Cut the world

Chapter 168: Strong Zhou Lingxuan

Ps: Today is still the fourth update. If you think Xiaofeng's writing is okay, please give me a reward. That place is in space~~~~

At this moment, there is no room for him to continue to hide his power, because if he is not careful, he may finish his life. Therefore, Zhou Lingxuan had to do his best, not only for himself, but also for Bai Yu and others who fought side by side with him.

The combat power is fully open, the power of the integration of the three attributes is stirred out, and the strange three-color knife light attracted the attention of everyone present and the heavenly beasts. Fortunately, many heavenly beasts surrounded Zhou Lingxuan, so no one outside saw it; and those strong men who could control the air were busy fighting, and only a few people noticed Zhou Lingxuan.

At this moment, when everyone and even the three heavenly beasts who attacked were stunned, Zhou Lingxuan's eyes were cold and his body flashed rapidly, and he appeared behind a five-level heavenly beast in an instant.

There is no sense of gorgeousness, and the unparalleled knife formula comes out smoothly, bringing a palpitating horror momentum; and then add the unparalleled power of the fusion power of the three attributes. Zhou Lingxuan cut directly to the back of the neck of this five-level heavenly beast.

Beast blood spewed out like a rainstorm, but not a drop fell on Zhou Lingxuan's body, because after a knife hit, he also retreated.


With a scream, the five-level heavenly beast rolled on the ground and kept trying to cover the wound on the back of its neck with its own beast, but it was a savage bear. Its forelimbs were too short to reach behind it.

The other two five-level heavenly beasts, one is a greedy night wolf and the other is a jungle tiger. Together with the savage bear, all three are the kings of the five-level heavenly beasts. Whether it is the power of the body or its own strength, it is comparable to the nine levels of the gods or even the peak of the gods.

But now, the savage bear was actually injured by Zhou Lingxuan's knife. Maybe Zhou Lingxuan is a little opportunistic, but this shows that he can keenly grasp any of the enemy's loophole and then attack it mercilessly.

With a black god knife that was still dripping blood, Zhou Lingxuan stood in front of everyone. Although he cut a five-level heavenly beast into a serious injury just now, the expression on his face did not change at all. He was still so indifferent, as if there was no emotion in it.

This will be like this because Zhou Lingxuan knows that now he can barely draw with the middle-level strong man; and the attack just now does not show that his strength has been able to fight against the fifth-level heavenly beast. If it's really one-on-one, I'm afraid he will die ugly.

"That knife was because everyone was attracted by their own power of integration, so he gave himself a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Unfortunately, his strength was not enough to cause greater damage to the wild bear, and he was not able to kill him with a knife. Strength, all of this, is caused by a big gap in strength. He thought silently, the next second, Zhou Lingxuan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his whole pupils turned blue, and his green eyes came out coldly.

There is no chance to give him another sneak attack, so in order to improve the pace of the other party, Zhou Lingxuan had to take out his green eyes, hoping that these magical eyes, which have changed from eating Qingleiguo and helped him many times, can help him again in this crisis time.

Zhou Lingxuan sometimes thinks that these magical eyes have no other ability, but now he doesn't have time to think about these things for him.

However, behind Zhou Lingxuan, whether it is daytime, Yuhuangtian, or others, they are still standing there stupidly.

Originally, they were surprised when they saw Zhou Lingxuan's power of integration. They finally recovered, but they happened to see Zhou Lingxuan splashing the blood of the five-level barbarian bear with a knife. Wow, they were stunned again.

"Cough, cough, um, everyone, don't stand stupidly. Didn't you see the third brother standing alone in the front? Do you want to hide behind like this?" During the day, Yushi was the first to wake up. He was still a little nervous and afraid that others would laugh at him. Only when he found that others were the same as him, he was relieved at the bottom of his heart.

When called by the day, everyone woke up, but now there is no time to blush for them, because the three five-level heavenly beasts on the opposite rushed over again.

Zhou Lingxuan's knife caused great damage to the savage bear, but it did not threaten its life. Therefore, although the wound was still bleeding, the hatred for Zhou Lingxuan still made him rise up and rush to Zhou Lingxuan, trying to tear the human who injured him into pieces and eat it into his stomach.

The angry heavenly beast is the most terrible, and what's more terrible is that it makes such an angry person stand in front of its eyes. At this time, the savage bear, because of its anger against Zhou Lingxuan, not only did it reduce its strength, but even improved it.

However, Zhou Lingxuan was not worried about these three five-level heavenly beasts. What he cared about was the tens of thousands of four-level heavenly beasts that rushed towards them. If there are only three five-level heavenly beasts, Zhou Lingxuan will kill them with at least seven levels of grasp.

However, I'm afraid that at the most critical moment, other four-level heavenly beasts will run over and interfere with the people on their side, which is quite dangerous for them, so Zhou Lingxuan has to guard against it.

"Look at this situation, if no one comes to support us, I'm afraid it's dangerous!" In a faint sentence, Zhou Lingxuan's hand holding the black knife was also tight.

At this time, the rain emperor took a step forward, patted Zhou Lingxuan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I have just contacted the second grandfather, and they will come here soon; but..."

"However, before that, we need to withstand the attack of these heavenly beasts, right?" Zhou Lingxuan said without looking back.


"Okay, let's have a try and see how long we can last in the face of so many powerful beasts!" At this time, Zhou Lingxuan's tone has changed, which shows that he has already prepared.

This is a difficult battle. Maybe to the end, the balance of victory will not tilt towards them, but none of them will choose to give up. This is not a matter of losing their lives if they give up, but their unyielding will supports them. Even if there is only one last breath left, they will fight to the end.

Just like last time, Zhou Lingxuan and Tie'an dealt with this furious wild bear, the four people of Yuhuangtian dealt with the greedy night wolf, while the three of them had to face the challenge of the jungle tiger.

In terms of strength, no matter which side, they are at an absolute disadvantage. While attacking these three low-level five-level beasts, they also have to always embank the sneak attack of the four-level beasts. For all of them, this is another big crisis after the last crisis on the ruins of the snowfield.

The cold light flashed, the sword flew, the strength was scattered, and the gorgeous light was pervasive. The nearby was completely submerged by the dazzling light. It was like a comet passing through the air, bursting out of dazzling light. The fierce battle was simply dazzling.

In the face of the wild bear that is already in a violent state, Zhou Lingxuan and the four of them can only resist.

With two steps of turning the wind and extending the wind, Zhou Lingxuan can reluctantly dodge the attack of the wild bear; Lin Huilin and the two of them used a set of joint attack methods, constantly around the wild bear, and only Tie'an did not dare to approach the wild bear at will. Although his power is very powerful, his strength seems so insignificant in the face of a wild bear that is many times stronger than him; and his own speed is not very fast, so after weighing it, he can only temporarily stay on the periphery, which can be regarded as embankment against those four-level beasts.