Cut the world

Chapter 31: Fury and Shock!

In an instant, Zhou Lingxuan thought a lot. Finally, he decided to go out of the valley to face those scum. But in doing so, he didn't want to surrender, it was just a joke. He is going to cut grass and eradicate it. Some people are born to be beaten, and they will go to the house to lift the tiles if they don't fight for a day. Moreover, Zhou Lingxuan doesn't want to delay this matter any more. He wants to get out of this area as soon as possible, go to the wider world, and pursue higher martial arts attainments. Therefore, he decided to solve this matter completely today.

Someone may say, "It's important to save your life first. Even if this valley is burned up, it doesn't care about Zhou Lingxuan. Next spring, it will come back to life here. It's okay if those beasts and heavenly beasts die. Anyway, there are many beasts and beasts in the world, and no one will care about it. They will run away directly. It's important to leave. It's not too late to seek opportunities to revenge after escaping. Isn't it said that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge? Don't care about such a thing.

However, in Zhou Lingxuan's idea, there are some things that cannot be missed. Once missed, there may never be a chance to do it again. Yes, even if it burns up here and the flowers bloom next spring, it will come to life, but how long will it take to recover to what it is now? Yes, there is nothing in this world, but there are many beasts and beasts, but who can guarantee that more beasts will come in the future? Should those fruit monkeys be burned alive like this? Moreover, Zhou Lingxuan is full of feelings for this place. This will be the starting point for him to reach the peak and one of the most important places in his heart. Can you watch the most important place in your heart burned by others and you will only escape?

Zhou Lingxuan won't do any of these. Even if he dies in the end, he will not regret it, because he has tried his best, so it can be nothing. But if he escapes like this, he will always leave such a thorn in his heart, like a bone in his throat, which will also make him have demons in his future cultivation. At that time, he really wants to regret it. Therefore, based on the above, Zhou Lingxuan decided to fight desperately and let go for all this!

Just as Zhou Lingxuan was about to rush out of the valley, the group of people of the Feng family began to light a fire at the mouth of the valley.

"Damn, it took less than three minutes to set fire. It was indeed a group of beasts. But yes, these scum can't keep their promises. Wait, I'll send you to see the king of the night right away.

Speed up again, and in less than a minute, Zhou Lingxuan appeared in Gukou. Looking at the burning fire in Gukou, the beasts and some low-level beasts that fled in a hurry, Zhou Lingxuan was really completely furious, and the murderous intention in his heart was infinitely expanding. At this time, Zhou Lingxuan's eyes suddenly changed, and his eyes strangely turned dark cyan. There was no difference between black and white eyes, and the whole was dark blue. Among them, from time to time, a trace of electric current passed through his eyes, and the faint light flashed and breathtaking.

Zhou Lingxuan, who was furious, suddenly found that he seemed to be able to see through these flames. He blinked doubtfully and looked at the flames again. Obviously, he could see through the flames and saw a group of people standing at the mouth of the valley laughing wildly.

Seeing the smiles of these beasts, Zhou Lingxuan's doubts were suddenly replaced by endless anger. He knew that something might have happened to his eyes. Although he doesn't know whether it's good or bad, he is not in the mood to care about these at present. He just said that what he has to do now is to put out the fire quickly, and then rush over to remove these people.

With this force, Zhou Lingxuan stepped on the wind and jumped to a height of three feet. Looking at the fire wall stretching for dozens of feet and more than three or four feet high in front of him, Zhou Lingxuan mobilized the strength of his whole body to accumulate in the black god knife. At this time, the black god knife also seemed to feel the anger of his master, because of absorption The blade, which has become darker and brighter with the souls of hundreds of people, is also black and bright at the same time. With Zhou Lingxuan's wind attribute and thunder attribute, it directly hit this huge fire wall with a knife.

With fierce anger, Zhou Lingxuan issued this strongest knife, holding the endless knife light, rolling up a huge wind, with dozens of thunder and lightning and the black light power of the black god knife. Although Zhou Lingxuan still does not know what this black light does, he can feel the kind contained in it. Strange forces seem to affect the human soul.


The next second, the violent blow hit a huge fire wall. For a while, the whole valley mouth flew sand and stones, and flames flew around. But the huge strong wind directly blew out the wall of fire and the scattered flames, and some of the remaining forces went straight to the crowd not far outside the valley.

Many of those little people whose cultivation is lower than that of the innate realm were blown away, and some unlucky were injured by the remaining knives, and the tragic ones were directly killed.

In addition to the two resident masters and four guardians, the two Fengjia residences have also brought more than 100 people, most of whom are acquired realms, only some of which are innate realms, and even fewer above the fifth level of innate.

