou Lingxuan fought back without showing any weakness.

"Fuck, you're fucking looking for death!"

"I'm looking for death. What can you do?"

"My mother•••••"

"Call your mother a bird, you'd better go home and breastfeed."

"Damn, you••••••"

"You, you, your mother, a guy who can't even speak a word, I really don't know how your mother made such an idiot so big?"


Looking at the shy and angry wind sun stimulated by himself, Zhou Lingxuan's heart was particularly happy. Damn, I still want to scold the 21st century genius. I'm fucking looking for death.

"Good boy, your mouth is really powerful, but I don't know if your skills are as powerful as your mouth. Xia Cheng, beat me hard and break his limbs, but don't kill him. I said that if you want to lock him up with those animals, you must do it. At that time, let all the people in Maple Leaf Town see it. This is the end of daring to fight against my Feng family and me.

"Yes, young master."

As the best dogman of Fengyang, Xia Cheng has done a very good job before, so this time is no exception. He raised his fist and rushed to Zhou Lingxuan, but this attack was obviously different from just now. Xia Cheng's fist is wrapped in a faint yellow light, and the strength of this color symbolizes that Xia Cheng's natural power attribute is earth attribute.

In this world, there is no level of the skills refined, only those that can be refined or not. Some skills are not at a certain level, and it is impossible to practice them. Only when you meet the minimum requirements for practicing the skills can be practiced.

As for the natural power, only when the spiritual power in the body reaches the innate realm can it be transformed into natural power. According to people's physique, the attributes of natural power mastered by cultivation in the future are also different. Everyone basically has only one natural power attribute, but some unique people may have two natural power attributes; at the same time, You can also practice other attributes according to your own skills, but it is very difficult and few people can succeed.

In this wide place, Zhou Lingxuan did not have any scruples and clenched his fist to face the other party.

Seeing that Zhou Lingxuan dared to fight against each other, Xia Cheng couldn't help sneering.

The two fists collided, and Xia Cheng's imaginary scene of Zhou Lingxuan's broken hand did not appear. Instead, he felt a powerful force rushing straight to his arm.

Unlike Xia Cheng, Zhou Lingxuan feels that the other party's power is not very strong. He knew that this was the result of the reiki refining his body all the time, but he felt that the other party's power was a little strange, different from his own spiritual power, and it seemed to be much stronger than the spiritual power, so he was also secretly careful.

One punch was fruitless, and both of them quickly retreated. The next moment, Zhou Lingxuan did not wait for Xia Cheng's attack again, but rushed up on his own initiative. He didn't draw a knife, but just wanted to compete with it with his own martial arts skills. He believed that although the practitioners in the world were extremely powerful, the martial arts handed down from his country were absolutely no worse.

With his own speed, Zhou Lingxuan rushed to the front of the other party when the other party landed unsteadily; his right hand became a hand knife, covered with a layer of aura film, in the shape of a sharp knife, straight into the other party's heart.

Seeing this scene, Xia Cheng was stunned and even forgot the current situation around him, leaving only the shock in his heart. How can it be that if the aura cannot be converted into natural power, it is impossible to be released outside the body; but the reiki emitted by this teenager is obviously, that is to say, his cultivation is only the acquired realm, but he can release the aura externally. What the hell is going on? Why is this situation?

I was shocked by Zhou Lingxuan's aura and the faster speed. It was not until Zhou Lingxuan arrived in front of him.

Facing Zhou Lingxuan's hand knife, Xia Cheng did not dare to be careless at all. With the power of his body, he suddenly put his body to one side and dodged a blow. Just as he was about to fight back, Zhou Lingxuan's body was forcibly stuck in the air, and he quickly turned his knife to the right side and threw his hand to the left. Xia Cheng, who couldn't avoid it, could only use the power to eat milk to avoid it desperately; but at this time, Zhou Lingxuan's stab should have waved the knife.


In the end, Zhou Lingxuan's hand knife did not pierce the other party's heart, but took away one of the other party's left hand.

In an instant, Xia Cheng lost an arm. At this time, there was still scarlet blood, and his face became a little pale. His body may also be due to excessive blood loss or severe pain. Xia Cheng even stood up a little shaky. As for Fengyang, who had been dumbfounded for a long time, the arrogance on his face was completely gone, and his legs trembled with fear.

At this time, Zhou Lingxuan, who made a strong blow, was also a little confused. He hurriedly adjusted himself and recovered to normal in an instant with the help of the great aura.

The right hand is still a hand knife. Although he has cut off his arm, there is not a drop of blood on his hand. Slowly walking to Xia Cheng, who stood unsteadily, looked at him ruthlessly and said, "You are too careless. The strength of the innate master should be more than that. Unfortunately, you have no chance. For the sake of your death, I will tell you one truth for the last time, 'The lion fighting the rabbit still needs to go all out'. No matter what you do, you must not carelessly despise it, otherwise it may cause irreparable regret, as I used to be. If you try your best at the beginning, although I can beat you, it won't be so easy, and you won't change like this, right?

"Hey, indeed, as you said, I'm really careless, but so far, I have nothing to say; but I'm afraid it won't be so easy for you to take my life so easily. Come on, let me see how you can cut me off!" After listening to Zhou Lingxuan's words, Xia Cheng sneered.

Without saying another word, Zhou Lingxuan directly waved his knife to Xia Cheng and responded to Xia Cheng's provocation with actions.