Cut the world

Chapter 176: Destroy the Jedi

Ten years ago, as Bai Yuntian's secret adoption and personally trained two people, their cultivation was infinitely close to the ninth-level peak of the realm of immortality before their debut, and may break into the realm of human dignity at any time.

At that time, the two of them were 28 years old and 26 years old.

For the high cultivation talent and strong comprehension ability of these two people, even Baiyuntian has to admit that these two children are more powerful than when they were young.

The strong man in his twenties is simply appalling, which is why Baiyuntian only let them hide in the dark. Because no one will believe that there will be such a demon in the world, and two will appear at once.

In fact, the two were not brothers, but after decades of getting along with each other, the relationship between the two of them can no longer be compared with those brothers. They can really stand up without hesitation in order not to kill each other.

Ten years ago, one day, the two Jedi brothers received the first task given to them by Bai Yuntian, which also means that Bai Yuntian let the two of them officially become masters.

The two people who received the task were extremely happy. That night, they didn't sleep all night and chatted excitedly all night. Of course, they talked about Bai Yuntian and their own cultivation.

Early the next morning, the two got up early and left Tianyun City after preparing everything.

Although this is not the first time to leave Tianyun City, this time they are different from the past. This time they are all carrying the task assigned to them by Bai Yuntian.

Although it was the first time for the two brothers to carry out a mission, Bai Yuntian did not show any mercy. His task for the two brothers was to kill an old demon who had reached the peak of immortality hundreds of years ago.

Although the two brothers have roughly the same cultivation as the old devil, and they are still two people, if they really want to fight, it's really not sure whether the two brothers can beat the old devil!

As a result, after some twists and turns, the two brothers successfully broke into the old devil's cave. However, after the two sides met, the two brothers who were very confident that they could easily complete their first mission encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Because this old devil's cultivation is not the peak of immortals as rumored outside, but the first level of human dignity. Although there is only a first-order gap between the two, they are completely incompatible with each other.

However, despite this, the two brothers are not afraid at all. Instead, they have high fighting spirit and fighting spirit! The only regret is that in the face of absolute strength, it is far from enough to have the will to fight.

In the end, even if they tried their best, the two brothers still failed to kill the old devil as they wished.

The task has not been completed, and it is possible to put in your two lives. Just when the two brothers thought that their lives had died, when the old devil opened his fangs and bit the two brothers, Bai Yuntian appeared magically like a divine soldier. At this critical moment, he instantly repelled the old man and saved them from the world.

The subsequent thing was very simple. Bai Yuntian easily killed the old devil and returned to Tianyun City with the two people who destroyed the world.

Along the way, although the task of the two people failed to complete, the excitement was far greater than disappointment in the hearts of the two people.

Because they knew that at that most critical moment, Bai Yuntian's appearance was not accidental, but that he had been quietly following behind them and secretly protecting himself.

Therefore, this alone is enough to resolve the depression in the hearts of the two brothers.

"Exterminate the sky, Jedi, you have done a good job. Although this mission has failed, in my opinion, you have been successful. On the way, Bai Yuntian suddenly opened his mouth and said such a sentence that made the two brothers a little confused.

"Lord, master, what do you mean by this? Xiaotian doesn't understand. I don't understand what Bai Yuntian suddenly said, so he dared to ask.

"Well, it's okay to tell you. In fact, I said before that the old devil had to prove the peak of immortality, which was just a lie to you. For this reason, I just want to see if you will be careless and whether you can deal with the situation where you know that your opponent's cultivation is stronger. After saying that, Bai Yuntian looked back at the two people who destroyed the world with great joy, and then said, "For good, neither of you has let me down. Even if you know that you are far from the opponent, you can still fight tenaciously with an unyielding fighting spirit and give so much damage to your opponent. Ha ha, you two little guys are worthy of being the two most outstanding martial arts geniuses I have ever seen, hahaha!"

"So, master, don't you blame me and my eldest brother for failing to complete the task you assigned to us?" Hearing that Bai Yuntian not only did not blame, but also praised himself and his eldest brother, Jedi said with some flattery.

"Ha ha, do you think I want to blame you two little guys?" In the face of the Jedi's worries, Bai Yuntian looked at the equally nervous destroyer and said a word to reassure the two brothers with a smile.

"Hey, well, then I won't worry!" The Jedi took a heavy breath, as if he had put down a huge burden.

"Well, me too!" Destroying the sky also said with a very agreeing look.

"Hahaha, you two little guys are really..." Pointing to the two of them, Bai Yuntian was made to laugh and cry by these two guys.



It is worthy of being two brothers. Seeing Bai Yuntian smiling and pointing at them, their movements were the same. They both stretched out behind their right hands and scratched the back of their heads.

After this incident, in the past ten years, the two brothers did not know how many top-secret tasks they had carried out and never failed once. Even if they meet enemies who are much stronger than themselves, both of them can finally defeat their opponents with perfect cooperation and strong fighting spirit.

To this day, the cultivation of the two brothers has reached the primary level, but their respect for Bai Yuntian has not been reduced, but is better than in the past.

"Ha ha, brother, I think the greatest luck in our lives should be adopted by our master! What do you think?" Coming out of the memory, the original excitement of the Jedi was also quickly restrained by him. Instead, he said to his eldest brother with a little nostalgia.

"Well, Jedi is right. It is indeed the greatest honor in our life to be adopted by our master. So, because of this, we can't fail. Failure means that we will not only lose our lives, but also lose the face of our masters. Therefore, no matter what happens, we will not allow ourselves to fail!"

"I know, brother, don't worry!"

"Well, this is the best. Well, we should also prepare well. The opponent this time is not ordinary!"

"Hey, this is exciting!"

"Hahaha, that's right. Who have our brothers been afraid of except our master?! But it's just a bull, what's the fear?!"

"That's right, big brother!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, get ready!"

"Well, I got it!"
