Cut the world

Chapter 130: In the Secret Door

Zhou Lingxuan walked over and found that there was no damage on this futon, not to mention any dust on it. If this is really the place where the old man lived, then no matter what, this futon can't be like new, right?!" Looking at this futon like a new one, Zhou Lingxuan also had a trace of doubt in his heart: "Is there any senior who hasn't sat down yet?" It's impossible. In the realm of cultivation, there are only 6400 years of longevity. It's impossible to live so long! Besides, it doesn't look like there are people living here at all.

However, the next moment, Zhou Lingxuan widened his eyes in horror. It was not what he saw, but that he thought of the identity of the old man - the seven-pin elixir pharmacist!

"Is it possible that he has refined any elixir that can prolong his longevity, or has he actually broken through to the supreme realm?" Thinking of this possibility, Zhou Lingxuan felt that his heartbeat suddenly more than doubled.

Since this problem can't be explained, Zhou Lingxuan simply doesn't think about it. Because his eyes have looked at the aisle that should lead to the back of this secret room.

There are three very simple rooms, and there are several words written on the door to indicate which room it is.

"This is the practice room on the left; um, the alchemy room on the right, and the one in front is the bedroom. It's really simple and clear!" This place is not big, and you can see it clearly at a glance.

"Ling Xuan, which room should we enter first?" Lan'er asked in a cute whisper.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you look at that first. Let's go to the practice room first."

First, he looked carefully in front of the door. Zhou Lingxuan felt that he was about to be a little abnormal by these doors and other things recently, so that he wanted to look forward as soon as he saw the door.

"Wow~ Maybe I'm too cautious, but it's always right to be careful!" With a secret breath in his heart, Fang looked sideways at Lan'er and said, "This door is normal. There is nothing special. Let's go in!" But vigilance must not be relaxed, you know?"

"Well, I know, Lan'er won't relax her vigilance!" The little girl looked at Zhou Lingxuan and nodded seriously.

"Okay, when I open the door, you will stand behind me first." After saying that, Zhou Lingxuan took a step forward and prepared to open the door.

Opening the door, Zhou Lingxuan glanced at the room very alertly, "Well, there should be no problem."

This room is a practice room. Zhou Lingxuan came in and said to himself, "Sure enough, it's a practice room. There is nothing in the whole room except the futon on the ground!"

"Oh! Ling Xuan, look, there seems to be a book under that futon!" Sure enough, in terms of carefulness, girls still have a natural advantage. Just as Zhou Lingxuan was still surprised, Lan Er had found the only thing in this room except the futon.

Hearing this, Zhou Lingxuan also jumped to the side of the futon and said, " Under this futon? Hey, there is really a book. Let me see what it is. Think about it, if the old man really stayed, it would definitely not be bad, right?!"

Zhou Lingxuan took the book out from under the futon, first took it in his hand, and found that the book was not made of paper at all; he didn't know what material it was made of.

After that, he turned to the cover of the book. Looking intently, only two words "Heavenly Book" were written on the empty cover.

"'Heavenly Book', what kind of book is this? Shit, isn't it a legendary wordless book?!" Thinking of that possibility, Zhou Lingxuan opened the book of Heaven impatiently.

On the first page of this Book of Heaven, there is only one sentence. After reading it, Zhou Lingxuan also slowly read it: "The elixir of heaven, the way of cultivating heaven, the principle of Ming Dan, that's all."

After saying this sentence, Zhou Lingxuan felt that something was wrong, "Tianshu Danjing, it seems that 'Danjing' is very likely to refer to a secret like Tianshu; but there is only Tianshu here, so what is Danjing? Huh? Could it be that this "Danjing" is in the alchemy room opposite?! Well, that's for sure!"

There was nothing in this room. Zhou Lingxuan also looked at the room again just in case and was sure that there was no other secret way before he took Lan Er out of the practice room.

When you go out, opposite is the alchemy room. Walking to the door of the alchemy room, there was no surprise and opened the door directly.

However, when he saw the scene in the room, Zhou Lingxuan, who had been able to face anything, was really shocked. At this moment, he felt as if his heart was about to jump out.

However, at the thought that Lan'er was still beside him, Zhou Lingxuan was surprised and quickly looked at Lan'er. The little girl was also scared by the scene in front of her; Fortunately, she was a very strong girl, so she stretched out her little hand and covered her lovely little mouth tightly when she was about to call out.

Zhou Lingxuan, who turned his head, saw her like this and smiled comforted on the surface. He couldn't help nodding in his heart: "Well, it's worthy of being my Lan'er!"

Knowing that Zhou Lingxuan was worried about herself, Lan'er also waved her head gently to show that she was fine. This also reassured Zhou Lingxuan a lot.

"Lan'er, just stay at the door first. I'll go first and have a look." Saying that, nodding to Lan'er, Zhou Lingxuan slowly walked into the alchemy room.

After that moment, Zhou Lingxuan's mentality gradually calmed down; However, when he looked at the scene in front of him, his body still couldn't help trembling.

In front of you, in this alchemy room, a one-high black tripod is placed in the center of the room, next to some simple decorations such as stone tables; on the stone table next to the tripod, there are also many jade bottles used to hold elixir.

In addition, in front of this big tripod, on a jade-like couch, an old man with gray hair and long white beard is sitting on it with his eyes closed.

This is why Zhou Lingxuan and Lan'er are so shocked after opening the door.

Presumably, anyone who suddenly sees such a person appear in front of him can't calm down as if he didn't see anything!

Zhou Lingxuan was able to calm down quickly just now, in addition to talking to Lan Er to relieve his nervous mood. He found that there was no breath of life in the old man, and he knew that the old man should have been sitting for many years, which made him not be so frightened when he looked at the old man.

"Indeed, after the realm of cultivation, even sitting can keep the body immortal; moreover, it seems that after the cultivation breaks into this realm, it can not only raise your hand to split the sea and cover the mountain. In the process of battle, even if your body is destroyed, you can use your powerful power to reorganize your body; If there is no special way, you can't kill an opponent of this level at all. The peerless strongman in the realm of human respect? It's really terrible!" As I said, I couldn't help yearning for it: "If I can have such strength, then whether it's the Feng family, the Lei family or the Ye family, what will I be afraid of!" I will definitely achieve the realm of human respect!"

At this moment, a sense of fighting spirit and pride suddenly burst out from Zhou Lingxuan: "Come on, come on, no matter how many you come, I will take over!"

"Ling Xuan..." felt Zhou Lingxuan's sharp breath now, which was completely different from the previous low-key, as if he had figured out something. Lan'er, standing at the door, was also silently worried about him.

Yes, although I don't feel any strong pressure here, the psychological pressure is much more terrible than those that are actively released by the heavenly or unconsciously released.

"Hmm?" Zhou Lingxuan, who was looking left and right, suddenly saw something the same size as letter paper on the stone table next to the big tripod.

He hurried over and gently picked up this thing, "This, this thing is actually gold marrow, and only one or two gold marrow can be extracted from thousands of tons of gold!" Wait, there seems to be something written on it?!"

Zhou Lingxuan found that there are some very small words engraved on this page of gold marrow, which are different from the words on earth. Fortunately, after he came to this world, he had learned it seriously in order to understand the words of the world. In addition, he was extremely smart, so he quickly mastered the language of the world.