As a result, there are more than a dozen fewer people. Not only these little guys were scared to their feet, but even the front leaders were scared. Whether it was Fengjie or the big protection method and the second protection method next to them; and whether it was the Fengyan family stationed in Fengyan in Baiyan Town on the other side, and the two guardians he brought, they all looked at the shocking blow just now and couldn't say it with their mouths. By the way, only the shock in their eyes reflects their complex mood at this moment.

In fact, they had already sensed his position when Zhou Lingxuan rushed to Gukou. The reason why they didn't make a sound was to see what level Zhou Lingxuan's strength was and whether he could solve the huge fire wall. As a result, Zhou Lingxuan only used one blow to extinguish the wall of fire that took them a while to extinguish, and even killed more than ten people by the afterglow of the storm. Their hearts are shocked, afraid and hesitant. In short, they are all mixed!

After all, they also know that the other party is just a teenager about 16 or 17 years old. How much will he achieve in time? No one knows. Thinking of themselves, they all felt that they had lived on dogs for so many years, and they began to become a little depressed.

I felt that everyone was a little withdrawn, and there was a trace of signs that he was going to go crazy. Feng Jie shouted in his heart that it was not good. Before everyone was going to give up completely, he hurriedly said, "Four guardians, cousins, you don't have to do this, although this son is now young and his talent is also like This evil; but as long as we kill it, then, even if he has the nature of nature, it is useless. Will you still be afraid of a dead man? Therefore, what we have to do now is to rush in and kill him together, and for now, it has only been a few days. A few days ago, he was just a descendant. No matter how evil his talent is, now he has just entered the innate realm, plus the one he has just used. One move must have consumed almost his natural power. So, what I want to say is, what are we afraid of? Do you have to give up such a good opportunity?


The brains of the other five people roared, and cold sweated on their foreheads.

Fengyan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said first, "Thank you, cousin. Fortunately, you woke me up in time. I almost fell into this dead corner just now. I was too surprised that it caused my 'Tao' to be turbulent and almost gone crazy. It's really dangerous!"

"Thank you for your kindness!" The other four guardians also said to Feng Jie at the same time.

"You don't have to do this. This time, you should have been invited; besides, we are all a family, let alone this. Now, we just need to grab the little beast together. With six of us at the same time, it is difficult for him to fly even if he inserts his wings. Feng Jie also said modestly.

"No problem, I'll come here for this boy. He killed my third brother, and our two brothers will never die with him." Of course, this is the second protection method of the Feng family in Maple Leaf Town.

"Don't worry, the wind protection method, your wish will definitely be realized." A guardian named Fengwen of the Feng family in Baiyan Town said calmly.

"Then thank you for your help. Feng Wu thanked you in advance." This is the great protection of the Fengye Town. As for the tragic three guardians, it is called Fengqu.

"Where, Feng Wu, you are too polite. Everyone is originally from the Feng family, and they are lucky to be divided into the same area. In fact, it is fate. You don't have to be too modest." This is another guardian of the Feng family in Baiyan Town.

Among these people, on the surface, Fengwu's cultivation is the highest, reaching the eighth level of the soul, and its own attributes are earth attributes; Fengwen is the sixth levels of the soul, and the attributes are fire attributes; as for the wind rock, it is the first level of the soul, wood attributes; and Fengjie here accidentally broke through the realm of soul a few days ago, although it is only The soul is first-order, but it is completely different from the previous innate concept, and his attribute is also a fire attribute with strong attack power.

It can be said that only those who have reached the realm of dementation can barely be regarded as masters; however, if you look at the whole continent, the realm of dementation is only just the beginning. As for Fenghui, with the help of this mysterious Fengwu, it has been upgraded to the first level in just a few days. Now it is the cultivation of the second level of the soul, and the attributes are earth. Speaking of Fengwu himself, none of the people present can see through him, including Fengwu who has reached the eighth level of the soul.

Seeing that everyone has returned to the best state, Feng Jie said, "Since everyone is ready, let's go in. Anyway, the little beast is at the mouth of the valley, and we don't have to go into the valley. We won't touch the black panther tiger beast."

Although his subordinates have reported to themselves that they saw Zhou Lingxuan fighting on a black leopard and the heavenly beast of the tiger's head, Feng Jie really couldn't believe it when he heard the news. Because through the description of that subordinate, the heavenly beast is likely to be a black panther and tiger beast famous for its fierceness. But Feng Jie didn't believe that it was a black panther, tiger and beast. If that was the case, Zhou Lingxuan would never have been able to go down the mountain alive; he would rather believe that his subordinates had misread it.

Of course, he may have thought that Zhou Lingxuan not only fought with the black panther tiger beast, but also killed it himself!