Cut the world

Chapter 38: The Chamber of Secrets!

Some people may say that it's only an hour, isn't it too fast? Here is a question: "Do you need a reason to love someone? Do you need it?"

Of course, there is no need; in addition, is there less love at first sight in this world? Even if there are people who are separated in the end, there are still many people who can live a happy life.

Besides, if two strangers feel familiar when they meet for the first time, isn't this a doomed fate?! So, none of this is a problem.

In this dark passage, a pair of boys and girls made a vow to stay together forever. A few years later, when they had traveled around the world, this good story had already been praised by the world, making countless talented women yearn for and envy their true feelings forever.

"Okay, Lan'er, let's take a look at this secret room first; if you want to make out, you can make out at any time, hehe." Seeing Lan'er nodding and agreeing, Zhou Lingxuan, who was in a good mood, became obscene again and flirted with him.

"Damn, you can't be serious. Humph, in this way, be careful that people ignore you for three days!" Seeing Zhou Lingxuan talking about herself, Lan Er was scolding Zhou Lingxuan on the surface, but in fact, she was also happy in her heart!

However, for her answer, Zhou Lingxuan asked puzzledly, "Lan'er, why three days?"

"Because, because, because after three days, I'm afraid that I can't help looking for you by myself, and I'm afraid that you will be angry with me after a long time, so I said three days." Speaking of the back, the sound is getting smaller and smaller. If this place is not too quiet, even with Zhou Lingxuan's ear power, I'm afraid it can't be heard clearly.

At present, Zhou Lingxuan didn't smile, but just looked closely at Lan'er's big eyes and said emotionally, "No, no matter what my Lan'er does, I won't be angry. Even if you kill me, I won't blame you. Trust me."

After a few words, Zhou Lingxuan was moved with tears in her eyes, and he had to comfort her, "Okay, okay, silly girl, what's there to cry about? Look, your eyes are about to cry." With that, Zhou Lingxuan stretched out his hand gently and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with infinite tenderness.

In order to change the topic and prevent this emotional little girl from thinking about those sad things, Zhou Lingxuan deliberately asked her, "Lan'er, I don't know what you like best. Can you tell me your interests and hobbies, your specialty and what you usually like to do, so that I can understand you in all aspects? "

"Hee, do you really want to know?" Lan'er looked at Zhou Lingxuan with a smile and said; In addition, it feels good to be held by him. I really want to hold it like this and never let go!

"Hmm." Zhou Lingxuan's expression was serious, and then nodded unwaveringly. That funny expression made Lan'er giggle again.

"Hey, then I won't tell you, and you can find out slowly; moreover, don't you think that's how you can experience the fun of being together? But, it's you, should we talk about your hobbies? And I would like to know if you will have three wives and four concubines in the future? You can talk about all this!" Lan'er flashed her beautiful big eyes and asked with a smile, but the cute color in her eyes was so scary.

"Well, it makes sense, hey, you are still smart." What else can Zhou Lingxuan do after listening to Lan's first half of the sentence? I can only flatter him. Man, it's difficult!

Just when he heard the second half of the sentence, Zhou Lingxuan immediately choked, and the black line on his forehead couldn't help falling to the ground, and then countless drops of cold sweat came out of his forehead. Looking at Lan'er's eyes were so innocent. Before that, Zhou Lingxuan always had a bad feeling in his heart. He felt as if he had been deceived by Lan'er's superficial personality. He always felt that her real personality was like that kind of witch, and the result was indeed fulfilled now.

"Can you just answer the previous one?" Zhou Lingxuan looked timid and laughed. Shit, can you not be timid at this time? Be careful not to let you go to bed in the future and hold you to death!

The result was still Lan'er's smile: "No."

Poor Zhou Lingxuan was about to cry, but under Lan'er's smile offensive, he had to sign a treaty to sell himself for the right to humiliate the country, and the effective time of the treaty was eternal life.

After signing this extremely humiliating treaty, on the surface, Zhou Lingxuan really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh. However, this guy smiled in his heart and said, "Hmm, wait. When you arrive at **, I'll let you try my brother's power, hehe."

