Cut the world

Chapter 180: Taiji Gossip

"Cough, cough!"

After the strength dissipated, the sky and the absolute retreated, and both of them were coughing up blood. It is estimated that despite the obstruction of the zero shield, the blow just now still injured them a big injury.

In contrast, the bull itself has hardly been hurt, but his right hand seems to have been injured on the palm of his hand after the punch just now.

"Cough, hey, hey, is this the gap between the first level of human dignity and the sixth level of human dignity? Hahaha, it's funny, it's so funny! Such a powerful opponent, excited, I am completely excited!" Finally, he felt the absolute power gap between himself and his opponent, but this did not make the sky more afraid and fear, but made him more excited and made his fighting spirit better than before.

"Yes, our brothers haven't met such a powerful opponent for a long time. This time, we must have a good time! Isn't that right, big brother?!" Meeting such a strong opponent, the Jedi also became more excited, as if it was not him who was injured just now.

"Yes! Jedi, go ahead and let this crazy guy look at the power of our brothers!"

"I know, big brother!"

Reached out to wipe the blood stains on the corners of their mouths, and the two brothers took a deep breath at the same time. Fortunately, the bull's punch was blocked by their zero shield just now, which made them only receive a little wave, so it was fine.

The two looked at each other, nodded tacitly, and then a gust of wind rose, and they disappeared at the same time. This speed is not too much to describe as wind and lightning.

The two Jedi brothers are not only rare super geniuses on the mainland, but also their natural power attributes are very powerful. The elder brother is the attribute of the wind, and the younger brother Jedi is the attribute of thunder. Human beings who are born with derivative attributes are different from the heavenly beings with the power of the five elements. Their cultivation talents are generally slightly stronger than those with the power of the five elements. After that, it depends on everyone's efforts.

Now, the destruction of heaven and the Jedi have become a peerless strong man under the age of 40. Although they have only just entered the realm of human dignity, as far as their age is concerned, such an age can become a strong man of human dignity. It can be said that even in the whole history of Tianfeng Continent, they can definitely rank. No.

At the same time, coupled with the countless combat experience they have accumulated over the years, if the two of them work together, even if they are a second-order crazy strong man, they will be fearless.

To be blunt, they are the kind of person who likes to fight against people who are stronger than themselves, and the Vietnam War is stronger. Just like now, although they are far from the opponents of the bulls, they will not be defeated so quickly when they really fight, and they can also pose a certain threat to the bulls.

During the high-speed movement, the Jedi said to the sky: "Brother, if we fight hard, the two of us are not the opponents of this big stupid cow, and this big stupid cow is not only very powerful, but also quite fast. It is indeed a powerful opponent. It seems that if you want to deal with this stupid cow, you can only think of something else!"

"Well, you're right. Well, or, let's try that. If that move can be successfully used this time, even if it can't kill this big stupid cow, it's okay to control it for a period of time!" Destruction also said after thinking for a while after listening to the words of the Jedi.

"Do you want to use that? Well, that's really the only way!" The Jedi did not hesitate to agree to the proposal to destroy the sky and directly agreed.

"Well, in that case, let's get started!"


Constantly moving in the air and constantly changing directions, in order not to let Bull lock them so easily, but also for the plan they just discussed.

"The Jedi, are you ready?"


"Okay, let's get started!"

"I know."

Just as the Bull was chasing around the two people irritably, the two people suddenly stopped and stood not far from the Bull, one left and one right.

Then, he shouted, "The power of thunder gathers the qi of yin and turns into a fish of yin."

At the same time, the Jedi also shouted: "The power of the wind, the energy of the sun, turns into the fish of the sun."

Just like the previous zero-style heavenly shield, the two once again said together: "The spirit of yin and yang, two pairs of Pisces, turned into two poles, Taiji gossip, now!"

Suddenly, two black and white yin and yang fish appeared beside the bull, one left and one right, and with the reading of the two people's formula to destroy the world, the yin and yang fish immediately flew to the bull and began to circle around the bull.


The two brothers nodded to each other tacitly, and then said with one voice, "Taiji gossip, together!"

The two yin and yang Pisces, who were swimming around the bull, seemed to have received an order. In the blink of an eye, they thought of each other flying away at a very fast speed and wanted to get together.

In an instant, something surprising happened.

In the past two days, the yin and yang Pisces did not spare the bulls to merge together. Instead, they were connected back and forth, forming a large circle, and unexpectedly locked the bulls in it.

The bull, which is in a state of madness, can't imagine what the two black and white things around him are. It is reasonable to be caught in this situation.

"Ah!!! Damn human, let go of me, let go of me! Kill all of you, and I will kill you! Let go of me, let go of me!" Somehow, he was trapped like this, and the bull, who had almost lost all his reason, knew how to shout 'Let go of me', which was really powerful.

"Huh, let go of you? It's a dream! However, I didn't expect it to succeed this time. Damn, I haven't succeeded several times before. I didn't expect it to succeed this time. Hey hey, it seems that God is on our side now!" He didn't care about it, but then when he thought that the trick of using Yin and Yang Pisces was so successful this time, he laughed like a child.

"That's right, in this way, even if we can't kill this bull, we can delay him until the master comes." Thinking of finally barely completing this difficult task, the Jedi was also slightly relieved.

"Humans, damn human beings, don't think this can trap me!" The bull trapped by Taiji gossip roared, "Barbaric power, explode! Ah!!!"

The terrible barbaric power, the bull's body is constantly expanding and bigger, and the terrible power is also constantly hitting the limit of Taiji gossip.

However, even if the bull used all its strength, this Taiji gossip only increased with the expansion of his body and was not broken by the powerful power of the bull.

Seeing this scene, while Smiling Heaven and Jedi, they secretly exhaled a sigh of breath. They were really afraid that their Tai Chi gossip would not be able to withstand the terrible barbarism of the barbarians and be destroyed. Now, looking at this situation, they also let go of the high-hanging heart.

"Damn, damn, why, why can't you break this damn circle, why!!!" After being trapped by Taiji gossip, he felt that the bull seemed to have found a trace of reason, but when he wanted to break away from Taiji gossip, an anger surged up and instantly drowned the trace of reason.

The Bull is temporarily under control, and the destruction of the sky and the Jedi will not let go of such a good offensive opportunity. It's just that every attack will be dodged by the bull at a faster speed. Both of them did their best, but only caused a little damage to the bull.