Cut the world

Chapter 186: Want strength?

Bai Yuntian's faces are also very ugly, and Qulitkong and Jinyang are also suppressing their anger. Seeing a wizard with supreme resources die in front of them, I think that if they hadn't been a little embarrassed at this moment, they would have rolled up their sleeves and prepared to kill Tian Er.

"Calm down, you must calm down!" Bai Yuntian secretly sent a voice to those restless people. It was Yu Huangtian and several friends who shared the same life and death with Zhou Lingxuan, and they also comforted them so that they would not do stupid things on impulse.

"Oh~~ It seems that the extremely weak little devil who was slapped by the beast just now is still a relatively important figure in your eyes! Ha ha, why, all of them are staring at me so hateful. If you have the ability, come and kill me! Hahaha!"

"God, don't go too much!" After this moment, Bai Yuntian barely breathed his breath. He was already arrogant and would never allow his compatriots to be so insulted by others.

Exessive? Even if I am too much, what can Baiyuntian do? Now, it is difficult for you to save your life, so don't pretend to be noble and holy there. I think that with your cultivation, if you really want to run away, you can definitely escape, so you'd better escape quickly, Lord White City. Hahaha!" At this moment, the evil nature of the evil itself was completely exposed.

"Damn it, you..." As soon as Qu Rikong wanted to scold Tian'e back, he was blocked by Bai Yuntian.

The next second, Bai Yuntian secretly sent a message to everyone. This message really relieved those who really cared about Zhou Lingxuan.

Bai Yuntian's words are also very simple: "Zhou Lingxuan is not dead."

However, although it is now the time for everyone to die, they will lose their strength without a companion. However, some people are still very unhappy after hearing the news that Zhou Lingxuan is not dead.

Needless to say, only the people of the Fenglei family will think so.

However, some people may have a hard life, or they may have many unfinished wishes, or the king of death dares not accept it. In short, Zhou Lingxuan did not die and then traveled to another place.

Although Zhou Lingxuan has fainted at this moment, his consciousness is very clear and he is still in a very shocked state.

"Do you want power? It can defeat the power of those people!" The faint voice came into Zhou Lingxuan's mind, which was very soft.

Who? Who are you? What do you mean by that? The mysterious voice did not make Zhou Lingxuan put down his vigilance. There may be something else in his mind, which makes Zhou Lingxuan a little shudder.

"Me? Ha ha, I'm not the jade knife that saved your life and then helped you come to this world. The mysterious voice revealed where he really is.

"Jade knife?!" In his mind, Zhou Lingxuan was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue.


"Is it really a jade knife?!"

"That's right, it's a jade knife!"

"So, you should be the soul of the jade knife. I can really get strong power, strong enough to defeat those terrible heavenly beasts?"

"Well, it can be said that at present, my strength is not enough to help you defeat those heavenly beasts, but you have so many friends who can concentrate all their strength on you. In this way, you will have enough power to deal with those heavenly beasts. Isn't that all right?"

The power of friends? Do you mean that it's like the six-pointed star array just now?

"Yes, that's it!"

"Okay, since fighting is also death, not fighting is also death, so let me have a good job!"

"Okay, no problem!" The soul of the jade knife laughed silently.

The next moment, Zhou Lingxuan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and two cyan electric light rushed straight to the sky, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

So abruptly, Zhou Lingxuan floated off the ground and suspended straight in the air, like the arrival of the demon god and the reappearance of death. The cyan eyes ruthlessly looked at the four people who were confronting Bai Yuntian and others.

"Lan'er, step back quickly." The faint voice actually carried a supreme tone.

Lan Er was extremely calm at this time. She did not shout, let alone shout. She just obediently retreated far away according to Zhou Lingxuan's words, but her eyes always looked at Zhou Lingxuan and never moved away.


Suddenly, on Zhou Lingxuan, the strength of the wind attribute and the strength of the thunder attribute burst out. The powerful force that was completely inconsistent with Zhou Lingxuan himself made people who knew him stunned. They couldn't believe that it was Zhou Lingxuan, who had to be innate to the ninth level.

Under the attention of tens of thousands of people, Zhou Lingxuan's figure disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a few traces of current that were still moving in the air.

"Hmm, here!"

The natural disaster, which had been standing next to Tianhe with his eyes closed, suddenly stretched out his hand, condensed a small wind shield, and moved his body to the side of the bull.


With a crisp sound, a long knife with some green light in the black light cut firmly on the small wind shield of the natural disaster. Immediately, the shield of the wind cracked, and Zhou Lingxuan was also bounced off a few steps.

The poor bull didn't know that he had wandered around the door of hell, but he was shocked by Zhou Lingxuan's behavior with the people present.

After retreating, Zhou Lingxuan, standing in front of Bai Yuntian and others, said directly to everyone's minds: "My current strength is not enough to defeat these heavenly beasts, so I hope you can lend me all your last strength. At this time, only when we all work together can we overcome this difficulty!"

Half a sound, Zhou Lingxuan's words and performance just now did not seem to convince people, and most people maintained a wait-and-see attitude. This also made Zhou Lingxuan extremely anxious, because the power given to him at this moment cannot last for a long time, so there is no time for him to waste now.

At this moment, the little selfishness in people's hearts is undoubtedly revealed. Everyone thinks that as long as they still have power, they may find a way to escape, so that when Zhou Lingxuan spreads a voice to them, no one is willing to borrow their strength from him.

However, nothing is absolute, no matter what others think, but Baiyu and others always believed in Zhou Lingxuan. After Zhou Lingxuan said that he needed to use their strength, they directly condensed their power into a beam of light and injected it into Zhou Lingxuan's back without saying anything. .

"Big brother, second brother, and everyone..." As soon as he received those energy, Zhou Lingxuan instantly judged that it was Day Yu and Yu Huangtian.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that I would still rely on these little devils in the end!" Bai Yuntian smiled faintly and poured all his remaining strength into Zhou Lingxuan's body.

"Yes, it seems that we are really old." Qulitkong and Jin Yang also nodded with great agreement, and then handed over their remaining strength to Zhou Lingxuan.

"Thank you, three seniors!" Zhou Lingxuan can only thank him silently in his heart.

"Hey, or, let's trust Zhou Lingxuan. You see, he suddenly became so powerful, and the White City Lord and the Flame Vener also lent their strength to Zhou Lingxuan. There is no reason for us to fall behind!"

"Yes, yes, we also have our own strength."

"Zhou Lingxuan, I lent you all my strength, you don't have to pay it back!"

"Yes, I'd rather fight in the end than be swallowed by this group of disgusting heavenly beasts!"


In an instant, everyone's power was transmitted to Zhou Lingxuan. There may be some people who did not do so, but this is understandable. The most important thing is that Zhou Lingxuan is no longer short of strength.

With the addition of huge energy, Zhou Lingxuan's strength became more fierce, and even the violent friction brought out large sparks in the air.