Cut the world

Chapter 127: Strange Feelings

After walking around for a long time, I also encountered many small difficulties during this period. Fortunately, these problems could not stop Zhou Lingxuan and others, let alone another person from Yuman and Tiandaozong.

"Be quick, you must be at the forefront!" The rain took the lead, and Zhou Lingxuan followed closely, and several of them were like broken bamboo all the way.

After a while, several people finally finished this road. This time, they did not meet anyone else; but the road ahead was still divided into two roads.

"Since grandpa and they take the one on the left, let's take the one on the right. Anyway, it's safe now, so we should try to meet the opportunity by ourselves!"

"Well, I agree!"

"Okay, that's the decision. Let's go!"

Yu Huangtian and Baiyu took a few steps before and found that Zhou Lingxuan was still standing there, as if they were thinking about something.

"Third brother, what are you thinking about? Hurry up!"

"Well, second brother, you go first, I'm a little... Well, how to put it, I feel that this place seems a little strange, so I want to observe it carefully. It's safe here now. You two go first. I will definitely catch up with you then.

"Is it a little strange? But why didn't I feel it!"

"I don't have it either!"

"Well, this... I don't know how to say it. Anyway, I feel a little strange. As for why, it's not clear, so I want to stay and take a closer look first. Zhou Lingxuan gently squeezed his chin and said while thinking about this problem.

"In that case, that's all right. However, if anything happens, you must inform me and my eldest brother in a hurry so that we can come to help. Yu Huangtian said very seriously.

"Yes, the second brother is right. In a word, the third brother, be careful!" During the day, Yu's face was also full of seriousness.

"Well, I see. Go quickly, I'll be fine!" With a slight smile, Zhou Lingxuan responded. However, this feeling of concern is really good!"

Standing in place, he saw Yu Huangtian and Bai Yu getting farther and farther away from him. Well, now we can see what's going on!"

In fact, just now, when the four of them and Yu Kuang arrived at this fork point, Zhou Lingxuan vaguely felt that this place seemed a little strange; but he couldn't say why. However, he always feels that this place seems to be very important to him. In desperation, he had to let Yu Huangtian and Tianyu go first. He stayed here himself and wanted to carefully study why he had that feeling.

Seeing that the two had gone far away, Zhou Lingxuan turned around and looked at Lan'er, who had been standing beside him. First, he said his question and then asked her, "Lan'er, do you feel a little strange here? Normally, other people should be similar on their own roads. Is it strange or is it possible that all roads are like this? Looking at this place, Zhou Lingxuan's thoughts gradually sank.

Lan'er did not answer Zhou Lingxuan's words directly, but sent out her heavenly knowledge. After sensing the surroundings, she lowered her head slightly and replied with some loss, "Sorry, Ling Xuan, Lan'er has no special feelings about this place; and just now, they also used their own heavenly knowledge to feel these four Zhou, there are still no strange discoveries."

Although he was immersed in his own thinking, Zhou Lingxuan still paid attention to the situation around him. Of course, he also heard Lan'er's words.

Seeing that the little girl was still a little self-blaming, Zhou Lingxuan couldn't help shaking his head and smiled lovingly and said, "Ha ha, it's nothing. There's no need to do this. I don't blame you, right?"

Lan's little foot gently rubbed on the ground, as if she was still reluctant to say, "But, they really want to help you a little!"

"Hmm! Uh-huh! Lan'er has actually helped me a lot, really!"

Hearing this, Lan'er suddenly raised her head and said in a panicked tone, "But Lan'er didn't do anything?"

Zhou Lingxuan smiled and said, "That's not necessarily, because as long as Lan'er is by my side, this is the greatest help for me!"

"Ling Xuan..." Lan Er whispered, reading Zhou Lingxuan's name in her mouth. In a pair of beautiful big eyes, she began to store water quickly.

"Well, Lan'er, don't cry. Did I say something wrong?" Every time he saw the little girl put on such a soft look that she wanted to cry, Zhou Lingxuan was a little helpless.

quickly wiped the tears that were about to overflow from the corners of his eyes and looked at Zhou Lingxuan seriously and said, "No, Ling Xuan, you didn't say anything wrong. Yes, it was Lan'er herself who was moved by your words, so..." Before she finished speaking, the little girl's head lowered again, and her little face also turned red and cute.

"Lan'er, this is your fault. We don't need to do that, do we?" Zhou Lingxuan said, "This girl is still as kind and touching as ever!"

"Well, Lan'er understands!" She tried her best to touch her little head, and her happy smile hung on her beautiful face again.

"That's the best!"

"Hee~" Lan'er smiled mischievously and spit out her little tongue.

"Well, the next step is to find out what makes me feel that way, and what makes me think this thing is very important?" After appeasing Lan'er, Zhou Lingxuan was determined to find out the reason for the matter.

At this fork in the road, there are only two roads, one left and one right. The two people walk on the left, while Yu Huangtian and Day Yu walk on the right. There is no feeling in Zhou Lingxuan's sense in both roads.

Although the whole area of this fork is very large, Zhou Lingxuan has enough patience to study slowly little by little. Originally, he didn't care about the treasures in this ruins, but the conditions given by Yu Huangtian were still in line with his ideas, so he agreed.

Now that such a thing happened to him, he put his current situation first; as for the rest, he can put it aside for the time being. Moreover, even if he doesn't get anything now, after going out, he has the right to choose which treasure he wants from everyone.

Moreover, this was what those people had already agreed. Nearly 100,000 people present at that time knew, so after choosing the treasure he wanted, Zhou Lingxuan was not worried about being retaliated by the previous owner of the treasure.

Of course, if others hide all the good things first, take out some less precious treasures, or simply take out what they don't want for Zhou Lingxuan to choose, then Zhou Lingxuan can only recognize them. It can only be blamed on him for not clarifying the conditions at that time.

Because Zhou Lingxuan seems to feel that way in front of this fork. Therefore, he had to start from the end of the road in front of the fork, first along the rock wall on the left, feeling it little by little, and stretched out his hand to grope on the rock wall. Unfortunately, until he was about to walk to the road on the left, he still didn't find anything.

After that, he returned to the distance. This time, Zhou Lingxuan continued to feel along the rock wall on the right, but in the end, nothing was found.

However, Zhou Lingxuan doesn't seem to be surprised by such a result.

"Well, next, there is only this next place left!" Staring closely at the blank space between the two forks.

Because of the large area here, the area between the two forks is also very large. Just now, Zhou Lingxuan can be said to have turned over inch by inch of places that can make him feel that except here, but he has nothing to gain. Well, this is the last suspicious place.

If nothing is found here, Zhou Lingxuan estimates that he may dig three feet of the ground.