Lan Er, who had already found that Zhou Lingxuan's expression was wrong, suddenly said, "Don't think about those messy things there. Be careful that I won't let you realize it in my life, hum~"

With just one sentence, Zhou Lingxuan, who was so scared that he was still immersed in his fantasy world, was embarrassed and quickly took Lan Er's hand to apologize. But I couldn't help muttering in my heart, "Damn, women are so terrible. No, Lan'er is not a woman yet, but she is not a woman who is so awesome. She cares me so strictly. Then she will become a real woman in the future. Oh, my God, I won't live..." Unfortunately, all protests are invalid. Who let our Zhou Lingxuan sign the deed of sale! It's still lifeless, so he has no choice but to accept his fate!

At this time, the two finally walked through the "long" passage of more than ten meters and came to a stone gate. Looking back at the passage of only ten meters, the two actually walked for half an hour. Thinking of what had just happened, Lan'er still couldn't believe it, so she stretched out her white and tender hand and pinched Zhou Lingxuan's arm, which made Zhou Lingxuan make a strange cry and turned his head to look at Lan'er's smiling face, but she cried. He said with a face, "Miss Lan'er, what are you pinching me?"

I was a little embarrassed to be seen by Zhou Lingxuan. Lan'er blushed and whispered, "I was afraid that everything just now was dreaming, so I pinched you and wanted to see if you were in pain. Now I know that all this is true. I'm not dreaming. Ling Xuan, you won't blame me, will you?" With that, he also made a pitiful appearance, which made Zhou Lingxuan not bear to say anything about him.

However, Lan Er looked at Zhou Lingxuan's dark face and knew that Zhou Lingxuan was a little depressed, so she once again used an invincible coquettish magic skill. She held Zhou Lingxuan's arms in both hands and kept rubbing on her slightly immature pigeon until Zhou Lingxuan's face smiled again.

However, it made Zhou Lingxuan more depressed. Now he completely knows that Lan'er is actually a veritable little witch. Zhou can't help but feel a strong sense of crisis about his future happiness and sexual life.

However, his first task now is to find a way to open the stone door in front of him. Zhou Lingxuan took Lan'er's little hand and looked around with a torch in the other hand. Suddenly, he found a palm-sized disk in the lower left corner of the stone gate. The color of the disk is similar to the color of the whole stone door, and the position is biased enough. It is not easy for people who are not careful enough to find it.

Let go of Lan'er's hand and handed her the torch. Zhou Lingxuan squatted down to hold the small disk, twisted left and right hard, and then the stone door slowly opened out, emitting a mixed light of gold and silver.

After a dazzling light, Zhou Lingxuan took Lan'er's little hand and walked in again. Lan'er just glanced at him with happiness and shyly and looked at the delicate cherry mouth. If it hadn't been for the bad scenery, Zhou Lingxuan might have held her and nibbled a few bites.

However, when he saw what was hidden in this secret room of about 20 to 30 square meters, even Zhou Lingxuan, who was rich in his previous life, couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. The eyes of the people with the light emitted by most of the room's gold and silver hurt, and Lan Er next to him hid directly behind Zhou Lingxuan after exclaiming. The light was too dazzling.

Two-thirds of the whole secret room is used to put this money. According to Zhou Lingxuan's conservative estimate, there are almost more than 100,000 taels of gold and about 500,000 taels of silver. These may be Fengjie, who has accumulated in this town for several generations. After all, this money can buy several towns like Maple Leaf Town. And there is definitely only a lot more.

Then, Zhou Lingxuan looked at one-third of the items in the open space of this life. Most of them are more expensive jewelry, such as some high-quality jade, jade, gemstones and so on.

Zhou Lingxuan is not interested in these, but some people are interested, and they are very interested. Zhou Lingxuan is more interested in the small box in the innermost corner of the secret room.

When he walked around, he saw an iron box about the size of a 33-inch TV with an extra-large lock on it. Zhou Lingxuan took a step back and cut it off directly with a knife. After seeing Zhou Lingxuan walk here, Lan Er, who was watching the jewelry she had never seen in her life, also threw down the gems in her hand and ran to Zhou Lingxuan. In her opinion, even if she put the gold, silver and jewelry of the whole continent in front of her, she could stay with Zhou Lingxuan for a second.